Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 3 Chapter 33: : I feel a little uncomfortable

Qin Zijin became even more daunted as soon as she got into the car. Seeing the two people in the back seat, she greeted with a stiff smile. She really did not expect that there would be others in the car, and it was Gu Zhucheng and Liao Yixuan. .

She has never met Liao Yixuan, because on the day of her wedding with Su Manan, Liao Yixuan happened to be studying abroad. He has just returned to the country in the past few days, so she doesn't know much about it.

But Liao Yixuan knew her. After all, Su Monan's wedding of the century was so eye-catching. The news was all about their husband and wife. So, as soon as she saw her, she immediately recognized her, smiled and raised her hand to say hello: "Hi! "

Qin Zijin smiled at her, greeted her in response, and nodded with Gu Zhucheng.

It's just that she doesn't quite understand what the relationship between these three people is. Except for Su Monan and Gu Zhucheng, who are cousins, she doesn't know everything else.

Along the way, Liao Yixuan was talking to Su Monan, Su Monan would also make two sentences from time to time, and even say some very long sentences, which made Qin Zijing a little surprised, and when he looked back, he looked at Liao Yixuan in particular. , Did not interrupt, sitting quietly in the co-pilot, listening to their conversation.

When she arrived at the Su’s house, Su’s mother was very happy when she saw the four of them. She gave a gentle greeting to Liao Yixuan, and then the two blades flew straight to Gu Zhucheng’s body. Gu Zhucheng stunned and smiled. Walk over and hug Su's mother. It's important to flatter your life first: "Auntie, it's only been more than half a month. Look, why are you younger again? This skin is almost out of water."

But Su's mother obviously didn't buy his account, and slapped him on the shoulder angrily: "You stinky boy, don't say a word when you come to the city, if it weren't for Yanxi to tell me that you are here, I won't I know, it's up to your uncle and grandpa to deal with you later."

As soon as Su's mother had finished speaking, Su Yanxi walked out of the villa, leaned on the door frame, and greeted them with a small smile.

The corners of Gu Zhucheng's mouth twitched fiercely, and when he entered, he grabbed Su Yanxi and whispered: "Old girl, you are not kind, how can you stab your brother in the back of my spine? The meal I ate this evening turned around and betrayed me. Are you short-sighted?"

Su Yanxi looked up at her with a bit of firmness and sympathy in his eyes, patted him on the shoulder, and chuckled softly: "Brother, take care, grandpa and my dad know that you are here, so don’t come to see them. , Very angry." As he said, he quickly slipped to Qin Zijin's side, leaving Gu Zhucheng behind his head: "Sister-in-law..."

Gu Zhuchengsheng looked at Su Yanxi imperceptibly, then panned his gaze to Su Monan, and found that Su Monan didn't even look at him.

The brothers and sisters were born by the same mother.

Sure enough, as soon as Gu Zhucheng entered the house, he was hit by the joint shelling by Su Jianhe and Su's father. He said he was very helpless.

Was he originally coming to t city this time for work? How come you have become a heinous sinner now?

During the meal, Su's mother asked Liao Yixuan about some daily questions, Qin Zijin's questions about life, and asked her whether she had been affected by her work when she returned to school.

Qin Zijin also liked and respected her mother-in-law very much, and naturally she would answer all the questions she asked.

This topic didn’t know what to do, and suddenly it turned to Su Monan, Gu Zhucheng, and Liao Yixuan. Su’s mother sighed from the side: “Hey! This time is really fast, and the blink of an eye is over. It's been five or six years. This Monan now takes over the Su Group and married again. Zhu Cheng, it’s not your aunt who said you. You and Monan were originally in the same year and the same month. This marriage should be tight, don’t keep doing it. Let your mother worry about you."

Gu Zhucheng:...

He ate a meal quietly, how could this pot be thrown on him?

He just wants to be a transparent person right now?

Su Monan glanced calmly at Gu Zhucheng, who was helpless but helpless, and there was a little more air between his eyebrows. Anyway, he was not the one who was urged to marry him.

"Mom, the second lady of the Zhong family you mentioned last time..." At an appropriate time, Su Monan calmly put down the chopsticks in his hand, took a napkin and wiped his lower lip without any dissatisfaction. The way he was thinking, slowly spoke.

Gu Zhucheng's back was cold, and he turned his head mechanically to look at Su Monan who was calm and composed. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, always feeling that he was hanging in the air of a huge crater, slowly descending into the air. In the pit.

He suddenly had the urge to scold his mother, but... he couldn't scold his mother, including Su Mo Nan's mother, which he couldn't afford.

Why is life so difficult, there are always wolves before and tigers behind, and there is a demon like Su Manan who is ready to pit himself anytime and anywhere?

He just wanted to ask, are they still brothers who share adversity?

Didn't he kill his meal yesterday? As for revenge against society like this?

In fact, Su's mother wanted to raise this matter, but Liao Yixuan is here now, and anyone with a discerning eye knows that he can't raise it, but his unventilated son brought it up. Su's mother stared at Su Monan. There is no such topic anymore, and she smiled to Liao Yixuan and said: "Xuanxuan, I heard your mother say last time that you are running a design studio, how are you doing now?"

Liao Yixuan listened and smiled and replied: "It has officially opened for business. My second brother started decorating and taking care of it when he was abroad, and the first order our studio received was from the Su Group. I want to wait for a busy time to invite Monan to dinner. I want to thank him for remembering me, an old classmate, and helping me by the way at work."

"You are right. You have known each other for so long, so he should take care of you."

Su's mother and Liao Yixuan were chatting very enthusiastically. After the meal, the servant brought up the fruit plate. Su's mother took Liao Yixuan's hand and started to talk again, thinking, what do you want the second lady of the Zhong family? Isn't there a ready-made nephew and daughter-in-law?

Moreover, the two people have been dating before, so it is still a bit emotionally based. Although they have been separated for so long, as long as they get along well now, there is still a great chance to get back together. The more she thinks this way, Su's mother is particularly passionate about Liao Yixuan. Besides, she wanted to set aside this point. Liao Yixuan also liked it very much. After they left, she had to make a good balance with her sister-in-law.

Even though Su’s mother thought so, everyone in the room knew that Gu Zhucheng and Liao Yixuan used to be a couple, and naturally felt that there was nothing wrong with them being close together, but...

Qin Zijin just married into the Su family, she is still very strange to the Su family, so she doesn’t know these things. Seeing Su’s mother being so enthusiastic about Liao Yixuan, she feels a little uncomfortable in her heart, always feel that Su’s mother is like I'm doing it for myself.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look up at Su Manan...

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