Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 3 Chapter 48: : Qin Zijin is sick?

Hearing, Qin Zijin stopped rummaging for the ingredients, turned his head and smiled softly at him, but the smile was not true at all, blinked, gently fanned his eyelashes, and slowly said, "No! What do you want to eat? I do it for you?"

With this bright smile again, Su Monan's brain hurts, and his brows are tight. He found that as long as this little woman is angry and unhappy, she will be filled with a bright and piercing smile. The tone of speech will be softer and gentler than usual. .biqugev

But he really didn't know what she was angry about, and he didn't know what was so angry about her. Isn't it for her sake that he asked her for leave?

There is always a feeling of thanklessness, Su Monan calmly said, "I'll go upstairs to wash up as you please." Yin Luo glanced at her indifferently, and then turned directly to the direction of the stairs in the living room.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Qin Zijin took a deep breath, took the ingredients out of the refrigerator, and began to prepare.

After more than 20 minutes, Su Mo Nan took a shower, changed into a clean white T-shirt and a pair of black slacks, walked down, looked at the breakfast that had been prepared on the table, pulled out the chair and sat down.

Qin Zijin brought out a cup of juice and a cup of coffee from the kitchen, and when he saw him sitting down, he smiled, "I'm down."

"Yeah." Su Monan replied lightly, and then fell silent.

Qin Zijin put the coffee in front of him, restrained the smile on his face, and ate breakfast gracefully.

After eating breakfast, while Qin Zijin was clearing the bowls and chopsticks, Su Monan sat in the same place and looked at her: "Qin Zijin."

"Huh?" Qin Zijin put the tableware into the sink, then replied, "What's wrong?"

Su Monan pursed his lips, tapped his fingers on the tabletop lightly, pulling his lips for a long time, stood up, and walked to the hallway: "It's okay."

At about nine o'clock, Su Manan drove out of the villa and headed to the company. Lu Jie had been waiting at the door of the building. He saw the familiar Hummer parked in front and walked over in high heels. He watched the car door be pushed open. Monan walked out of it, nodded and smiled and said, "Mr. Su, early."

"Yeah." Su Monan replied calmly, and dropped his hands into the revolving door of the building in his pants pocket.

Lu Jie winked at the security guard at the door, and hurriedly drove the car into the parking lot after the security understood.

Coming to the elevator door, Lu Jie reported that today’s itinerary had been yesterday’s work progress as usual, and Su Monan did not say any more when he reached the floor of the president’s office.

When approaching the office door, after Lu Jie reported all the work, she whispered: "Mr. Su, Mr. Gu came early in the morning and is waiting for you in your office."

Su Monan paused for a while, raised her hand to signal that she didn't need to follow, and pushed away from the office and walked in. He saw Gu Zhucheng sitting on the sofa with Erlang's legs upright while drinking coffee and eating breakfast. Very leisurely.

His black eyes narrowed slightly, his gaze getting colder, he heard the sound, Gu Zhucheng raised his head, and greeted vaguely while eating the sandwich in his mouth: "I said... You Zhuotian... Why don’t you respond to my message..." After trying to swallow the food in his mouth, he said with a serious face: "I don’t know if I had something important to tell you yesterday? You even blacked me out, what are you doing? Thinking? How did I offend you?"

"Say." Su Monan said coldly, gave him a merciless glance and walked directly to the desk and sat down.

He can't say that when he called yesterday, he was doing a major event in his life!

Well, I can't say.

Gu Zhucheng got up and walked over, snapped his fingers at him, looked at him very excitedly, and did not pursue him for blackening him, raised his eyebrows and said: "You know yesterday that Zhong Shimin's secretary called me to have dinner. , What did you tell me?"

"Let you be their son-in-law of the Zhong family."

"Go away, it's not this." Gu Zhuchengbai glanced at him, then said: "Do you know what kind of big order Zhong Shimin won yesterday afternoon?"

"That shipment from Oak?"

"Yes, I have already entered the gate of their factory, and it is estimated that it is already in operation. So yesterday he mainly talked to me about the distribution route in my hands, and wanted to cooperate with me. By the way... Forget it, no, by the way "Gu Zhucheng smiled and raised his eyebrows, feeling happy in his heart.

"By the way?" Su Monan leaned back in the chair, staring at him deeply, "By the way, did you mention the marriage between you and Zhong Qingxia?"

Gu Zhucheng:...

I don't like chatting with people who are too smart. I don't have a sense of mystery at all, and I'm boring.

But Gu Zhucheng didn't mean anything to Zhong Qingxia. Although he hadn't seen her, he really didn't have any thoughts in that regard.

"So how are you going to set up Zhong Shimin? Don't forget. Last time we had a project that was smashed into his hands. He is no more treacherous than Dong Mingguo." Su Monan looked at his changed face and suddenly felt complete. , And even lost more than half of the anger that he called him last night and ruined his good deeds.

"Shanren has a clever plan."

"Then you do it yourself, why tell me."

"Nonsense, of course I want you to cooperate."


Gu Zhucheng walked up to Su Monan and whispered a few words in his ear, Su Monan's eyes flashed a little smile: "Is there no lack of virtue?"

"You used to do anything more wicked than this, and now I am ashamed to say the word wicked to me, my conscience won't hurt, right?"

"That's up to you."


"How is the decoration of Xin Jihua shopping mall? I heard Lu Jie just said that you quarreled with Liao Yixuan again? Is it because there are disagreements on the decoration of the exhibition hall on the fifth floor?"

Mentioning this Gu Zhucheng straightened up and dropped one hand into his trouser pocket, he looked indifferent: "That woman was out of the country, and she has all the weird ideas. Anyway, I don’t agree with her plan. She is capable of breaking the contract with us in that broken studio!"

Su Manan withdrew his gaze and was not very interested in the matter of Gu Zhucheng, but suddenly remembered seeing Qin Zijin's bright smile before leaving, racking his brains to wonder why she was angry.

"I ask you."


"A man asked a woman to ask for leave from where she worked because she was unwell, but why is that woman unhappy or even angry?" Su Monan thought for a long time before he thought of a fair word to ask.

Gu Zhucheng knew that the man in his mouth was himself, and that woman must be Qin Zijin.

Without even thinking about it, he asked, "Qin Zijin is sick?"


"Um...I didn't mean anything else, just ask like that." Gu Zhucheng smiled awkwardly when he noticed Su Monan's knife eye flying over.


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