Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 3 Chapter 52: :faint

The next morning, Su Monan got up from the bed refreshed, his stern face floated with faint joy, even his deep eyes were stained with a smile, and he looked in a good mood. .biqugev

But Qin Zijin was different. She fell off the bed and reached her waist except yesterday. She was even more sore after being eaten by someone with bones at three o'clock in the morning.

So while eating breakfast, Su Monan mentioned whether she would take an extra day off today. Qin Zijin’s cold eyes and white eyes caused him to clenched his fists and coughed unnaturally while covering his lips.

I don’t know when it started. Qin Zijin’s gentle character can’t be maintained when facing Su Monan, and Su, who has always been cold and scornful, is facing this newly married who is not particularly well-known and well-known. When I am a wife, my tone of voice will become much lighter than when I talk to others. When I look at her, Leng Sui’s eyes will flash with a faint smile. I am also used to seeing her when I come back from work every day. Qianying, or heard her voice with a soft smile saying, "You are back", "Have you eaten dinner?" ’And similar words.

After eating breakfast, Qin Zijin arrived at the school in Su Monan's car. When he was about to get off the bus, Su Monan suddenly grabbed her arm. Qin Zijin had a meal and then asked, "What's wrong?"

"What time do you get off work?"

"It should be off work after four o'clock. There is only the graduation ceremony of the school today, and the school is about to end the summer vacation." Qin Zijin thought for a moment, looked back at him, and said with a smile: "What's wrong?"

"No, let's go!" Su Monan retracted his hand and said lightly.

Qin Zijin got out of the car, closed the door, turned around and entered the school. Su Monan watched her back and pressed his lips lightly, feeling a little unhappy.

She didn't say'drive carefully' to him today. In the past, she would say this to him in the golden sunshine every time she got out of the car, and waved with him, but not today.

After an unknown period of time, the phone rang suddenly, Su Monan gathered his thoughts and glanced at the caller ID, answered the call, and a sweet female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Su, the meeting is about to begin in five minutes. , When will you arrive?"

Su Monan glanced at the time he was resting on his wrist on the steering wheel, and said coldly: "Immediately." Yin Luo hung up the phone decisively, put the phone aside, and started the car to the direction of the company.

Qin Zijin went to the teaching office and stayed for a while and then went to the graduation ceremony venue. After moving things, Qin Zijin felt that his waist was a little bit painful, and subconsciously rubbed his waist. Tang Shaowei looked at him. , I wanted to go up and say something, but hesitated a little, and finally didn't say anything.

One morning, Qin Zijin was very busy as the instructor, and the soreness in his waist became more and more serious. Finally, he waited until noon to rest. Qin Zijin was lying on the desk and didn't want to move at all.

"Ms. Qin, aren't you going to eat?" Tang Shaowei and Shen Zixin returned to the office together and asked when she saw that she was the only one in the office.

Hearing that, Qin Zijin tilted his head, looked at them, smiled and shook his head: "No, you guys go and eat! I just drank a cup of ice yogurt, the weather is too hot, I don't have any appetite."

"Ms. Qin, are you uncomfortable in any way?" Tang Shaowei looked at her deeply and asked with some worry.

Qin Zijin was at a loss and straightened up: "No?"

"I think you were holding your waist this morning, and your face was a little pale. If you feel uncomfortable, don't hold on. You must say it. Now the temperature is high and it is easy to get heat stroke." Tang Shaowei was still a little worried, and even deliberately at the end. Lower the air conditioner in the office.

"No...No, it's just a little pain in the waist, it's not a big deal." Seeing Tang Shaowei's exaggeration, Qin Zijin waved his hand and explained.

Shen Zixin on the side carefully noticed the expression on Tang Shaowei’s face, silently retracted, walked to Qin Zijin's side, gently pushed her, raised her eyebrows, and stared at her with a deep-minded gaze. He said: "Hehe, Teacher Qin has a backache! It won't be the firewood that touched the fire last night, it was too intense and accidentally flashed to the waist!"

Qin Zijin's face turned red when he heard the words, and he glared at Shen Zixin's wicked smile: "What nonsense!"

"Ouch, oops! Blushing, blushing, shy, tsk tsk, it seems that what I said is true! This Su Shao is also true, how can he not pity Xiang Yu Yu so much!" Looking at that red Qin Zijing When she reached the face behind her ears, Shen Zixin raised her eyebrows, and the smile on her face became more brilliant and cunning.

Tang Shao on the side listened, but was also stunned. He looked at Qin Zijin's red face, pursed his lips, and whispered, "It's okay, then I'll go to the cafeteria first. You still want to eat. Just order something, I'm still busy in the afternoon!"

"Yeah, good." Qin Zijin glared at Shen Zixin, and after hearing Tang Shaowei's words, he withdrew his gaze and nodded embarrassedly with a smile.

Tang Shaowei glanced at her, then turned around and left the faculty office.

Shen Zixin spit out her tongue playfully, with her hands behind her back, and smiled and said: "Oh! Don't be angry! Teacher Qin, I'm just kidding! I'll help you go to the cafeteria and bring food over there?"

"No, you go first! I want to take a nap here."

"But can you skip meals? Teacher Tang was right just now! I'm still busy in the afternoon, and I really need to be careful of heat stroke!"

"Don't worry! I'm fine. There is air conditioning in this office, and it's fine. There are also yogurt in the refrigerator over there. You are afraid that I will be hungry.

Shen Zixin hesitated and nodded: "Okay, then you have a break, I will go to eat first."

"Well, go!"

Qin Zijin got up after resting in the office for more than an hour. He felt a little dizzy, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Seeing that the time was almost up, he took a bottle of yogurt in the public refrigerator in the office and drank it before going out.

The afternoon sun is getting hotter and hotter. Because the office is a little far away from the hall and the sun is shining again, Qin Zijin couldn't help but trot a few steps, and layers of perspiration slowly appeared on his forehead. He was just in the office. The dizziness inside hits again.

After passing the school road, without the cover of the branches, it looked even hotter. Qin Zijin slowly stopped, raised his hand and rubbed his temple, but suddenly there was a double image in front of him, and the steps under his feet staggered slightly. At last he stopped and raised his head slightly, only to feel that the sky was spinning, and finally his eyelids sank, and the whole person fell down.

"Someone fainted."

The moment he fell, before he lost consciousness, Qin Zijin heard someone shouting loudly. There were a lot of footsteps around him, as well as worried voices: "This is Teacher Qin from the Foreign Languages ​​Department. Take it to the school clinic."

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