Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 41: : A high profile

She was just getting ready to put on a pose. As soon as she said, she heard a low and indifferent voice on the other end of the phone before she finished speaking. Qiao Yuwei's originally cheerful face instantly drooped, and the whole person vented. Like an angry ball, he rolled his eyes and let go of the hand holding his nose: "Why do you know again? I pretended to be so good. It's really boring!"

Lu Yiyang on the other end of the phone leaned on the back of his chair, quietly staring ahead, but didn't mean to answer the call. .

"Lu Yiyang, are you listening?"


"..." Qiao Yu was slightly dumb, just like him, can the topic progress happily?

"Are you in the company now?" Qiao Yu curled his lips slightly, asking somewhat unhappy.

"Yes." Xu Ye heard the strange tone in her tone, looked at her eyebrows lightly, her lips pressed lightly, and two seconds after answering her words, she asked again: "Where are you?"

"Here in the parking lot of the studio, I am going to the company to find you." Qiao Yuwei fastened his seat belt and asked curiously, "You shouldn't be socializing at night!"

Hearing, Lu Yiyang glanced at the stroke on the tablet, squinted his eyes, hesitated for a while, and said, "No."

"Then let's have dinner together at night! Okay? It's better to go to a larger restaurant and be more eye-catching." Upon hearing this, Qiao Yuwei's eyes brightened again, and the expression on his face became happy.

She and Wen Shurou had made an appointment with Lu Yiyang for dinner in the evening, but they actually said that on purpose. They didn’t make an appointment, but since they said it, can’t they not do it, and she has to do it quite high-profilely, blocking those reports by the way On the day of the concert, she said she was drunk and drunk all those messy scandals.

It's fun to do this twice.

"Noticeable?" But Lu Yiyang didn't quite understand her words. Logically speaking, she usually likes to keep a low profile.

"Oh! One sentence or two is not clear, I will go to the company to find you now." Qiao Yu thought for a while, but felt that he couldn't explain the matter of Wen Shurou's visit to himself on the phone, so he simply put down this sentence impatiently. Then I hung up the phone, threw the phone aside, started the car and headed to the Lu's Group Building.

Here Lu Yiyang listened to the hang-up from the phone, his brows tightened, and the big palm holding the phone tightened slightly. The woman is now hanging up his phone.

"President Lu, the arrangements for the evening..."

"Push it."

As soon as Zhai Jiaye opened the door and walked in, he looked at the tablet in his hand. As soon as he made a sound, he saw a chilly gloomy voice in front of him. Zhai Jiaye was taken aback, and looked up at the cold man sitting on the office chair.

Before and after approaching the desk, Zhai Jiaye asked a little uncertainly: "Mr. Lu, what you mean is to postpone all the itinerary for tonight."

"Let me repeat it a second time?" Lu Yiyang raised his eyelids slightly, and asked displeasurely.

"Um...no, I mean, did the meeting with President Rong directly push or change the time?" Zhai Jiaye glanced at him, trembled all over, and asked tentatively.

Lu Yiyang retracted his gaze, thinking for a moment: "If you change the time, you call Mr. Rong personally and say that I have something to do at night and I'm not free."

"Um...Yes." Zhai Jiaye was a little curious, and he changed the time for such an important entertainment with President Rong at this time. Is it too risky? Moreover, the most important thing is that he is very curious about the "something" in his mouth. .

"Then I will call President Rong now." After Zhai Jiaye stood there for a few seconds, she became a little unstoppable, and quickly nodded and turned to leave.

Half an hour later, Qiao Yuwei drove to the door of the Lu's Group building, driving a very high-profile Lamborghini. When she stopped at the door, it attracted the attention of many people. When she got off the car and took off her sunglasses, The passers-by, including the security guard at the door, were shocked.

However, Qiao Yuwei wears very casual clothes today, but the noble temperament of the young lady is still perfectly interpreted.

Qiao Yuwei walked to the door, handed the car key to one of the security guards, and smiled at him: "Thank you, please stop me, please."

"Yes, no...you're welcome." Qiao Yuwei suddenly arrived, making the security guard unable to react. He dumbly took the car key she handed over, staring at her baby face and couldn't move his eyes away.

Qiao Yu smiled and walked directly inside and took Lu Yiyang's usual elevator to the president's office floor.

When Zhai Jiaye, who had handled the work and planned to report with Lu Yiyang, walked out of her office, she saw Qiao Yuwei walk into the secretary's room, looked at her in surprise, and exclaimed, "Madam..."

Qiao Yuwei heard the words and looked over, smiled and waved to him: "Secretary Zhai."

"Madam, you are here." Zhai Jiaye noticed that her expression was a little out of control, so she withdrew her surprised look and nodded slightly towards Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu smiled and nodded: "Where is Lu Yiyang? Are you busy in the office or else?"

"President Lu is in the office."

"Then can I go in now?"


"Okay." Qiao Yu raised his eyebrows with a smile, and walked in the direction of the office happily.

Without knocking on the door, he pushed the door and walked in, then smiled brightly to the man sitting on the office chair: "Hey! I'm here!"

"Close the door." Hearing the familiar sweet voice, Lu Yiyang raised his eyelids lazily, noticed the compound door behind her, and ordered coldly.

After Qiao Yu heard it slightly, his small face drooped instantly, staring at him unhappy, raising his leg and closing the door. He didn't get any hands at all, and didn't look away from him: "Aren't you doing this too much?"

"What?" Lu Yiyang put down the pen in his hand and leaned back on the chair. He didn't look at her slightly, but looked at her with a little understanding.

"That's the expression you see when I come? The first thing you say to me is to close the door?"

"So what should it be? It's common sense to close the door."

Listening to his calm and calm words, even with a bit of reprimand in his words, Qiao Yuwei's small mouth squeezed, took the bag off his shoulder, and strode to the desk. Take advantage of the trend and put the bags heavily on the table: "Should not be very happy to say "you are here" and then lift it high, do you want to kiss?"

Lu Yiyang: "..."

Sorry, he can't do it.

Seeing that his indifferent handsome Rong was somewhat speechless, Qiao Yuwei knew that his request was still a bit difficult for him, and was too lazy to care about it. He put his hands on the table and glanced at the time on his wrist: "It's five forty six, what time do you want to get off work?"

"ten minutes later."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

When she was about to turn around and go to the sofa, Lu Yiyang suddenly remembered what she had said on the phone before. He pressed his lips together and asked calmly, "What did you want to say on the phone just now?"

"Say what?" Qiao Yuwei sat on the sofa, looked back at him in a daze, and when he met his cold eyes, he suddenly remembered: "Ah! I remembered, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Should I tell you? Forget it, it's not a big deal, anyway, I've already solved it, so I won't talk about it."

The more she said this, the more Lu Yiyang's appetite was stunned, and the more curious he became, and his gaze became a little sharper when he stared at her, and he said solemnly, "Say."

"Well... Wen Shurou went to my studio this afternoon to find me, and said that he was apologizing to me." Qiao Yuwei thought for a while: "It was said that on the day of the concert I called you to go over because of an illness, so you couldn't watch my music. meeting."


"Are you talking about me or gentleness?" Qiao Yu squinted slightly and asked back.

"she was."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Yu raised her eyebrows slightly and nodded: "I also feel that she has made an unnecessary move, and she still feels deliberately provocative."

"and then?"

"It's no more! She is sick, how can I care about her! I even specially asked the people in my studio to send her back personally! You said I am very grandiose." Qiao Yu smiled and squinted. Put your hands on the back of the sofa and look at him with one leg crossed.

Lu Yiyang's brows twitched slightly, always feeling that her sentence "she is sick" had something else profound.

After being silent for a while, Lu Yiyang said quietly: "I don't care about her in the future."

"Well, I know! But..." Qiao Yuwei smiled again, but it made people feel insidious: "I've always had a bad temper. She'd better not mess with me, otherwise I will But whether she is sick or not."

"Where do you want to eat?" After hearing her words, Lu Yiyang narrowed his eyes, and instead of continuing the topic, he asked instead.

Qiao Yu's eyes rolled in a circle: "I haven't thought about it right now. You know which restaurant has delicious food, and it has to be particularly high-profile and eye-catching."


"What reason?"

"A compelling reason."

"Today, I told Wen Shurou that I will have dinner with you in the evening. Since I told her, I have to do it! And if I did it, I have to let him know! It will be in the headlines tomorrow, she has to see if she wants to see it or not. That's it!" Qiao Yuwei smiled deeply, and the light in his eyes flashed slyly: "Also, have you watched the news these days?"

"What news?"

"You didn't watch it?" Qiao Yuwei felt weird looking at his doubtful expression: "Di Jiaye didn't tell you?"

Lu Yiyang glanced at her brows, and looked at her silently.

Qiao Yu rolled his eyes slightly and sighed helplessly: "You really don't care about it!"

"What happened?"

"Just after my music recital was over that day, I didn’t eat spicy hot pot with my sister and drank a little wine by the way, and then...I was drunk! I don’t know which Guawazi has such a big brain, said When I was playing, I was absent and drunk, saying that my marriage might have changed, and you are going to get divorced. Wen Shurou came to see me today, probably because I read the news, and then I want to add some fire and gas."

"Divorce?" Lu Yiyang's pupils widened, and his indifferent and calm expression suddenly became somewhat surprised and unbelievable.

Qiao Yu nodded slightly: "Yeah! Oh, don't mention it. I have seen such reports countless times. They are the same, and I don’t bother to take care of them. However, this time we kill two birds with one stone, we will go to dinner together lovingly, hehe, Someone will definitely take pictures when they see it. Even if there is no hot search tomorrow, there will be any reports in the future, at least those who see us eating together will not believe it, and even explain it to us, just like being cruel on their faces. He slapped him severely, and it felt so crooked to think about it." After talking about renting, Qiao Yuwei also raised his hand and slapped him, the expression on his little face was very exciting.

Lu Yiyang looked at her dumbly, but he hadn't read one of the reports in her mouth, but he felt a little uncomfortable just listening to it now.

Strangely speaking, he felt that a month ago, he still hated Qiao Yuwei very much, did not like this marriage, and resisted her very much, and even thought of divorce. It was because of Qiao's family and Father Lu. He can't mention a word.

After only a month, not only does he not hate Qiao Yuwei anymore, but he still resists the word'divorce' a little bit. He feels a bit astringent and even wants to deduct these two words from the Chinese vocabulary. Impulse.

"Hey! I said so much, but you squeaked!" Qiao Yu said with joy, but there was no sound on Lu Yiyang's side, and he gave him an unhappy look.

Lu Yiyang gathered his thoughts, raised his eyes and looked at her: "Where to eat."

"Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it."

Qiao Yuwei's eyes lit up, got up from the sofa, walked to the desk, and looked at him curiously: "Where to eat?"

Lu Yiyang glanced at her, but didn't mean to speak. He picked up the documents and pens on the side and began to review the documents, which was regarded as ignoring her.

Qiao Yuwei: "..."

This guy is simply a lone ranger, and he's still going to sell him now.

However, watching him carefully reading the documents, Qiao Yuwei stopped disturbing him, standing quietly at the table, just to eat delicious food at night.

After Lu Yiyang was busy for about ten minutes, he saw him put the cap on the pen and threw it into the pen holder. He got up, Qiao Yuwei saw it and smiled and asked, "Are you finished?"

"Yeah." Lu Yiyang responded faintly, then picked up the phone on the desktop and walked to the door with his long legs.

Qiao Yuwei quickly took his bag and followed with a smile: "I came by car today, so how about my car stopping here first?"


The two walked out of the secretary's room together, and Zhai Jiaye, who was standing not far away, looked at him. Suddenly he understood why Mr. Lu had to cancel all the evening schedules. It turned out that he had an appointment with his wife.

Thinking of the reports published a few days ago, Zhai Jiaye also felt that he was too worried, and he was also afraid that if he told him, he would think he was too much!

After the two of them got out of the building, they got directly into his black Maybach. When the car entered the road, Qiao Yuwei's mobile phone rang a reminder, took it out and looked at it, and found that it was Nan Yujin who gave it to himself. WeChat voice sent over.

When preparing to listen, Qiao Yuwei glanced at Lu Yiyang, then lowered the volume, put it to the right ear and listened to'Weiwei, I will make a demo of music next week, do you have time, do you want to listen to it? a bit? ’

After listening to Qiao Yu, he raised his eyebrows and typed his message back, saying that his schedule for next week was full and he was going to record the show outside, so he didn't have time.

"What did Nan Yujin send you?" But as soon as she finished typing and sending her words, Qiao Yuwei let in a deep voice in her ear.

Qiao Yuwei's body stiffened, and the hand holding the phone was also stunned. He turned his head in a daze to look at Lu Yiyang, who was seriously driving ahead with a cold face, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Is this woman a good ear?

She lowered her voice so low that she could still hear her.

The most important thing is that he can still hear Nan Yujin's voice. This man is really a strange creature.

"Huh?" Seeing her silent for a while, Lu Yiyang raised his brows in displeasedness, and swept at her with a deliberately raised tone.

"He asked me if I would be free next week, and let me listen to his music demo." Seeing his face become more gloomy, Qiao Yuwei immediately said: "I refused, I will not have it next week. Shooting? Where can I go to listen to some music demos!"

Lu Yiyang glanced at her and withdrew his gaze silently, but the coldness on his face did not seem to ease the slightest.

Qiao Yuwei looked at his face, feeling inexplicably guilty, but he didn't do anything, and what he said just now was the truth!

What's the guilty conscience?

What's so guilty?

"Where are we going?" But at this time Lu Yiyang's face was not good-looking, Qiao Yuwei put the phone in his bag and asked with a grin.


The smile on Qiao Yuwei's face froze, and he gave him a blank look. Didn't she know she was going to the restaurant?

She asked which restaurant to go to, OK?

"Here." After Qiao Yuwei spit out in his heart, Lu Yiyang suddenly drove the car to the side of the road and said lightly.

Hearing this, Qiao Yu lowered the car window slightly and looked outside carefully. The golden words of'Xiao sugar' appeared in his eyes. The facade of the restaurant looked very grand and luxurious, which was in line with the high-end atmosphere she said. The grade is also a particularly eye-catching word. After all, there are a lot of luxury cars parked in the garage outside.

After the two entered the restaurant together, they fell to the seat under the lead of the waiter. Qiao Yuwei looked around and found that someone had already raised the phone and started to take pictures of them. Qiao Yuwei smiled and nodded in response.

"Hey, why are you here?"

"Not satisfied?" Lu Yiyang raised his eyes and stared at her.

Qiao Yu smiled and shook his head: "That's not the case, I'm quite satisfied, he's tall! And there are quite a lot of people, but I'm just a little curious, how did you think of this restaurant."

"It's from Xiaoyang's house. I've been here many times." Lu Yiyang said coldly.

However, he did come to this restaurant many times. It was this restaurant that was blacklisted by Ying Xiaoyang before, because every time he came here to see customers or partners, as long as he paid for it, it was recorded in Ying Xiaoyang’s On account.

And his restaurant is indeed very grand and luxurious. The people who come are all upper-class people, and it looks like a shop that can only come from a nouveau riche.

After hearing Lu Yiyang's righteous reason, Qiao Yu's mouth twitched fiercely. When he remembered the last time he went to eat Haidilao, he was very calm when he chose to pay the bills, and suddenly he understood a little bit why he came to this store.

Do you want to save money and pay for it?

But does Ying Xiaoyang really have no objection to him in such a charge?

"Is your relationship with Ying Xiaoyang so strong that you can pay for it at any time?" Qiao Yuwei really couldn't think of the relationship between Lu Yiyang and Ying Xiaoyang. After all, I never heard anyone say about them. The relationship is good, and there is no report.

Besides, Ying Xiaoyang’s external reports are not only the company’s affairs, but also lace news. Talk to that internet celebrity, celebrity, or celebrity, and talk about his ex-girlfriend who has two trucks and one truck!


Qiao Yuwei widened his eyes incredibly: "I don't know how you ate Haidilao last time and you charged him."

Lu Yiyang don't open his eyes, hold his head up, and look like I'm arrogant and happy.

Qiao Yuwei discovered that men are actually duplicity creatures, especially Lu Yiyang, a sullen and arrogant man. Don't be too owed to clean up, okay?

"Yo! Old Lu." Just as the two were waiting for a meal, a playful male voice came over.

Qiao Yu turned his head slightly and saw that Junying in a gray shirt was walking towards this side with a smile. Lu Yiyang also looked up, his eyes darkened, his complexion darkened, and his cold lips moved lightly: "How are you? it's here?"

Ying Xiaoyang spread his hands, and the smile on his face looked very uninhibited and a little evil: "My own restaurant, can't I come?" He said, sitting next to Lu Yiyang very naturally, with beautiful peachy eyes. I looked around at Qiao Yuwei and greeted with a smile: "Hi! Sister-in-law, we met for the first time, but the hospitality was not good, and I still looked at Haihan."

Qiao Yu was taken aback for a moment. She was still mentioning Ying Xiaoyang with Lu Yiyang just now, and now Ying Xiaoyang is here.

Speaking of it, this is also the first time Qiao Yuwei has actually seen Ying Xiaoyang. The others have been seen on the news or in reports, so I have to get it. Ying Xiaoyang’s appearance is also a blue-faced evil water, and looks very similar. Enchanting.

However, in the eyes of this lover, Qiao Yuwei still felt that Xiao Yang was still a little worse than his husband.

"Hello." Qiao Yuwei is not the kind of stage fright, and his temperament is more lively and cheerful. Although Ying Xiaoyang's reputation outside is not good, she knows that he is also an outstanding figure in the market. It should not be underestimated. Naturally, he would not have any prejudices and greet him with a sweet smile.

"My sister-in-law is more beautiful and cute than on TV! It is a blessing for Lao Lu to marry you." Ying Xiaoyang smiled, and Yu Guang glanced at Lu Yiyang again, giving him a meaningful look.

Qiao Yu raised his eyebrows, smiled and snapped his fingers, and said casually: "I like Mr. Ying's words." As he said, he stared at Lu Yiyang: "Look at the eyes of the crowd. Discerning, where are you going to find such a good and beautiful wife like me!"

Her words drew Ying Xiao Yang's laugh: "Haha, my sister-in-law's temperament is really hearty."

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, you did not look like the first time you met. Lu Yiyang, who was sitting next to him, sank, and he felt like he couldn't stand it anymore. He was stern. He glanced at Qiao Yuwei, then looked at Ying Xiaoyang: "You shouldn't be in the company at this time?"

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