Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 51: : To add trouble to them

His voice was faint, but with a certain degree of certainty and perseverance, it was warm in Qiao Yuwei's heart, and your arm around him was also a little harder. .

Feeling her strength, Lu Yiyang gently pressed his cold lips to the top of her head, smelled the fragrance of her hair, slowly closed his eyes, and hugged her to sleep.

In the next few days, Qiao Yuwei was unable to leave the door, drinking tea, watching TV, and practicing piano at home every day. Only on the fourth day, he received a call from the Lu family. The driver of the Lu family took him to the old house to have lunch, and was sent back to the villa by the driver just after three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Master, if you really want to intervene, I'm afraid the young master will be unhappy." A middle-aged man standing by the desk looked worriedly at the old man who was practicing calligraphy.

The old man continued the action in his hand, chuckled lightly, and shook his head: "What is upset about him, now that something like this has happened slightly, he should put his mind on her as a husband, besides, this gentle book It’s been a long time since I returned to China, and I haven’t come to see me. Since she doesn’t come by herself, I have to invite her."


"Nothing is good, but I will have an appointment with Lao Su tomorrow. I don’t have much time. Then the day after tomorrow! You pick her up in person and let me see if she has grown up after so many years. Besides, she is in Canada. You are contacting the team of the attending doctor, and send me a report on her recent situation." The old man interrupted him, put his hand on the pen holder, his hands behind his back, and squinted the old refined. Eyes, solemnly ordered.

The middle-aged man wanted to say something, but he also knew the old man’s temperament. The old man always said that he was consistent and resolute. No one could change the decision he made. He also knew that the old man would not listen to anything he said, so he nodded: "Yes. , Will you go in the morning or the afternoon the day after tomorrow?"


"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded with a serious expression and moved his lips, but he was still unable to say what was in his heart.

At the beginning, the old man insisted on sending Wen Shurou out of the country. This matter has already made Lu Yiyang very resistant. After all, Lu Yiyang is also an independent person. His temperament is actually very similar to the old man's temperament. They are the same. people.

Now that the old man intervenes in the gentle affairs, Lu Yiyang will definitely be unhappy, and Lu Yiyang also dislikes the stubborn and stubborn side of the old man. He himself feels guilty about the gentle book and is forced to send abroad by the old man under such circumstances. , Lu Yiyang was naturally unhappy.

"Then old man, please rest first, and I will leave first if there is nothing to do."

"Yeah." When the middle-aged man was about to leave, the old man suddenly remembered and called out: "Wait a minute, don't talk to Ah Yang about this matter of gentleness."

"Uh...Yes." The middle-aged man was taken aback for a while, knowing that the old man was planning to hide his eldest master and his wife, but if the eldest master learns in the future, it is estimated that the contradiction between the grandfather and grandson will deepen. It was a little bit relieved, but he, an outsider, couldn't say anything.

Coupled with the old man's temperament, he really can't say anything, so he can only take one step and see one step.

Speaking of it, this Wen Shurou has been in Canada for so long, and what he does now when he comes back has only increased their troubles.


The afternoon sun was very bright, the golden light beam refracted from the window sill, and shone on Wen Shurou who was reading in the rocking chair, the corners of his mouth raised slightly like water.

"Ms. Wen, someone outside the door said that he was looking for you. It was Lu Zhai. He said you knew him." Aunt Liu walked into the room and whispered softly to Wen Shu.

Hearing the words gently, the action of turning the book was taken aback, the smile at the corner of his mouth froze instantly, his pupils widened in surprise and looked at Aunt Liu, the book in his hand fell to the ground, and he reached out and grabbed Aunt Liu's hand, a little nervous. Question: "He really said it was from the Lu family?"

Seeing Wen Shugen’s abnormality, Aunt Liu was also stunned, and nodded without knowing why: “Well, he said that. I don’t dare to let him in, because I’m afraid it’s a bad guy, but he said that you know him as long as you When I went out to meet him, I knew it. He also said that his surname was Jin."

"Jin?" Wen Shu's lips trembled, and a bad premonition rose in his heart, and he silently retracted his gaze, muttering: "Jin Shengyan, old man Lu's confidant."

He came to pick her up nine years ago, and then personally sent her to Canada. Isn’t it the same this time?

Thinking of this, Wen Shurou's body trembled, and she suddenly raised her head to look at Aunt Liu. The force holding Aunt Liu's hand was also tight, and said in an imploring tone: "Aunt Liu, can you do me a favor?"

"Ms. Wen, you are too polite to say that. You should be taken care of." Aunt Liu saw her as if she was afraid of something, and she was also a little worried: "Is the person out there a bad person? Then do you want me to treat him? Drive away or call the security guard."

"No, I can't rush." ​​Wen Shurou stood up from the rocking chair, shook her head vigorously, and thought for a while: "In this way, if he lets me go with him later, you can call Yi Yang after I leave. brother."

"But... I don't have Mr. Lu's phone number. The secretary named Zhai usually contacts me." Aunt Liu looked at her embarrassedly.

"It's okay, I'll give it to you." As he said, he turned to the drawer and took out the paper and pen, copied Lu Yiyang's phone number from the phone and handed it to Aunt Liu: "Remember, wait ten minutes after I leave."

"Then what should I say to Mr. Lu?"

"Just say that I was taken away by a middle-aged man surnamed Jin just now. Needless to say, he will naturally understand."

"it is good."

After explaining Aunt Liu, Wen Shurou let out a sigh of relief, tidyed up her clothes, walked out of the room, came to the door of the apartment, and opened the door. As expected, it was the figure in her own impression. She was clearly prepared for it, but When I saw it, I couldn't help but squeak.

Hearing the opening of the door, Jin Shengyan, who was standing outside, looked back at her and smiled politely: "Miss Wen, it's been nine years since I haven't seen you. It's getting better and better."

"Uncle Jin has passed the award." Wen Shu smiled softly and asked with some doubts: "I don't know what Uncle Jin is here this time?"

"Ms. Wen has been back to China for so long, and didn't say hello to me or my father. Some time ago, the old man was still talking about you, saying that he hadn't seen you for nine years, and has been waiting for you to see him, but he hasn't waited until. Compared to Miss Wen’s health, she is afraid of bringing bad luck to the old man, so today the old man is free, so I will pick you up to sit and drink tea with the old man.” Jin Shengyan smiled and spoke. The tone is also very polite.

But I felt a bit thorny in my ears when I heard Wen Shurou. It was not that she was told that she was ignorant. The master offered her to study in Germany and the best medical team treated her. Now she has returned to China and she doesn’t know how to go back to see her father. It was really rude, and forcibly gave her an excuse that sounded pretty gorgeous, but she was suspected of criticizing Sang Huai. Isn't that bad luck referring to her?

To be honest, Wen Shurou knew that people like Jin Shengyan couldn't look down on her, she had known it nine years ago.

If she hadn't been for the accident, how could she have been involved in a prominent family like the Lu family!

"I'm really sorry, I was negligent. It was indeed my fault that I didn't go to say hello to my grandpa. It's just that my body had been ill during the time I came back, and I had some small colds. I was afraid that I might infect my grandpa, so I didn't dare to bother. I was thinking about going again in a few days." Wen Shu softly stunned and smiled softly. He lowered his eyes pitifully, and raised his hand to caress the corner of his mouth as if he was about to cough.

"So that's the case. It seems that the old man is a little anxious, and I was a little bit abrupt in coming today."

"Uncle Jin, where is this? I don't understand the rules anymore."

"Then Miss Wen, now..."

"Uncle Jin came to pick me up in person today, so naturally I won't shirk it anymore. Uncle Jin came in and waited for me for a while. I went in to change clothes and prepare a gift for Grandpa." Wen Shurou turned her body sideways and nodded to him with a smile. .

Jin Shengyan is also a man of etiquette, so naturally nodded and walked in.

After Wen Shurou closed the door, she saw Aunt Liu come out from inside and said: "Aunt Liu, you can give Uncle Jin a cup of tea. I will change my clothes first."

"Okay." Aunt Liu nodded, looked at Jin Shengyan, and made a ‘please’ gesture: "Please, sir."

Jin Shengyan walked into the living room, first looked at the layout of the apartment, and then sat on the sofa. After Aunt Liu brought a cup of tea, Jin Shengyan nodded and said'thank you', but there was nothing to drink. Meaning, Aunt Liu didn't blindly greet him, and she stepped aside after the tea.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Jin Shengyan looked at the time on his wrist. He was obviously a little impatient on his face, but he didn't say anything.

After another two minutes or so, Wen Shurou changed into a white skirt and walked out, holding a small black gift bag in his hand, and apologized: "Excuse me, Uncle Jin, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

Hearing this, Jin Shengyan turned around and got up: "It's okay, is it all right now?"

"Okay, let's go! Uncle Jin."

When I went out, Shuyu's footsteps paused, and he looked back at Aunt Liu in the room and smiled softly at her: "Aunt Liu, I'm going out, don't worry."

Aunt Liu heard the deep meaning in her words, and smiled and nodded: "I see, then Miss Wen, go slowly."


After exiting the door of the apartment, Jin Shengyan opened the door of the back seat to let her sit in. She nodded softly, bent and sat in, while Jin Shengyan sat beside her and said to the driver in front. : "Drive, go back to Lu's house."

Hearing the words'Lujia', Shuyu's heart tightened again, and the hands on his legs were also tightly clenched, and his head hung down for a long time before he asked: "Uncle Jin, Grandpa's body these years How is it? I'm far away in Canada, and I miss Grandpa's body in my heart, but I don't have enough energy."

"The old man's body is very tough, I worry Miss Wen missed it."

"That's good, grandpa's good health is also a blessing to our younger generations." Wen Shu softly lowered his eyes and echoed softly.

Jin Shengyan glanced at her, but didn't answer any more.

After driving the car for more than ten minutes, we drove into the road section of the old house and villa of the Lu family. Looking at the familiar road gently, my heart became more and more tense, and the hands I was holding gradually became sweaty, and my face turned pale. .

"Miss Wen, here, please get off the car!" After the car drove into the big iron gate of the Lu's villa, Jin Shengyan got out of the car first, then turned the opposite side of Wen Shu and said softly.

Hearing this, Wen Shurou slowly raised her eyes, walked out of the car, and looked at the luxurious villa. Wen Shurou hadn't had time to do any psychological construction. Just a few steps, a graceful figure came out of the house, Jin Shengyan. After seeing her, he nodded and said hello: "Mrs."

Fan Jingshu smiled and nodded, her gaze fell on Wen Shurou behind him, and she looked around her: "This is the Wen family's kid! I haven't seen it for so many years, but it's pretty graceful and charming."

Fan Jingshu's impression of Wen Shurou is actually not very deep. Nine years ago, the father who only knew Wen Shurou saved her son Lu Yiyang, but he only met Wen Shurou once at the funeral of Wen Shurou, and was given away by her father without seeing her later. Went abroad.

However, she is still a little grateful for Wen Shurou. If it were not for his father, her son would have died. So now looking at Wen Shurou's temperament is also gentle and gentle. Although she doesn't know her temperament, she just looks at it. She still feels good.

It’s just that at the beginning Lu Yiyang almost turned his face over because of her quarrel with her father. She still cared a little bit. Although she also felt that the father’s decision was not a good one, as a mother, it was her son who thought about it the most. It's a bit selfish to say this, but it's the most basic idea of ​​motherhood.

Wen Shurou knew who she was when she heard Jin Shengyan's address to Fan Jingshu. Hearing her praise of herself like this, she hurriedly smiled back: "Auntie is serious, how can she compare with you! After so many years, auntie is getting more and more Younger."

Since she is Lu Yiyang's mother, as long as she doesn't hate herself, it is always good to please her by herself.

"Oh! This little mouth is really sweet." Fan Jingshu smiled and took the gentle hand of the book: "It's the old man who asked you to come over!"

Wen Shurou listened, nodded, lowered his eyes, and made a look of fear: "Yeah."

"The old man is drinking tea in the backyard now, go, I will go with you." Fan Jingshu took her hand and did not let go, but smiled and walked around the villa with her, towards the backyard behind the side door, and shouted to the nanny at the door. Said: "Sister Lan, send a few more desserts and juices to the backyard."

The corners of Wen Shurou's mouth raised slightly, as she watched Fan Jingshu holding her hand, she felt a little emboldened in her heart.

"Dad, who do you see coming?"

Following Fan Jingshu's gaze, she couldn't help but tremble slightly when the majestic and old face reflected in her pupils, and said hello to the old man tremblingly: "Grandpa, long time no see."

Hearing this, Mr. Lu turned his head to look over, and nodded: "It's been a long time, it's been eight or nine years, but I don't remember that I have a granddaughter."

The old man's words can be said to be very harsh, and he doesn't talk about any affection at all. Fan Jingshu heard the words and glanced at Wen Shurou's pale face, but did not say anything.

"Grandpa Lu." The expression on Wen Shurou's face was actually a bit embarrassing. The meaning of the father's words couldn't be more obvious, and she could only change her mouth abruptly.

"Sit down! Don't be restrained." The old man took a sip from the teacup on the table and waved to let her sit on the opposite chair.

When Fan Jingshu heard the words, smiled and winked at her, let go of her hand, and sat beside the old man to help him make tea.

"I called you today to see you. Ah Yang bought you the place you live now! How about? Are you still used to living?" The old man put down his teacup and looked at a very nervous book. judo.

Speaking of Lu Yiyang, Wen Shurou felt tight in her heart, but she felt that there was something in the old man's words, as if she was alerting herself to something.

"Yes, Brother Yi Yang bought it for me. Thank you Grandpa Lu for your concern. I live very well."

"Well, that's good." The old man nodded thoughtfully: "When do you plan to return to Canada."

After listening to the book softly, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the old man. Unexpectedly, the old man would say so directly. He immediately became teary and wiped away tears in aggrieved manner: "Grandpa Lu, I know you want me to send to Canada for my good. , But I was born and raised in T city, this city has too many memories for me, and my parents are also here, I really don’t want to leave again, Grandpa Lu, I just ask you to forgive me Is this heart okay?"

Seeing Wen Shurou weeping, Fan Jingshu was still a little distressed as a mother, so she persuaded: "Dad..."

"You don't need to worry about this, just watch it by the side." Just as soon as Fan Jingshu spoke, the old man interrupted her suddenly.

Hearing, Fan Jingshu had to shut up and said nothing more.

"You can stay in t city, but there is a condition." The old man is not the kind of completely unreasonable person. After thinking for a while, he looks at her: "In the future, you are not allowed to see Ah Yang. In addition, I heard that this For a while, Weiwei always received some threatening express parcels. This matter has something to do with you, Shurou, Weiwei is my granddaughter. You call me Grandpa Lu now, which is considered my half granddaughter. Hope it happens again."

Wen Shu tenderly widened his eyes in surprise, a little confused: "What intimidation package? Grandpa Lu, who told you this? Is it Qiao Yuwei? But I...I really don't know about this, why should I be so wronged? Me? Woo... I'm a sick child, how can I do these things!"

Listening to her crying, the old man's face was stained with unpleasantness.

"Grandpa Lu, you believe me. I really don’t know about this. It has nothing to do with me. I heard about the threatening package for the first time today. I have met Brother Yiyang several times. There has been news, but...but Miss Qiao can’t wrong me for this!” Wen Shurou cried so much that it rained with pears, and the emotions turned out to be more agitated. When she saw people coming in through the side door, she pretended to be dizzy Upside down.

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