Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 54: :cold war

For the next two days, Qiao Yuwei and Lu Yiyang remained in a cold war state. Uncle Chen was also anxious while watching, because he knew that Lu Yiyang had never had any experience of coaxing girls. In the past, the two of them quarreled, Mr. Lu Yiyang. It's because he doesn't like to talk with his personality, and Qiao Yuwei takes the initiative to dissolve the atmosphere between them every time. .

This time it was different. Obviously Qiao Yuwei was really angry this time. Even when he saw Lu Yiyang, he had a cold face and refused to give Lu Yiyang half of his eyes.

And every time Lu Yiyang was in danger, never changed, she was not affected at all by her cold war and deliberate ignorance, but she glanced at her dozens of times more than usual, and would not meet her first. Leaving, seemed to be holding a shelf and waiting for her to talk to herself.

But obviously Qiao Yuwei is not used to his problem. Anyway, seeing it is the same as not seeing it. After these few days, I haven't said a word with him, and didn't have half a smile. Even talking to Uncle Chen is faint. .

In fact, what makes Lu Yiyang most fascinated is the problem of dividing the room. He was forcibly divided out. Because he slept back to the master bedroom some time ago, he asked Uncle Chen to clean up the guest room. Now he sleeps in the study room, so There was a sulky feeling in my heart, but he couldn't make it, especially when he saw Qiao Yuwei's cold face, he wanted to say something, but as soon as he saw her, he couldn't say anything.

He also deliberately pushed all the evening schedules in the past few days. He came back to dine with her every night. Before, she always pestered herself, not to make herself look at her more, or to say a few more words to her. Either it was for him to accompany her to eat a meal, and now he takes the initiative to come back to eat every day, she is not rare, and even ignores him.

Just like now...

Lu Yiyang grabbed a piece of vegetable with his chopsticks, but he didn't eat it all the time. Ying Falcon's gaze stared at Qiao Yuwei, who was sitting on the opposite side and eating nothing. He didn't even look at him from the beginning to the end.

Seeing her put down the dishes and chopsticks, Lu Yiyang squinted his eyes, and for a moment, she heard a faint voice in her ear: "Uncle Chen, don't buy this bean curd anymore. It's not very tasty. This shrimp is pretty good. Buy more next time."

"Yes, I remember." Uncle Chen nodded in response.

After speaking with Uncle Chen, Qiao Yuwei took a sip from Liang Bai, and then got up and walked towards the stairs in the living room.

Lu Yiyang looked at his brows and defended his chopsticks. He got up and hurried after him. He looked at Qiao Yuwei who was already up the stairs, and shouted displeasedly: "Qiao Yuwei."

Hearing him calling himself, Qiao Yuwei paused for a moment, but did not stop. He still walked upstairs without looking back.

Upon seeing this, Lu Yiyang’s eyebrows twisted into a “Chuan” in an instant, and he took a long step, followed up after a few steps, took her arm along the way, and a cold voice drifted into her ears: "You are going to make trouble. When is it? I'm calling you, can't you hear me?"

Qiao Yuwei twisted his whole body backwards, and had to stop, his eyes staring at the place where he was holding his wrist, and then slowly raising the colorless and inconstant eyes. Not at all the agility and playfulness of the past.

"Something?" The light and fluttering tone didn't fluctuate, but it fell into his ears but looked very harsh.

But this kind of tone and words are his state when he often talks to her, and that state is much colder than she is now, but he himself didn't pay attention to this.

As the so-called feng shui turns, at the beginning she was obsessed with him, and he still felt annoyed, but never thought that one day, he would get used to her unreasonable and willful and still entangled, and even now she is cold to him. Instead, he felt unnatural, as if something was missing in his heart.

"When do you want to make trouble?"

"Noisy?" Qiao Yu chuckled slightly: "I didn't cry, I didn't pester you, and the third watch didn't want to die. What did I make? You said that is really funny."

Lu Yiyang pursed his lips, and his handsome profile instantly became gloomy and terribly dark, and the strength to grasp her wrist was also tight.

Xu was scratched and hurt by him. Qiao Yu slightly glanced at his wrist, struggling a little: "If there is nothing else, please let me go." After finishing speaking, he forced his own. Withdrawing his wrist from his big palm, he turned and walked directly into the house.

But as soon as she walked through the door, Lu Yiyang followed in behind. Qiao Yuwei's small face drooped instantly, staring at him displeasedly and shouting, "Lu Yiyang, what do you want to do?"

"This is also my room." Lu Yiyang raised his head slightly, straightened up his body bravely, and faintly pulled his cold lips, making a very arrogant voice.

"If I remember correctly, your room should be in the guest bedroom next door!" Qiao Yu snorted slightly and replied disapprovingly.

"The whole villa belongs to me, not to mention a bedroom." Lu Yiyang still said quietly, and stopped in Qiao Yuwei's ears, but looked a bit rascal.

This actually sounds quite familiar, because before, Qiao Yuwei used to play tricks in front of Lu Yiyang, and he didn't say this to Lu Yiyang. As a result, he never expected that this sentence could be used on himself.

Although his tone was faint and not very warm, Qiao Yuwei inexplicably felt that his words were a bit cheeky.

As usual, Qiao Yuwei would definitely ridicule fiercely, but now she just remembered what he asked her that night, her anger in her heart wouldn't strike, and she didn't want to give him any good face at all.

He gave him a straight look, turned around and walked into the cloakroom without saying anything, and left him there.

Lu Yiyang who was hanging there: "..."

That night, Qiao Yuwei finished washing as always, lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone, and went to sleep with the lights off at about ten o'clock, but the difference was that there was no door locked this time.

Lu Yiyang, who returned to the room after handling the work from the study, raised his brows when he saw Qiao Yuwei lying on the bed in a big print, and after holding her to the side, he lay down, his eyes flashed. Wiping was not very pleasant, and reached out to turn off the light in the room.

Because the "This is the Goddess" variety show stopped recording for almost half a month because of Qu Ruoxi, after the program team finished the matter, they began to talk to all the guests about continuing to record.

But Qiao Yuwei didn't want to continue, so Fang Xin asked Fang Xin to help him get in touch with the show crew.

Because of the signing of the contract, it is more troublesome to resolve this matter. The director of the program group also came to Qiao Yuwei himself, but Qiao Yuwei refused his invitation on the grounds of physical illness and agreed to the contract. She will let the studio deal with the indemnity.


"How are you preparing for the evening business performance?" Fang Xin finished hanging up the phone, put her mobile phone on the table, and looked at Qiao Yuwei who was holding her mobile phone and didn't know who she was chatting with.

But Qiao Yuwei, who was half-lying on the sofa, did not hear her at all, and chatted very vigorously while holding the phone.

Fang Xin was angry with one hand on his hips, walked over on high heels, and poked her forehead: "Qiao Yuwei, I'm talking to you! Can you leave one ear out to listen to me? I'll give You have cleaned up so many things, you feel comfortable throwing your hand at the shopkeeper!" After speaking, seeing her still typing on her phone, Fang Xin was completely angry and took her away. Mobile phone: "I said you and your husband show affection and share occasions, okay? I haven't talked enough at home, and I have to hold my mobile phone when I am out of work. I think you are really... hey, it's not your husband."

"Nonsense, take it here." Qiao Yu gave her a slightly gaze and snatched the phone back.

"Who is this?"


"Huh?" Fang Xin opened her eyes in surprise, then sat beside her with a wicked smile, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Men or women?"



"Very handsome, born as a special soldier, retired from the army a few years ago and served as the captain of the criminal investigation detachment in T city.

"Really? Single? How old are you? Can you give me the contact information?"

Qiao Yu grinned slightly at her and stretched out her hand to push her face away: "Give me your Harazi, don't think about it. People have a family, and there is also a very handsome son. One, you can wait for about eighteen years to see if his son dislikes you."

"Go." Fang Xin curled his lips: "Who the **** is it?"

"Yi Ru."

"Yi Ru?" Fang Xin tilted his head suspiciously, and suddenly remembered: "You said that Yi Ru?"

"Nonsense, who else Yiru."

"How do you know him?"

"Well... this is a long story. Haven't I met Qin Zijin several times? Qin Zijin and Yi Ru's wife Zhong Qingxia are best friends! Then they met."

"The wife of the Su Group who dotes on his wife and madness?"

"Yes it is."

"Then this relationship is a bit far away." Fang Xin nodded thoughtfully: "Then what do you contact him for?"

"My express package thing! I just want him to help me check it secretly. He is the policeman to handle some things! This way, I won't go out publicly."

Fang Xin nodded: "Well, this is true, what did he say?"

"I just told him what happened, and he said he would check it, and he would tell me if there are clues."

"Tsk, if you have a police acquaintance, just talk well."

Qiao Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, typed a line on the phone and sent it away, and then put the phone away: "Wait for the result now! Although I haven't received the package anymore, I am always at a loss. , It’s better to be cautious."

"Well, it's always good to be cautious."

After the two nodded one after another, Fang Xin suddenly remembered and asked, "By the way, are you and your husband reconciled?"

When talking about this matter, Qiao Yuwei's gaze shifted to the side subconsciously, and her pink lips also twitched: "Anyway, he doesn't proactively admit my mistakes. I won't take care of him. I can ignore everything else. But he actually questioned me because of other women. I was really angry. I felt like a pimple in my heart. I always felt that I was not important enough in his heart. Do you know that feeling? He could ignore me in the past. , Because I know that there is no one in his heart, as long as I try to walk in, but now he makes me feel very insecure, there is a way that he can abandon me at any time because of his gentleness, I have been thinking a lot these days Every time I see his cold expression, I feel even more angry."

Seeing her talk more and more excited, Fang Xin quickly pulled her and nodded very vigorously: "I understand, I understand, I understand, your little heart has been hurt, then we won't forgive him, he won't apologize We will never forgive, be angry, or be angry. You still have work at night, so don't affect your mood."

Qiao Yuwei: "..."

A blank eye rolled over, and he slapped her sideways with unrequited love, and patted her hand off angrily: "Stay away from me, I want to be quiet."

"No, it's fine if you have a heart. If you want to be quiet, just take care of it quietly."


The anger that had just ignited in Qiao Yuwei's heart was extinguished by Fang Xin, and she was particularly helpless, bulging her cheeks and staring at her with disgust: "I'll tell you such serious things again, can you? Not poor?"

"I'm not poor!" Fang Xin stretched out his hands and replied confidently, "I'm obviously comforting you, OK? Can I have a conscience?"

"I think you have the sensation of sprinkling salt on my wound."

"Fang Xin, what I sprinkled is not salt, it is the one who loves you...salt."


"Hey, Hao Le, I have a small meeting. Go work first. You play slowly here. When I'm done, it's almost time to go to the meeting place." Fang Xin got up from the sofa with a smile, and looked at her playfully. He made a face, walked to the desk, picked up the two documents and the tablet on the desk and walked to the door.

At about 4:30 in the afternoon, Fang Xin finished the meeting and returned to the office. She was holding a **** dress in her hand and threw the clothes on her body: "Go and change your clothes first, ya ya, wait. Will help her make up."

Qiao Yu took the skirt smoothly, opened it, and raised his eyebrows. He was still satisfied with the style, so he got up and went to a lounge next door to change his clothes.

She has her own makeup artist and stylist in her studio, but she usually only uses it when there are large-scale events. The rest of the time she draws and wears casual clothes.

After finishing the styling and makeup, it was almost six o'clock. After Fang Xin made two phone calls, he asked the assistant to drive with him to the venue for the business performance.

"Weiwei, when the business performance is over, the boss of yk wants to talk to you about signing the contract."

"Sign up?"

"Well, he called me several times, but I've been so busy these days, I don't have time to meet him to talk about this matter. It just so happens that he is the main investor in this business performance and can meet each other. So you can just have a chat." Fang Xin nodded back to Qiao Yuwei's words while driving.

Qiao Yu fiddled with his nails, after thinking about it, his expression was a bit difficult and melancholy: "I'll talk about it then! To be honest, if it weren't for this commercial performance, it would be too bad for you to push it. I am I really don’t want to come, because you know, my condition during this period is not very good, so, you know!"

Fang Xin nodded with understanding, "Well, I know, I didn't pick up work for you during this period. Even the concert at the Conservatory of Music helped you push it."

She knows Qiao Yuwei's mood very well. After all, the two express incidents a few days ago made them panic. In addition, the external remarks were too harsh, especially Qu Ruoxi’s fans never stopped. , On the contrary, the more scolded, the more fierce, and there were a lot of black her announcements, and she was still in a cold war with her husband because of the gentle things during this period, it is really strange that her mood and state can be good.

"Well, I'm still thinking about waiting for the commercial performance these days, do you want to travel somewhere to relax, do you have any good places to recommend? It's best to be a place with no Internet access and good air. Qiao Yu slightly bowed his face and nodded, propped his chin and looked out of the car window.

After listening to this, the assistant Taozi thought for a while and said with a smile: "Speaking of places where the internet is not connected and the air is good, I thought of one thing."

"What's the matter?" Qiao Yu turned his head and looked at her curiously.

Fang Xin, who was driving, also looked at the rearview mirror curiously, with some doubts in his eyes.

"Just a few days ago, An Qi received a notice from a charity company. It was a mountain school. An Qi and I also searched for that place on the Internet. The place is very mountainous, but the scenery is very good. The charity company is calling for it. The celebrities sponsored that school. There were more than 50 left-behind children in that school. They asked us last time, but because Weiwei, your work status during this period was not very good, so An Qi pushed it and didn’t report it. Sister Xin."

"Oh! Really?" Qiao Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, listening to some interest: "Xinxin, you can find out afterwards! Even if you don't go to support the teaching, you can also help, instantly and Qinfang. Someone will contact me to see if I can donate two pianos in my name."

"it is good."

Soon, the car arrived at the venue. Many fans and reporters were waiting outside. When they saw their car arrived, they swarmed up. Qiao Yuwei, who had not opened the door of the car, looked at their posture. It was indeed a little frightening. It's here, but fortunately, the security guards at the venue rushed over to push fans, journalists and media farther away.

Taozi then opened the door to help Qiao Yuwei get out of the car, Fang Xin walked over immediately, and gave the car key to one of the security guards.

Qiao Yuwei tried to keep herself smiling, waved hello to all fans and reporters, and then stepped into the venue with the support of security guards, Fang Xin and Taozi.

After walking through the red carpet and signing her name, she started to stand and smile for the reporters to take photos. After standing for about two minutes, a staff member led her to the backstage and waited.

After waiting for about ten minutes in the backstage, the commercial performance officially began. The host made a brief introduction and opening remarks on the stage, and soon talked about Qiao Yuwei. Qiao Yuwei walked from the backstage to the stage and took it. Passed the microphone handed by the staff, and then greeted all the audience and reporters present.

The sweet voice and smile caused many fans below to scream and cheer.

"We have rarely seen Weiwei on the screen recently. What is Weiwei up to now?" After the opening greeting, the host asked questions according to the process.

When Qiao Yu heard the words, he smiled, "I am in a rest period during this period, so there is no work arranged."

"So Weiwei has anything to say about the accident that occurred during the filming of "This Is the Goddess"?"

"Well... this accident is something that all of us don't want to see, but in all fairness, I am not sorry for anyone, so I don't want to lower my posture and say something."

"Wei Wei's character is really straightforward." The host smiled and answered: "Then how about we do a mini game now?"

"Okay, yes!"

After seeing the props brought up by the host, Qiao Yu opened his eyes slightly incomprehensible, a little dazed: "This is...?"

The host couldn’t help but laughed and explained: “Let’s draw lots. The questions here are all taken from your fans on the Internet.”

"Um... good."

"Weiwei, do you usually cook?"

After listening to Qiao Yuwei, he smiled ashamed and shook his head and said: "If you don't do it, you can't do it."

"Then do you have any special hobbies or hobbies?"

"Fetish?" Qiao Yu tilted his head slightly and thought about it seriously, curling his mouth and replied uncertainly, "Uh...do you like playing the piano? Because I usually like to sit in front of the piano as long as I am free.

"Of course it counts." The host replied in particular affirmatively. He took out another sign and looked at it, and asked with a smile: "What kind of way do you get along with Mr. Lu at home?"

Hearing this question, Qiao Yuwei was also stunned. He glanced at Fang Xin who was standing on the right side of the stage subconsciously, knowing that this question must have been deliberately arranged by her, because during this time there were many rumors that the two of them were at odds. It is said that Lu Yiyang raised the girl who had quarreled with the old man nine years ago.

"How do you say? Every couple has their own unique way of getting along with each other. To say something about Lu Yiyang and I, because he usually doesn't talk very much and doesn't like to express himself. To put it bluntly, his temperament is too boring, but , I like to tease him, especially when he looks angry but afraid to get angry."

"Speaking of which, Weiwei, your relationship with Mr. Lu is quite special."

"Forget it! At least I enjoy the process very much, I feel very happy and satisfied." Qiao Yu raised her eyebrows with a smile, and her remarks are also a response to all reports about Lu Yiyang cheating and saying that their husband and wife are at odds!

When this session was almost done, the host was ready to start the following process, but didn't want to. When she spoke, a loud voice suddenly resounded through the entire venue: "Qiao Yuwei, you stinky watchman, die Bitch, how come you haven't died yet."

After the loud voice fell, everyone hadn't recovered yet. A tall and thin man suddenly rushed out of the crowd, holding a glass bottle in his hand with a yellow unknown liquid in it, and aimed directly at it. Smashed it towards Qiao Yuwei's head.

Since the incident happened suddenly and at that moment, everyone did not react. Qiao Yuwei was even more stunned. The glass bottle hit his head abruptly, feeling pain, and bright red blood slipped from his forehead. , The body also staggered a few steps, the whole person's head became groggy, and the sky was spinning.

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