Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 56: : A touch of sorrow

After all, the brothers Lu Yiyang and Lu Jingyan knew each other, so Lu Yiyang knew at a glance that Lu Jingyan arranged Qiao Yuwei's affairs after entering the hospital. .

He has never said the word ‘thanks’ to anyone, and this is the first time to thank his brother for Qiao Yuwei.

This feeling is still quite subtle for him, but at this time his mind is all on Qiao Yuwei, thinking about when she can wake up.

After sitting down on the edge of the bed, after a long time, Lu Yiyang's high-speed brain gradually recovered as usual. He took out his mobile phone and called Zhai Jiaye, asking him to go to the police station to find out about the situation. Suppress Qiao Yuwei's injury and can't let the outside report continue.

After hearing this, Zhai Jiaye looked at the takeaway who had just arrived in front of him, sighed, took a few quick mouthfuls and went out with the car key. He knew that this matter brooks no delay, after all, Qiao Yuwei's injury is a major event.

Zhai Jiaye got out of his apartment, got in the car and drove to the police station. He also called the newspapers and major media companies to ask them to remove all news reports about Qiao Yuwei's injury, and also asked them not to follow up on the incident. After the follow-up, Qiao Yuwei’s studio will also issue a statement by itself.

Although several media and newspapers don't want to lose this high-traffic news report, due to Zhai Jiaye's special status, they dare not openly oppose the Lu Group, including the Qiao family!

In this city, the upper-class family members are connected one after another, let alone a business family like the Lu family!

I am afraid that it is possible for Lu Yiyang to say that all of their companies will be acquired or closed down by other companies. Even if they do not go bankrupt, it is estimated that they will not be better in T city in the future. After all, Lu Yiyang's reputation is there!

Indifference, ruthlessness, and insidiousness are synonymous with him in the market, and Zhai Jiaye is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After spending so many years with Lu Yiyang, he has learned a bit of the essence of Lu Yiyang's savage methods.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Zhai Jiaye hung up the phone, raised her hand to pull on the necktie, turned her head slightly, and drove to the police station wholeheartedly.

After driving for more than ten minutes, the car arrived at the entrance of the police station. Zhai Jiaye parked the car and walked directly into the entrance of the police station. He grabbed a young male police officer in a police uniform and asked, "Excuse me, just ask, you guys. Is Yi Ru, the captain of the three criminal investigation teams, here?"

"Captain Yi is off work. Our team leader is inside, but the team leader has guests. You need to wait a while to find him."

"The guests?"

The young male police officer nodded: "It is Fang Xin, the manager of the well-known pianist Qiao Yuwei tonight. The suspect was caught by our team, so our team is responsible."

Hearing, Zhai Jiaye narrowed his eyes: "Where is your team leader's office?"

"Go straight in the second room on the promenade."

"Thank you." After Zhai Jiaye replied for the first time, he followed the male police officer's route and walked in. When he came to the team leader's office, he could see through the glass window that familiar beautiful shadow was holding his hands on the table. , Talking to the man sitting in the office chair.

The man sitting on the office chair is also very young, with a helpless expression on his face, and he spread his hands and replies with heartfelt words.

Zhai Jiaye walked to the door and knocked on the door with his fingers. He opened the door and walked in when he heard the words "come in" inside. The man saw him and got up to say hello: "Secretary Zhai, you are welcome to come. "

"Leader Zhang is polite." Zhai Jiaye smiled and shook his hand lightly, her eyes falling on Fang Xin with an angry face.

It just so happened that Fang Xin looked back at him. When she saw him, Fang Xin raised her brows in disgust. Originally, his impression of him was not so good. Now that this happened again, she was angry with Lu Yiyang from the bottom of her heart. She instantly transferred to Zhai Jiaye, retracted her hand on the table, and snorted coldly, "Who am I! What are you doing here?"

Fang Xin showed her disgust and contempt incisively and vividly, and it happened to be seen by Zhai Jiaye. Following the principle of'good men don't fight with women', Zhai Jiaye didn't bother to take care of her, and gave her a light look, and looked at her. Falling on Team Leader Zhang: "Leader Zhang, I am here today mainly because Mr. Lu wants to know what the police are going to do about our wife's injury tonight?

"The suspect Xie has been arrested by our police, and he will be interrogated after being brought back, but he refuses to speak up, we are still thinking of a way now, so..."

"So what a shit!" Fang Xin was annoyed when he heard it, and he interrupted in a heavy voice, "No, what do you mean? As soon as Zhai Jiaye came, you started to explain. I just asked for so long and you told me now There is no comment during the investigation. Once the investigation is clear, I will tell me, what kind of shit, I will ask you to slap your face now? Do you despise me or my home Weiwei?"

"Um...Miss Fang, I didn't mean that. I told you just now. We are investigating this matter now and people are also being interrogated. So..." Team Leader Zhang heard her saying this, and he felt very much in his heart. Helpless.

"Then let me meet that bastard."

"Miss Fang, please don't embarrass us. We also act according to the law. Please don't hinder our official duties."


"Then we're waiting for your police news." Fang Xin wanted to say something, Zhai Jiaye suddenly stopped her and interrupted her by the way.

Fang Xin glared at his back, trying to raise his hand and push him away: "Zhai Jiaye, what are you... hey, what are you doing? What are you doing? You let it go, did you hear it."

But as soon as he was halfway through the conversation, Zhai Jiaye and Team Leader Zhang nodded slightly, then turned around and grabbed her wrist and dragged her outside the office. Fang Xin was dragged away by him.

Arriving outside the police station gate, Fang Xin threw away his hand angrily, touched his wrist painfully, and shouted displeased: "What are you doing? Why are you pulling me out, I haven't finished yet! You... ...."

"Fortunately, you are still a graduate student. You turned out to be a blind person."

"Can you say that again."

"Isn't it?" Zhai Jiaye retorted confidently: "The police act in accordance with the law. If you do not follow the law, you will only hinder their official duties. In the end, you will squat for a few days because of the crime of obstructing official duties. Then you will feel comfortable? Then there will be more outsiders. A headline news about the arrest of Qiao Yuwei's agent for obstructing official duties."

Fang Xin regained his sanity when he said this, with obvious unwillingness on his face, angrily akimbo, muttering: "Isn't I too angry? That bastard, actually dared to be a little bit like that, I should have been He rushed over and beat him so that he didn't even know his parents."

Seeing her angrily, Zhai Jiaye smiled silently: "I have just settled the reporting matter. I must have almost done the reporting now, so we just have to wait for the police investigation results."

"Huh, Lu Yiyang asked you to do it! Heh, scumbag."

"Scumbag? What do you mean by that?" Zhai Jiaye asked with a puzzled eyebrow.

"Go ask your boss, he must know what it means, hum." Fang Xin hummed softly, tilting his head disapprovingly.

Zhai Jiaye was dumb, looking at Fang Xin speechlessly, he didn't dare to ask Lu Yiyang, and how would he ask this question?

Do you want him to ask, ‘Mr. Lu, how did you get the title of that scumbag? ’

Asking in this way not only risks being fired, but also an illusion that he covets this title, and the price of being fired is a bit high. He can't ask, no matter how curious, he still has questions!

It's better to be suffocated than to lose your job, right?

The two suddenly became quiet. Zhai Jiaye watched her, Fang Xin tilted her head and didn't look at him. In the next instant, Fang Xin's cell phone rang suddenly. It was Qiao Yu's micro-assistant Taozi who called and told A large part of her news has been withdrawn, and An Qi is also discussing the next thing with the organizer of the commercial show.

After listening to Taozi’s words, Fang Xin was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, and the pressure in her heart was less: "Okay, you and An Qi will take care of the rest! Push all the recent notices to Weiwei, and wait for the rest. I'll talk when I wake up slightly."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Xin looked up and saw that Zhai Jiaye was looking at him, so he frowned and asked, "What do you see me doing?"

Zhai Jiaye looked away: "It's nothing."

Fang Xin curled his lips and looked at the time: "I finally have time to eat. Have you eaten yet?"

"You want to invite me to dinner?" Zhai Jiaye asked back.

Fang Xin stared at him with disgust, and asked inconceivably: "I said you are a big man who is really cheeky! If you ask me to be a girl, you can say it, shameless? Shouldn't you take the initiative? Would you like me to eat?"


Zhai Jiaye was so rebutted by him that he couldn't say a word. In fact, he just asked, but she heard that. As a man with bones and blood, he couldn't do it like this no matter how stingy he was, so he had to Helplessly said: "Okay, what do you want to eat, please."

"There is a restaurant in front of this, and it looks pretty good, so let's do it!"


"The car parked here, walk over? Wait until you have eaten and then come back and drive?"


"Oh, let's go then!"

Seeing Fang Xin went forward, Zhai Jiaye followed silently.


Inside the affiliated hospital.

Until the middle of the night, Qiao Yuwei showed no sign of waking up, and Lu Yiyang stayed by the bed, staying on his feet, and there was no sleep at all.

It was around four o'clock in the morning that Lu Yiyang lay on the bedside for a nap, but he never let go of the big palm of Qiao Yu's hand.

At around 7 o'clock in the morning the next morning, the doctor and nurse walked in and planned to check. They just saw this scene. After a few people looked at each other, they heard a cold, calm male voice from outside the door: "What are you doing here? "

When they heard this, they turned their heads and looked over. They saw Lu Jingyan wearing a white shirt standing at the door, staring at them coldly. The two nurses hurriedly smiled and nodded and said hello: "Dr Lu, we are planning to Check Miss Qiao!"

Lu Jingyan frowned and walked in. Lu Yiyang woke up when he heard the movement and looked at them with a sullen face: "What are you doing in here?"

"Um...Mr. Lu, we are planning to do an examination on Miss Qiao, so..." The doctor in a white coat was taken aback, and he felt an inexplicable sense of oppression when he questioned him like this.

Hearing this, Lu Yiyang just remembered, and quickly turned to look at Qiao Yuwei on the bed, and found that she still had no signs of waking up, and her face was still pale, so he got up and let go of her hand, left the edge of the bed, and gave it to several medical staff. Give way.

After the doctor slightly nodded at him, he walked over, drew up the bed curtain, and started the examination. When Lu Yiyang exited the edge of the bed, he noticed that Lu Jingyan was also there, his lips pressed lightly, and there was no sound.

"Mom called me this morning and said that Grandpa saw the report and he will definitely come to see her later." Lu Jingyan stared at him lightly, his tone was also very cold, and added: "Mom said you call on your mobile phone. Nowhere, if such a big thing has happened, let you make a call to Qiao's family in person."

Lu Yiyang squinted his eyes, took out the phone from his trouser pocket and looked at it, and found that the phone was dead and turned off.

Lu Jingyan glanced at his mobile phone, and naturally dropped his hands into his trouser pockets: "I have something to do, let's go."

Lu Yiyang put his mobile phone back in his trouser pocket and turned his head to watch him leave. It happened that the medical staff in the bed curtain had also checked, and he pulled the bed curtain away. Only then did Lu Yiyang retract his gaze and look serious and serious. At the doctor.

"President Lu Fangxin, Miss Qiao is okay at the moment, just wait for her to wake up and do a brain ct."

"When will she wake up?"

"Normally, I will wake up today."

Lu Yiyang pursed his lips. He obviously didn't like his statement. Yesterday, when Lu Jingyan said the same thing, she didn't wake up last night, but he couldn't say anything. He could only wait for her to wake up quietly.

After sending away a few medical staff, Lu Yiyang returned to the seat beside the bed. The sharp black pupils were mixed with a bit of softness, and he stared at Qiao Yuwei's pale baby face for an instant.

At about nine o'clock, there were many footsteps outside the ward. Lu Yiyang turned his head and looked over and saw Lu Jingyan lead Fan Jingshu and the old man in.

Lu Yiyang slowly stood up, and whispered, "Grandpa, Mom."

"Oh! My Weiwei! The one who suffered a thousand knives, it hurts so much!" Fan Jingshu directly ignored Lu Yiyang, and when he saw Qiao Yuwei lying on the hospital bed, he walked over and stroked Qiao Yuwei heartily. Face.

"Lightly, lightly, don't wake her up." The old man hurried up with a cane to grab Fan Jingshu, and whispered softly.

"Oh, yes, yes, let her sleep more." After hearing this, Fan Jingshu quickly withdrew her hand.

Lu Yiyang pursed her lips: "She is still in a coma."

After hearing this, Fan Jingshu and the old man looked at him in surprise: "You haven't woken up since yesterday?"


"Ayan, what's going on?" Fan Jingshu turned to look at Lu Jingyan anxiously, with a worried expression on her face: "Is there any danger? It's been all night, and I haven't woke up yet. Is it normal?" "

"Mom, don't worry, there is no danger. Dr. Min just told you...sister-in-law's situation, and I will wake up today." Lu Jingyan hesitated a bit when he treated Qiao Yuwei's name. He seldom talked to Lu Yiyang and Qiao Yu. We contacted her slightly, so she never called her. Even if she met at the old house in the past, she just nodded.

"That's good, that's good." After hearing Lu Jingyan's words, Fan Jingshu was relieved, nodded, and looked at Lu Yiyang: "A Yang, have you had breakfast? I let the kitchen cook early in the morning. Weiwei’s ribs porridge, now Weiwei hasn’t woken up, you can drink it while it’s hot! When Weiwei wakes up, I will make fresh in the kitchen at home."

Lu Yiyang took the silver thermos barrel that Fan Jingshu handed over and raised his eyes to look at Qiao Yuwei who was lying on the hospital bed.

The old man squinted his old eyes, gave him a slightly deep look, and said nothing with his crutches in both hands.

It’s just that I’m very emotional. Even if my two grandsons are similar in temperament, they are all the same. One daughter-in-law is lying in the hospital unconscious, the other is even more remarkable. The daughter-in-law is lost, and they are not anywhere now. know.

Because Lu Jingyan had an appointment for the patient’s surgery, he left without staying long. The old man and Fan Jingshu stayed in the hospital ward for more than an hour. Qiao Yuwei did not wake up. In the end, because of the old man’s body and bone problems, Fan Jingshu had to help. Before he left, he told Lu Yiyang to call them when Qiao Yuwei woke up.

Not long after the old man and Fan Jingshu left, Qiao Shiwei rushed over from outside, with a suitcase in his hand, apparently coming directly from the airport.

"What did the doctor say? Is it serious? Is there life-threatening?" Qiao Shiwei looked at Lu Yiyang nervously after seeing Qiao Yuwei.

"The doctor said that there is no life-threatening thing, and he will wake up today. He didn't say when.

Qiao Shiwei was relieved when she heard that there was no life-threatening danger, her heart was in her throat all the way back, and the whole person was also in a state of high tension, for fear that Qiao Yuwei might have something unexpected.

"Where is that girl who hits the girl?"

"I was detained by Jingfa and is under investigation."

Qiao Shiwei nodded, and suddenly remembered: "Since the girl is not life-threatening, I am relieved. You have worked so hard to take care of her day and night. I will come back to change shifts with you later. I have to go back now with my parents. Say it, lest they worry."

"Well, you should take care of her." Lu Yiyang replied quietly, his eyes locked on Qiao Yuwei, and he never left.

Qiao Shiwei looked at his manner of speaking, and then at Qiao Yuwei, feeling a little relieved in her heart, feeling that her sister's previous efforts were worthwhile.

"Then I will leave first."


After watching Qiao Shiwei pull the suitcase to leave, Lu Yiyang gently closed the door, returned to the edge of the bed and sat down, just like that silently guarding her.

I suddenly remembered that day she asked herself, ‘Will you stay with me forever? The answer he gave that day was so sure, but now she was lying on this cold hospital bed alone and bloodless, with a faint sorrow in her heart again.

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