Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: Yin Shifan 071: Can't bear to die?

In the next two days, in addition to facing Grandma Tan, Niuniu and the school children, Yin Shi could have a smiling face or a soft tone. The rest of the time was a cold face, and his tone of voice was also rusty and indifferent. .biquge

He Ying Xiaoyang wouldn't say much about the rest except for official business.

"President Ying, I checked the weather forecast. Starting from tomorrow, there will be rain for the next week, and it will be heavy and heavy. It is not suitable to start construction. At least I have to wait until the weather is clear before I can move. I have planned a plan with the village this morning. The long and the village party secretary have discussed it. If there is no problem, the construction can start after the rain is over." Jiang Yuan looked at Ying Xiaoyang sitting on the small wooden chair, and recounted the progress of the work in the past few days. And planning.

But Ying Xiaoyang didn't seem to hear even a word, his eyes looked forward in a blur, as if thinking about something.

"President Ying?" Jiang Yuan called out again tentatively.

Ying Xiaoyang gathered his thoughts, raised his eyes to look at Jiang Yuan, took the file in his hand and looked at it, and nodded: "Then do as you said. It is really impossible to start construction when it rains. I heard that it is a mudslide on a rainy day. During the high-incidence period, safety is the most important."

"Okay, will the workers be found in the village then?"

"Otherwise you go back to t city to find someone and then airlift over?"

"Uh, I see."

"You will use the landline in their village to make a call back to the company later and ask where the project is going on in Jianghai. After a while, I will need detailed data and no discrepancies are allowed. Then I will talk to Qin Yun again. If the contract can’t be taken back, it’s fine. The project in Linzhou has just started and he needs to watch. The signal in the mountains is not very good. Sometimes he may not be able to contact me." Ying Xiaoyang retracted his gaze, got up from the chair, with one hand Falling into the trouser pocket, he gently swept his chest with the other hand, and walked to the door while talking: "Also, when this project is launched, calculate the capital budget. Remember, I'm talking about labor costs. ."

"Yes, I understand. I will take care of everything before Dong works."

"Yeah." Ying Xiaoyang nodded, stopped, and said back: "It must not be higher than 3% of the total self in this project."

"But what we calculated before was 2%."

"I recalculated it last night and it was one percent more. As for how to score the one percent, you can figure it out by yourself."


Ying Xiaoyang walked out the door and looked at the gloomy sky outside, as if it was about to rain, the light in his eyes gradually condensed, revealing a touch of depth, and he walked towards the house where he lived.

At about 5 in the afternoon, Yin Shi and the principal talked about the children’s school work, and then walked out of the office. There were no big or small raindrops in the sky. The cold wind blew her and she was wrapped in a suit jacket. The thin body trembled slightly, and reached out to the rain to catch two drops of rain, and a little bit of coldness came into her palm.

"Teacher Yin, you didn't bring an umbrella! I have one here, or you should go back first." After waiting outside for a few minutes, the principal also walked out of it, holding a relatively old one in his hand. umbrella.

"What about you?"

"I'm fine, the rain will probably stop in a while, you go back first." The principal handed the umbrella in front of Yin Shi.

Yin Shi turned his head to look at the gloomy weather, and pushed the umbrella that the principal handed back, and said with a smile: "Since the rain will stop for a while, then I'll just wait here for a while. You go back first. Come on! How can I make you stand here and wait in such a strong wind."

"It's okay, I'll just go to the office later, it's not cold."

"That won't work, you go first! I'll be fine."


"Yin Shi."

A familiar deep and thick voice came from the rain, interrupting the principal's words, Yin Shi heard the sound and looked over, only to see a handsome Junying holding a black umbrella, wearing a gray coat to line his perfect figure The beautiful peach eyes looked particularly bright and charming in this gray rainy day, with a wicked smirk at the corner of her mouth, stepping on the white sneakers under her feet and walking towards her.

Yin Shi was stunned, and when he recovered, Ying Xiaoyang had already walked in front of him.

"Principal, let's go first!" After Yin Shi and Ying Xiaoyang looked at each other, they silently retracted their gazes and smiled at the principal.

The principal and Ying Xiaoyang nodded and greeted them. After getting along these days, they knew that the relationship between the two of them must be unusual, so they smiled and nodded: "Okay, tomorrow weekend, Teacher Yin will have a good rest."

"Well, let the principal go slowly." After watching the principal leave, Yin Shi looked at Ying Xiaoyang in the rain, coldly looked at his brows, and asked displeasedly: "What are you here for?"

Seeing that her attitude towards herself and the principal was very different, Ying Xiaoyang smiled helplessly: "Isn't it raining? Come pick you up, let's go!"

Yin Shi pursed his lips and stood there glaring at him without answering.

"Still angry?"

Hearing his fluttering words, Yin Shi stared at him sharply again, planning to bypass him and walk directly into the rain.

Fortunately, Ying Xiaoyang reacted quickly. As soon as she walked into the rain, she pulled her under her umbrella, and Jun Rong, who was still smiling, suddenly became serious. Reprimanding meaning: "What are you doing? You and I breathe and breathe, don't get through with yourself, such heavy rain and such strong wind, do you want to catch a cold?

Yin Shi frowned when he listened to his reproachful words: "I seemed to say last time that you'd better stay two meters away from me and don't touch me. After only a few days, did you forget?"

But after Ying Xiaoyang listened, the hand holding her wrist didn't let go. His serious expression instantly changed to a wicked smile, and he cast a wink at her: "Treat me very much during extraordinary times, you see such a big deal. Rain, we only have an umbrella. You shouldn’t bear to let me go back in the rain! I just got better the day before I caught a cold."

"Patience." Yin Shi sternly broke away from his hand, but his strength was so strong that he couldn't hold him back, so he had to shout, "You can't let go?"

"Don't make a fuss, be obedient." Ying Xiaoyang smiled, grasping the big palm of her wrist slightly loosened, and slowly moved down, directly holding her hand, and pulling her forward: "Immediately It’s going to get dark, and it’s not going to be early. The front is all mud."

Yin Shi was dragged away by him, looking at the hand wrapped in his palm, there was an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

Ying Xiaoyang deliberately slowed down and tilted the umbrella in her hand to her side: "How many days off here when it rains?"

"Tomorrow weekend, two days, the specific situation depends on whether it will rain on Monday." Yin Shi lowered his eyes, answered his question quietly, and suddenly remembered: "Right, when do you plan to start the project? ?"

"It's raining now, so I can't move it. I'll talk about it when it's clear."

"Oh, oh." Yin Shi retracted his gaze and responded indifferently, while Ying Xiaoyang who was walking in front suddenly stopped. Yin Shi did not pay attention and ran into his back abruptly.

Ying Xiaoyang tilted his head and looked over, Yin Shi also just raised his head to meet his eyes, looked at his brows and said, "What are you stopping for?"

Ying Xiaoyang laughed: "It's because you walked too slowly. Although this umbrella is more than enough to hit the two of us, but there are so many spaces in between, you will get caught in the rain." After speaking, he continued to pull her forward.

When the two of them got on the **** below the house where they lived, several people in Yin Shi's working group were walking toward this side with umbrellas. The few people looked at each other and couldn't help looking at Ying Xiaoyang who was holding Yin Shi. hand.

Noting their gazes, Yin Shi was stunned, and immediately withdrew his hand from Ying Xiaoyang's palm, and asked with a cold face, "Where are you guys going?"

Ying Xiaoyang's hands were empty, he stared at her brows, and stared at her beautiful profile with her eyes closed.

"Um... we just remembered that we left the school with the file, and we are about to find the principal to get the key." Zhou Meng recovered and answered Yin Shi's question blankly.

"Well, the road is slippery on a rainy day, and the sky is getting dark. Be careful yourself." Yin Shi nodded faintly, and glanced at Fat Hu and Xu Kai: "You two are men. Take good care of Mengmeng and Lu. Lu."

"Okay, Sister Yin Shi, don't worry." Fat Tiger nodded with a smile, and made an'ok' gesture.

Yin Shi retracted his gaze and walked straight ahead, Ying Xiao Yang immediately caught up with his umbrella under his umbrella.

After the two of them entered the house, the few people standing in the rain silently withdrew their gazes, and Fat Tiger asked curiously: "You said...what is the situation with Sister Yin Shi and Ying Zong? They are already there. Have you dated? If I read it right, they just held hands."

"I don't know if you are dating or not. Anyway, I only know that Ying always likes Sister Yin Shi." Zhou Meng touched his chin and shook his head, very sure.

"But... according to Mr. Ying’s past style, it’s probably just for fun. I'm really worried about Sister Yin Shi now. Mr. Ying is so handsome and there are many women around him, especially his lace news. More than celebrities, there is definitely no sense of security with him." Lulu sighed with worry on her face.

"Well...this is true, but President Ying has been chasing sister Yin Shi to this ravine. It should be...serious!" Zhou Meng hesitated, and said the latter sentence without any confidence in her heart.

Everyone has seen the lace news about Ying Xiaoyang, as well as which internet celebrities or celebrities he and he went to and out of his own high-end restaurant to eat, behave intimately scandalous reports, and such reports are not rare, all know that he is very carefree, so Although they said that, they still felt that Ying Xiaoyang came here only as a means of chasing Yin. It seemed serious, but in fact it was more playful. After all, other women were reluctant to accept him, and what he said was what he said. There is more to admire him or fear him. There has never been a woman who rejects and rejects him like Yin Shi.

"It's getting late, let's go get the things back first! Sister Yin Shi just said that here are all dirt roads, slippery roads, go early and return early, before the sky is completely dark." Xu Kai who was speaking suddenly changed the subject when all of them were silent.

The few people remembered what was going on, and quickly turned around: "Yes, right, the most important thing now is this, hurry up, let Sister Yin Shi know what documents we have left, Sister Yin Shi will scold us to death, and it is estimated that the bonuses in the past few months will be ruined of."

After Yin Shi entered the room, he turned around and inadvertently scanned Ying Xiaoyang, and found that his shoulders were already wet, so he pursed his lips and said, "Go and change your clothes!"

Ying Xiaoyang glanced at his shoulders, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he looked at it with profound eyes: "Okay, I'll change it."

Perceiving the deep meaning in his eyes, Yin Shi frowned displeasedly and turned directly into his room.

Because the shoes were a bit wet when he just walked back, Yin Shi changed his shoes and put on a pair of slippers. After a little processing of the shoes, he planned to take them out and wash them. As soon as he went out, he saw a strange scene.

"I'm so handsome and so young, and I give you candy, can't you call me brother?" Ying Xiaoyang changed into a white sportswear and squatted in front of Niuniu, holding a lollipop in his hand. While teasing Niuniu, there was a feeling of hatred and helplessness on her handsome face.

"Uncle." But Niuniu also looked at him with big round eyes, nodding very persistently and shouted.

Ying Xiaoyang's headache and holding his forehead suddenly felt a sense of frustration: "You are called brother, and you are called sister Yin Shi. Why should I be an uncle? I still have to be a generation behind her."

"It's Uncle."

"It's elder brother, look, elder brother is reasonable with you, you call Yin Shi elder sister, right? That's not called my elder brother, then you can call me brother-in-law."


Yin Shi stood behind and listened, his eyes widened in surprise, those cold eyes staring straight at his back, as if to stare through him.

"Because your sister Yin Shi will be my wife in the future! You should call me brother-in-law! Come on, call my brother-in-law, can I give you this lollipop? I'll buy it for you next time I go to the street , I will buy you new clothes and shoes." Ying Xiaoyang shook the lollipop in his hand, and she shook the four-year-old Niuniu.

The corners of Yin Shi's mouth twitched fiercely, and he walked over with his shoes, grabbed the lollipop in his hand, and stared at him fiercely.

The lollipop in his hand was taken away, Ying Xiao Yang looked up and smiled: "What's the matter?"

"Niu Niu, don't pay attention to him, take it and eat it!" Yin Shi bent over and gave the lollipop to Niu Niu. He smiled and watched as she ran away before restraining her smile and looking at Jun Ying who had risen from the ground: " What are you talking nonsense in front of Niuniu? Are you embarrassed to fool people with lollipops after such a big person?

"How can I fool her? What I said is really good? You will be my wife sooner or later, what's wrong with my brother-in-law? Isn't it right? And, she calls my uncle and your sister. Coming from seniority, shouldn't you call me uncle too?"

"Ying Xiaoyang, don't you want to be cheap?"

"Don't worry about uncle, just call your husband." Ying Xiaoyang's smile on his face became more and more serious, and there was a bit of pride in her eyes.

"Ying Xiaoyang."

Seeing that she was about to make a move, Ying Xiaoyang immediately took two steps back and raised her eyebrows uninhibitedly: "It will be long in the future, and it will be long in the future. Don't worry about this for a while. There will be time to call in the future. Take your time, I know you are shy."

"I think you want to die." Yin Shi walked over. He really couldn't see his ‘skinny leather’ appearance. He wanted to kick him on both feet, but he avoided him flexibly.


The rainy days linger around Yu'er Bay for four or five days without stopping. On the contrary, it is getting worse and worse, and the climate is getting worse and worse. Especially the mountains to the east have shown signs of landslides, and the young people in the village are helping to block them with stones. During that section, I am afraid that there will be mudslides.

Speaking of young people, the people in Yin Shi’s group and Ying Xiaoyang’s assistant Jiang Yuan must not be able to run away. Several people are helping in raincoats. Ying Xiaoyang, a respectable young master, also rarely wears a transparent raincoat to help there. .

Although he seems to be distracted, he used to have a master's degree in mathematics, his brain is very smart and easy to use, and he is also very sensitive to data. Therefore, he is the main core of these people in measuring slippage and planning. All of them are Listening to him, people in the village occasionally remind him a few words, after all, this kind of thing happens more often in their villages and towns, and they are considered to be experienced.

The most important thing is that the place 30 meters away from this landslide is a residential area. If you turn over the mudslide, the residents below will be in danger, including the house where Yin Shi and Ying Xiaoyang lived.

"How's it going?" Yin Shi walked to the landslide site under an umbrella, watching a dozen people all wearing transparent raincoats around there, shuttled around, locked in the attractive handsome shadow, walked over and asked: "How's it going?"

Hearing the sound, Ying Xiaoyang turned his head and looked at him, his brows subconsciously looked at him, and he asked unhappyly: "What are you here for? Didn't I tell you this morning? You are not allowed to come here. This hillside may slide down at any time. ."

In response to the oncoming blame, Yin Shiwei raised his head, pursed his lips, and whispered back, "I just want to come over and take a look."

"What are you looking at? What's so good, disobedience, it's raining so much, go back quickly and wait, it's not allowed to come up." Ying Xiaoyang raised the hands that were soaked in the rain and gently tapped hers. Forehead, but suddenly raised his eyebrows, approached her, his tone was full of charm and deepness: "If you feel bad for me, you will feel bad again when I finish my busy schedule when I go back tonight. I feel a little bit painful here." There was a smirk on his shoulders.

Yin Shi gave him an irritable look at the words, and turned his head to look at the landslide, his expression a little solemn: "Ying Xiaoyang, if the rain goes on like this, this **** will slip sooner or later, if..."

"Don't worry, if you really slip, I will die in front of you, and you don't have to be afraid of being alone."

"Hello!" Yin Shi slapped his arm angrily after hearing this, "What nonsense?"

"Tsk! Can't bear to die!"

"I'll talk to you about business again!"

"I'm talking about business! Marry me!"

Yin Shi stared at him dumbly. Under this landslide, or in the rain, he could still say such things with a smile. Should he say that he is too optimistic, or too inattentive?

"Come on for you! I'm going down." Yin Shi didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned and walked down the mountain.

Ying Xiaoyang looked at her back and laughed silently. After she had walked a certain distance, she shouted: "When Yin, if you don't speak, I will act as your default. When I return to the city, I will directly. Go to your house to propose a marriage."

When Yin Shi heard this, he turned his head and glared at him angrily, speeding up his pace and walking down.

The next day during the day, Ying Xiaoyang went to see the condition of the hillside very early. The rain was heavier than yesterday. The small stream in the north was full of water, and the water filled the fields on both sides. The situation is not optimistic.

In order to ensure the safety of those who rushed to the repairs, the village head did not let them go out, saying that they would have to wait for the rain to become lighter.

Ying Xiaoyang was thinking about countermeasures at home. In the afternoon, someone shouted that the **** had slipped. Ying Xiaoyang immediately rushed out of the room, looked at the situation outside, put on a raincoat, and went out.

The homes of the three families closest to the hillside have already started to flood, the two pillars behind the house have been broken, and everyone else is helping to evacuate the people in the house.

The people in Yin Shi’s group and Jiang Yuan were also helping. The mudslide came too suddenly, and several people had been injured. In particular, there were three families with old people and children. One family had one old man, three children, and one. Only a little over two years old.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and the village head shouted with a loudspeaker so that everyone should not panic.

After about an hour of rescue, the people around the mudslide were evacuated safely, but some of them were injured. The scene was full of children's crying.

"Hey! Where's Sister Yin Shi?" Zhou Meng walked around and asked anxiously after arriving in a safe place.

"Yeah! I haven't seen Sister Yin Shi just now, how about her?"

Ying Xiaoyang, who was just about to take off his raincoat, heard the sound, smeared the yin bird on his face, turned his head to look at them, and asked with shadowy eyes: "Yin Shi is here too? When did it happen?"

When he went out, he did not see Yin Shi's figure. He didn't think much about it at that time, thinking she was in his room at that time!

"Before the accident, Sister Yin Shi came over and told me that the child from Xiang's family had a high fever, and the village doctor had no anti-fever medicine. So she asked me to ask for anti-fever medicine to go to her house. The third one just broke through the mudslide is Xiang's house. ...."

Before Zhou Meng's words were finished, Ying Xiaoyang turned around and rushed into the rain. He heard the cry of an old lady beside him: "The village chief, the village chief, why didn't my granddaughter see her? She was sleeping in the house. Yeah! How come I haven't seen her after looking around!"

Upon hearing this, the village head immediately threw away the tobacco in his hand and called the old lady's granddaughter's name with a loudspeaker. When no one answered, he quickly reorganized people and started looking.

"Ms. Ying, where are you going? It's dangerous." Jiang Yuan Jian Ying Xiaoyang walked into the muddy water and hurriedly stepped forward to grab him and shouted.

Ying Xiaoyang shook off his hand, walked a few steps forward, and shouted, "Yin Shi, Yin Shi, where are you?"

"I'm here..." Yin Shi waved in front of a pillar, holding a two-year-old child in her hand. She took off the raincoat from her body for the child to wear. She was soaked and she was still responding. Xiao Yang came here.

Ying Xiaoyang was relieved to see that she was safe, and quickly walked towards her.

But soon, a tree washed down with the current, which happened to be where Yin Shi was standing at this time.

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