Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: Yin Shifan 074: Making friends carelessly

Just two steps out of Yin Shi, he was overtaken by his long legs. He grabbed her wrist with a panic expression: "It's not what you think, I can explain it, really...biquge"

"Let go." Yin Shi shook him twice, and finally stared at him with an impatient face.

"Don't let it go." Ying Xiaoyang grabbed her wrist tightly, with a serious expression on his expression that he had never had before. He knew that as long as he let go now, she would leave without hesitation, and she would leave afterwards. If you don't look back, you really won't have a chance.

"Ying Xiaoyang..."


Yin Shi was a little annoyed, and his heart was particularly irritable. When he was about to get angry at him, Ying Xiaoyang suddenly grabbed her hand and knelt down: "I can really explain. It's really not what you imagined. I definitely didn't want to take it. What you are betting on."

"You...what are you doing? Get up quickly." Yin Shi opened his eyes wide, looked at him incredulously, and then looked around the entire corridor: "Get up quickly."

"I can't afford it, unless you ask me to explain it clearly." Ying Xiaoyang completely ignored the gazes of the medical staff and patients in the corridor. Anyway, in his heart, the husband can stretch and bend, kneeling up to the parents, and kneeling down. What's wrong with my wife? Are they getting in the way?

"Can't you get up first?" Yin Shi gritted his teeth and glared at him, not as embarrassed, but because he felt that the president of the dignified Ying's group would kneel down to her at every turn. If this spreads out, she must be treated well. If a woman doesn't say anything about becoming a public enemy, can't he be a big man to save face?


"You said." Yin Shi only felt his brain hurt at this time, he held his forehead and gritted his teeth to compromise.

"There is indeed something about this bet." Ying Xiaoyang finished speaking, and saw Yin Shi's face changed, and quickly continued: "But I didn't promise. You believe me, really. At first, I talked to them about chasing. At your time, the two of them didn't believe it, they insisted on betting with me, and even said the bet. I didn't agree, and they both thought I was tacitly agreeing.

While talking, Ying Xiaoyang pointed to Qi Yan and Mingke in the room. They were also typical of "both of them's fault."

Yin Shi frowned and looked at the two people in the room. His eyes were full of murderousness and anger. Qi Yan and Mingke, who were still watching the show, were suddenly nominated, and he suddenly recovered, especially in closing. When Yin Shi’s cannibalistic eyes floated over, the two shivered, suddenly a cold sweat on their backs, they blinked their eyes innocently, and immediately knelt down: "Sister-in-law, we are wrong, we are guilty, we shouldn’t be guilty of anything. You shouldn't be kidding you."

Yin Shi, who was still a little angry, saw the routine kneeling movements of the two of them. This skill inexplicably made her feel a little bit painful. She looked down at Ying Xiaoyang, then looked at both of them, and suddenly felt that there was something. The words are not wrong at all, those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to Mo are black. What kind of people make friends.

But she began to wonder again, how should Xiao Yang look at it, and the two brothers Lu Yiyang and Lu Jingyan are not in the same world!

Why did you become brothers who can love and kill each other?

After Yin Shi monopolized her thoughts, she suddenly found that the anger in her heart was gone. She actually wanted to continue to be angry. After all, being used as a bet would be unhappy for anyone.

At this moment, Yin Shi suddenly thought of something. He tilted his body to the side and looked down at his head slightly. He squinted his eyes and said, "Your legs... are you done?"

Ying Xiaoyang was stunned when he heard it, his eyes rolled a few times, swallowed saliva, and finally choked with saliva: "Ahem... that... this...."

Yin Shi raised the corner of his mouth and slowly squatted down, looking at him with a smile, "Can you explain it again? Okay, then I will listen to you. I'm really curious. When someone called me during the day today, he said that Jiang Yuan was going to work, he didn't have time to take care of himself, and his legs couldn't get off the ground. He also said that his legs hurt. Come and explain! I'll listen."

"Ahem... just right... I..."

"Continue editing, if you don't make this matter round today, you will be dead."

When Mingke and Qi Yan in the room saw this, they raised their eyebrows happily, and finally knew what Feng Shui turned around. They stood up very proudly, walked to Ying Xiaoyang's side, and blamed them in angrily. He said: "Old Ying! It's not that I said you, how could you lie to your sister-in-law like this? Even if we were both deceived by you, it's too much, sister-in-law, it won't work, you have to treat it well. Treat him, he dares to lie to you now, and he will definitely lie to you in the future."

"Sister-in-law, Mingke is right, Lao Ying, you are too unkind to be a liar." Qi Yan also echoed, and it is bound to avenge the kneeling just now: "Sister-in-law, let's go first, that I’m really sorry about the stakes. Next time, next time we invite you to dinner to make amends in person, today you will take care of Lao Ying."

"Yes, right, right, let's not bother for now." When Qi Yan looked at Yin with an apologetic expression, it was completely like "We have just confessed, and we will correct our mistakes and be good people." Before leaving, I didn’t forget and Ying Xiaoyang smiled and waved, and threw a'death' wink at him: "Old Ying, let’s go first. By the way, Lin Meiling sent me a WeChat message yesterday. , Asked me when would you come back, and said that I haven't seen you for a long time and missed you a little bit. You took the time to call her back. After all, you have also... uh."

"What nonsense." When it came to the critical moment, Mingke pushed him heavily and interrupted him: "Sister-in-law, don't listen to Qi Yan's nonsense. If there is nothing, we won't be light bulbs. Let's go. Come on!"

"I'm talking nonsense, nonsense, my sister-in-law takes it seriously." Qi Yan also hurriedly shut his mouth, patted his mouth lightly, smiled with Yin Shi, and was led by Ming Ke.

When they walked to the corner of the corridor, the two silently slapped their palms. At this time, Xiao Yang should wait for a while. Usually, you can't find such a good opportunity.

Kneeling on the ground, Ying Xiaoyang also naturally saw that these two damaging friends had deliberately cheated themselves. This is a good thing. Suddenly, he mentioned Lin Meiling, who was still fanning the flames and adding fuel to the fire.

Making friends carelessly.

Ying Xiaoyang now has the urge to chop off the two of them with a kitchen knife to feed the dog.

After the two of them completely disappeared from the field of vision, Ying Xiaoyang silently moved her gaze to look at Yin Shi's expression, and found that she was still cold, and when she didn't smile at all, she moved her lips: "I... ...."

"Get up first." Yin Shi stood up suddenly and interrupted him indifferently.

Ying Xiaoyang thought she was going to leave. When she fell silent, she got up from the ground, and the hand holding her wrist heavier, cleared her throat: "I didn't mean it, I'm not afraid of you... Don’t pay attention to me anymore? Don’t be angry, I was wrong, I swear, I won’t dare anymore.” After speaking, she shook her arm like a little milk dog, gently using her body Knocked her down and said a little.

Regarding his acting like a baby, Yin Shi got goose bumps on the floor and hurriedly tried to push him away, but when he couldn't push him away, he had no choice but to say: "Can't you not speak well? Don't be yin and yang, it makes me feel bad."

"Then are you still angry?"

"What do you say?"

"I really know I was wrong."

"Let go first."

"Don't let go."


"Come in first." Ying Xiaoyang looked at the people on both sides, pulled Yin Shi into the ward, closed the door, and turned Yin Shi directly on the door panel, supporting her hands on the door panel: "Yin At that time, you believe me, I said that I want to chase you and want to marry you are serious, without the slightest joke, even if you disagree now, it doesn’t matter, I can wait until you agree."

Yin Shi’s face was slightly moved, looking at his real gaze and serious handsome appearance, the line of defense at the bottom of his heart was also being broken a little bit, and the shadow of childhood seemed to be a little bit covered by the sunny man in front of him. Let her forget the sad memories.

"Boom boom boom..."

The door panel was knocked suddenly, Yin Shi's heart trembled fiercely, and all the emotions and emotions were monopolized, and he hurriedly pushed away Ying Xiaoyang in front of him, and walked from his arms to the sofa.

Ying Xiaoyang looked at her slightly nervous back and let out a laugh, but was a little angry at the person who suddenly disturbed him, so he opened the door impatiently, and when he was angry, he saw a touch of standing outside. The figure of the elegant lady was also taken aback for a moment, and blurted out: "Mom, why are you here?"

"You stinky boy, you don't know what happened to me because of such a serious injury. If I hadn't been to your company and heard your employee say today, I don't know what Yuerwan you have come back from." Ying's mother With a straight face, he shouted at him angrily, and looked at him up and down again: "Is it serious? How is it? Will it affect future walking?"

"Mom, I'm fine, I can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

"That's good, that's good." After hearing what he said, Ying's mother was relieved, pushed him away and approached the room, found that there was a box with him, and stooped to pick it up subconsciously: "What is this?"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yang quickly walked over and picked it up: "I just accidentally fell on the ground."

Ying's mother looked at him in such an abnormal appearance, and she was a little bit puzzled. She just turned around and saw Yin Shi standing on the sofa. She looked up and down with probing eyes. Yin Shi was not afraid of her looking, polite. Nodding hello: "Hello Auntie."

"Oh, hello." Yingmu nodded: "You are the Yin Shi!"

Yin Shi was a little surprised that Ying's mother knew him, and the tension in his heart increased a little, and his lips moved. Before she could say anything, she heard Ying's mother asking again: "It's you who hurt my son." !"

Yin Shi was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then made a very sorry look: "I'm sorry, auntie..."

"No, Mom, what are you doing? What does my injury have to do with her?" Ying Xiaoyang listened to the words, and walked over with a frown, protecting her behind him.

"What are you doing so nervously? I didn't mean to blame Yin Shi, so I just asked casually." Ying Mu glanced at Ying Xiao Yang, and pulled him away from the front, smiling towards Yin Shi: "I've seen it. Your photo, but you are much better than the photo. I heard that you work in a TV station?"

"Well, yes." Yin Shi narrowed his eyes and responded quietly.

"Then you should have read the lace news from our Xiao Yang before!"

Yin Shi's hand holding the bag clenched fiercely, pursing his lips and nodding, but did not speak.

"Mom." As soon as Ying's mother said, Ying Xiaoyang immediately took the call and roared, "What on earth do you want to do?"

"I'm not doing anything, I'm just asking, and I don't mean anything else." Ying's mother smiled helplessly and spread her hands.

Yin Shi constricted his eyes, and understood in his heart Ying's mother's attitude toward her. The stubbornness and tremor that had just disappeared when Ying Xiaoyang confessed to her, and the stubbornness in his heart was about to disappear. And self-esteem was ignited again.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong for what caused Ying Xiaoyang's injury, so I will pay for his medical expenses and hospitalization expenses. I'm sorry, I still have something to do, so I won't bother you." Yin Shi bowed deeply to Ying's mother. , After speaking, he didn't look at Ying Xiaoyang, and walked directly to the door of the ward.

"Yin Shi, Yin Shi." Ying Xiaoyang watched her pass by, her voice from light to loud, and when she finally turned around, Yin Shi was gone.

When he was about to turn around and chase him out, Ying's mother stopped him: "What are you going to do?"

"Mom, what do you want to do?" Ying Xiaoyang exhaled angrily, and finally shouted at Ying's mother uncontrollably.

"What else can I do? I'm accumulating virtue for the second half of my life." Ying's mother gave him a sideways glance, retracted her hand, walked to the sofa and sat down gracefully, and put the bag aside: "My own son is I know what virtue is best. I have investigated that Yin Shi, she is a good girl, you! Don't harm others, and die early!"

"Mom, what do you mean by this? What do you mean by me doing harm to others?" Ying Xiaoyang couldn't believe that this was spoken from his own mother. Others' mothers felt that no woman was worthy of it. My excellent son, how could his mother turn his elbow out?

"Isn't it? How many good girls have you harmed? I'm afraid that I'm not worthy of the sins you committed all day when I eat at home. Is it easy for me? Your scandals are all over the sky, and your dad and I are now faceless to go out to see you People, and, let me tell you, the girls you have had scandals in the past don't want to use your superiors to be some kind of gold worshipers. You can’t learn from your dad if you look at a woman from the perspective of a woman? Your mother and I are so good and beautiful."

Hearing what Ying's mother said, Ying Xiaoyang couldn't help but roll his eyes, and said this together in order to lift himself up. It was his own mother who was right.

"Those reports were all scribbled by the outside media, and Yin Shi is different from them." Ying Xiaoyang sighed and said painfully.

Ying's mother snorted and gave him an angry look: "Of course I know that Yin Shi is different. Those women are completely incomparable to her. Today, I deliberately asked someone to investigate her family situation before I realized that she It is a single-parent family. The mother suffers from breast cancer. Now she is relying on chemotherapy to maintain her life. She can't live for two years at most. There are also elderly grandparents in the family. Yin Shi alone bears all the expenses of the family. This way the family comes out. Girls themselves are very strong, do you know that she can’t afford to play? Therefore, you also accept your desire to play, don’t harm other girls, do you understand?"

"Single-parent family?" Ying Xiaoyang raised his brows after hearing this, and asked suspiciously.

"Look, you don't even know the most basic thing. Let the girls go! I don't advise you to get married now. I just hope that you will be less harmful to girls and accumulate some virtue for me and your dad? "

Ying Xiaoyang pursed his lips, his expression was slightly narrowed, as if he was thinking about something, and he didn't listen to what Ying's mother was saying next to him.

After a long while, Mother Ying reached out and patted his arm: "I'm talking to you, did you listen to it?"

"What?" Ying Xiaoyang suddenly monopolized his thoughts, raising his eyes to look at Ying's mother.

Ying's mother glared at him angrily: "I said so much with me, but you didn't even hear a word? Are you trying to **** me off? I said that you are dealing with that Yin Shishao and you are not allowed to chase her. A good girl has done you a scourge. What a pity, have you heard?"

"Mom, I'm yours."

"Nonsense, if you weren't my own, I wouldn't bother to care about you, let alone come to see you today."


Ying Xiaoyang helped his forehead helplessly, squinting his eyes: "I am serious about Yin Shi."

"Seriously? How to be serious?"

"I will marry her."

"What?" Mother Ying widened her eyes in surprise and looked at him incredulously. Her own son knew best that Ying Xiao Yangsheng had **** and freedom, and didn't want to be restrained, no matter how many scandals he and young girls were going on. He had never heard a word "marry her" or get married.

Now looking at Ying Xiaoyang's serious look, Ying's mother is a little uncomfortable. It took a long time before she reacted, tilting her head and asking, "Are you sure you are serious?"


"What can you guarantee that you are serious?"

"Mom, I'm your son, can't you believe me once?"

"Believe you? The sow can go up the tree."


Seeing Ying Xiaoyangsheng’s irreverent expression, Ying’s mother thought for a moment: “Then you said it earlier! When I said that to Yin just now, I would definitely think that I didn’t like her and didn’t agree with the two of you together! Tsk! How to do it?"

Ying Xiaoyang helped his forehead, feeling a deep headache: "What do you think I'm going to Yuerwan for? Don't you just want to chase her? Just now I was confessing it, and seeing that she was about to agree, it turned out to be good. You are here. , Tell me, what should I do now? Yin Shi really has a strong temperament, what if he doesn't want to see me in the future?"

"Oh! I didn't read the almanac when I went out today! Why did you mess up this matter, tut! Blame you too, if you didn't tell me your thoughts earlier, it made me worry, you chase it yourself! It's not early I will go back first. Remember, this daughter-in-law I am very satisfied. You should work hard and don’t let me down on your expectations. "After that, Ying’s mother looked at the time and looked like she was in a hurry. He took the bag and left the ward.

Ying Xiaoyang: "..."

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