Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 5: : Living under the same roof

Since the clue provided by Fu Qihan is very important, the police also followed this route to investigate all things related to perfume and floral fragrance, while Tao Qixun stayed by Fu Qihan from morning to night. .biquge

After the dusk fell, Fu Qihan received a call from Fu Jinheng, saying that she had to work overtime at night, and she might come back later, and let her have dinner with the policeman.

Fu Qihan was actually a little bit disappointed, but he also understood that Fu Jinheng, as a prosecutor, couldn't get rid of some things. On a larger scale, they also control the life and death and destiny of others.

Fortunately, there is Tao Qixun next to her, which gives her a little sense of security and is not so scared.

Fu Jinheng did not tell her family about the fact that she was protected as a witness by the police. He did not let them worry about it. It would not be too late to wait for the murderer of this case to come back.

Fu Jinheng usually eats outside, and basically does not cook at home. He used to live alone in this apartment. A nanny will clean it regularly every week. The kitchen is also spotless, except for drinks in the refrigerator. There is nothing to eat outside.

Therefore, at noon, Fu Qihan and Tao Qixun ordered the takeaway. During the process of receiving the takeaway, Fu Qihan did not show up. It was also because Tao Qixun was afraid that the murderer would come close to Fu Qihan deliberately. Although a little too guarded, The heart that is not afraid of ten thousand just in case is right.

In the evening, after Tao Qixun asked Fu Qihan what he wanted to eat, he also ordered takeaway. Fu Qihan thought, he gave lunch for lunch, and he couldn’t let him give it for dinner, but she really didn’t have much money, so I thought about it. Just think about it and ask: "Tao Qixun, what is your WeChat ID? I'll add you."

Tao Qixun looked at her suspiciously, but didn't refuse, so he opened his WeChat QR code and scanned it for her. After adding it, Tao Qixun didn't ask more, so he put the phone away.

More than half an hour later, the doorbell rang. Fu Qihan raised his eyes nervously and looked at him. Tao Qixun smiled and got up and walked out: "It should be the takeaway. Don't be afraid. I'll go and see. You sit here and don't move. ."

"Yeah." Fu Qihan hugged the dolphin in his hand tightly, swallowed his saliva and looked at the direction of the door.

I walked to the door and looked at the people outside from the cat's eyes. When I saw the people outside, the guard in my heart relaxed at once, opened the door, and shouted with a smile: "Song team, you are here. "

"Yeah." Song Jinan was holding fruits and snacks in one hand and a black backpack in the other. He walked in and looked at Fu Qihan who was sitting cross-legged on the single sofa, and found her expression strange. Asked: "What's the matter? What's the matter? So nervous?"

"It's okay, we just ordered takeout. Miss Fu was scared and nervous when she heard the doorbell." Tao Qixun brought the door up, followed up, and asked, "Team Song, why are you here?"

"I discussed with Yang Detachment today. It's really not good for you as a boy to guard Fu Qihan at night. Therefore, I will protect her at night and you will be responsible during the day."

Tao Qixun heard the words, glanced at Fu Qihan, and nodded: "Okay, I see, then I'm leaving now?"

"Didn't you just say you ordered takeaway? Then let's eat dinner before leaving!"

"Yes, good." Tao Qixun smiled and nodded, scratching his head and asked: "Team Song, have you had dinner?"

"I've eaten it more than an hour ago, don't worry about me." Song Jinan put the bag in his hand on the table, put the backpack on the sofa, and looked at Fu Qihan with a faint expression: "I brought you some food. Yes, thank you for the clue you provided us today."

Fu Qihan looked at Song Jinan who was a little cold, thinking about how she comforted herself in such a soft voice yesterday, he smiled: "Thank you." Thinking of what she said just now, he asked: "So I haven't caught the murderer. Before, did you sleep with me these nights?"

"Um...no, I will sleep in the living room. I stay with you just to ensure your safety, and have no other meaning." Song Jinan pursed her lips, pondered, and then seriously explained.

"It's okay, how cold it is to sleep on the sofa at night! My brother has only two rooms here, I don't mind squeezing to sleep together." Fu Qihan smiled sweetly, and was equal to the big sister who protected her and gave her warmth yesterday. Have a good impression: "Um... can I call your sister? It's too strange to call Officer Song."

"It's okay, you can call it whatever you like!" Song Jin'an raised the corner of Yang's mouth lightly, and his tone was calm and calm.

Soon, the door bell rang again, and the food they ordered was delivered. Fu Qihan and Tao Qixun sat at the table to finish the dinner. Tao Qixun took the garbage and prepared to leave. Before leaving, he asked, "Team Song , Then what time do I come tomorrow morning?"

"Before eight o'clock!"

"Okay, then I'll go first, and I will bring you breakfast tomorrow morning." After that, Tao Qixun's eyes fell on Fu Qihan: "If you have anything you want to eat, you can send us WeChat and tell me. Anyway, you just added me to WeChat. Up."

"Yeah." Fu Qihan smiled sweetly, nodded, and watched Tao Qixun leave.

Song Jinan and Fu Qihan were the only ones left in the huge apartment after Tao Qixun left. Song Jinan looked around the apartment and found that she had been here for so long and had not seen Fu Jinheng, so he asked, "Your brother... , Fu Jian hasn't come back yet?"

"Well, he called back in the evening and said he had to work overtime, and he would be back later so that I would stay at home and not run around.

After listening to Fu Qihan's words, Song Jinan silently retracted his gaze, and said nothing.

At about ten o'clock, Fu Qihan got up and went to take a shower. He also introduced Song Jinan to the structure of the room in the apartment, and said, "Sister Jinan, I'm a little sleepy, so go to bed first. You want to go to bed. It’s fine to just come in directly when you’re ready, and I won’t lock the door."

"Yeah." Song Jinan turned around to look at her who was yawning, and said quietly.

"Good night!"

"good night."

After watching Fu Qihan enter the room with the dolphin doll in his arms, Song Jinan retracted his gaze, picked up the remote control to switch channels, and switched to a TV that she was more interested in. But after watching for a few minutes, her thoughts shifted to this. The case is up.

Unknowingly, it was eleven o'clock. After hearing the password input from the door, Song Jinan monopolized his thoughts and turned his head vigilantly to look at the door. After hearing the sound of opening and closing the door, he saw it after a while. A familiar handsome shadow in a dark trench coat was reflected in her sharp eyes.

Fu Jinheng pulled on the necktie, and when he saw Song Jinan, his handsome handsome Rong was dyed in surprise, and he was obviously taken aback: "Officer Song?"

Song Jinan looked at his puzzled look, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, who had always been calm and composed, and there was a trace of embarrassment across her face. She slowly stood up, her lips moved, and it took a long time to explain: "In order to protect Miss Fu, this is a last resort, and I hope that Fu Jian will understand."

After listening to her, Fu Jinheng knew what she meant. In fact, he was more surprised that she would show up at his house so late, but after her explanation, Fu Jinheng probably understood it too. It should be because of those words when I went out this morning!

Although Tao Qixun has the ability to protect Fu Qihan, he is a man after all, and Fu Qihan is also a young girl, which is more or less inconvenient. Therefore, Song Jinan came to protect Fu at night. Qi Han's candidate!

Thinking about it this way, Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows and felt that he was quite satisfied with the result. The originally puzzled handsome suddenly changed to a deep smile, walked over, and put his briefcase on the solo sofa: "So, I understand, I understand, but... it's already half past eleven, and Officer Song hasn't slept yet, is it... waiting for me?"

Song Jin'an pursed his lips, and met his eyes without fear, and did not deny: "There are also reasons for this. I suddenly moved into your house, so why should I tell you?"

Fu Jinheng raised his brows, nodded, and sat down with a smile on his face: "What about the other reasons? Is it convenient to disclose?"

Seeing Fu Jinheng’s profound smile, Song Jin’an felt inexplicably bottomless, a little unpredictable, whether the man’s mood was too deep, or for some reason, he always felt that he was looking at himself when he was facing himself. The calmness she showed at the time made her a little oppressive.

"It's okay. I was thinking about the case just now, and I was a little engrossed. I didn't know it." Song Jinan retracted his gaze and sat on the sofa again, opening his mouth nonchalantly.

Listening to her indifferent tone, Fu Jinheng heard that she waited while waiting for him to be thinking about the case. She didn't mean to wait for him to come back. Thinking about it, Fu Jinheng raised his brows slightly and changed the subject to ask: "Did Hanhan say anything today? Are there any new developments in the case?"

He actually hopes that this case will be solved as soon as possible. After all, this will not threaten his sister, but thinking that Song Jinan will live under the same roof with him during the next period of time, he looks forward to it again, just staring at him. The brows stretched again in an instant, and there was a sense of pleasure.

He still has a good feeling for this woman, but he can't say the specific good feeling. Just when he sees her indifferent look, he will also think of Su Yanxi's indifferent pretty face. It's just that there is no Su between her eyebrows. Yanxi was soft, but Su Yanxi lacked her innate heroic aura and fierce aura.

"Miss Fu said..."

"Don't Miss Fu, Miss Fu, just call her name." Just as Song Jinan spoke, Fu Jinheng interrupted her and added: "Not so particular."

Song Jinan looked at him, always feeling that the words behind him had other meanings, but he could not deliberately try to figure it out, and naturally answered: "Han Han said that when the murderer approached her yesterday, she smelled a very strong smell. And the unique scent. We checked many flower shops and perfume shops today, and we didn’t smell any strange and unique scents.”

"Unique fragrance?" Fu Jinheng squinted his eyes and thought about it. "Han Han University's major is chemistry, and she has a super talent in perfumery. She can also research and make perfumes, so her sense of smell is also great. Very sensitive, much more sensitive than normal people. Usually sometimes she can smell the smell that we can't smell. If she says that the smell is very unique and strong, we should not judge the smell based on her judgment. Thick and light, it would be better to judge only by the uniqueness she said, besides..."

As Fu Jinheng said, he paused for a while, and the expression on his face was also a bit serious: "I don't stand in the position of her brother. I don't mind if you can take her with you when you are looking for this taste. It will definitely be something. Help, and... She is very active by nature. She will not be able to stay at home for up to two days. She will definitely want to go out. From the standpoint of her brother, my only hope is that she will be safe."

"Don't worry about this. If Fu Jian agrees to let us solve the case with Hanhan, we will definitely guarantee her safety." In fact, she has the idea of ​​solving the case together with Fu Qihan, but she is afraid of Fu Jinheng. He would disagree and didn't rush to say it. I didn't expect Fu Jinheng to raise it first.

"Song Officer said so, I naturally believe it." Fu Jinheng smiled, slowly got up, and picked up the briefcase on the side: "But you have to discuss with Hanhan specifically, she is an adult, and there are some things. I have made my own decisions and thoughts. If she agrees, you also have the confidence to protect her safety. I have no opinion at all."

When he was about to go back to the room, Fu Jinheng suddenly thought, "Police Officer Song will not have to live on the sofa these days, right?"

"Han Han said you don't mind squeezing with me."

Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows: "That's good, I'm afraid I might be wronged by letting Officer Song sleep on the sofa."

Seeing Fu Jinheng returning to the room, Song Jinan was inexplicably relieved, thinking that he would discuss the investigation with Fu Qihan tomorrow, while taking out the toiletries from his black backpack and heading to the bathroom.

She had taken a shower before coming, so now she just needs to wash it briefly. The door is also open, and it is not closed and locked. When she pours the facial cleanser and rubs the bubbles on her face, the bathroom Suddenly the door was pushed open, and Fu Jinheng walked in. The two of them stared at each other, and they were both stunned.

The first thing that reacted was Fu Jinheng. Looking at the white foamy face, he couldn't help but smile: "Sorry, I don't know you are inside."

Song Jinan came back to his senses in a daze. Looking at the clothes in his hand, the eyes were scratched unnaturally, blindly opened the faucet, and lowered his head to wash away the foam on his face: "It's okay. I'll wash it. Up."

"Don't worry, take your time, I'll just wait outside for a while." The smile on Fu Jinheng's face even worsened as she looked at her frantic look.

In his impression, Song Jin'an is always unsmiling, indifferent and alienated, and she can easily bring out her calm temperament when she speaks.

Now that she can see her in a mess, Fu Jinheng still feels strange. After smiling and talking, he took a deep glance at her, exited the bathroom, and walked to the living room to wait quietly.

Song Jinan stopped washing her face, tilted her head and looked at the door, closing her eyes seemingly annoyed, and reaching out to lock the door closed. This embarrassing atmosphere was really enough to make her feel complacent.

Fu Jinheng sat on the sofa in the living room with his legs folded, watching TV leisurely. When he heard the door opening in the bathroom, he narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth. The hands on her legs also tapped rhythmically, as if counting her steps.

When Song Jinan stopped just two or three steps away from the sofa, Fu Jinheng's fingers on his legs also stopped, his head tilted slightly, and his deep ink pupils passed, with a slight smile: "Is it ready to wash?"

"Yeah." Song Jinan looked at his brows and answered calmly, raising the white towel in his hand: "This towel..."

Looking at the towel in her hand, Fu Jinheng suddenly realized, "Ah~! I almost forgot, the last time I was in the boxing gym, you lent it to me, and I brought it back. I washed it and dried it in the bathroom. After using it, I have never found a chance to return it to Police Officer Song. Now that Police Officer Song has moved in, there is no need to buy towels anymore."

To say that Song Jin’an’s towel is actually very easy to distinguish. Although the towel is white, there is a pattern on the corner. Fu Jinheng doesn’t like white very much. The towels at home are gray, blue and cyan. The same is true for clothes. Although there are white ones, they are not many, just a few. It is also because of work reasons and some necessary occasions that you need to wear white. The rest of the time is mainly dark, so this towel is hung in the bathroom Here, it also looks particularly eye-catching in many dark colors.

"Since Officer Song is ready to wash, then I will go to wash it." Fu Jin Heng stared at Song Jinan's unnatural expression, got up from the sofa with his eyes closed, and walked past her with the clothes on the side and walked towards the bathroom. .

Feeling the stalwart figure passing by, Song Jinan tightened her lips with the towel in her hand, and suddenly remembered that after washing herself, those facial cleansers and other things were still on the sink and she turned to think about going. Take it, but found that Fu Jinheng had already walked in and locked the door, so I had to give it up.

In about twenty minutes, Fu Jinheng wiped his hair and walked out of the bathroom. Wearing a gray knit pullover top and black casual sweatpants, he looked at the living room at first glance. When he found no one, he thought that Song Jinan When I went back to my room to sleep, I couldn't help but tick the corners of my mouth when I remembered the things I saw on the sink.

After turning around and turning off the headlights in the living room, Fu Jinheng noticed that Song Jinan was lying at the door looking at something in the cat's eyes. He walked over and asked softly, "What are you doing?"

Hearing this, Song Jinan turned her head abruptly and found that Fu Jinheng was standing behind her. The Jun Rong who suddenly magnified in front of her made her breath stagnate, but she soon calmed down again, retracting her gaze and continuing to stare at the cat’s eyes: "I just felt Someone was wandering outside, so just come and have a look."

"anyone there?"

"No one is seen, but there are footsteps."

"You get out of the way, I'll take a look." Fu Jinheng stretched out his hand to hold her arm, and naturally pulled her behind him, bending slightly closer to the cat's eye to look out.

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