Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 8: : Hard mouth is not a good habit

When Song Jinan heard this, he opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding area. As soon as he turned his head to look over, Fu Jinheng had already pushed the car door down, looked at his brows, and had to follow him out of the car and walked to his side: "Come here to do it. what?"

"Isn't Officer Song hungry? We...biqugev" Halfway through Fu Jinheng's speech, he found that Song Jinan was staring at himself with sharp eyes, and quickly smiled and said, "Uh...I'm hungry, I'm hungry. So I was wronged by Officer Song to accompany me to eat. Later, I will pack it back to Han Han and Officer Tao. Let’s go, let’s see what to eat.” After speaking, Fu Jinheng said. Eyebrow, turning the car key circled on the index finger, walked leisurely towards the night city.

Looking at his back, Song Jinan raised his hand and scratched his neck. There was a trace of unnaturalness on his indifferent and pretty face, and he followed silently.

"What does Officer Song want to eat?" Looking at the shops on both sides, Fu Jinheng put the car keys in his trouser pocket, and asked her sideways.

"Whatever." Song Jinan glanced at the snack bars on both sides and replied unintentionally.

Fu Jinheng stopped, turned around and stood in front of her. He looked at her deeply, after a while, he walked to the store nearest to them, and asked: "Boss, your store has Buy it whatever you want?"

"Ah...this handsome guy, you really know how to joke, we have everything here, just don’t have anything to do, why don’t you come in and sit?" The boss froze first, smiled embarrassedly, and turned away a little flatteringly. The body invited him to sit in.

Fu Jinheng turned his head and spread his hands towards Song Jinan: "It's a coincidence that there is no casual purchase here."

Song Jin'an was dumb, and turned his eyes to Fu Jin Heng without a trace, walked directly into the store and took a seat, and whispered to the store owner, "Just a bowl of soup noodles."

"Hao Le." The boss responded with a loud voice, and then looked at Fu Jinheng: "Handsome man, what do you want to eat?"

Fu Jinheng smiled and walked over and sat opposite her: "Just like her!"

"Two bowls of soup noodles, the two of you wait a minute and come right away." The boss took the order and went directly to the back kitchen.

Song Jinan looked at his handsome face, who was always smiling, and raised her brows. She found that Fu Jinheng was indeed impatient and calm as the outside said, but sometimes it was naive enough.

For example, when I said there was a ghost last night, and when I just ordered a meal.

After waiting for a few minutes or so, the boss ordered all the soup noodles they ordered. Although Fu Jinheng was not spoiled since he was a child, he is still a pampered and raised up, and he also has a certain degree of cleanliness, and he spends time on food and clothing. Shang was extremely picky, and the bowl of rice noodles in front of him was covered with a layer of sauce, which made him look really lacking in appetite.

This Supper Night Market is actually relatively expensive, and there is no special high-end restaurant. The best is actually the innermost barbecue bar. He actually just wanted to tease Song Jinan, but he didn't expect Song Jinan to choose it. To this store.

He didn't think much about it when he sat in. Now seeing this bowl of powder, he has a clear sense of disgust in his eyes.

Song Jinan took two pairs of chopsticks from the chopstick holder and handed him one pair, but when he started to eat, Fu Jinheng still had no intention of moving. He looked down on his handsome face and looked a little disgusted. The bowl of powder, pursed lips, put down the chopsticks: "If you don't like it, you can change one."

She actually doesn’t care. Although her family background is not as superior as that of Fu Jinheng’s family, it’s not bad, but she doesn’t pay much attention to food. Because of work, she sometimes needs to arrest suspects. It is common to go to some deserted places, or where to go to stay in the villages, so she always pays attention to eating enough to eat.

But... Fu Jinheng didn't seem to think so.

Thinking that his house is clean and tidy, there is no dust on the cabinets. The kitchen is not used, but it is also very clean. Even the drinks in the refrigerator are neatly arranged, which is enough to tell that he is a little bit small. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness.

Moreover, even after seeing him so many times, he wears very neat and tidy every time, but it is not bright, and the color of his clothes is mainly dark. It does not conform to the arrogance of outside rumors. It is also arrogant. To be refined.

"Huh?" Hearing Song Jin'an's words, Fu Jinheng raised his eyes and looked at her. Seeing that she had put down the chopsticks in her hand, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raised, and smiled: "It's okay. Speaking of it, this is the first time I have come to eat this kind of powder. , And I didn't expect to come with a beauties like Officer Song."

"Then I should say it's my honour?" Song Jinan raised his voice lightly, and asked rhetorically.

"No, it should be my honour to be at the same table with beautiful women." Fu Jinheng raised his brows and smiled, opened the disposable chopsticks, took a mouthful of noodles and tasted the taste, his eyes lightened slightly, and he smashed his mouth lightly: "Tsk! The taste is average." After speaking, he put down his chopsticks.

"You can change it if you like it or not, I don't have any opinion." Although Song Jinan was a little bit uncomfortable with his picky problem, he didn't bother to say it, just said indifferently.

"It's okay, I'm not too hungry. If Officer Song likes to eat, eat more. If you don't like it, I don't mind changing the house.

Song Jinan has always been a person who pays attention to efficiency, and she doesn't advocate waste. She indifferently glanced at Fu Jin Heng's smile on the face, picked it up silently, and started eating quickly.

After only eating about three bites, Song Jinan couldn't bear it anymore. He raised his eyelids and stared at him, "Can you not look at me?"

Fu Jinheng was taken aback for a moment, his smile even worse, and he turned his head slightly: "Okay, don't look."

After Song Jinan finished eating, Fu Jinheng bought the bill and navigated with his mobile phone to see where the crayfish was sold. After determining the location, the two drove to that place.

After arriving at the Seafood Snack City on another street, Fu Jinheng and Song Jinan went together. Compared with the previous Snack City, the grade of this Snack City was significantly higher than that of the previous Snack City. Even the decoration style of each store is different. Flavor.

After ordering the crayfish and two other side dishes, Fu Jinheng and Song Jinan sat on the bench outside and waited. Fu Jinheng raised his head slightly, looking at the boundless night sky, and suddenly heard Song Jinan blowing his nose next to him slightly. He turned his head to look at her, and then noticed that she was only wearing a very light coat.

Although it’s early autumn, the geography of city t depends on the north. The summer is short and the winter is long. The temperature at night is sometimes only twelve or three degrees, and there is a cool evening breeze. Wearing a light coat will still feel cold.

"Is it cold? Do you want to go in and sit?" Fu Jin Heng asked, looking at her, seemingly concerned.

Hearing this, Song Jinan glanced at him and noticed the concern in his eyes, a little uncomfortable, and shook his head: "It's okay, it's not cold."

"Police Officer Song, it's not a good habit to be stiff." As he said, he took off his windbreaker jacket and put it on her casually. He slowly got up from the bench, dropped his hands into his trouser pockets, and carried the blue color on his back. The silver-white crescent on the curtain curved a wicked smile: "The weather is getting colder and colder now. Officer Song still needs to wear more clothes when going out."

Song Jinan subconsciously raised his hand and stroked his clothes to refuse, but when he looked up at him, his handsome smile was so bright that she couldn't open her eyes, and somewhere in her heart was like a budding flower. Like, a little bit of opening.

Song Jinan glanced at her brows slightly, unaccustomed to this feeling, even more unnatural, quickly retracted her gaze, picked up the jacket on his shoulders and handed it to him: "No, I said, I'm not cold."

"But I think you are cold, put it on! I'll go in and see if it's packed." Fu Jinheng looked at her stretched hand. It wasn't white, but it wasn't very dark, but the skin was not particularly delicate. , Xu is caused by often performing tasks outside!

After Fu Jinheng walked into the store, Song Jinan did not withdraw his hand. After a long time, he looked directly at the dark windbreaker in his hand. When a cold wind blew, Song Jinan shuddered and hesitated for half a minute. From left to right, she put the windbreaker on her body, and the warm current remaining on her clothes also slightly wrapped her cooling body.

After graduating from school, she participated in many special missions, large and small, and the task of arresting suspects. She had been hungry and injured. She stayed at the suspect’s home overnight on a snowy night for twenty or thirty people. She was young, but she also suffered from a lot of physical problems. It is common for her to have backaches and headaches. I don’t know when she started to be afraid of the cold. Maybe it was done by squatting on those snowy nights with a few degrees below zero. Right!

After waiting for more than three minutes, Fu Jinheng walked out of the shop with two bags, looked at Qianying sitting on the bench, and noticed the windbreaker on her shoulders, smiled, and walked over. : "Let's go! Han Han just called to remind you."

"Yeah." Song Jinan raised his head, stood up calmly, answered, and walked to the gate of Supper City.

After getting in the car, Fu Jinheng put the two bags in his hands on Song Jinan's lap. Because the box inside was a bit hot, Song Jinan quickly picked up the two bags and looked at him puzzledly: "What are you doing?"

"Thank you, help me get it." Fu Jin Heng smiled calmly, fastened his seat belt calmly and started the car.

Song Jin'an was dumb, and didn't say anything, just lifted the two bags, leaned on the back of the chair, and looked out the car window.

After the car arrived at the apartment’s parking lot, the two got out of the car and before going to the elevator. Song Jinan suddenly stopped. Thinking of something, he raised his eyes to look at the handsome figure walking in front of him, and subconsciously asked: "Fu Jinheng , Which zone is your parking space in?"

Fu Jinheng was startled, and his feet on high-end leather shoes also stopped instantly. This seemed to be the first time Song Jinan called him by his full name since they had seen him so many times.

He raised his eyebrows, there was a bit of joy in his eyes, and looked back at her, and found that her indifferent expression was a bit serious, so he didn't tease her, but seriously answered her question: "B area, why suddenly Ask this?"

"Jin Yishuo's parking space is in Zone D, so to speak..." Song Jinan muttered with his eyes closed, then turned to look at the huge parking lot, and then carefully followed.

Her voice was not loud, but it was enough for Fu Jinheng to hear clearly. Hearing her words, Fu Jinheng knew that she wanted to use this time to investigate Jin Yishuo’s parking space, so she walked straight on her long legs. Reaching her, stretched out a hand to hold her wrist and walked forward: "Here."

At the moment he held his hand, Song Jinan was as if electrified, and the whole person was stunned, but he quickly reacted and shook his hand: "Just say it directly. , Can you let go of your hand first?"

Hearing this, Fu Jinheng glanced back at her, and then the slender wrist that fell vertically into his palm, raised his brows, but didn't mean to let go: "This parking lot is very big and it connects to Bauhinia Garden II. There are more than a dozen areas in the underground parking lot of Phase III and Phase III, and each area is very large. I am afraid you will get lost."

"Although the second and third phases of the Bauhinia Garden are in the same area, it is too outrageous to merge the underground parking garages together! Not to mention the large area, but also to pass under the middle road. Isn’t the parking space complicated?” Song Jinan has always been a person who grasps the details, and her mind is full of cases. When he said that, her whole thoughts were also taken away, and she completely forgot that her wrist was still there. In the palm of Fu Jinheng.

Fu Jinheng nodded: "Who knows what the designer thought at the beginning, the complexity is a bit more complicated, and the second and third phases of the main entrance and the back entrance and the two side entrances can pass through this underground parking lot. Each letter area There are two or three surveillance cameras. People who have just moved here are likely to get lost when parking here, but basically there will be a structural map of the parking lot on the pillars of each letter area." Fu Jinheng gave a slight head and gestured to the map on the pillar they were passing by.

Song Jinan looked over, "Bauhinia Garden is a well-known high-end community in T City, but the structure of the underground parking lot is complex and novel. If I were a murderer... it would be most suitable to enter and exit such an underground parking lot, as it can be covered. , And won't be swagger."

"But don’t forget, each door has a security booth. The automatic lever instrument will record the car’s license plate information and the car’s model. If he goes out or comes in from another door, this is the point. It can be found by investigation. Since the murderer is a cautious person, he will definitely think of this. How can he escape your police investigation and vision?" Fu Jinheng walked forward on his own. For her words, new questions were raised.

Song Jinan glanced at his back and tightened his lips, which was indeed what he said.


Fu Jinheng stopped, Song Jinan also monopolized his thoughts, raised his eyes and looked over, and the shuttle patrolled the parking space, and found that there was no car in the parking space of Jin Yishuo, which meant that Jin Yishuo had not returned.

There was a T-shaped road ahead. They were standing right in front of that side. A car approached. Fu Jinheng and Song Jinan could only hear the sound and lights of the car. When the car was about to turn, Song Jinan quickly noticed the car. It was Jin Yishuo who took Fu Jinheng and walked diagonally across, hiding by the side of a car.

Fu Jinheng was pulled over by her inexplicably and looked down at her. Her beautiful side face just fell into his black pupils, with a shallow arc drawn at the corner of her mouth, and she followed her gaze.

Jin Yishuo backed the car into the parking space. After getting out of the car, he did not walk in a hurry. Instead, he leaned on the door of the car, took out a cigarette case from his coat pocket, lit a cigarette, and stared at the smoke ring. He subconsciously looked at a surveillance camera not far away from him, smiled contemptuously at the corner of his mouth, dropped the cigarette **** on the ground, annihilated it with leather shoes, locked the car, walked towards the direction of the elevator, and then disappeared. In their field of vision.

After he left, Song Jinan walked out from the side of the car. When he wanted to walk over, he found that Fu Jinheng's hand had been pulling him. He glanced back at him and asked, "When are you going to catch it?"

"Ah! Forgot, sorry." Fu Jinheng looked down at his hand, smiled apologetically, and slowly let go of her hand with a long tail.

Song Jinan retracted his hand, stuffed the two bags in the other hand into his hand, walked across, stood where Jin Yishuo just stood, and looked at the surveillance camera from the same angle. He was a little suspicious, but Can't think about anything, and noticed the cigarette butts and soot on the ground, slowly squatted down, and then straightened up and took the position of Jin Yishuo's car to make a round.

"There are obvious dirt marks on the wheels, but the car body is very clean. There has been no rain in Punan District for more than a month. If it rains, there was a heavy rain in Liudong District half a month ago. "Fu Jinheng stood on the side of the car with one hand in his trouser pocket, and carefully looked at the car and the wheels.

"Moreover, the car seems to have been waxed, it is new wax, as if it has just been waxed in the past two days." Song Jinan turned to him and continued his words indifferently.

"He just arrested you today. I think he will definitely be more cautious during this time, and he must know that you will definitely send someone to monitor him."

Song Jin'an pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes dangerously, and his voice slowly cooled down: "If it was really him, he would definitely be unable to hold back his hands. Isn't his next goal Han Han? Or... …The girl in the hospital who was not killed by him."

"A real hunter, in order to hunt the prey to solve the problem of food and clothing, will find a little way to get close to the prey, and let the prey become his own dish in the last blow, and a hunter who only becomes interested, he does not care. The prey itself, he will enjoy the process of hunting the prey that brings him happiness. After the end, he will ruthlessly abandon the prey and look for the next target that will make him happy. What do you think... where does Jin Yishuo belong? A kind of hunter?" Fu Jinheng raised the corner of his mouth with a sneer, and reanalyzed what she had just said with a metaphor that sounded appropriate.

After hearing this, Song Jinan's eyes on the car in front of him became deeper and deeper: "The reason why a hunter is a hunter is nothing more than the method of hunting. What he wants is the result, and this murderer is obviously an unqualified hunter, because he As long as the process does not prey."

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