Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 16: : I'm so sad

Fu Jinheng looked at her indifferent eyebrows and noticed that she was a little absent. The corners of her mouth raised slightly with a deep arc, and the strength of his arms around her waist increased a bit. The nervous expression also eased, and it came out from the lips of her lips. 'S scale is also a bit more frivolous than before: "Officer Song, are you okay!"

Xu Ye was pulled back to his senses by his low and slightly mute voice. Song Jinan looked at Jun Rong who was close at hand, and his heart suddenly slammed, but the expression on his face was still cold, Yu Guang inadvertently saw standing in the distance. The civilian policeman, with his eyes closed, straightened up from his arms, and pushed him away indifferently: "It's okay, I stand firm by myself...biquge"

Pushed away, Fu Jinheng took two steps backwards, looking at her unnatural and cold as usual face, dropped one hand into his trouser pocket, and smiled: "Is it all done?"

"Yeah." Song Jinan turned his body sideways and responded lightly.

"Can you leave then?"


Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows, turned to look at the civilian policewoman, smiled and waved: "I'll leave first, and then contact me later."

"Okay." The civilian policewoman nodded with a smile, waved to him and walked into the room.

Song Jinan glanced at his handsome face with a sunny and evil smile, pressed his lips lightly, and walked outside without saying anything.

The autumn night was blowing with a cool cold wind, and the black night sky was filled with patters of raindrops. Fu Jinheng stretched his hand into the rain, and raindrops the size of pearls fell on the palm of his hand, carrying bursts of rain. With the biting coolness, the thick brow peaks were unconsciously screwed together.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Song Jin'an preparing to rush into the rain. Fu Jinheng stopped her and asked displeasedly: "What are you doing?"

Suddenly by him, Song Jinan was taken in a daze, and his body lost his balance and leaned forward on the stairs. Fu Jinheng grasped her arm harder to prevent her from falling down the stairs.

"What are you doing?" After standing firm, Song Jin'an glared at him displeased.

"It's raining, haven't you seen it?"


"I went into the rain when I saw it?"

"How about that? Waiting for the rain to stop here?" Song Jinan squinted at him, a bit of contempt and dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Your cold hasn't healed yet, and the fever subsided before leaving the house at night. You are now in the rain again. Don't you want to heal it?" Fu Jinheng scolded her head and face. After speaking, he retracted his hand holding her arm. Shen Sheng ordered: "Stand here and wait, I'll get an umbrella."


Song Jinan just wanted to stop him and said that if he wanted an umbrella, he could go inside and get it. There were some spare umbrellas at the door, but before he could say anything, Fu Jinheng rushed into the rain and ran towards his parking position.

There were thousands of strands of rain floating in the dim street lamp, and the stalwart Junying ran in the rain, letting the cold rain drop on him. At that moment, Song Jinan's breathing seemed to be stagnated, staring blankly. The figure running for himself in the rain.

When she grew up, she always worked hard for other people’s affairs. After taking up this job, she did her best and didn’t dare to be negligent. It seemed that except for her parents, she almost forgot about being here. What it's like to be taken care of by others.

However, Fu Jinheng gave her a very subtle feeling. I don't know if it was a heartbeat or something. There was a moment of resistance, but he had to admit that his actions really warmed her.

Soon, Fu Jinheng took out the black spare umbrella from his car and walked over. Standing under the five steps, he raised his head slightly and looked at her. He smiled and put the umbrella in his hand. Stretched out to her: "Let's go! The rain is getting bigger and bigger."

Song Jinan watched his hair become wet, and the windbreaker was wet from the rain. With his lips pressed lightly, he stepped forward and walked under the umbrella, staring at him: "Actually...I just wanted to say that our team There is a spare umbrella."

"Huh?" Fu Jinheng heard the words, his eyes flicked in surprise, he turned his head down and looked at her, and laughed angrily: "Then why don't you say it earlier?"

Regarding the accusation in his tone, Song Jinan felt a little wronged: "You gave me a chance to say it early! You just left before I spoke. Can you blame me?"

Fu Jinheng laughed softly: "Don't blame you, don't blame you, blame me, blame me for walking too fast, let's go! Don't stand in the rain and blow the cold wind." As he said, he exchanged his umbrella hands. Leaning on her nearest arm, he naturally lifted his arms around her shoulders, drew her to her side, avoiding rain to get on her, and took her steps toward the car.

Song Jinan was taken aback, looked at the hand that fell on his shoulder, and subconsciously put his hand away: "Don't touch me, I will go by myself."

She has never seen any strong winds and waves, and when she fights with those suspects with knives, she is worthy of nothing. In the eyes of other people in the team, she is actually not a woman at all, and even more afraid of death than their men. , Dare to fight.

But for some reason, every time she was in front of Fu Jin Heng, she was inexplicably treated as a little woman. He took care of herself everywhere and cared about herself. This made her very unaccustomed to doing everything by herself.

"Don't move it, the umbrella is small, it's not good to get wet." Seeing her move a small step aside, Fu Jinheng lifted the umbrella to her side and stretched out his hand to drag her back. She was given a chance to resist, stepped up to the front of the car, opened the door of the passenger cabin, and motioned with her eyes: "Go in."

After she got in, Fu Jinheng closed the car door, and walked around the front of the car to the cab, pulled the car door and sat in, put the umbrella away, threw it off the water, and threw it into the back seat of the car. Next, I took off the wet coat and threw it into Song Jin'an's hand. He smiled and said, "Excuse me, Officer Song, help me take it.

Song Jinan suddenly took the clothes he had thrown over. The water on the shoulders of the clothes was the most, and the water could almost be squeezed out. Song Jinan naturally knew that it was because he just hit the umbrella on his own side that caused him. The clothes are so wet.

Fu Jinheng started the car, turned the front of the car and drove into the traffic: "I will drink the medicine again before going to bed, don't forget."

Song Jinan took the clothes in her hand and looked out of the car window. The patter of rain cast a thin layer of mist on her clear eyes. He did not respond to him. He just felt that the wind and rain this night was so cold. The bottom of my heart is inexplicably warm.

After a long time, Song Jinan couldn't help but asked, "Is Prosecutor Fu so good to anyone?"

Hearing, Fu Jinheng turned his head and looked at her. After seeing the expression on her face, he withdrew to look forward and chuckled softly: "Huh? Why did Officer Song say this?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that Fu Jian is a little different from the rumors."

"Oh? What's the difference?" Fu Jin Heng raised his eyebrows, and asked with a teasing tone deliberately.

Hearing his deliberate tone, Song Jinan didn't want to give him an excuse to continue entanglement. He simply shut up, too lazy to discuss with him anymore. It was because he had lost his mind to ask such questions.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Fu Jinheng knew that she had asked her this question again, so she didn't want to take care of herself now, but thinking about her temperament, she felt that it was reasonable.

"The rumors from the outside world are still somewhat inconsistent. Could it be that Officer Song also has some misunderstandings about me?"

"Misunderstanding?" When Song Jinan heard these two words, he looked at him in surprise: "Is there anything I misunderstood you?"

"Who I am good to is actually divided into people, such as Hanhan, and another example... Police Officer Song you, I say this, Police Officer Song understands." Fu Jinheng's tone was very light, but when it came to the back, There was a little ambiguity in her eyes, which made the atmosphere in the car suddenly become weird.

Song Jinan was taken aback, and naturally twisted a piece between his eyebrows: "Prosecutor Fu, I will warn you as a policeman now. Don't say anything that is easy to misunderstand."

"Oh, what did Officer Song misunderstand?"

"Fu Jinheng."

"Tsk! Your "Fu Jinheng" call is much better than Fu Jian and Prosecutor Fu."

Song Jinan pressed her lips tightly, with a clear anger on her face: "It's endless, isn't it?"

Fu Jinheng chuckled and nodded: "Okay, I won't say anything, don't be angry." The tone fell behind, and after a two-second pause, he continued: "But... what I just said was serious, Officer Song Think about it."

"Considering what?"

"I just said it."

"What did you just say?"

"Huh?" Fu Jinheng looked at her again and laughed, "Is Officer Song pretending not to understand?"

Song Jin'an was dumb, her eyes full of blankness. She recalled what he had just said, but she didn't think there was any problem, she raised her eyes and asked: "Why should I pretend not to understand? I don't like to be inconsistent and just say it."

Fu Jinheng sighed helplessly, sighed softly, and muttered in a low voice, "Is it because what I just said was not clear enough?"

Listening to his self-talk, Song Jinan felt a little melancholy and drumming, as if he realized something, but didn't want to admit it, and tried hard to let himself ignore that feeling and try to tell himself that he was thinking too much.

After that, Fu Jinheng didn't say much, and the car suddenly fell into silence again, and both of them became silent.

After waiting for the car to enter the underground garage of Bauhinia Garden, Song Jinan unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car. Without waiting for Fu Jinheng, he walked directly in the direction of the elevator.

Fu Jinheng was stunned. After locking the car, he followed up without knowing why, stood by her side and waited for the elevator to get down, and asked sideways, "What's wrong? Officer Song is angry?"


"Isn't this yet?" The unpleasant tone of her speech was particularly heavy. Fu Jinheng heard it immediately. He chuckled, tilted his head and looked at her pretty face, and thought: "Is it because I just Are you angry if you didn't make it clear?"

Song Jinan pushed him away, and solemnly re-said: "I said, no, you stay away from me in the future, and pay attention to your attitude when talking to me in the future."

As soon as she finished speaking, the elevator just happened to come. Song Jin'an was cold and didn't look at him more, and went straight past him.

Fu Jinheng stood still in that position, his eyes narrowed slightly, and it was quite loud. Song Jinan, who was standing in the elevator, saw that he was motionless, so he looked at him and asked, "Not coming up?"

When Fu Jinheng heard this, he gathered his thoughts, straightened up, looked at the indifferent woman in the elevator, chuckled lightly, and walked in. He didn't say anything about the warning she had just said, and stood there. By her side, she reached out and pressed down the elevator.

When they got home, Fu Qihan and Tao Qixun had already returned. The two of them were still sitting in the living room playing flying chess. Seeing that they were back, Fu Qihan happily got up and ran over and asked, "Brother, Sister Jinan. , Where have you been? Tao Qixun and I have brought you food!"

"You have nothing unusual today, right?" Song Jinan's gaze crossed Tao Qixun and Fu Qihan one by one, and asked indifferently.

"Team Song, don't worry, there is nothing wrong." Tao Qixun walked over and gave a simple report: "Brother Mingcheng said that the inspection report will not come out tomorrow afternoon. I am going to go to the Rose Institute with Brother Mingcheng tomorrow morning."

Song Jinan nodded: "Well, Mingcheng sent a message to me today."

"Then Team Song, is your cold better?"

"It's okay."

"The Song team, I will go out to work tomorrow, the safety of Miss Fu..."

"I accompany her..."

"I want to go too." As soon as Song Jinan said, Fu Qihan raised his hand to rush to talk: "I don't want to stay at home, Tao Qixun, I will follow you to perform field duties. Maybe I can help you provide it when necessary. Important clues!"

"Don't make trouble, I am going to the Rose Research Institute tomorrow, and I will have direct contact with Jin Yishuo. He is probably the murderer of that case. You can't hide from him, so what do you send to him? "Tao Qixun immediately retorted when he heard that, firmly disagreeing to take her to see Jin Yishuo.

When it comes to Jin Yishuo, Fu Qihan is actually a little scared in his heart, but thinking that Tao Qixun will be by his side, and in broad daylight, he has the confidence: "Didn’t I meet him? I can beat him when I show up. Brother was caught off guard! It just so happens that you can also watch his reaction, and I can also observe his behavior secretly. Doesn't it look like the man in black I saw that night."

"No, you've seen his pictures many times, aren't you sure? I can't let you take this risk."

"But the picture is a picture, and it can't be moved. Jin Yishuo is a living person. I have to really meet him! And...didn't you tell me? You will protect me."


"Han Han is right. Although this is a bit risky, it is also a way. If Jin Yishuo is really the murderer, then he would definitely want to move Han Han to start, so that Han Han suddenly appeared in front of him. He will definitely be caught off guard, but..." Song Jinan thought for a while, and indeed felt that Fu Qihan's words made some sense, and they might be able to break the current deadlock.

"It's not just that, Sister Jin An, don't worry, I'll be careful."

"Aren't you afraid?" Tao Qixun had said so when he saw Song Jin'an. He couldn't say anything anymore, but he still asked Fu Qihan a little uneasy.

Fu Qihan shook his head: "As long as you are by my side, I am not afraid."

Fu Jinheng watched, listening to their conversation, he felt that something was not right. He narrowed his eyes and dropped his hands into his trouser pockets: "Fu Qihan, is there still a brother like me in your eyes?"

When Fu Qihan heard this, he blinked his eyes innocently, squeezed his small mouth, walked over with his hands behind his back, ingratiatingly, and lovingly put his arm around: "Brother, you won't disagree! I am. Help the justice, assist the police in solving the case, and eliminate harm for the people!"

Fu Jinheng was swayed by her, and the corners of her mouth smirked. He looked like a sunbeam, but suddenly he suppressed his smile and became more serious. He uttered the three words "disagree" very clearly.

"No... why?" Fu Qihan thought that Fu Jinheng was the best to pass this level. When she looked at the three words he said, she was a little confused. When the reaction came over, Fu Jinheng was justified. She had gone to sit on the sofa in the living room, and she had no choice but to puff her cheeks and walked over and asked angrily.

"It's too dangerous to expose you directly under Jin Yishuo's eyelids, I don't worry, and most importantly, you..." Fu Jinheng put his arms around his chest and said frankly, speaking with sharp eyes on the back. Sweeping towards her, the words stopped abruptly.

It's better not to pierce this kind of thing directly. With Fu Qihan's stubborn character, coupled with her rebellious psychology, if he had said this clearly, this girl would have to go up to the sky side by side with the sun.

Thinking of this, Fu Jinheng's eyes subconsciously swept Tao Qixun with a dazed and serious look, his eyes were constricted, and a dark glow flashed through. Looking at this stunned green, he probably didn't know anything. Fu Jinheng sighed silently and took it back. Sight.


I'm so worried.

"What's wrong with me? I'm okay! Besides, didn't he always want to find a chance to approach me? He would be caught off guard if I suddenly appeared in front of him." Fu Qihan stretched his hands and looked all right, without any fear at all. Look like.

Tao Qixun on the side looked at him, and couldn't help but complain. I don't know who is the one who has soft legs just by smelling the scent in the flower garden today. Now I am so confident that I don't know who gave her the courage and confidence. ?

He was also very helpless. He did not agree with her to go with her anyway. Just like Fu Jian said, it is a very dangerous thing to be exposed under Jin Yishuo’s eyelids. Although he can protect her all the time, anything Must pay attention to a foolproof job.

He actually agreed with Fu Jian's opinion, but because of Song Jinan's presence, he couldn't say anything. Now he only hopes that Fu Jian can stick to his position and don't agree.

"What if he suddenly jumps the wall? What do you do?"

"I..." Fu Qihan lowered his head pitifully, Yu Guang inadvertently swept towards Tao Qixun, his eyes lit up, and quickly walked to him: "Tao Qixun, did you say that you would always protect me? You won't let me Is the injured right?"

"Um... yes." Tao Qixun nodded, he really said that.

"Then you hurry up and promise my brother that I won't get anything wrong." Fu Qihan pushed him and urged.

"I... Fu Jian... I..." Tao Qixun opened his hands, and he didn't want to say those words at all.

"Let you just say it quickly." Seeing him not speaking, Fu Qihan stared, and continued to urge angrily.

"Okay." Seeing her fierce and staring at Tao Qixun, Fu Jinheng couldn't stand it anymore. He got up and patted her head heavily: "You are getting more and more capable now, unexpectedly. Dare to threaten the police, huh?"

"Hi..." Fu Qihan gasped when he was photographed, and touched his forehead: "Brother, it hurts, can't you just start it lightly?"

Tao Qixun glanced at her red forehead and wanted to raise his hand to touch her head, but due to the presence of Fu Jinheng and Song Jinan, he finally retracted his hand and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Tomorrow, stay at home honestly for me. Don't go anywhere. It has been raining these few days, and I went out crazy for a day." Fu Jinheng directly ignored her acting like a baby, with a look of business affairs.

"I didn't go crazy, I was definitely going to help the police solve the case." Fu Qihan argued with him with his hands on his hips.

"Do you understand what I said?"


"Fu Qihan, you..."

"Hey! You still want to beat me, don't you? There are two policemen here!" Seeing Fu Jinheng's anger, Fu Qihan immediately hid behind Tao Qixun, then glanced at him and stood not far away without speaking. Song Jinan, who was in love, ran up to her immediately: "Sister Jinan, you can help me talk! You just said that, I will help the case! You can quickly talk about my brother's Muyu Head it!"

Song Jinan listened to this, glanced at Fu Jinheng, and said sternly: "What your brother said is correct. There is indeed a risk. If he disagrees, our police cannot force you to take you there."

"But I am an adult now, and I can make my own decision."

"I'm a little tired, please discuss it yourself! If Han Han is at home tomorrow, I will accompany her tomorrow, and I will go in first." Song Jinan said lightly, and then went directly to Fu Qihan. The direction of the room has gone.

Fu Qihan pouted her small mouth and looked at her back, always feeling a little weird, so she moved to walk to Fu Jinheng's side again, and gently slammed his arm: "Brother, are you offended? Sister Jin An is angry? Why do I feel that Sister Jin An is not in the right mood?"

Hearing the words, Fu Jinheng looked in the direction of Song Jinan's departure, raised his brows lightly, and did not say anything, so he turned and walked towards his room.

"Hey, hey, hey, brother, wait a while, wait a while." When Fu Qihan saw him leaving, Limala stopped him: "You haven't answered my question yet!"

"Answer what question?" Fu Jinheng asked, tilting his head.

"It's Sister Jinan...."

"This matter has nothing to do with you, just take care of yourself."

"Wait a minute, then I'll ask something else."


"tomorrow I will……."

"Give me home."

"No, I'm already an adult, don't you always treat me as a child!"

Fu Jinheng looked at her helplessly: "This is not going out to play, it is related to the safety of your life. If you think I am in charge of you, it is very simple. Go back to your country, or go to your parents. The temple is small and can't accommodate you, can it?"

"Oh, I was wrong. I will stay at home obediently tomorrow, not going anywhere, hehe, okay!" When Fu Qihan heard his words, the flames disappeared in an instant, showing a nice and gentle smile.

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