Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 18: :on site

"Sister Jin'an, what's going on? Why did a victim suddenly appear?" After getting into Song Jin'an's car, Fu Qihan fastened his seat belt and looked at her nervously, his white little hands tight. The belt of the seat belt was held tightly. .biquge

The expression on Song Jinan's face looked a little dignified, and he glanced at Fu Qihan inadvertently, and found her face as pale as paper, and her eyes were full of panic and tension, so she deliberately said softly: "Don't be afraid, I am not by your side Is it? The murderer committed another crime after so many days. According to Cao Wei's words, the attack is getting more and more ruthless. It seems definitely not easy.

Fu Qihan's small face was like a frosted eggplant, drooping, and there was no sense of excitement at all.

Song Jinan took a deep look at her again, thinking that he wanted to go to the Rose Research Institute with Qixun and the others last night, and now he started to be scared again, this girl!

After arriving in the team, Song Jinan took Fu Qihan and met with Cao Wei. Fu Qihan and Cao Wei nodded and greeted Cao Wei with an awkward smile. Song Jinan began to talk about the case with Cao Wei. The three of them Went to the forensic department together.

But after entering the forensic department, Fu Qihan felt a bit chilly. He looked at those rooms, swallowed his saliva, and grabbed Song Jinan's arm: "Sister Jinan, that..."

"What's the matter?" Song Jinan turned around and looked at her and asked.

"This is the Forensic Department?"


"Then...are there some corpses in it? Just...the corpses that were laparotomy?"

Seeing her nervous look, Song Jinan couldn't help but laughed: "Forget it! But many internal organs will be put back in after being checked, and then sewn, what's wrong?"

"Ah...then... then I'll stand here! I just... won't go in."

"Not going in?"

"Well, I'm just standing here, not going."

Song Jinan thought for a while, nodded, and after winking at a policewoman passing by, he said with a serious face: "Then you are here to wait for me, don't walk around, let alone leave the team for a while, you know?"

"it is good."

After Song Jinan placed Fu Qihan, he entered the forensic department with Cao Wei. He happened to see Xia You taking her assistant to do the suture work. After seeing them walk in, Xia You signaled to her assistant. Then he took off his gloves and took off his mask: "Jin'an, why are you here? I heard that you didn't have a cold and asked for leave? The cold is gone?"

"It's okay, let's talk about the situation." Song Jinan shook his head and motioned to her to tell her about the case.

Xia You walked up to them and gave her the report on the table. She sighed with some irritation: "Seventeen years old! At the same age as a flower, when the corpse was transported back here, the child's mother was already crying. I went to the hospital, had three ribs broken, and the internal organs were seriously injured. The hands of this murderer were really cruel! The first three victims did not suffer such a serious crime, and they were fatal with one knife. The knives behind were all repaired after death. Go up, and the injuries on the girl's body were obviously left before her death, and the girl has obvious resistance."

Looking at the reports and photos, Song Jinan's face went dark, and his fisted hands kept clenching: "Are there any new clues?"


"There is a kind of fleshy tissue remaining in the girl's nails. It is estimated that it is from the murderer, not the victim, and there is a trace of white fiber in the girl's mouth. Further identification is needed."

"Cao Wei, go call Mingcheng and Qixun back, you and I will go to the scene in Liudong District."

"it is good."

"Grapefruit, thanks, let's go first."

"Well, when the results later come out, I'm contacting you." Xia You nodded, and after speaking, put on the mask again.

When Song Jinan and Cao Wei walked out of the forensic room, Cao Wei called. Song Jinan went to Fu Qihan and hid the report and photos behind him: "We are going to the crime scene in Liudong District, you Do you want to go with me or stay in the team?"

"Go to the scene of the crime?" Fu Qihan became entangled when he heard it, lowered his eyes, and thought for a moment: "I'll stay in the team! Go and investigate the case, I won't follow the chaos, save it. When the time comes, you will have to take care of and protect me. I will still stay in the team obediently, not going anywhere, waiting for you to come back."

"That's OK, Xiao Wu, Hanhan will leave it to you. You can't let her leave the team until I come back. She is now the focus of our police protection, you know?" Song Jinan felt that she was right. At that time, if the investigation is too dedicated, she may not be taken care of. Moreover, the scene of the crime is a very important place, and non-police personnel cannot go. It is indeed inconvenient for her to go there because it is still raining so heavily outside.

"I see, I will follow Miss Fu the whole time today."

"Yeah." Song Jinan nodded and looked at Fu Qihan: "Han, you can directly contact Xiao Wu or call me if you have anything to do."

"Yeah, well, Sister Jin An, be careful yourself too, don't catch cold, you are still taking medicine!"


After talking with Fu Qihan, Cao Wei's phone call was over. The two looked at each other before leaving the team lobby and drove to the crime scene in Liudong District.

After arriving in Liudong District, Song Jinan and the others met with the district police in Liudong District. They took the two of them to the crime scene and gave them raincoats by the way.

The entire area ten meters away from the crime scene was pulled up by the cordon. The two put on gloves and got into the cordon. Because of the heavy rain, the surrounding blood stains were all washed away, and there was no trace of the scene.

According to the photo of the corpse, Song Jinan walked to the two trash cans and pointed to the place: "This is the place where the corpse lies."

A district policeman nodded: "Yes, the corpse is lying horizontally, because this is the largest garbage station nearby. Many cleaners have to clean up other places and then transport the garbage here, so at seven o'clock. Many were found, and the body was hidden behind the trash can, which happened to be blocked by the trash can, so it is difficult to find pedestrians passing by."

"Are there any surveillance cameras around here?" Song Jinan raised his head and looked around at the surrounding terrain.

"Yes, there are two cameras here, one is at the entrance of the district, and the other is at the intersection, but there is no garbage station here. We have already seen the cameras on both sides and only found a black figure. He was about 1.83 meters tall, wearing a black jacket and a transparent raincoat, and his head was down all the way, so his face was not clear."

"Where is the vehicle?"

"We have contacted the traffic police team to investigate the vehicle."

Song Jinan nodded: "Okay, thank you for your cooperation, the rest of the matter may trouble you."

"The Song team is polite. For such a serial murder case, we also hope that the murderer will be caught as soon as possible and there will be no more victims."

"Well, we will try our best to bring the murderer to justice. The rain is too heavy, you two will go back first! We will survey here for a while."

"Then don't stay too long. The rain is too heavy. It's cold. Be careful of catching the cold.

"Well, we will pay attention."

After the two district police left, Song Jinan winked with Cao Wei and began to investigate the scene carefully.

The two stayed on the scene for almost an hour or so, and they didn't see any valuable clues. Finally, Cao Wei got up and said loudly, "No! Team Song, the rain is too heavy, and everything will be washed away. That's it! Let's go first! Getting in the rain here is not an option, and you also caught a cold and fever a few days ago because of the rain. It was better today, and the rain may be more serious."

Song Jinan took a deep breath, got up helplessly, looked at the current rain, waved his hand: "Go back in the car first, and see how they are doing the investigation."

"it is good."


Song Jinan and the others were investigating the case urgently. Fu Jinheng sat in the teahouse, scented the tea carefully, and took a sip on his lips. The strong tea aroma instantly enveloped his taste buds. , Stretched his eyebrows in satisfaction, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and the frivolous tone slowly lingered in the whole tea room: "Wang Lao asked me out today, it should be more than just drinking tea!"

"Fu Jian is young and promising, a leader in the procuratorate..."

"Elder Wang, I know that your time is precious, and... I don't have this habit of drinking tea this morning, but this tea is good tea." Seeing the vicissitudes of life sitting across from him, he quietly interrupted. , Put down the teacup in his hand slowly and looked at him deeply.

Wang Bingtian looked at his calm and calm look, and the strength of holding the teacup was a bit harder. He lived to this age and had never seen anyone before, but now he was suddenly given to him by the 30-year-old Fu Jinheng. Suppressing the momentum, this makes him more or less unconvinced in his heart, who has always been strong, but now he is asking for others and has to lower his posture, even though he is only a thirty-year-old hair in his eyes. It's just a kid.

"Since Fu Jian is a happy person, then I won't be oblivious. I heard that you are responsible for that Wang Qiyu case. I think..."

"Hey... Mr. Wang, I’m this person! One thing I really don’t like is that I talk to me about my work when I am on break or on vacation. I have nothing to say about the case of Wang Qiyu, and neither is Mr. Wang. Knowing me on the first day, and getting along for so long, naturally I know my character."

"I know this. Fu Jian always pays attention to law enforcement impartially. I understand, I just..." Wang Bingtian sighed heavily, somewhat unspeakable, but he has always known Fu Jinheng's style of acting in court. Shangzui has always been vicious and stable, and even many lawyers in the circle are unwilling to deal with him. It is conceivable that it is useless to hire a good lawyer when he is in his hands.

"I'm just such a son, and I think that Fu Jian, you will be merciful when you come. I know that it is wrong for him to deliberately hurt people, but..."

"Since there is only one son, Mr. Wang should be more disciplined, and he won't get to this point." Fu Jinheng interrupted him again, and when he saw what he wanted to say, he raised his hand to stop him: "Old man. , You should understand the principles of my profession. Someone reported your company some time ago. I think Mr. Wang should rectify your company. As for your son's affairs, you should not worry about it."

After speaking, Fu Jinheng got up slowly, dropped one hand into his trouser pocket, and lightly patted his suit jacket with the other hand: "Thank you for the tea you invited today. It's raining and cold today. , I won’t accompany Mr. Wang any more. Let’s say goodbye. Next time, I will ask Mr. Wang to drink better tea."

Fu Jinheng evoked an evil smile, slowly walked out of the teahouse and watched the heavy rain outside. The phone in his trouser pocket suddenly rang. It was Qi Yue who called, and then smiled and picked it up: "What's the matter?"

"Dude, help! Where are you now?" Qi Yue on the other end of the phone deliberately lowered his voice, and said anxiously.

"Just finished drinking tea."

"Drink tea in the morning? Did you enter the regimen early?"

"Speak directly."

"Ah... I was caught by my dad, come and save me."


"I invite you to dinner at noon."

"Am I the kind of person who can't afford a meal?"

"What do you want?"

"Yes, I have what you have, and I have what you don't have, and I don't want anything from you, so why should I help you? And it's so cold today and it rains so much." Fu Jin The corners of Heng's mouth raised slightly, and he lifted his legs toward his car, his tone was very leisurely, as if he maintained an indifferent state.

"No, Lao Fu, just say whether the two are brothers, should the brothers be in trouble, should they help? We have known each other for so long, you see..."

"Don't play the relationship card with me. Your old man just wants you to inherit the company. He is so old. You should also be considerate of his good intentions. After playing for so long, it is time to take care of him. , I'm hanging up, I'm going to drive, so let's do it for myself!" Fu Jin Heng chuckled lightly, not buying his account at all, and straightforwardly refused.

"Don’t don’t don’t, brother, I’m begging you, you can be a cow or a horse in the future." Seeing that Fu Jinheng was about to hang up, Qi Yue became anxious, so he quickly pleaded: "So, you will I was rescued. How about the famous watch I returned from the auction last time?"

Hearing, Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows and stopped starting the car. The corners of his mouth were raised slightly: "Okay, it will be there in 20 minutes."


After hanging up with Qi Yue, Fu Jinheng rushed to the villa where Qi Yue lived.

Speaking of Qi Yue, you can use the words "no learning and no skill" to describe these four words, but these four words are in the eyes of Qi Yue's father. His company is a family business, and Qi Yue is the only son. Qi Yue’s father will be sixty years later, and now he is thinking of letting Qi Yue enter the company to familiarize himself with the work, and when he retires, the company will be directly handed over to him.

But Qi Yue didn’t want to inherit the company. He set up a game club on his own. It was a small achievement. In the game circle, his club’s reputation was also quite big, but Qi Yue’s father refused to admit it, no matter he was here. How much money has been made in the circle, he just thinks that Qi Yue’s club is like a child’s play house, it will not last long.

Qi Yue originally had a rebellious mentality. The more his father said this, he would have to fight against him, and he also made the club bigger and bigger. He didn't just bring his own people back from a foreign game, but he was caught by his father when he got home. It's right now!

After arriving at the villa where Qi Yue lived, Fu Jinheng rang the doorbell, and the babysitter came to open the door. After seeing Fu Jinheng, he politely nodded and greeted: "Fu Shao, you are here."

"Well, what about Qi Yue?"

"The young master is inside! The old gentleman is here too."

Fu Jinheng raised his eyebrows, smiled, walked in, cleared his throat, and deliberately raised his voice and shouted, "A Yue..., hey, Uncle Qi, you are here too!"

Father Qi turned his head and saw Fu Jin Heng coming, his serious face showed a gentle smile: "A Heng is here, come sit down, I haven't seen you for a while."

"Yes, it's been a long time since I saw Uncle Qi." Fu Jinheng winked at Qi Yue, walked over, and sat beside his father Qi: "I also want to say, where can I go to Uncle Qi in the past two days? Two cups of tea you drank last time."

"If you want to drink, call me! I just ask the secretary to send it to you."

Father Qi and Fu Jinheng had a lively chat. Qi Yue was relieved to watch them, but watching the posture of the two of them chatting, I always felt that Fu Jinheng was his father’s own birth, and he was Adopted.

However, after all these years, Qi's father really saw Fu Jinheng pleasing to his eyes, but he was not pleasing to his eyes everywhere. He was also used to it. He slowly raised his legs, and his posture became more relaxed.

"I am so old. He is such a son. You see that he is still so unbelievable. How can I trust my company to other outsiders! He is now playing around with that game club all day long." Qi Fu sighed. After a sigh of relief, the eyebrows were full of sadness.

Fu Jinheng glanced at Qi Yue with a leisurely look. Qi Yue saw it and spread his hands: "Aren't you quite healthy now? I think it is not a problem for you to fight for more than ten or twenty years. I don't want to take over now. Company, my club..."

"Don't mention that club to me. I'm angry when you mention it. You don't want to give me an idiot. I will warn you. Next year, next year at the latest, if you don't join the company again, I won't have your son." He said, Qi Father raised his hand to check the time, and got up: "I will have a meeting in half an hour. I don’t want to spend it with you. Let’s go first, Ah Heng! I have time to go to my uncle’s for a meeting and have tea with me. Play golf."

"Okay." Fu Jinheng stood up, nodded with a smile, and watched Qi father leave: "Then Uncle Qi walk slowly."

After Qi's father left, Fu Jinheng sat back on the sofa again and glanced at him without a trace: "Your father is right. You will take over the Qi Group sooner or later. It makes no difference if you take over early or late. ."

"I'm only 25 now, I don't want to lose my freedom so early, and the old foxes in my dad's company are very shrewd! I'm past now, they will definitely try to suppress me, I don't want to suffer this frustration now, wait A few years! Now is not the time."

Fu Jinheng gave him a sideways glance and stretched out his hand: "Where is the watch?"

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