Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 20: : Lead the snake out of the hole


A deep and **** tone with a slightly frivolous ridiculous tone followed the electric Boeing into Song Jinan's ear, Song Jinan's heart "cocked", and suddenly recalled that in the morning he poked his forehead and told him to take medicine. In the picture, the lips suddenly became a straight line, trying to calm down, and calmly said: "I have something to discuss with you. Biqugev"

"Huh?" Fu Jinheng uttered a doubtful single tone, but deliberately stretched the tail tone, with a hint of smile in his speech, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Song Jinan was silent for a while, but still told the truth: "That's it. There was another murder on Quanxie Road in Liudong District last night. I received a report this morning. After investigation, it was determined that the serial laughter was responsible for the murder. The same murderer, because of the lack of manpower in the team, I brought Hanhan to the team in the morning and let her stay in the team. Although we have an obligation to protect her, we still hope that Fu Jian can understand. In the afternoon, we will detain Jin Yi. Shuo, so... thinking of letting Fu Jian come over to pick up Han Han, and I will go back later and still let our people protect her."

"There is another murder case?" Upon hearing this, the expression on Fu Jinheng's face immediately became serious, and his brows tightened: "Does Jin Yishuo have time to commit the crime?"

"Yes, he did go out last night and also appeared near the road to Liudong District, but the car disappeared before entering Liudong District. There were many doubts, and he had to wait for him to come and listen to what he said." Song Jinan seriously answered the question he raised, but after finishing speaking, he felt that something was not quite right. He wrinkled his brows and moved the topic to the topic: "Han Han is in my office now, and the weather is so cold today. Let her Staying in the team is not an option. Although people are safe, she doesn't seem to be willing to stay here anymore."

"Okay, I'll be right now." Fu Jinheng's eyes grew deeper and he nodded, then hung up the phone after speaking.

Hearing Fu Jinheng hung up the phone, Song Jinan put the phone down and turned to look at Fu Qihan who was sitting on the sofa while eating: "Han Han, I have already called your brother, and he will come to pick him up later. you."

Fu Qihan nodded and put down the bowls and chopsticks. He was obviously full and drank saliva: "Well, I just heard it, hehe! Sister Jinan, do you hate my brother?"

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Song Jinan sat down and looked at her puzzled.

Fu Qihan tilted his head, Nunu said, "No, I was just curious to ask, no other meaning."

Song Jin'an silently retracted his gaze, and reached out to clean up all the lunch boxes on the table, without intending to pick up Fu Qihan's words.

Seeing her not speaking, Fu Qihan was still a little curious. He leaned forward and asked curiously again: "Sister Jin'an, do you hate my brother?"

"Hate? I don't have any grudges or feasts with Fu Jian. Why are you so annoying." Song Jinan answered her questions as she received her things. He didn't show any evasiveness or guilty conscience.

"That's not annoying?"

Song Jinan glanced at her, and didn't try to refute her, he just acquiesced.

Fu Qihan smiled, and stopped questioning any more, got up and took the bag in her hand: "Hey, Sister Jinan, let me help you!"

Regarding her help, Song Jinan did not refuse, handed her the bag in her hand, threw the arranged lunch box and chopsticks into the bag, and then took it back again: "Wait here for your brother to come. I'm going to throw out the garbage."

"it is good."

On the other side, after Fu Jinheng hung up the phone, Qi Yue, who was sitting opposite him, put down the coffee cup in his hand a little nervously, looked at him and asked, "What's the situation? What murder?"

Fu Jinheng chuckled softly, put the phone on the table, and weighed the watch in his hand lightly: "No comment, I'm leaving now. You can drink coffee slowly."

"Hey, no, tell me! Satisfy my curiosity!"

"Have you never heard that curiosity kills a cat?"

Qi Yuebai glanced at him, and suddenly remembered the recent case that caused panic throughout the city, and his eyes lit up: "Is it the serial homicide case that caused a storm in the city during this time? And I heard that the victims were all women. Is it? But... how come you got in touch with this case? Who is the person who called you just now?"

Looking at his curious look, Fu Jinheng laughed out: "You! Don't ask me, I don't know. You are less curious about this kind of thing, and I'm leaving."

"Where to go?"

"Jie Hanhan."

"Ah? Isn't Han Han in country Y? When did you come back?"

"It's been a while since I came back."

"Then why didn't you say it earlier! I haven't seen Hanhan for two years. Let me go with you to see what this girl looks like and if he misses me." I got up excitedly, ready to go with Fu Jinheng.

"Hey! Don't, now Hanhan is a special period, you can't see her."

"What special period?"

"Why do you have so many questions?"

"Didn't I miss her?"

"You will see it, but it's not the time now." After that, Fu Jinheng got up slowly, shook the injured watch, and put the phone in his pocket again: "Thank you for the watch, and I will have an appointment next day. , I guess you won’t be able to go to the game the day after tomorrow. Waiting for the good news of your victory, besides... don’t tell my parents about Hanhan’s return. They don’t know."

"I sneaked back?" Qi Yue looked at him in surprise: "Oh, yes! This little girl is becoming more and more rebellious now, and she dares to play truant. Yes, I admire her more and more."

Fu Jinheng glared at him without a trace: "Han Han doesn't need your appreciation, you shut up, remember, my parents don’t say anything about it, otherwise you’re asking, you don’t want it at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Back to the club? It's almost two o'clock now, and it's gone."

Looking at the back of Fu Jinheng leaving, Qi Yue sighed silently, took a sip of the coffee on the table, and the phone on the table rang. It was a call from a club member. After Qi Yue answered, he picked it up. Raise an eyebrow: "The training in the afternoon starts at 3:30, I will go over now, they will call me the ball, the day after tomorrow, I will play yg, I am lazy like this, I don’t want to win, so I just stopped in the preseason. ?"

As he spoke, he took the car key and walked outside the house, talking about the afternoon training.

More than half an hour later, Fu Jinheng came to the city team. The people in the room were all busy with their own affairs. They looked very busy. There were also a few who recognized him and would say hello to him with a smile. Fu Jinheng nodded his head and went straight to Song Jinan's office.

As he walked over, Fu Jinheng happened to see Song Jinan walking towards the office with a document in his hand. The two faced each other, and Fu Jinheng smiled and raised his hand to say hello: "Officer Song."

"Han Han is inside!" Song Jinan was taken aback, pursed his lips, gestured with his eyes, walked slowly to the door, pushed the door open, turned his body sideways, and looked at him: "Fu Jian, please come in."

Fu Qihan, who was sitting in the room playing with a mobile phone, listened and paused with the mobile phone. He immediately stood up, put his hands down vertically, turned and looked at the door, and explained nervously: "Brother, I didn't mean to leave the house because Sister Jinan received the case and wanted to investigate, but she didn't worry that I was alone at home, so she brought me here."

Listening to Fu Qihan's self-care words, Fu Jinheng laughed out loud, walked over and knocked on her forehead lightly: "I haven't spoken yet! You are pretty clean. of."

"That's right! I'm not talking about being lenient in confession and strict in resistance, hehe!" Fu Qihan raised his eyebrows confidently, and put his arms around Fu Jin Heng with a smile, shaking gently, with a sweet and coquettish tone. .

Fu Jinheng chuckled lightly and looked at Song Jin'an: "Are there any new clues in the case in Liudong District yesterday?"

Song Jinan pursed his lips and shook his head: "No, it has been raining heavily for the past two days. The heavy rain last night has never stopped. All traces of the scene have been washed away by the rain. Only the victim girl was left at the scene. It's just an umbrella and schoolbag."

"Where is the surveillance camera?"

"I saw the man in black, but did not see any suspicious vehicles. The suspect disappeared in an alley on the prosperous road in Liudong District. Our people also went to investigate. There was no surveillance and no suspicious vehicles. Anyone who is suspicious." Song Jinan sat aside and analyzed the case indifferently.

Seeing that they were talking about the case, Fu Qihan said: "Brother, Sister Jin An, you talk first, I'll go to the toilet!"


After Fu Qihan left, Song Jinan found that Fu Jinheng had been staring at him. He looked at him slightly and said, "What are you looking at me for?"

"I think... the case is going on, you must be direct. Although there is no evidence, at least the suspect must be identified to take preventive measures." Fu Jinheng's eyes were stained with a smile, but his words However, he appeared very serious and serious.

Because he knew that if there was a fifth crime, there would be a sixth time, or even a seventh time.

"What do you mean?" Song Jinan narrowed his eyes and looked at him suspiciously, her face full of puzzlement.

"Didn't you guys just preach Jin Yishuo?" Fu Jinheng chuckled lightly: "It just so happens that Han Han is here, and you are in your team again, leading the snake out of the hole."

Song Jinan's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he also understood what he meant by the phrase'lead the snake out of the hole', but then thought of what he said last night, wringing his brows, and uttering the doubts in his heart: "You are not Do you disagree with Han Han appearing in front of Jin Yishuo?"

"This is an extraordinary period."

Fu Jinheng naturally knew that this was a bit risky, and also knew that Jin Yishuo was eyeing Fu Qihan, but he never had the opportunity to do it, because since the day that Fu Qihan became a witness, there will be one or two by her side. A policeman is by his side, and he is the kind of inseparable one who has no chance to act.

After listening to Song Jinan, he thought a little bit, raised his wrist and looked at the time: "Mingcheng and Qixun should soon bring Jin Yishuo over. I'll go to Hanhan and explain the situation to her."

"it is good."

After Song Jinan heard this, he got up and planned to go out to find Fu Qihan, but Fu Jinheng suddenly said, "Police Officer Song, are you still angry?"

Upon hearing this, Song Jinan stopped and looked back at him, his eyes filled with puzzlement: "Angry? What does Fu Jian mean?"

"Isn't Officer Song angry with me last night? Although I don't know what I said wrong or what I did wrong yesterday to make Officer Song angry, but Officer Song is angry, that's my fault. I am here to apologize to you. Now, I hope Officer Song will not get angry with me." Fu Jinheng smiled, his eyes seemed to be bright, but there were a few touches that were unpredictable and dark.

"I'm not angry." Song Jin'an pursed his lips, and was stunned. He always felt that his tone of speech and the look in his eyes were a bit strange, but she couldn't tell which kind of strangeness.


"Why should I be angry with you?" Song Jinan was very puzzled. Why did he ask? Fu Qihan asked her if she hated Fu Jinheng before. This kind of question can be answered calmly. I need to get angry, but I don't know why, now listening to Fu Jinheng's question, I feel inexplicably angry.

Hearing her slightly angry tone, Fu Jinheng's smile intensified, and he raised his eyebrows and nodded: "It's fine if you are not angry. Then you can explain the situation to Hanhan! I'll be waiting in your office. she was."

Song Jinan glanced at him, then withdrew his gaze, and left the door directly.

After Song Jinan went out, she just ran into Fu Qihan, who was coming back from the toilet, and simply explained the situation to her. After Fu Qihan heard this, her face wrinkled and began to struggle. In fact, she couldn’t resist, but just I felt a little scared.

"What's the matter? If you don't want to..."

"No unwilling, just a little afraid..." Fu Qihan raised his hand and waved his hand, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"It's okay. I'll let Cao Wei walk you past Jin Yishuo later. You just need to be a okay person. Don't be nervous and afraid. Don't worry, we will always be by your side, and your brother I'm waiting for you in my office too." Song Jinan knew that what happened that day had caused a lot of shadow in her heart, so she tried her best to speak softly, calm her emotions softly, and gently pat her shoulder with her hand. Relax yourself.

Fu Qihan nodded: "Okay."

"You go to my office and wait, and Mingcheng just sent me a message saying that they are coming soon."


Not long after Fu Qihan returned to the office, Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun brought Jin Yishuo to the team. Song Jinan squinted his eyes and looked at Jin Yishuo, who was wearing a gray coat. There was no nervousness or panic on his expression, but he looked relaxed and content.

"Mr. Jin, we met again." After Song Jinan collected his expression and details in his eyes, he proactively stretched out his hand to greet him: "I'm wronged you come to cooperate with our investigation."

"Captain Song said this in the living room. We are doing our duty to cooperate with the police in handling the case. We didn't say anything wronged." Jin Yishuo looked at her deeply, the smile on the corner of his mouth seemed peaceful, but it was a bit insidious. It was intentional, but it was concealed very well by him.

"Then please Mr. Jin to go to the interrogation room now." When Song Jinan took back his hand, he also specially observed Jin Yishuo's hand, and found that there was a band-aid on the back of his hand. His eyes sank, but he didn't say anything. What? He turned his body sideways and made a "please" gesture, and winked at Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun.

After Tao Qixun understood it, he took Jin Yishuo to the interrogation room. Jin Yishuo and Song Jinan nodded and walked over with them with a smile.

After Cao Wei saw this, he hurriedly went to the office to call Fu Qihan, deliberately walked around to another buddy, and went against Jin Yishuo. Before leaving, Cao Wei calmed Fu Qihan and Fu Qihan. After taking a deep breath, I was ready, nodded with him, and then walked forward with him, talking and laughing.

After passing by Jin Yishuo, Fu Qihan's heart "cocked" and glanced at him without a trace. He just saw the corner of his mouth, his face turned pale, and the fear in his heart rose again, and his mind The scene also showed the murderer's smile at himself after he was hit by the murderer that night.

Cao Wei felt her abnormality, and was afraid of revealing her stuff, so he changed the subject and said, "Team Song is busy now and has no time. I will send you back later, and Team Song will come and look for you later." After that, she gently pulled off the corner of her clothes.

Fu Qihan reacted and quickly turned his head to look at Cao Wei, trying his best not to let Jin Yishuo see his abnormality, nodded, and narrowed his mouth in a very aggrieved expression: "Well, then! These days and days. It’s raining and I’m almost annoying, and I’m almost boring."

When Jin Yishuo saw Fu Qihan, his footsteps stopped subconsciously. When he heard Fu Qihan's voice, his eyes constricted subconsciously. After Fu Qihan and Cao Wei passed by, he narrowed his eyes. He turned his head back and glanced at Fu Qihan's back.

"What's the matter?" Tao Qixun and Zhang Mingzhu saw him stop, they carefully looked at his expression, and deliberately asked.

Jin Yishuo was stunned, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, he withdrew his gaze, and smiled: "It's nothing, I just think that the little girl who just passed by has a very special fragrance. The two police officers also know that I am a perfumer. Perfume is naturally sensitive. I am a bit interested in smelling such a good smell. I don’t know... After the interrogation, can I meet that little girl? I want to ask her about the perfume brand and go back. Study it carefully."

"We didn't fully agree to Mr. Jin's request. Moreover, it seems impolite to a girl. Mr. Jin has studied abroad. It should be understood that such a small truth should be understood." Zhang Mingcheng and Tao Qixun have not yet. After answering the conversation, Song Jinan, who was holding a file book, walked over, staring at his back, and spoke indifferently.

Hearing this, Jin Yishuo turned his head to look at Song Jin'an. Seeing the sharpness in her eyes, he laughed: "Captain Song said that, but I was abrupt."

"Mr. Jin is polite, but it can be seen that Mr. Jin is really dedicated to perfume." Song Jinan took two steps closer, twitching his lips faintly: "Then let's start the interrogation!"

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