Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 25: : Change the strategy

On the way back, Fu Jinheng packed a few dishes they wanted to eat for Fu Qihan and Tao Qixun. He also went to the drugstore by the way, bought some anti-fever medicine for Song Jin'an, and went straight back. .

When I stopped the car and was about to get out of the car with my things, I noticed a cautious figure, and subconsciously reached out to turn off the lights in the car, and leaned back slightly, squinting his eyes tightly at the black shadow.

The figure was carefully patrolling the surrounding area. After confirming that there was no one, he sneaked to the car diagonally across from Fu Jinheng and flashed a flashlight to see what was inside the car.

The black figure was very thin, about 1.7 meters tall. Fu Jinheng watched a series of actions in the car, guessing that he was a thief, and did not rush to get out of the car to stop him, but looked with his head tilted. I clicked on the nearby camera, chuckled, took out my phone from my trouser pocket and put it on the dashboard to turn on the video, just watching it quietly.

When the thief pryed the car window halfway, Fu Jinheng felt that the recording was almost done, so he put the phone away, pushed the car door unhurriedly, and walked away.

Hearing the sound, the black shadow who was prying the car window gave a sudden stop, looked over, and swallowed nervously: "Who...who are you?"

"It's a coincidence that I just saw you who pryed someone's car window." Fu Jinheng smiled, closed the car door heavily, walked to the front of his car, leaned against the car hood, and looked at his Dressed, it doesn't look like people in this community.

"You... have you seen it?" The thief man looked at him vigilantly and asked tentatively.

Fu Jinheng nodded, raised his voice, and asked curiously: "But I'm very curious! Our community is a high-end community, how did you get in? And... our underground parking garage has a complicated terrain, and unfamiliar people come in very often. It’s easy to get lost, are you... sure you can go out the same way?"

"I..." When the thief heard this, he didn't think so much, and ran away in the direction where he had just come.

Fu Jinheng looked at the back of his escape. Fu Jinheng did not catch up. Instead, he picked up his mobile phone and called the security guard of the community. Soon several security guards came over and greeted him first. .

"Captain Zheng, you are getting worse and worse in the security of this community. There are still such low-level mistakes as thieves. There are hundreds of owners here. How do you plan to explain to them?"

"I'm really sorry, Prosecutor Fu, don't worry, this thief will never get away. The garage is so big and there are several exits. It is easy for unfamiliar people to get lost. Although there are maps, I have controlled every exit. I called the security guard and called the police. I’m sorry to have delayed your time.” The security guard patted his chest affirmatively. After speaking, he nodded to him, turned around and took the other three or four security guards to look for the thief. Silhouette.

Fu Jinheng straightened up, walked to the door of the co-drive room, took out the vegetables and medicine inside, locked the car, and walked to the exit leisurely.

The security team and the policemen who came over took more than 20 minutes to catch the thief. When they took the person to the security lounge, the thief was on the spot and he was still a habitual offender. He was tonight. It was also when the security guard at gate e was changing shifts, and another car came in, so he sneaked in. It turned out that the garage was large and there were many cars parked in it. So he became ill-tempered and brought tools with him. , He pried a few more expensive cars, and was discovered by Fu Jinheng when he was about to pry the fourth one.

After the thief took out the stolen goods from the three cars in front of him, the police asked him which three cars he had stolen. The thief seriously recalled: "One is a Mercedes-Benz, another is a BMW, and the third is a car. A black Maybach, the black wallet was taken by Maybach. I didn’t even pry into his car. Because there was no lock, I just pulled the door of the car. After turning over the whole car, there was only this wallet. There were more than 800 in it. Cash also has two bank cards and an ID card."

"Which parking area did you steal it from?"

"I don't understand, but I remember what zone d the wallet was in, and I noticed that zone d was written on the pillar."

"A black Maybach in zone d?" Fu Jinheng heard this and immediately thought of Jin Yishuo. It happened that Jin Yishuo's car was a black Maybach, and it happened to be in zone d.

When Fu Jinheng finished speaking, a policeman opened the wallet and took a look, and took out the ID card inside: "The owner's name is Jin Yishuo."

Fu Jinheng squinted his eyes and looked at the policeman: "It seems that you can contact Officer Song of the City Criminal Investigation Division 2 for this wallet."

"Prosecutor Fu means it is related to the serial homicide case?" Everyone here knows that the fourth case of the serial homicide case occurred near the Zijingyuan community, and the person in charge of this case is called Song Jin'an, some time ago Song Jin'an also took people to check the monitoring of all the districts and checked all the residents of the districts.

"Well, I dare not make false claims. It's just that Jin Yishuo is their current suspect. Captain Zheng should know that my sister is now living in my house and is protected by their police as a witness. It is about Jin Yishuo's things. It’s better to be cautious, especially for things like wallets." Fu Jinheng, as an unrelated person outside the case, of course knew that he could not directly participate in the case itself. He just gave appropriate advice, then smiled and nodded. : "I have forwarded the video of him stealing things to you. If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

"Okay, thank you Prosecutor Fu for your cooperation and assistance."


Fu Jinheng took two steps forward, then turned his head and took a deep look at the wallet he was holding in the policeman’s hands, his eyes narrowed dangerously, and he stepped back into the corridor where he lived and pressed the elevator directly. Went up.

When returning home, Fu Qihan and Tao Qixun sat on the sofa in the living room watching TV. Seeing that he was back, Tao Qixun first stood up and said hello: "Fu Jian, you are back."

Fu Jinheng put the bag in his hand on the table, nodded, and looked at Fu Qihan who didn't react at all: "Han Han, I bought your favorite food."

Fu Qihan raised his head and glanced at him, curled his small mouth, reached out to open the bag, found that there was a medicine bag, looked at him puzzledly and asked, "What is this?"

"Fever reducing medicine."

"Bought it for Jin An?"


"Brother, do you mean...that person will really kill me?" Fu Yihan is still very melancholy in his heart. Perhaps it is the reason why he was so scared by the email last night that he was stunned all day long. In a trance, there was a lot of anxiety in my heart.

Tao Qixun on the side raised his eyebrows displeased, but before he could say anything, he heard Fu Jinheng speak first: "What nonsense? You are safe now. He dare not do anything to you. I am not talking to you. Did you say it? Don't think about the mess, you know? Let's eat first!"

Fu Qihan lowered his eyes, nodded, and took a deep breath: "Okay, brother, have you eaten?"

"Well, I've eaten it."

"Then you eat first, I'll go take a shower first."

"it is good."

After taking Fu Jinheng into the house, Tao Qixun sat next to her and said with a stern face: "Don't say this again in the future. I have said it many times. As long as I am by your side, nothing will happen to you. ."

Tao Qixun just opened the box. After listening to Tao Qixun's words, he looked at him and hung his face aggrievedly: "Isn't I scared? Tao Qixun, if, I mean if! If I should die..."

"Impossible, eat, don't say such frustrating words, I will definitely protect your personal safety." Tao Qixun suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and interrupted her in a loud voice, with obvious anger on his face, but Realizing that his tone was too heavy, he said in a soft voice: "Don't think about this, obedient, haven't I said it? I will stay by your side to protect you until the murderer catches it."

After listening to Tao Qixun’s words, Fu Qihan’s heart became somewhat stable. The corners of his mouth raised and his head shook. He stopped thinking about these messy things. He pushed a box of lunch in front of him and said with a smile. : "Okay, I won't say anything, let's eat!"

When it was about 10:30, Song Jinan returned home and learned about the wallet from the police. Because she was responsible for protecting Fu Qihan at night, Cao Wei was directly responsible for this matter.

When she came back, Fu Qihan also took a bath because of sleepiness and went to sleep. Tao Qixun saw her back and stood up: "Song team, you are here."

"Well, is there something unusual?"

"No, everything is normal."

"Where is Hanhan?"

"Ms. Fu is a little unstable emotionally, and there is nothing wrong with the rest. I am trying my best to comfort her."


"Then since you are here, I will leave first, and I will take over tomorrow morning."

Song Jinan nodded, and subconsciously glanced around the room. When Tao Qixun passed by and was about to leave, Song Jinan hesitated and asked: "Uh, wait a minute, I..."

"Huh? What's wrong? Team Song, is there anything else?" Tao Qixun stopped and looked at her sideways.

Song Jinan moved her lips, looking embarrassed: "Um...Fu Jinheng...Uh, Fu Jian hasn't come back yet?" Realizing that the name in the following was wrong, Song Jinan hurriedly changed it back.

"I'm back! He... uh, Fu Jian." Tao Qixun nodded and turned back, and suddenly found that Fu Jinheng had walked out of the room and stood right in front of him, and nodded to say hello.

Hearing this, Song Jin'an was taken aback, her lips tightened, turned around, looked at him, and met his black eyes, his chest shook severely, and he narrowed his gaze, and quickly turned his gaze away.

"Um... Fu Jian, Team Song, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first." Tao Qixun didn't notice the abnormality of the two of them either. After checking the time, he nodded and left directly.

Fu Jinheng watched Tao Qixun leave. After closing the door, he set his eyes on Song Jinan's profile. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he walked two steps toward her. He skillfully raised his hand and touched her forehead, and found that there was still something Burning his hand, he scowled at his brows, and the smile on his face stopped: "Why is it still so hot? Did you take your medicine on time today?"

"Eat." Song Jinan stretched out his hand and pushed away his hand, took two steps back, and returned calmly.

"Why do you still have a fever after taking it? Didn't take the anti-fever medicine?" As soon as she saw her retreat, Fu Jinheng took another big step in front of her, much closer than before.

"There is no anti-fever medicine."

"Then you don't know to buy? It keeps burning like this? Are you afraid of burning your brain out?"

When he said this, Song Jinan was naturally unhappy. He glared at him and retorted angrily: "You just burned your brain."

After hearing this, Fu Jinheng laughed, took her hand and walked to the living room, motioned to the white bag on the table: "I bought you anti-fever medicine when I came back, and now I have eaten it, I will pour you water." After speaking, I went to the kitchen and poured her a cup of warm water.

"You bought it for me?" Song Jinan was obviously a little surprised and couldn't help asking.

Fu Jinheng nodded: "Well, what's the matter? Don't believe it?"


"Then drink it quickly!"

Song Jinan pursed his lips, hesitated for more than ten seconds, then opened the medicine bag, took out the medicine inside and poured it into his hand, stuffed the pill into his mouth, drank saliva, and swallowed it all.

Fu Jinheng picked up another granule and poured it into another cup, poured boiling water, gently shaken it to melt the particles, and put it on the table: "Wait until it's cold before drinking it!"

"Thank you."

"Are you looking for me just now?"


"I heard everything just now, Officer Song won't pretend to be ignorant! You obviously asked Officer Tao if I came back."

"I asked." Fu Jinheng said so, and Song Jinan couldn't say that he didn't say anything, so he had to admit it.

"Then talk about it! What can I do for you?"

"Nothing, I just asked."

"When you drink the medicine, let's talk."

"What are you talking about?" Song Jinan just took the cup's hand and asked, looking at him nervously.

"What do you think we should talk about now?" Fu Jinheng folded his legs and looked at her meaningfully, the corners of his mouth becoming wider and wider.

"We have nothing to talk about." Song Jinan opened her eyes and drank the granules in the cup in one sip. The bitterness lingering in her mouth made her look at her eyebrows tightly, and quickly put down the cup in her hand, picked up the cup of warm water and drank both of them. There is no relief.

"Bitterness?" Fu Jinheng asked looking at her expression.

Song Jinan was taken aback, took another sip of water, and put the cup down, but the bitter taste of Chinese medicine in her mouth was hard to dissipate, making her brows furrow deeper and deeper, and she could not relax.

Song Jinan's body was stunned, staring at him in a daze, and his thoughts were pulled back a little bit, his eyes were stained with obvious anger, and he pushed him away violently, and stood up abruptly, becoming angry. He raised his hand to hit his Junrong, and shouted, "Fu Jinheng, what do you take me for?"

When her hand was about to fall, Fu Jinheng raised her hand and grasped her wrist accurately and unmistakably, pulling her into his arms along the way, with the other hand wrapped around her slender waist: "Hey! What do you take you for, let me tell you?"

Listening to his ambiguous tone, Song Jinan struggled hard, staring at him angrily: "Let go."

"Can't let it go, you have to hit me as soon as you let it go."

"Fu Jinheng." Song Jin Anxu was angry, and his tone became rushed. The calmness and composure of the past were also forgotten at this time: "I will warn you one last time and let me... ."

"I like you." When she was annoyed, Fu Jinheng interrupted her decisively.

His tone was very gentle, but it fell like a pebble gently on her calm heart, rippling layers, these simple words floated back and forth in her mind constantly, occupying Her thoughts did not go away for a long time.

"I'm serious." Seeing her gently squirming her lips, Fu Jinheng rushed again.

Song Jinan looked at him blankly, the deep affection and seriousness in his eyes were reflected in her sharp apricot eyes, and the strings stretched in his head were also broken one by one under this situation, and he suddenly recovered. , While he was not paying attention, he pushed him away immediately, and quickly walked aside two steps: "Fu Jian, don't use it to make a joke, I will say it at the end..."

"I also said, I'm serious, do you think I'm joking?"

Song Jin's dumb, sneered: "Then let me remind Fu Jian on the way, don't forget, you are a person with a marriage contract, don't you think it is funny to talk to me about it here? Also, I repeat, Don’t interrupt me. I live in your house purely because Han Han is the witness of this case and the target of the murderer. I don’t mean anything to you. If Fu Jian must misunderstand our relationship in this way, From tomorrow on, I will send someone to protect Hanhan again, or let Hanhan go directly to my house."

Mentioning the words'marriage contract', Fu Jinheng understood, smiled, raised his hand and touched his nose: "I and Shishi are not the relationship you imagined. Although she is my fiancée, but... ."

"Fu Jian doesn't have to explain this to me, I'm not interested, and it's late, I'm really a little tired, Fu Jian should go to work tomorrow too! Please rest early!" Song Jinan listened to his advice. With a word, his heart shook slightly, and he interrupted him directly.

He didn't give Fu Jinheng a chance to take the call, and was afraid that Fu Jinheng would suddenly stretch out his hand to hold him, so he took a quick step and went to Fu Qihan's room.

Fu Jinheng wanted to hold her back and tell her clearly, but she was gone before she could react, and she felt a sense of dumbfounding for a moment.

But then I thought, she was already catching a cold, and she had a fever, and he was distressed too, so he didn't chase in to ask, but turned around and went back to the room, thinking about how to solve the current stalemate!

It is undeniable that he and Qiao Shiwei do have a marriage contract, but the relationship between the two of them is limited to friendship, and there is no increase in love. The two have a three chapters before the engagement, and they will be able to contact the outside in May next year. The reason for the marriage contract can be said to be that the two have different personalities and are not suitable for being together. This will also explain to both parents.

After all, when the two of them got engaged, they were actually not happy. It was pressure from both parents. Finally, I said, get engaged first. If it is not a big deal, then contact the marriage contract. The friendship between the two families is also there and it will not hurt. Kindly.

After Song Jinan returned to the room, the heartbeat still didn't mean to ease down. Sitting on the edge of the bed, all that lingered in her mind were his confession and the male hormones remaining on her lips.

The more you do this, the more messy your heart becomes, and there are no more cases.

It wasn't until about twelve o'clock that Song Jinan took the clothes, quietly walked to the door, poked his head and looked out the door, and found that the light outside the living room was turned off and there was no person, so he walked gently to the bathroom. Start washing.

Although she didn't know why she had to be so cautious, she was a little nervous and guilty, just didn't want to see Fu Jinheng so as not to be embarrassed.

The next morning, a ray of autumn morning light reflected into the house from the window sill. Song Jinan moved his eyelids and gradually became sober. Perhaps the medicine Fu Jinheng bought for him last night worked. Song Jinan felt that the whole person was much better. She didn’t have a fever, she just had a slight cough. Thinking about what happened last night, she didn’t get anxious. She glanced at Fu Qihan, who was still sleeping next to her. She looked at the time and found that it was only after 7 o’clock. Continue to lie down, but did not fall asleep, just thinking about what to do next?

Anyway, Fu Jinheng can't live at home anymore, and the plan to protect Fu Qihan has to change the strategy.

When Fu Jinheng got up, he found that there was no one in the living room, so he raised his wrist to check the time, and looked sideways at Fu Qihan's door, his lips pressed into a straight line, and he went to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee. After tasting, Fu Jinheng saw that Song Jinan hadn't gotten up yet, and thought that something was wrong with her, so he put down the coffee cup in his hand, got up and walked to the door, knocked on the door with his fingers: "Song... ."

As soon as he heard the sound, the door of the room was opened, and a familiar face was reflected in his black eyes. The hand hanging in the air was taken aback for a moment, and he stretched over and probed her forehead, and found that it was not hot. I felt relieved: "Wake up? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"No." Song Jinan leaned back and avoided his hand: "It's all right."

"That's good, take another medicine later, don't forget, the time is almost up, I will go now." Fu Jinheng slowly retracted his hand, glanced at the time on his wrist, turned and walked towards the door, but walked out. Within two steps, he stopped again, looked back at her, moved his lips, but didn't ask anything, and took another step to leave.

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