Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: [Bei Qiao Lian] 048: Three words deep into the bone marrow

Inside the affiliated children’s hospital.

A small and lovely figure lying on the hospital bed, with no blood on his beautiful and small face, a small hand with a needle and a sling, and a distressing light in his big, agile watery eyes, look. Going up is helpless and pitiful.

Standing on the edge of the bed, Miaoman's figure is holding a cup of steaming mouth, her rosy lips gently blowing against the water in the cup, her manner is very elegant and grand, and there is a faint coldness in her eyebrows. tender.

"Aunt Shishi." Xinghe looked at her, Nuonuo shouted.

"Huh?" Qiao Shi made a slight tone, her eyes shifted slightly, and she looked at the little **** the bed: "What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?"

Xinghe shook his head, and suffocated his mouth aggrievedly: "I miss Dad."

"I've called your dad. He will be back by the earliest flight. You get up and drink some water first. After you have a sleep, you can see your dad when you get up." Qiao Shiwei sat On the edge of the bed, with a gentle smile, he gently lifted her up from the bed and brought the cup of steaming hot water to her mouth: "Drink slowly and be careful of burning."

Xinghe took a sip obediently, and Qiao Shiwei lowered his head and asked, "Are you still drinking?"

Xinghe shook her head, and Qiao Shiwei asked her to lie back on the bed: "Okay, go to sleep!"

"Aunt Shishi, will you leave me?"

Hearing, Qiao Shi smiled: "Don't worry, since you promised your father to take care of you, I won't leave until your father comes back."

"I go to sleep then."

"Well, go to sleep! Good night."

"Good night, Auntie Shishi."

Seeing Xinghe closed his eyes and went to sleep, Qiao Shiwei put the cup in her hand on the bedside table, got up and turned off the headlights in the room, and turned on the floor lamp on the side to the first gear. The faint light shone on the huge ward, Qiao Shiwei Then he returned to sit on the edge of the bed and helped Xinghe tuck the quilt.

This little girl is very well-behaved and sensible, but her sensibility is distressing. She is only more than five years old, but she understands everything and looks cautious.

At her age, what she enjoys should be the love of her parents, the shelter and pampering of her grandparents, so that she grows up innocently, and occasionally she will be willful and crying because of the toys or food she wants, Ke Xinghe But not. During the time she spent with her, she never made unreasonable demands, especially when she saw other children in Shiqinfang and her mother acting like a baby, she would stand silently by the side. Looking at it, although the beautiful face has a smile, there is no brilliance in his eyes, which makes people feel distressed.

Cheng Beihuai suddenly received an invitation from a singer today. He had to go on a business trip because he couldn't push, because Xinghe has been inseparable since he was a child, but today things are in a hurry. At that time, Xinghe was still attending classes at Shiqinfang. , He went directly on the earliest flight, and temporarily entrusted Xinghe to Qiao Shiwei.

The winter in City T is extremely cold and the wind is cold, but during the day there is a big sun, so the temperature difference between morning and evening is huge. At night, Qiao Shiwei suddenly found that she had a fever and she had not taken care of the child. She was a little at a loss but didn't want to. At that time, Xinghe's breathing was rapid, and his face was pale, and she was so frightened that she rushed her to the hospital.

The doctor diagnosed that it was a cold caused by wind and cold, which also triggered her asthma. She was even more distressed to learn that Xinghe had asthma at such a young age.

But she doesn’t really know the truth about Cheng’s family. Although she and Cheng Beihuai are childhood sweethearts and very acquainted with his mother, they are only acquainted with the others, and they don’t know much about the others. When they were in contact, Cheng Beihuai rarely met. She mentioned his family in front of her, and even sometimes she said a few words with his mother, and he would be a little unhappy. As for where the unhappiness came from, she didn't know, and she never asked. Later, they broke up peacefully, and if they wanted to ask, they couldn't find any identity and qualifications to ask.

In the middle of the night, Qiao Shiwei turned on the heating in the room to a moderate temperature, lay on the edge of the bed and closed his eyes and began to look at him.

Her sleep has always been very shallow, and a little movement can easily wake her up. In the second half of the night, Xinghe moved a few times and talked in sleep. Qiao Shiwei was all awake, lying next to her, with a gentle tone. Softly soothing her uneasy emotions, gradually, Xinghe's sleep became stable, and the small face that had been wrinkled was also relieved.

Until 6:30, the sky was faintly bright, the cyan curtain was shrouded in mist, the silver crescent was still shining, and the half of his body was hidden in the mist, looking very bright and clean.

There was a burst of rapid footsteps outside the ward. In the next instant, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open. Qiao Shiwei instigated the lower eyelashes, slowly opened his eyes, straightened up and looked at the doorway, and saw a familiar touch of standing at the doorway. Junying, he is wearing a long gray plaid coat, showing off his slender and well-proportioned figure, with a black scarf around his neck, and the gentle Junrong panting slightly, even the lenses on the bridge of his nose. It was also covered with a layer of mist, as if the wind and dust hurried over.

Mixed with the soft ink pupil, he glanced at Tong Yan who was still sleeping on the hospital bed. The heart hanging on his throat also fell heavily, his eyes shifted, and he fell in that clear and beautiful face with a gentle air. On Qiao Rong's face, slowly walked over: "How is Xinghe?"

"The doctor said that there is nothing serious about it. The reason for wearing less clothes at night..." As he said, Qiao Shiwei paused: "What's wrong with her asthma?"

"Congenital, present at birth."

"Congenital?" Qiao Shi was very surprised, her bright eyes widened slightly.

Cheng Beihuai nodded and walked to the edge of the bed, opposite her, leaning over to touch Xinghe lightly, but fearing that his hands would be cold to her, he took it back halfway, and his eyes softened as he watched Qiao Shiwei. When she got up, her tone was very light: "She was born prematurely."

Hearing, Qiao Shi retracted his gaze silently and looked at Xinghe.

Cheng Beihuai condescendingly stared at her across the hospital bed, holding a gentle and faint arc at the corner of his mouth: "Thank you for this matter, Xinghe, and I have worked hard. Let you take care of it all night."

Qiao Shiwei raised his eyes and stared at his pair of ink pupils that were so gentle that they could overflow with water. He got up from the chair and said lightly: "No, no more effort. Since you are back, I will leave. There were two doses of medicine on the table. The doctor ordered that when Xinghe woke up, he would drink it. The two packets of red and yellow bags should be taken on an empty stomach. The pills wrapped in white paper should be taken half an hour after breakfast To eat."

After speaking, Qiao Shiwei turned around and walked to the sofa, picked up her white down jacket, crossed the foot of the bed, didn't look at him more, and walked directly to the door.

"Poetry..." Cheng Beihuai subconsciously called her to stop, looked at her sideways, and walked to her side: "I will send you back!"

"No, I drove by myself, so you should take good care of Xinghe here! She will definitely look for you when she wakes up," Qiao Shi glanced at him slightly and opened her mouth quietly.

"Okay, then you drive carefully. It's quite foggy outside. Go back and take a good rest." Cheng Beihuai was silent for a while, then nodded softly, looking at the glow in her eyes very softly.

After she left, Cheng Beihuai took off his coat and scarf and put it on the sofa, turned his head and looked back at the medicine on the table, walked to the edge of the bed, sat down slowly, straightened his waist, and opened his legs slightly. , Clasping his hands tightly on his legs, the gaze under the lens gradually sank.


Due to Xinghe’s illness, Xinghe did not go to Shiqinfang for nearly a week, nor did Cheng Beihuai and Qiao Shiwei contact him. It was not until Saturday, more than a week later, that Xinghe came to Shiqinfang to attend classes. It’s all day long.

Cheng Beihuai came over at 9:30 in the morning. When the two got out of the car, Qiao Shiwei's car also arrived. Cheng Beihuai stood in front of his car, looking at the graceful shadow coming out of the car, his expression paused slightly, and then immediately Raising a gentle smile, before she had time to say hello, the little girl beside her trot over, raised her cute little face, and shouted softly: "Aunt Shishi, I'm here for class today."

Qiao Shiwei's petite figure in front of her gently stroked her head behind her.

Smiled: "How is your body? Is your cold getting better?"

Xing He nodded heavily, and smiled sweetly: "It's alright, thank you for trying Auntie's concern."

"Then hurry in! Teacher Gu is waiting for you inside."

"Okay." Xinghe responded, and turned to look at Cheng Beihuai: "Dad, I'm going in first, you have to come and pick me up soon!"

"Good." Cheng Beihuai was gentle and nodded with a smile.

After Xinghe entered the Shiqinfang, a teacher greeted her and took her by the hand to go to class.

Qiao Shiwei's gaze retracted from the inside and looked at Cheng Beihuai. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, so he fell silent, and walked inside with black high-heeled boots.


The same as the last time she called her in the ward, it was gentle and gentle, without any nasal sound.

When Qiao Shiwei heard this, he turned his head to look at him, but he smiled softly and shook his head: "It's nothing, Xinghe will leave it to you. I'll leave."

Qiao Shiwei still didn't answer the conversation, just watched him get in the car and drove away indifferently.

Seeing the car getting farther away, Qiao Shiwei also grabbed his mind, stepped into the house again in short boots, and went straight upstairs to his office.

Cheng Beihuai drove all the way to his studio. After turning off the car, he did not rush to get out of the car. Instead, he unfastened his seat belt and took out a photo from a drawer in the inner compartment, showing the girl in the photo. Wiping a gentle smile, standing gracefully, and holding a touch of handsome arm in a affectionate hand, both of them showed the childishness and sweetness of their youth.

The photo looks a bit old, but it is still intact. I don’t know how long I watched it, and a crisp bell rang. Cheng Beihuai gathered his thoughts, took out his phone from his jacket and looked at the display, and put the photo back in the drawer of the inner compartment. Keep it well, gently sliding the slender hand to the answer button, and Wen Shen said, "I have arrived."

After finishing the speech, he hung up the phone, opened the door and walked down.

"Brother Cheng, you're here, the song and lyrics of "Meaning Heart" were published by Huo Yin's studio before they were published." Cheng Beihuai just walked in, and the sunny young figure was greeted by the wind. Come out, hurriedly said.

The expression on Cheng Beihuai's face remained the same, but there was a hint of coldness between his eyebrows, and he went straight to the elevator without picking up the boy.

Cheng Beihuai, Huo Yin, and Rong Mi are known as the three big players in the music industry. They have different talents in music composition, lyrics, and singing. It can be said that they do not know how to sing. Many singers hope to sing them. Songs and tunes written by the three.

The three ranked first, Cheng Beihuai, Huo Yin, Rong Mi, and Cheng Beihuai’s songs and songs. They are all smash hits, famous songs that many young people will sing, or the most popular opening songs or episodes of popular movies and televisions. some type of.

Although Rong Mi is young, he is very talented, but he never writes songs for others. He only sings songs for himself.

After Cheng Beihuai naturally had Xinghe, he rarely sang. Basically, he wrote songs and wrote lyrics. However, he and Huo Yin never drink. People in the singing world know that their discord comes from one. First tune.

It is the opening song of a very popular fairy fantasy ip drama. The original song was composed by Huo Yin, but at that time Cheng Beihuai just wrote a song for a popular singer. The artistic conception of the lyrics and the TV series are extremely Similarly, the director and screenwriter of the TV series switched to the opening song. Later, the two had a fight in a public place, and their disagreement spread.

But Cheng Beihuai is not the kind of person who cares about it. He has a gentle and indifferent personality. He has always been like this. On the contrary, Huo Yin is a bit mad. He has not been convinced about that matter. He always secretly competed with Cheng Beihuai, no matter he When a tune or song is released, he will follow his heel and compare with him.

But Cheng Beihuai never tried to compare these. The so-called competition was Huo Yin alone and self-righteous.

The song "Patient Heart" is the latest song written by Cheng Beihuai recently. He didn't intend to sing this song to anyone, but he never thought that this song was suddenly cut off by Huo Yin for publication, and he also claimed to the public. It was composed by himself, and the original song was his own.

The song got a great response from the outside world as soon as it went out. On the singing software, it was played over 100,000 overnight, and it became popular in an instant.

Cheng Beihuai returned to the office and looked at the data displayed on the computer. He raised his brows slightly, but the expression on his face was not too strange. The young man standing at the desk couldn't understand his mood, but he just felt Huo Yin. This kind of theft is shameful.

Others are plagiarism or something, but he did it well and stole the song "Mean Xin" directly, saying that it was his own composition.

Cheng Beihuai’s style of composing and composing lyrics is a bit more ancient and love-hate. Huo Yin also writes ancient styles, but more about romances, joys and sorrows. As soon as this song went out, many of his fans said that Huo Yin had made progress. To change the meaning of style.

The meaning of the words in the singer "Credence" is the soft-bone style of battle on the battlefield. For this type, Huo Yin has produced a few such lyrics, but the response has not been very good, and it belongs to the kind of nonsense. Mildly, now that Cheng Beihuai's song was stolen, it became completely popular overnight.

"Brother Cheng, what should I do now? He has bullied you, obviously provoking you." The young man looked angry, and he was very dissatisfied with Huo Yin's behavior in his words.

"This song is only known and heard by people inside us." Cheng Beihuai closed the laptop in front of him, his tone was calm and indifferent, and there was still a softness between his brows.

"Brother Cheng, what do you mean...in our studio...is there an insider?"

"Don't make any publicity about this matter. Since he is hot, let him be hot!"

"Ah! Normally Huo Yin provokes you and doesn't care about it, but he steals your song this time. It's too much. Are we going to let it go like this? Then this is not for the sake of a tiger, let him go on like this, he is true What should we do when we are bullied and getting more and more excessive?" The young man felt worthless for Cheng Beihuai, but he was also deeply helpless for Cheng Beihuai's unwillingness to compete with him for these innocent gimmicks.

In the singing world, there are too few people like Cheng Beihuai who do not fight for fame and fortune. If a song becomes popular, it can bring more than money and fame. Only fame will come. There are more singers looking for you to write lyrics and music, not to mention the money.

However, Cheng Beihuai is dismissive of these. He writes lyrics and music entirely based on his mood, and many singers come to him to write songs, but he is not willing to write for him if he gives more money, but depends on his current mood and vision. He promised to help you write.

Even though he has such a temperament, his status as a musical genius lies there. Even if he does not sing, no one can shake his status. After all, as long as he sings a song, no matter who he sings, then sing. People who love will be hot, naturally including TV shows and movies.

"Did the Tianmo Music Festival send an invitation letter?" Cheng Beihuai ignored the boy's words, but raised a faint arc, raised his eyes and asked.

The boy nodded: "Yes, I sent it yesterday. I emailed you the list of participants in the music festival. You can check it out."

I heard that Cheng Beihuai turned on the computer again, exited the data page, clicked on his own email, and looked at the list of participating music festival activities. He knew that Huo Yin could not go to such a large-scale music event, so I saw him. I didn't feel the difference when I said the name, I continued to pull it down with the mouse, and inadvertently shuttled to a familiar name in the middle, stopped quickly, his expression was slightly startled, and he murmured the three words that had been deep into his bones: "Qiao Shiwei..." "

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot. I was shocked when I saw this list. Qiao Shiwei would actually participate. Although she is called a famous violinist, she rarely participates in such activities and she is also very low-key. And she is very beautiful, Brother Cheng, are you going to go? If you want to go, I can also take your light to see her in reality.

"go with."

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