Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

: [Bei Qiao Lian] 060: Happy Back Pot

"You..." The sudden approaching Junrong made Qiao Shiwei panic. Xu Ye's feeling was too unfamiliar and made her feel a little unnatural. She leaned back subconsciously, but her waist was stabilized by his big palm. Hold on firmly.

Although the two have been together before, and they are not too unfamiliar with this kind of intimacy, the two have also separated for six years. They have never interacted with other people in the past six years. Now he suddenly leaned in and breathed. It was all lingering around her, which really made her a little hard to fight.

"You asked me last time, did you regret it?" Cheng Beihuai ignored her panic and surprise. He spoke to himself, but the gentle voice was a little hoarse and dull: "Although I didn't answer you aloud, but in my heart I replied to you, I do not regret being with you, but I regret being separated from you, but at that time I was afraid to shake my heart. Now it seems that it is indeed shaken. Maybe my thoughts will be a little selfish, but I I still want to make it clear with you, and don't want to misunderstand and waste each other's time like this anymore. My heart for loving you has never changed, Shishi..."

He whispered softly, and Qiao Shiwei's heart throbbed fiercely, and the bottom of his eyes looked at him slightly changed, but he just pressed his lips and didn't answer his words.

Seeing that she was not speaking, Cheng Beihuai held her hand instead and tightened it slightly. There was obvious anxiety and expectation in the bottom of her eyes. It took a long time to hear Qiao Shiwei said: "So, you want to get back with me now?"

"Yes." Cheng Beihuai gave an affirmative answer.

"Why? You said you broke up when you broke up, but now you recombine? I am a commodity or an object. If you say you don't want it, then you have to agree?" Qiao Shiwei only felt a little angry in his heart, he said at the beginning. He wouldn't know how much'No more Love' hurt her, how painful she was, just because he thought it was for her to break up like that, no one could accept it.

Cheng Beihuai pursed his lips, knowing that she was breathing with him, but having known her for so long, he seldom saw her breathing with him, and now he can't help but feel a little cute when he sees it.

We must know that Qiao Shiwei's impression of most people is gentle and generous, a well-known daughter who is indifferent or smiling, and she has never had such a way of being angry with others.

"Then I will chase you again." Cheng Beihuai was silent for a moment or so, after a while, he said with a smile.

"Then why should I promise you? Really marry you as a stepmother?"

Cheng Beihuai fell into silence again. This point really cannot be changed. Seeing his look dimmed, the anger in Qiao Shiwei's heart became more obvious, and he pushed him away, annoyed: "What? I don't want to chase him anymore, right? In that case, why bother to open that mouth."

"I didn't mean that, but... I was afraid of wronging you." Seeing that she was about to leave, Cheng Beihuai grasped her arm tightly again and explained repeatedly.

"Then please let me go."

Cheng Beihuai pursed her lips, but the hand holding her arm never meant to let go.

"Cheng Beihuai."

"I'm here."

Qiao Shiwei glared at him angrily, struggling hard, trying to break free of his hand, but Cheng Beihuai still did not let go, but also adjusted the intensity to a moderate level. If it is heavier, it may hurt her, and if it is light, he may not be able to hold her and let her go. Up.

"let's talk."

"What is there to talk about?"

Cheng Beihuai laughed helplessly, holding her on the sofa, wrapping her little hand in her palm, gently rubbing her fingers: "I know you are angry. I was wrong at the beginning. At that time, I should discuss with you. Let you make your own decision, and I also know that you don’t want to hear the “sorry” sentence again. In the past six years, I have actually had a bad heart."

"But you still haven't come to me once, have you?"

"It’s not that I don’t want to find you, it’s that I don’t have a stand. I already said that. If I go to find you again, it’s equivalent to hurting you again. I thought that as long as you are happy, it’s good. When the news of your retiring marriage, I was a little bit excited..."

"Are you gloating at misfortune?" Qiao Shi glared at him displeasedly, and took the words angrily.


"I can hear it all."


Cheng Beihuai chuckled lightly and raised his brows: "You say there is."


Qiao Shi frowned slightly, how did she feel that she was unreasonable?

Qiao Shiwei turned away, thought for a moment, and took a deep breath. Cheng Beihuai stared at her tightly. He couldn't bear to move a half point away. In the end, he was taken off by him. Qiao Shiwei squinted at him: "You What do you look at me like this?"

"Although I have seen you several times before, today seems to be the first time in six years that I have looked at you so close, and the first time I have seen you so seriously."


"You are still the same as you were six years ago, unchanged."

"What do you mean?"


Qiao Shiwei’s eyes are brighter now, but it is true that she has a standard face with melon seeds, which is very beautiful, coupled with maintenance, even though she is now 29, she has not found a half-year-old face on her face. There is no trace, let alone a wrinkle. If she is only twenty years old, no one will doubt it.

"It's getting late, I'm going back first."

"I send you."

"Is it not good for you to leave Xinghe at home alone? What if she wakes up later and there is no one?"

"It's okay. Qingguo stayed with her in the room, and Xinghe didn't wake up at night." Cheng Beihuai smiled, took her by the hand and got up from the sofa, took her to the entrance of the door, and took her Take out her shoes from the shoe cabinet and put them in front of her.

Qiao Shiwei changed her shoes, and Cheng Beihuai bent over and put her some old-looking slippers into the shoe cabinet: "I have time to go to the supermarket tomorrow."

"Go to the supermarket?" Qiao Shi looked at her in confusion.

Cheng Beihuai smiled and nodded: "Well, go to the supermarket to check out the new slippers. Those slippers should be changed."


Qiao Shi frowned slightly, she just said that she would come back to his house again!

"Put on the jacket, it's cold outside." Cheng Beihuai also specifically asked when opening the door.

Qiao Shiwei raised the hand he was holding tightly and shook it twice slightly: "How do I wear it if you are pulling me like this?"

Of course she knew it was cold outside, and she had just watched from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and it was still snowing outside. I stopped for a few hours in the afternoon all day today, and then started off intermittently, and it was not too small now.

Cheng Beihuai released her hand and watched her put on her coat. He walked to the floor stand not far behind him, took his brain coat and put it on. When she returned to Qiao Shiwei, her clothes were just right on. When she turned over, Cheng Beihuai smiled gently and gently pushed open the compound door with the other hand: "Let's go!"

Sure enough, as soon as the two of them walked out, a knife-like cold wind hit their faces directly, including the snow falling in the air.

Since the heating is on in the room, they walked out like this and were baptized by the cold night wind, and inevitably shuddered. Qiao Shiwei was shocked. Cheng Beihuai looked at her trembling body and looked up. Brow: "Is it cold?"

"Aren't you cold?"

"Fortunately." Cheng Beihuai has always been cold-resistant, and he is not very afraid of the cold. In the colder weather, he usually wears a sweater and a coat or a down jacket. It was a bit cold, but after a few more blows, he got used to it.

Qiao Shi was slightly dumb, and knew about his cold resistance, so he didn't say much, and silently turned aside.

The courtyard and the steps were full of snow, and Qiao Shiwei wore short boots and stepped on it and there was a deep footprint. Cheng Beihuai took her hand to follow her steps, raised her arm around her shoulder, and pulled her closer to herself.

Suddenly being pulled close to his arms, Qiao Shiwei was a little surprised. She opened her eyes and looked at him sideways, and heard him say: "The car is parked outside, get in the car first! Look, there is snow all over her head."

As he passed the small greenhouse flower garden, Qiao Shiwei suddenly stopped and looked at the jasmine inside, pursing her red lips: "Can I go in and take a look?"

"Yes." Cheng Beihuai smiled lightly

, Hugged her again to the front of the flower garden.

The room of the flower garden is made of wood and glass. It is very simple, but it looks very delicate. There is a lock on the door. Cheng Beihuai unlocked the lock and opened her body to let her go in.

The area inside is not large. Except for a few jasmine flowers, it can only accommodate one person. As soon as Qiao Shiwei entered, it felt that the heating inside was surging, which was obviously warmer than outside.

I have to say that Cheng Beihuai is still very attentive in taking care of these jasmine flowers, and he also deliberately installed a small heater in this room.

After reading it, Qiao Shiwei walked out of the flower garden, and Cheng Beihuai closed the door, unlocked it again, and asked with a smile, "How?"

"The flowers are well taken care of by you."

"I'm asking how you feel after reading it?"

"Very good!" Qiao Shi glanced at her eyebrows slightly, not understanding the difference between his question and what she understood.

"Do you like it?"

Qiao Shi was stunned for a moment, and then she understood what he meant by asking. It turned out that she wasn't talking about the flowers, but asking what she felt.

"If I don't come today, would you never tell me that you planted jasmine flowers behind my back?"

Cheng Beihuai chuckled and shook his head: "There is nothing to say about it. If you see it, you will see it. If you don't see it, it doesn't hurt. This flower... was originally planted for you, as long as I know their meaning."

"What about the cat's name?"

"Didn't I tell you? Just when I saw it, I thought she was a little like you, so I bought it and named it as well. Why? Not happy?" Looking at her obviously unhappy expression, Cheng Beihuai felt a little bit Puzzled, asked rhetorically,

"Do you think it's something to be happy that I called the cat by the same name?" Qiao Shi looked at him coldly, her voice was a little cold, there were not many ups and downs, but she gave people an illusion of being unlovable.

Cheng Beihuai laughed again and stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms: "Then I will think about renaming it, but..."

Seeing him pause, Qiao Shiwei became curious, and asked slantingly, "But what?"

"Your nickname hasn't been called for many years! And Qingguo likes you very much. This name is actually quite appropriate, or..." Cheng Beihuai said, and suddenly noticed that Qiao Shiwei's eyes were burning with anger. After that, I fell silent and nodded: "Okay, I will seriously consider the name change."

The big deal is called Hongguo? Or blue fruit? It's nothing more than to change the word and call it Qingguo.

The reason why it appeared in his house was because of her, so how could this name have something to do with her? Otherwise, how could it be worthy of his eyes a few years ago!

When the car came to the gate of Luohe Community, Qiao Shiwei unfastened the seat belt very quickly: "Thank you, be careful when you drive back by yourself."

"Okay." Cheng Beihuai responded with a smile, realizing that she didn't dare to look at herself, so she narrowed her eyes, and when she was about to push the car door to go, she took advantage of the situation and grabbed her wrist: "Shishi..."

Qiao Shi paused for a while, looked back at him, and crashed into those black pupils with a gentle smile. Just this glance, as if looking through all her thoughts, ripples in her heart, making her Heart palpitations are endless.

"Wh...what's the matter?" Qiao Shi looked at him slightly, slightly awkward.

"It's okay, good night, good dreams." Cheng Beihuai smiled and shook his head, and lightly opened her hand.

Qiao Shiwei was a little confused by him like this, but he nodded, pushed the car door and walked down, waved with him again before turning into the community. Cheng Beihuai also drove away after she got in.


The next day, the entire city of t cleared up, the white snow also gradually melted, and water drops ticked on the eaves and branches.

Since the car stopped at Cheng Beihuai’s studio yesterday, Qiao Shiwei went out to take a taxi to Shiqin Fang after ten o’clock. There was no class for her today, but she was very leisurely, but there was a music company at noon. I asked her to talk about cooperation. She originally refused, but the other party had invited many times, and she was not good at them, so she agreed to meet up.

After meeting the two parties at noon, after Qiao Shiwei listened to their overall plan, she looked at her eyebrows lightly. He was very dissatisfied with this marketing method, and finally refused.

In the evening, the mobile phone placed on the desktop suddenly rang, and the caller ID read the three words "Cheng Beihuai". Qiao Shi trembled slightly, and slowly picked up the mobile phone to answer: "Hey..."

"Still in Shiqin Fang?"


"When do you plan to leave?"


"Then come down now! I'll wait for you at the gate of Shiqinfang."

"Are you at the gate of Shiqinfang?"

"Well, Xinghe is also here."

"Where to go?"

"Didn't you say yes yesterday that you made an appointment to play golf with Fu Jian?"

"I didn't seem to say to go!"

"Come down! I'll wait for you."

"Auntie Shishi, I'm waiting for you too!"

When Cheng Beihuai fell, Xinghe Tiannuo's voice also came to her ears, Qiao Shi was slightly taken aback, put down her mobile phone, got up from the office chair to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked downstairs, sure enough, a familiar black car The car came into view, including the slender and handsome figure leaning on the door of the car, as well as the small figure sitting on the back seat and beckoning to her on the car window.

Qiao Shi thought about it for a while, she turned around and picked up her mobile phone, bag and jacket and walked out. When she reached the door of Shiqinfang, she looked at the car not far away and walked over with high heels. Xinghe was excited. He waved to her: "Aunt Shishi, Aunt Shishi."

Qiao Shiwei smiled softly and swept away from Xinghe Cheng Beihuai who was leaning on the car door, and asked very seriously and seriously: "Didn't I say it yesterday? I'm not going."

"Xinghe wants you to go."

When Xing He heard this, she was a little stunned, her small face was full of confusion. She seemed to have never said that, but when Cheng Beihuai went to pick her up, she said that she would take her to play golf, and that Aunt Shishi would also go, she said. I was very excited and agreed to go.

This inexplicably carried a heavy pot, Xinghe said that he was innocent and wronged, but when he received the pleasing gaze from Cheng Beihuai, the little clever ghost of Xinghe understood it, nodded with a smile, and followed along. He continued: "Yes! I really want Aunt Shishi to go with me."

As long as she can match Aunt Shishi and her father, one pot is nothing, and another ten pots, her small body can withstand it.

Qiao Shi pursed her red lips slightly, thinking that the father and daughter can now be called ‘worried as a traitor’?

"Get in the car!" Cheng Beihuai straightened up from the car door, the shadow stretched by the afterglow of the setting sun, and the smile on his handsome face was as gentle as a summer breeze.

Qiao Shi thought about it for a while, and finally got in the car with the door open and fastened the seat belt. Cheng Beihuai got in the car and drove to the indoor golf course on the outskirts where he had an appointment with Fu Jinheng.

This indoor golf course is often visited by Cheng Beihuai, and I know the owner of the golf course. It can be said that it was his childhood. Cheng Beihuai and Qiao Shiwei’s love affair can be regarded as one of the witnesses, and it is natural that they have been separated for six years. After a long time, I also knew a little about the inside story of the two of them breaking up. When Xinghe was very young, he became Xinghe's godfather, and he was also the best person to Xinghe in this world except Cheng Beihuai.

Cheng Beihuai called Fu Jinheng when he had an appointment, so he came from his home on purpose, but he didn't hear Cheng Beihuai said that he would bring Qiao Shiwei, so he saw them as a family of three. When he appeared in front of him, Jin Jinhan was so surprised that his chin was about to fall, and he wondered if he had hallucinations.

Cheng Beihuai and Qiao Shiwei appeared in the same frame. In his impression, it was already six years ago.

Qiao Shiwei was also stunned when he saw him, but soon recovered and greeted him, Jin Zihan also nodded quickly: "It's been a long time, I almost didn't recognize you, it's getting more and more beautiful. ."

"Thank you for the absurd praise of Mr. Jin. Mr. Jin is not bad. After so many years, he is still Fengshen Junyi." For Jinzihan, Qiao Shiwei is no stranger. After all, he used to eat and sing together. Yes, so even though it has not been seen for many years, there is no ambiguity when it comes to joking.

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