Dr. Ex Husband Wants To Remarry Me

Vol 4 Chapter 2: : You come with me

She still remembered that the fall of the year she met Mo Bai was the day of the school sports meeting. Su Yanxi suddenly fainted because of physical discomfort. Mo Bai held her to the infirmary like crazy, and she was there. Immediately afterwards, her heart was also suspended until she heard the school doctor say that Su Yanxi was fine. It was only because of the discomfort caused by the menstruation that she would get better after two days of recuperation, and then she was relieved. At that time, she clearly saw Mo Bai's worried, pale face gradually became bloody.

When Su Yanxi was in a coma, he said to her that Su Yanxi was the only girl in his life who wanted to do everything he wanted to protect. No matter what happens in the future, he will stand by her without hesitation. For her, he can betray the world.

From that time on, even Qingyan knew that her emotions were all her wishful thinking, and she could only keep it deep in her heart in this life, and use the friendship between them to continue.

And the eight-year secret love ended five years ago, but she still can't forget those bits and pieces of memories.

But his secret love in Su Yanxi’s eyes was only friendship. Mo Bai never told her his intentions. The three of them seemed to have become a love triangle for no reason. Only their respective hearts knew it. I never express my inner thoughts and emotions easily, and are carefully managing this complex "friendship".


A gentle call suddenly pulled back Lian Qingyan's thoughts, and Lian Qingyan raised her head to meet Mo Bai's eyes that resembled bright stars, and was a little stunned: "Ah? What...what's wrong?"

"What are you thinking about? There is no response to so many calls." Mo Bai smiled and asked back.

Lian Qingyan shook her head: "No... I'm a little lost, sorry, what did you just say to me?"

"It’s nothing, but the last time you issued a copy in Taiwan seemed to be pretty good. You know my cousin Mo Li. She likes it very much. She said that whether it’s online or in physical stores, she has robbed it many times and never got it. Take a back door to you."

"Isn't she in Canada? Is she back?"

"I came back yesterday, isn't it my mother's birthday tomorrow?"

"Oh, that's the case." Lian Qingyan smiled and nodded: "Then I naturally want to open this back door for her, and I will take it tomorrow."

"Then I will thank you for her first."

"She can like it because she supports me the most. I would like to thank you wherever she is.

After the two were courteous, the living room became quiet again. Until Lian Qingjiu took a bath and changed his clothes, the atmosphere in the living room eased a little, but Lian Qingyan saw that Lian Qingjiu was too'casual'. Wearing, I don't want to say anything.

There is a reason why this kid is single. Look at this slapstick who is idle, how can you tell that he is the boss of a game company?

It's just a mess!

But speaking of it, she seems to be single too, and sometimes when she is alone at home, it is the kind of shorts and long sleeves. Forget it, it can be seen from this point that they are considered to be relatives. Born to the same mother.

"It's getting late, I'll go back first, Ajiu, you come with your sister tomorrow too!" Mo Bai glanced at the time on his wrist, slowly got up, smiled and said to Lian Qingjiu.

Lian Qingjiu nodded, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and responded with an ok gesture with the other hand.

Even Qingyan stood up: "Thank you for today."

Mo Bai listened to this and turned his gaze on Lian Qingyan. She hasn't seen him for so many years. She seems to have changed, and she doesn't seem to have changed, but the way of getting along with him is obviously different. Just like now, she will be polite. .

"No, come early tomorrow."


Lian Qingyan and Lian Qingjiu sent Mo Bai out of the door. After watching him drive away, Lian Qingjiu gently hit her with his arm: "Sister, why don't you leave Mo Bai for dinner? what!"

"Why don't you say?" Lian Qingyan leaned sideways and glanced sideways.

"I'm not afraid to say that you are unhappy? Later, I will say that I am troublesome."

Lian Qingyan gave him a fierce look without saying anything, and walked directly past him. After entering the house again, Lian Qingyan took her bag and walked upstairs with her back facing Lian. Qing Jiu waved his hand: "Take my suitcase to my room later. I'll take a shower. It's almost too hot."

Lian Qingjiu stood in the living room and shrugged helplessly. It seemed that her sister regarded him as a free coolie.


Early the next morning, Lian Qingyan woke up naturally. After washing, she started to worry about her suitcase. Suddenly she didn’t know what to wear. She thought about the clothes she had decided to wear. It was too vegetarian. Another set of white skirts seemed to be unlucky. After tangling for about half an hour, Lian Qingjiu's door knocked on the door, asking her if she was up.

After Lian Qingyan replied'get up', she picked up the dark red chiffon off-the-shoulder top and matched it with a black fishtail skirt. It looked mature and elegant. After choosing her clothes, she started again. I didn't make the makeup too thick. I just simplified it and put on a darker matte lipstick. It was already half past nine when everything was done.

Even Qingjiu waited downstairs for the flowers to thank, and finally saw Lian Qingyan stepping down from the stairs, but didn't want to. When only four or five steps down, Lian Qingyan remembered something and folded again. go back.

Lian Qingjiu put his hands on his chest and sighed leisurely. He waited from 8 o'clock until now, almost an hour, and he will have to go to the mall to pick something later.

"No, sister, you are already very beautiful, don't change your clothes anymore, after changing, it's just over ten o'clock, and we won't be able to get to Mo Bai's house at 12 o'clock later."

More than a minute after Lian Qingjiu finished this sentence, Lian Qingyan got a small handbag in her hand and walked downstairs: "Who wants to change clothes? I forgot to take the gift I bought for my aunt. You can go now."

"What did you buy?" After Lian Qingyan approached, Lian Qingjiu got up from the sofa and walked to her, poking his head to see the contents of her gift bag.

Lian Qingyan subconsciously hid things behind her back and stared at him: "What do you want to do?"

"Don't I want to refer to it? Do you want to be so defensive?"

"Don't buy the same as me, don't show it."

"Tsk! It's stingy."

"Huh." Lian Qingyan snorted, stepping on her high heels and walking outside: "Go and drive your car."

"I said, sister, you are in 30s anyway, can you be more mature?"

"You say it again." Lian Qingyan clenched her fist and looked back at him, her eyes full of warning.

Lian Qingjiu was dumb and curled his lips: "No, my sister is eighteen years old."

"It's pretty much the same."

Lian Qingjiu raised his eyebrows, just hoping to avoid being struck by lightning when talking nonsense.

After the siblings went out, they came to a shopping mall, Lian Qingjiu chose gifts for more than an hour, changed two shopping malls, and finally came to a shopping mall that specializes in luxury goods before choosing a good gift. Qingyan pointed to the time on the phone for him to see, but even Qingjiu replied calmly: "I don't know who changed clothes and put on makeup in the morning for more than an hour."

"You don't understand this. It takes time for girls to make up and change clothes. As a single dog, you don't understand and I understand it, but yes! I am exercising, do you know? When you have a girlfriend, you will I have the patience to wait." Lian Qingyan patted him on the shoulder and said bitterly.

Listening to her somewhat reasonable words, even Qing Yan didn't bother to refute it. If the refutation was ruthless, she would definitely beat him.

When we arrived at Mo Bai’s house, it was already 11:30. Mo Bai’s house was also very lively. Su Yanxi and Lu Jingyan also came with her daughter, including all the staff of Shengyi Law Firm. There was a house in the backyard. The long table is full of delicacies.

After Lian Qingyan greeted them one by one, Mo mother took her hand and kept applauding, saying that she hadn't seen her for several years, and she blamed her for not seeing her, etc., and saw Lian Qingjiu again. Also praised a few words.

Among the many people, even Qingyan did not see Mo Bai's figure, nor did she deliberately look for his figure, but a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in her figure, and the sweet and soft tone drifted into her immediately. In the ear: "Sister Yanyan."

As soon as Lian Qingyan turned her head, a very beautiful and clean face came into her eyes and said with joy, "Mo Li, long time no see."

"It's been a long time, hehe!" Mo Li smiled sweetly and looked at her up and down: "Sister Yanyan, you are really getting more and more beautiful."

"Just your little mouth, you should be the one who is getting more and more beautiful!"

"Hey, then I would like to thank Sister Yanyan for her absurd praise!" Mo Li intimately took her arm: "By the way, did my brother tell you about the issue of the book?"

"Tell me yesterday."


"I brought you, a limited edition, in the car."


"Well, really, I signed it."

"I love you too much, Sister Yanyan." After that, Mo Li wanted to kiss Lian Qingyan with excitement. Fortunately, Lian Qingyan blocked her, let her not get excited, and asked her to be playing with Su Yanxi's daughter. Lian Qingjiu asked him to take Mo Li to the car to pick up the issue.

Mo Li glanced at Lian Qingjiu, his heart beating faster as if he had been hit by a small deer, and he stunned Lian Qingyan: "Sister Yanyan, is that your brother?"


"How old are you?"

"Twenty-six." Lian Qingyan said, and said something wrong. After speaking, she felt something was not right. She squinted at Mo Li's nymphomaniac, and said,'It's cold, this is even Qingjiu and Huo Huo. The heart of an ignorant girl.'

Lian Qingjiu heard Lian Qingyan calling himself, so he came over lazily, scratched his head, and asked impatiently, "What is the issue?"

"It's what I put on your dashboard before getting in the car. Take Mo Li to get it!"

"Oh." Lian Qingjiu lazily responded and glanced at Mo Li: "Come with me!" After speaking, he put his hand in his trouser pocket and walked outside.

Mo Li released Lian Qingyan's arm, waved her with a smile, and followed Lian Qingjiu out after a trot.

Lian Qingyan stood there and sighed. In fact, her brother really had a face of evildoer. This is the temperament! Too lazy, he doesn’t like to talk to people, and he has a good family background, and now he has his own game company, there are many girls who have a good impression of him, but he knows in his heart, just pretending to be ignorant , Did not give those girls a chance at all, so that even Qingyan began to wonder if he likes men.

But every time she said this, Lian Qingjiu's eyes were very disgusting, and he said, "You are sick"!

However, Lian Qingjiu has been a person with his own ideas and responsibility since he was a child. For example, he did a game, even though his parents objected to him, he still did it, and he is still doing it quite successfully.

Therefore, he can only choose what kind of girl he likes. They say it is broken, and it is of no use to him.

"Yanyan, what are you doing standing here?" Su Yanxi walked over at this time and patted her shoulder lightly.

"It's nothing." Lian Qingyan turned around with a smile, and patrolled left and right: "Where is your girl?"

"Her father took it to play."

Lian Qingyan raised her eyebrows: "Tsk! It sounds so happy and sweet!"

Su Yanxi chuckled softly, "Don't make fun of me!"

"Am I making fun of this? I am obviously envy, jealous, and hate!"

"Stop it."


Although there was a gap between her and Su Yanxi, they looked aside from behind and got back together. Their relationship remained the same as before.

Su Yanxi also knew how to measure. Every time she chatted with Lian Qingyan, she would not deliberately mention Mo Bai. She knew that she deliberately avoided Mo Bai when she went to Taiwan five years ago and wanted to forget about this relationship. In fact, she has no right to say. Although she hopes that they can be together, many things cannot be said openly. It can only be like yesterday when Lian Qingyan came back from Taiwan. She told Mo Bai of her flight and let Mo Bai go. Just like picking her up, to match them up a little bit like this.

And after so many years, she could also see Mo Bai's changes, as well as the subtle expressions on his face when he occasionally mentioned Lian Qingyan.

The two talked for about ten minutes, and Mo Bai walked in from outside with two bags in his hand. He was obviously going out to buy things. When he saw Lian Qingyan, he smiled and said, "Here. "

"Yeah." Lian Qingyan nodded with a smile.

"Give me things! I'll take them in." Su Yanxi looked at the two of them, smiled and took the bag in Mo Bai's hand: "You two talk first, I'll go to Auntie to see if I can help. local."

"I'll go too..." Lian Qingyan immediately reached out to get the bag that Su Yanxi took when he heard the words, but Su Yanxi took advantage of the situation and avoided it.

"No, you just came, the weather is hot, you first take a break and have a glass of juice! I'll go help auntie, Mo Bai, you can pour a glass of ice juice for Yanyan!" Su Yanxi deliberately matched the two of them. , I wanted to leave some space for them to chat alone, and left directly after speaking.

Lian Qingyan and Mo Bai naturally knew what Su Yanxi meant, and they were a little embarrassed to stand there.

"I'll pour you juice." After Su Yanxi disappeared from his vision, Mo Bai broke the silence first.

"No, I'll do it myself later." Lian Qingyan waved her hand, looking at the fine sweat on his forehead, pursing her red lips: "You should rest yourself first! See you sweating profusely. Yes, didn’t you drive to buy it?"

"There is a small supermarket at the gate of the community, so it's not far away, so I walked over." Mo Bai smiled and said while walking to the long table and pouring her a glass of juice and handing it to her.

Lian Qingyan took it and nodded: "Thank you."

"I just saw Mo Li and A Jiu chatting together..."

"Really?" Even Qingyan's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she became curious immediately afterwards: "Where?"

"Sit in the front hall."

Lian Qingyan took a sip of the juice and put it aside, without thinking much, she stretched out her hand and took his arm and walked to the front hall: "Go, let's go and take a look."

Mo Bai was taken aback, watching her holding the hand of his arm, his eyes narrowed slightly, something in his heart seemed to float a little bit. In the past, he always handled it with the mentality of not hurting her. I thought about receiving her feelings for herself.

Now in the past five years, his feelings for Su Yanxi have gradually let go, and those love-related emotions have been precipitated. Only friendship remains. He and Lian Qingyan are now undefined.

When he arrived at the entrance of the front hall, Lian Qingyan saw Mo Li and Lian Qingjiu chatting, and they seemed to have a good conversation. Both of them were holding mobile phones, and it seemed that they were playing games.

To say that Lian Qingjiu has a lazy personality and does not like to deal with people, but when it comes to games, he will appear extraordinarily energetic, and Mo Li happens to be a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science and has developed several small software by himself. On this, the two of them have a common language, so it's no wonder that they can talk together. If this is another girl, no matter how beautiful, even Qing Jiu won't take a second look.

He has never had much patience with people or things he doesn't like or are interested in.

Lian Qingyan looked at it, and suddenly felt that these two people might have a play!

It seems that the day when she has a sister-in-law is not too far away.

"What's the situation with the two of them?" Mo Bai asked unclearly, standing behind her.

"You can't see this?"


"Tsk, haven't seen you for so many years, what about your brain?" Lian Qingyan listened to the words and subconsciously joked.

Mo Bai squinted his eyes, looked down at the top of her head, and smiled: "You matched it?"

"I didn't do anything. I just asked Lian Qingjiu to take Mo Li to the car to get the issue book. I didn't expect Mo Li's eyes would be straight when he saw him. I couldn't stop him. a feeling of."

Hearing this, Mo Bai smiled even more: "Speaking of which, Mo Li has twenty-four this year. It's time to fall in love."

"So you think my brother is pretty good?"

"Ajiu is young and promising, with a good career and a good personality, okay?"

"It's not that I, the elder sister, wants to dismantle his stage, and his temperament is also called a good personality? Are you serious?"

"Isn't his axe temperament similar to yours?"

"Hey!" Hearing that, Lian Qingyan straightened up, turned to stare at him, and said dissatisfied: "This chat is just chatting, why do you even bring personal attacks?"

"Is this a personal attack?"


"Okay, you say yes!" Mo Bai laughed and chose to compromise. He watched her hand holding his wrist, and gently moved, holding her wrist: "They talked so happily, we just Don't bother them, let them develop on their own! It's up to you whether you can be together or not."

Even Qingyan had a meal. She only reacted when he held her wrist back. She had just been holding his hand, but now she was caught by him, and she missed a few beats of her heartbeat.

When he was in the courtyard, Mo Bai let go of her, turned to look at her and said: "It should be almost ready for dinner. I'll go and have a look. You will sit down for a while."

"it is good."

After twelve o'clock, the meal was officially opened. Everyone wished Mo's mother a happy birthday and gave gifts one after another, which made Mo's smile from ear to ear, and felt very happy.

After the meal was over, Mo's mother took Lian Qingyan's hand and started chatting about family affairs. At around two o'clock in the afternoon, the guests had to leave. Even Qingyan wanted to go, but Mo's mother was finally left behind. .

"Mo Li, it's rare for you to come back and chat so much with A Jiu, A Jiu, can you please take Mo Li out for shopping? She clamored for me to take her out yesterday, and her brother wants to go to work. I don’t have time. I’m old now, it’s hot outside, and I don’t want to go out and walk around."

Lian Qingjiu glanced at Mo Li, who was looking forward to it, and finally nodded and said, "Okay."

"Then go! It's okay to come back later."



Mo Bai and Lian Qingyan were also speechless while listening. This Mo mother killed two birds with one stone. She wanted to match Mo Li and Lian Qingjiu, but also sent them away. He wanted to whisper to Lian Qingyan so that they could hear it. not good.

"Sister, will you take a taxi back later or let me pick you up?" Lian Qingjiu asked before leaving, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional.

"Don't worry, Ajiu, it's a rare time for Yanyan to come back. I haven't seen her for a long time. I want her to chat with me more. Just let Mo Bai send her back later. How can I leave her alone? Take a taxi back! Don't worry! You guys go and play!"

"The big aunt, I'll go out to play, don't have to wait for me for dinner!" Mo Li smiled and waved to them, pulling Lian Qingjiu out with one hand.

"This girl, pay attention to your safety, don't be too crazy, you know?" Mother Mo looked at her so happy, shook her head helplessly, and raised her voice to remind her.

"Know it!"

After they left, there were only three of them left in the huge villa. Mother Mo turned around to look at her son, then looked at Lian Qingyan, smiled and took Lian Qingyan's hand: "Come on, Yanyan Just now there were so many people, I was not as embarrassed to ask, now there is no one, I want to ask you, you probably haven’t found a boyfriend in Taiwan yet!"

Suddenly being mentioned this issue, Lian Qingyan was inexplicably embarrassed, she subconsciously glanced at the man standing not far away, pursed her lips, and finally smiled: "I have been busy with work these years, so I didn’t care. Got..."

"Then there is no more?" Mo mother grabbed the words excitedly, and asked with a smile.

Lian Qingyan could only smile at Mo's mother's reaction like this: "Uh... yes."

"That's really great." Mother Mo patted the back of her hand: "My! There is a nephew, my sister's son, Cen Mohan, two years older than you, a scientist, just two days later. When I came back from Germany, she looked very handsome. By the way, I still have his picture here. You can take a look.” Then, Mom took her to the sofa and sat down, took out the phone from the drawer, and took a look. Click the photo and show it to Lian Qingyan.

Lian Qingyan looked at the man in the photo, and he looked really handsome, just a bit cold in the elegance.

"Isn't he handsome? He is thirty-five this year, and my sister is also dying in a hurry. She knows to do scientific research every day, and she has reached this age in a flash. I was talking to your mother about this a few days ago, your mother said It’s also very good. Let me talk to you today. When he comes back in two days, you two will meet."

"Mom." Mo Bai, who was on the side, was completely shocked and opened his eyes wide. He walked over and shouted, "What are you doing?"

"Can't you see it?"

Mo Bai looked blank.

"I'm introducing your cousin to your cousin! When the two of them become your sister-in-law, Yanyan will be your sister-in-law. Wouldn't it be a kiss and a kiss? Your aunt also likes Yanyan very much, don't you know , I even talked about Yanyan during the Chinese New Year last year." Mo Mu said this for granted, not half-hearted.

There are so many daughters-in-laws who can't do it. This fat water doesn't flow into the field of outsiders, and it feels good for nephews and daughters-in-law! Why did his son have no eyes? She is also desperate as a mother.


Mo Bai looked at her speechlessly, and then at the embarrassed Lian Qingyan: "If you don't want to, you don't have to reluctantly agree, don't pay attention to my mother, I..."

"How do you smelly boy talk, what are you in a hurry, I am not introducing you to someone, shut up." When Mo mother heard this, she stared at him angrily, interrupted him directly, and looked at Lian again. Qingyan: "Yanyan, what do you think!"

"I..." Lian Qingyan glanced at Mo Bai, who was frowning, feeling a little melancholy.

"Yanyan, don’t feel pressured, just simply meet up. If you are not satisfied, you don’t have to worry about my face. I know if I can’t come to this emotional matter or not, I don’t want to be a lover or a friend. Think of it as one more friend!" Mom Mo also noticed her entanglement, and said softly.

In fact, this is also the strategy of her and Lian Qingyan’s mother. This is called knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger. People need to have a sense of crisis before they know to cherish and see their heart. This is because Mo Bai is too short of beating, and the two of them have known each other for so many years. To overcome the barrier of friendship, you still need to slowly guide and get along with each other. After all, the two have not seen each other for five years. If you don't beat them now, let's wait when.


"Okay, I promise."

Mo Bai originally wanted to say that she disagreed and disagreed, but he didn't expect that she suddenly agreed, which made him wide open his eyes in surprise.

"Really? Did you really agree to meet?"

"Well, Auntie, you are right. It won't be so good when you meet. There is nothing wrong with not making one more friend by then."

"Oh, yes, that's the reason. Don't be burdened, just treat it as making friends."


Mo Bai frowned and walked directly over, pulling Lian Qingyan's arm and walking upstairs: "You come with me."

When Mo's mother saw this, she felt happy. When the stinky boy knew that she was anxious, she was concerned, but she still pretended to be worried and asked: "Mo Bai, what are you doing?

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