Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 991 Coming from the back of the head

To most people, the pharynx has an incomprehensible meaning.

Without him, they not only have extremely high levels of sorcerers, but also master the same or even more spells than mages.

You know, although the mage masters many spells, there are only so many he can prepare due to the limitation of spell slots.

But Felin Mokui is a warlock. As long as the number of daily spells is not used up, warlocks can use the spells they master at will.

This means that almost no one can compare with Felin Demon Kui in terms of spell flexibility!

Both Kelben and Alustriel acknowledged this.

Therefore, in order to restrict Elder Mo Kui's escape, they not only used up most of the high-level spells in a short period of time, but also consumed a large amount of legendary spells and "Silver Fire".

Fortunately, they consume a lot, and so does the Felin Demon Sunflower.

When both sides were close to weakness, King Red took action as expected!

And...it was indeed a move against Felin Mokui!

In this way, his back-up plan can naturally be treated as unprepared!

Moreover, since the King of Red has taken action, he will naturally create a better opportunity for him to solve the problem!

"Oath-Binding Hand" is completely useless against "Rainbow Sphere", so I just gave up using it.

Using the last legendary spell to perform "range suppression", Kelburn's legendary black staff just pointed forward, and a dark green light suddenly shot out.

Although the "Rainbow Sphere" can hinder and destroy all spells, including spell effects, even the "Anti-Magic Field" cannot come close to it. However, not to mention the "Great Disintegration Technique" which can directly destroy it with one shot, and the "Legendary Dispelling Technique" is even more It is not within the scope of ordinary magic.

With this "Legendary Dispelling Technique", once the "range suppression" is carried out, not only will the "Rainbow Spell" be cast directly, but the magic effect will be directly suppressed before it is completed, and it will not be completed at all. Two people within the range of the spell will If the Elder Demon Sunflower cannot complete the will resistance, all the spell effects on it, including magic equipment, will also be suppressed.

And while Alustriel is casting spells, Storm-Silver Hand is erupting in silver fire, and the green dragon has also taken action, what if they...

With Kelben's move, the already sinking hearts of the two elders, Mo Kui, suddenly fell into the coldness of an ice cave.

However, no matter how bad things go, it is impossible not to fight back!

Over there, Kelben's legendary spell is being cast.

Here, Arabella finally gave up on using the "Rainbow Sphere" and pointed forward with one paw.

With the "Legendary Dispelling Technique" as the target, the same "Legendary Dispelling", a green light shot out instantly, directly counterattacking to offset the past!

And this move of his.

Without hesitation, Hessandra, who was approaching him quickly, slowed down, but she also waved her sharp claws and quickly launched the same "Rainbow Spell".

Since Arabella didn't know the "Legendary Dispelling Technique", she just sat back and waited.

"Anti-magic field!"

Although there is a conflict between "Anti-Magic Field" and "Rainbow Sphere", the opponent will not let them successfully complete the spell casting and will always have to counterattack.

"Anti-magic field" is at least not that easy to counter!

Moreover, the "Dimensional Anchor" on his body has not yet been released. If he cannot teleport away, if there is a chance to complete the "Anti-Magic Field", he will have a close battle with Storm-Silverhand and retreat while fighting. It would be better to be held back by Kelben and Alustriel and then be bombarded by the green dragon's magic.

"Power Chain!"

Alustriel's spell was completed first. From the golden dragon staff, an invisible chain flew out and locked Arabella, entangled and bound to his four claws.

"Luzian's frequent movements!"

Storm-Silver Hand's spell-like ability was completed almost at the same moment.

With her body burning with silver-white fire, she took only one false step, and her figure appeared directly above Arabella.

Although Felin Demon Kui rejects melee combat, it is not without melee combat capabilities.

These two elder demons are naturally entangled and bound by the "power chains", making them easier to solve quickly!

A shout.

Lightning speed!

Legendary reflection!

Legendary dodge!

When the figure of Storm-Silver Hand transformed directly into a phantom, the silver-white flames on the long sword shot out endlessly as bright as electricity.

The most direct release of the sacred power of Silver Fire!

Like light!

Like electricity!

Like flames!

The sword fell, and the space was split open directly by a ray of silver light. Before it even fell on Arabella, Elder Demon Kui's damage reduction was comparable to that of an ancient dragon, and it was penetrated completely ineffectively. Above the head, a huge crack was expanding and spreading endlessly.

When the Storm-Silver Hand breaks out, her "Silver Fire" power can even injure Kugas and Kostchurch at the same time!

Although Elder Mo Kui is powerful, how can it be possible to stop her outburst when her spells consume a huge amount of money and even her spellcasting is restrained and restrained?

"To defeat Felin Demon Kui, you have to finish it in one wave!"

"Comparing operations and skills with Felin Demon Kui, there is no chance of winning!"

Isaac's "Time Stands Still" is also nearing completion.

Seeing the three of them, Kelben, used his over-limit spell to deceive an Elder Mo Kui into using his "Legendary Dispelling", and immediately took control of the battle.

His eyes also flashed.

Even from his point of view, the only weakness of Felin Mokui is "spontaneous casting and inability to super-magic instant cast".

Moreover, these are just ordinary Felin magic sunflowers. For example, these two elder magic sunflowers that have reached level 27 must have spell slots of level 10, even level 11, or even level 12.

With the preparation of this spell slot, they can already prepare a variety of instant spells.

In addition, level 27 warlocks should also have three legendary spells per day.

It can be said that this only weakness has been infinitely weakened in them.

Because of this, even the three Kelbens had exhausted all their means just to hold them back.

If you want to take down this kind of Elder Demon Kui, you can defeat them in just one wave and delay it to a protracted battle. Even if you barely win, it has no practical significance, because in the case of a protracted war, it would be too difficult to take them down. Difficult.

Of course, it is not easy to conquer them all at once.

Unless it is besieged by a group of high-level mages, with the spell resistance of Felin Demon Kui, Felin magic is born with the attributes of "silent" and "fixed", and is also flexible and changeable, making it impossible to target it in advance. The superiority of Felin Demon Kui in terms of psychic resistance, especially the large number of puppet armies...

This is who he is.

Since it has "composite spell casting", it can crush the number of spells with a sufficient frequency of spells.

It also has "over-limit spellcasting", which can instantly super-magic a large number of high-level spells at a certain price.

Coupled with the extremely high spell power, it can directly penetrate all saves.

The most important thing is that he will not stand directly in front of the elder Mo Kui to have a "fair fight" with them.

An unexpected wave of recklessness is the most fundamental factor that enables him to crush these ancient evils!

The thought flashed in this moment.

"Time stands still!"

In front of Isaac's eyes, everything suddenly came to a standstill.

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