Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1001 One after another (Part 2)

The nagging voice was naturally Danilo's.

Although this descendant of Kelben has his own persistence in his heart, most of the time, he is completely indifferent.

But he didn't care, but someone next to him did.

"Danilo, can you be less utilitarian?"

"Aunt Crystal is willing to serve Mr. Lei out of gratitude for his help to Efraska, not to..."

Arilyn’s low voice.

Although her mother, Princess Anestria, had hidden her identity during her time in Efraska.

However, this concealment is only for ordinary people.

The leader of Efraska, such as Lord Dursa, her identity is known to everyone.

In addition, Princess Anestria's hidden identity in Efraska is that she is a professor at the Magic Academy, and she has frequent contact with the Cloud Crown Palace.

Furthermore, she and Ms. Crystal were already familiar with each other.

Because of her mother, when Arilyn was young, she often called Crystal "Auntie". She couldn't help it, "Auntie's" craftsmanship was too fragrant and sweet!

At this moment, I heard Danilo rambling on and on, even though I knew Danilo meant well and his words were quite correct, but...

Unable to hold back, Aililin, who was born with an impulsive personality, scolded her lover, not wanting to force her aunt in any way.

The elves are the race that advocates freedom the most. At least, for the elves within the family, this is absolutely "politically correct".

Just looking at the declining population, the population is getting smaller and smaller, but it is still unable to achieve more births through decrees and the like. The dominance of the continent that was once given to the human race has long been handed over to the human race. This shows that this How important is "political correctness" to the elves?

Although Arilyn is only a half-elf, and although her natural personality is completely different from that of an elf, she has been living in Efraska since she was a child and has been influenced by the environment. In fact, she also pays attention to this aspect.

However, she didn't want to impose any pressure on Aunt Crystal, but before she could finish speaking, Ms. Crystal's voice cut in and interrupted her words directly: "Ellie Lin, Danilo is actually right.

Mr. Lei helps us and I am willing to serve him anytime and anywhere.

In the current urgent situation of Efraska, if he can help us further, I will be happy to thank him no matter how much.

In these war years, this is all I can offer to Efraska.

If Mr. Lei really likes me, how can I spare my life? "

Just like Princess Anestria, Lady Crystal is a moon elf.

Due to the elf's longevity, this pastry master looks like a beautiful human woman in her thirties, with normal beauty.

As she spoke, another smile appeared on her face.

Although the elves advocate freedom, powerful empires like Arivanda are too coercive and fall apart from the inside, eventually dying without a fight.

But at the same time, the individual elves themselves are the most particular about dedication.

For the great interests of the race, dedicating oneself, even if it means giving one's life, even if it means giving one's freedom, is a normal tradition for most elves.


Forced dedication is a "political error".

But self-dedication, this is a noble tradition!

As early as yesterday, when he requested the High Priest of Fal-Hosong, Kristel had already made up his mind to dedicate his best work to Mr. Lei.

On the one hand, this is thanks to Mr. Lei for his great help.

In addition to killing the multi-headed Felin Demon Kui, there was also the Elder Demon Kui. No matter how much I thank you, it will never be too much.

On the other hand, it would be even more perfect if Mr. Lei could appreciate her gratitude and help Efraska more in the future.

Just a pastry chef, Kristel was unable to plead or beg for anything, so she incorporated her sincere gratitude into her pastries.

Yesterday's work, although limited to the production environment, is not her most beautiful and exquisite work.

However, she poured all her gratitude into it, and there is no doubt that it is the most perfect work that she considers herself to be.

Judging from Mr. Lei’s reaction after enjoying it, her feelings must have been felt!

Therefore, Ms. Crestel, who only wanted to dedicate herself to Efraska from another aspect, took the initiative to ignore some of Danilo's meaning.

Just like Mr. Lei, Danilo is also a true friend who has traveled thousands of miles to help Efraska.

Arilyn can criticize him, but Cristel will not be disrespectful in any way, even if in a sense, Danilo can be regarded as her junior.

But she relented.

The playboy who never cared about face showed a bit of shyness on his face: "I'm sorry, Auntie, Aililin's training was right, although I only had the purpose of hoping that everyone can be better." , However, I am indeed a little utilitarian and I am really playing some tricks. I hope you can forgive me for this..."

In essence, Danilo is actually very similar to his "uncle" Kelben, who can do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

However, it is different from Kelben.

Kelben's unscrupulousness means that when necessary, he can make some compromises and deals with the hostile camp and the evil camp, but he will always be "strong" and "serious" to his subordinates. He put it directly on his face, thus hiding his true thoughts.

To a large extent, this is also the reason why some people think that he is too "rigid" and too "strict".

Danilo is different. He is not a voter, and he is far less burdened than Kelben. His unscrupulous tactics still depend on people.

For Ms. Crystal, a good person who is both "honest" and "kind", after the scheming was over, he lowered his head and was willing to apologize.

See him say this.

Kristel shook his head repeatedly and said "no" or something like that.

Aililin's expression had already softened, but with her aunt beside her, she didn't say much, she just glared at her lover quietly, and then immediately put it away.

Then, the three of them got busy.

Ms. Crystal started preparing breakfast.

Arilyn was there to help her and add some chaos.

Danilo headed towards the place where Uncle Lei stayed yesterday.

On top of the stone castle.

Isaac glanced at his quickly retreating figure, but had no intention of calling him back.

His eyes even remained focused, without any distraction, and he started thinking about the structure of the spell again.

It wasn't until a while later that someone finally conducted the interrogation...

(Restored to two updates per day, new books are being prepared and are being deposited)

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