Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1004 Coming one after another (5)

The beacon in the cold land is naturally from the capital of Damara, the few "employees" he controlled with his "command technique".

His order is that this beacon can only be activated after an abnormality is discovered in the shop of the ancient copper dragon sisters.

Being stimulated at this time naturally means...

"It's time for the Golden Dragon Council to convene!"

The unity of metal dragons is much greater than that of five-color dragons.

With the appeal of the Golden Dragon Council, since the ancient copper dragon sisters are in Damara, how could they not participate?

Not only them, but at this time, the bronze reptiles, and the singing dragons and copper dragons who hired the "Dragon Slayer" adventure group will probably also participate.

Isaac had already estimated this.

In fact, even if Kelben came up with the secret of the "Gem of Shadow Knowledge", he limited his trip to Efraska to within seven days. This was exactly the time for the Golden Dragon Council to be convened, and it had enough information. Accurate estimates.

Therefore, he was not at all surprised by the activation of this beacon at this time.


After thinking about some things in my mind for a while.

"Inform all parties. Ten days later, there will be a large gathering of five-color dragons on the Pirate Islands to discuss how to deal with Dragon Madness!"

The "SMS Technique" was transmitted to the Five Colors Temple.

Regarding the gathering of dragons, he had already asked Mrs. Miranda to arrange everything.

As long as he gives an order, the Dragon Worship Cult has already made arrangements, and in just a little more time, the message can be sent to all allies.

As for why it was set ten days later...

After the Efraska incident is over, he has to go to a cold place to renew the status of the "Command Technique" for all his "employees", which naturally consumes time.

In addition, on the Pirate Islands, he is also preparing to create the legendary barrier of "Protective Dragon Madness" in advance...

This means that the current time is too tight, otherwise, these ten days will actually be a little short!

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Mrs. Miranda's voice came back immediately.

Then the spiritual link of the "SMS" was disconnected.

Having already considered all aspects of this matter, Isaac did not continue to think about it.

With his mind and body, he quickly devoted himself to the perfection of "Shattered Shadow Network".

And as time goes by...

"Breaking the shadow network, protection spell."

"If designed based on standard spellcasting, this would be a seventh-level spell, exceeding the upper limit of the 'trigger spell' which can only trigger a sixth-level spell."

"However, if the casting time is extended to 1 minute, and moonflower stone is used as the casting material, the difficulty level of the spell can be revised to level three!"

A third-level spell, this is extremely targeted for the current situation.

The wide-area suppression of the "shadow shield" is the only "triggering technique" that can trigger the spell without being affected, and then complete the "breaking shadow network".

However, considering that at the same time, only one "Trigger Technique" can always be prepared, which means that if something unexpected happens within the "Shadow Shield" and it becomes impossible to prepare it again, this will undoubtedly A lot less control over advance and retreat is lost.

Isaac revised "Breaking Shadow Network" to a third-level spell just to deal with this situation.

Although only one "Trigger Spell" can be prepared at the same time, this does not mean that there is no magic similar to "Trigger Spell", but with different principles, so it can exist at the same time as "Trigger Spell".

For example, spell matrix, secondary spell matrix, advanced spell matrix, these are exactly this kind of magic!

"Spell Matrix" is a level 7 magic that can store up to two level 2 magics.

The "Secondary Spell Matrix" is a level 5 magic that can only store one level 2 spell.

The "Advanced Spell Matrix" is a level 9 magic that can store three spells up to level 3.

It seems that such storage does not seem to make any sense.

This is not the case.

The spells stored in the "matrix" can be released directly in a moment, similar to the "spell instant" method.

Using a level 9 spell slot to release three "instant-fireball spells" at once, the significance of this goes far beyond the scope of normal level 9 spells.

The reason why Isaac wants to modify "Shadow Shatter" to the level of a third-level spell is precisely to cooperate with the "Matrix" spell.

Of course, normal "matrix" spells still don't work.

No matter what level of matrix spell it is, it can only store spells that can perform "instant cast metamagic", that is, it can only prepare spells of the "standard casting" type.

"Breaking Shadow Network" requires a full minute of casting time. Naturally, this does not belong to "standard casting" and is not among the types that can be stored.


"However, certain modifications to the 'matrix' are still needed!"

He does not need to release three rounds of "Shadow Shattering" at once, which means that he can completely convert the extra two matrix positions into raw magic energy and invest them in the storage and release of "Shadow Shattering" Come and complete the storage of the second "Shadow Break" in addition to the "Trigger Technique"!

On the premise that he already had the spell blueprint, Isaac was confident enough to make such modifications, and it didn't take much time.

And with preparations for this second shot...

Come to think of it, even if there is a suppressive environment of the "Shadow Shield", if anyone can handle it twice in a row, he will not be able to handle it...

This is not very possible!

Unless the supreme city lord of the City of Shadows comes in person!

And even if this person really comes...

After an encounter once, could he not know how to temporarily withdraw from the "shadow shield" the second time?

"In this way, as long as you control the level of advancement and retreat, it will be enough!"

Although Isaac temporarily joined the Efraska camp because of the "Gemstone of Film Knowledge", it was impossible to take risks and fight for this.

At most, just try your best!

And for this reason, he has specially conducted research on coping spells. This is obviously enough!

Not to mention Kelburn's side, Ms. Crystal agreed to his invitation, which was enough to handle it!

And it was on his side that he once again conceived the method of changing the "Advanced Spell Matrix"...

Suddenly, a knock on the door came from outside.

"Ma'am, just come in."

Isaac knew who was outside.

In response to his voice, the door to the room was pushed open.

Of course it was Ms. Crystal.

Rushing back from the mobilization meeting, this lady has not yet changed into her chef uniform. She is wearing a light green tunic, which is very much in the tradition of the moon elves. It not only brings out her beauty and temperament, She is even more charming and sexy, but very consistent with her age.

Pushing the door and walking in, she saw Mr. Lei smiling and nodding, greeting her. Ms. Crystal then smiled apologetically and said, "But I kept you waiting for a long time. We were all fascinated by the great lord's mobilization call. I forgot about myself, so I came back a little late, and the preparation for lunch was also a little late..."

"It doesn't matter. I understand Madam, and the citizens of Efraska, who are selflessly devoted to this call for a decisive battle to regain the country."

"It will be later, but Danilo and Aililin haven't come back yet."

Isaac nodded slightly, expressing his understanding of Ms. Crystal and Arilyn.

Seeing this, Ms. Crystal had a better impression of this gentleman, and then continued: "Thank you, sir, for your understanding. Also, I already have some understanding of what he said in the morning." The answer is..."

While speaking, she pursed her lips slightly, paused for a moment, and then continued: "I accept your invitation, sir. However, if possible, I hope to leave here after Efraska is successfully recovered." !”

She didn't ask Ms. Leila, she asked Ms. Farr-Hosson.

Ms. Farr-Huosong, the high priest of the Crescent Tower, has a very close relationship with the Cloud Crown Palace and has been friends with her for many years. She naturally trusts this lady's words.

And Fal-Hosson suggested that she accept it!

"Of course you can!"

"As long as the lady agrees, when the time comes, even if I am not here, I will arrange a special envoy to come to meet the lady!"

"It's great to have a lady's help."

Isaac also had a look of joy on his face.

The recovery of Efraska will not be delayed for long.

Moreover, Kui Lu is not in a hurry, not to mention that his eldest princess has not been born yet, even if she comes to this world, she will not be able to enjoy Ms. Crystal's cooking skills so soon.

Therefore, if Ms. Crystal went there earlier, she could at most relieve Kui Lu's drool addiction!

Mr. Lei happily agreed, and Ms. Crystal was also happy. After thanking Mr. Lei for his understanding, she resigned and quickly went to prepare lunch.

Today, in addition to Mr. Lei, in addition to Danilo and Arilyn, Otis and Elise will also come.

Therefore, she should be more prepared.

After sending her out, Isaac quickly fell into contemplation again.

Time is flying by in a hurry

It seemed like an hour had passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, Danilo and the other four returned home.

As an important front-line reconnaissance team, and even shouldering the most important responsibility of attacking difficulties, it is naturally impossible for the four Danilos to "leave early" like Ms. Crystal.

Therefore, this delayed return is understandable.

Inevitably, under the personal hospitality of Ms. Crystal, everyone walked into the restaurant and began to enjoy.

But this time, Danilo was speechless.

"Uncle Lei, according to the big lord's plan, we will advance into the 'Dark Shield' by tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

"We, the preparations have been completed a long time ago. I don't know what your side is?"

What he wanted to ask was, of course, whether the spell Isaac was researching specifically for the "Shadow Shield" could keep up with this progress?

Also, if they catch up, can they also learn and be prepared?

"I'm ready myself."

"If you two are interested, you can go up there later and listen to my explanation!"

Isaac nodded slightly, but admitted directly.

He didn't mind spreading the research on "Shattered Shadow Network".

What he was looking at at this moment was Danilo and the "Venomous Snake" Eles Cronob!

The caster levels of these two people are enough to set "Shadow Shatter" as a trigger spell for "Trigger Spell", and since they can do it, Isaac will not be stingy with teaching it!

If there are two more opportunities to "break the shadow" in the team, this will obviously be a good thing and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Great, we won't be polite to you, Uncle Lei. With this preparation, even if something unexpected happens, we won't be unable to prevent it!"

Both Danilo and Iles were beaming with joy, but they really didn't expect that Mr. Lei could be so fast even in magic research!

He added: "According to the instructions of Lord Dursa, a mage from the 'Shadow Souls' will accompany us during this operation.

On the one hand, this is to provide us with support in terms of spell power; on the other hand, and most importantly, this ‘Shadow Soul’ will also suppress the backlash of the ‘Shadow Shield’ for us along the way…”

"Shadow Shield" is a creation from the City of Shadows.

Creators naturally have many special powers.

Just like the guardian barrier of Silver Moon City, those who hold the token can directly perform magic such as "teleportation" within the scope of the mystery.

Same here.

Although the "Shadow Shield" is not a mysterious barrier, this does not mean that there is no "back door" token arrangement here.

The mages of the "Shadow Souls" can move without being affected. This is obviously related to their "backdoor" relationship!

Danilo inevitably has a secret taboo about this. After all, he knows a lot of deep inside stories.

Therefore, when he learned that Uncle Lei had completed the research on magic and would teach it to them, Danilo became overjoyed.

He has actually been wary of these "haunted souls" for a long time.

This time they will be driven away together!

As his thoughts flashed, Danilo did not stop speaking, and continued: "In response to this call from the great lord, the messenger from the 'City of Shadows' is also one of the supreme city lord's deputies." Haji Horner', but also expressed his agreement.

In addition, Prince Yada Tanshur, who directly led the ‘Shadow Souls’, also expressed his intention to cooperate..."

After hearing this, Isaac's eyes finally became interested.

Hajhorna, not only is Telamante Tanshur's direct assistant, his status is not inferior to that of the ordinary ghost prince, but... this one is also the one who has dealings with the ancient tribe!

Perhaps this person's strength is slightly inferior.

But... in terms of tricks and so on, this is probably different.

However, Hajhorna is already very important, and the other real prince of ghosts...

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