Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1006 Ten Days of Decisive Battle (1)

Kelburn's warning.

Not to mention Danilo and others, even Isaac was a little vigilant.

Consider that this is still Efraska after all.

Moreover, it is not within the "shadow shield".

In addition, Kelben’s tips also focused on nighttime.

Combined with the abilities of Lady Dark Night’s followers...

"Perhaps the ghost prince has the ability to sneak around at will in the dark night without being noticed. However, there are Kelben and Laila in the land of Efraska, but they are not the same. It would be too presumptuous.

Kelben's reminder was also based on this aspect, so he judged that Yada Tanshur was the most likely means of spying, and it must be related to dreams! "

As for dreams, whether they are spells or spell-like abilities, they all naturally belong to the illusion system.

The illusion department is one of the three most powerful magic factions in shadow magic.

From this, it can be echoed.

Isaac also agreed with this.

And since it was judged, Yada Tanshur's greatest possibility was to find out something through dreams.

Naturally, this is easy to target!

Isaac didn't pay attention to anything else. Even though he was actually very interested in the ghost prince, at most he would only pay attention to the valley camp.

This side of the valley camp.

Apart from Ai Lin's team of four, only his daughter's future palace chef was there.

Of these five people, three are elves, one is a half-elf, and the last one is a human.

There is no doubt that Isaac directly regarded Danilo as the most likely target of the Prince of Shadows.

Of course he is not baseless.

"Elves belong to the fey species and naturally do not need sleep. When resting, only the soul interacts with the spirit of the group. Therefore, elves are naturally immune to all sleep effects!"

There is no need for sleep, and it is not affected by the magic sleep effect. This is why no matter how great the Prince of Shadows is, he cannot affect the elves through dreams.

Half-elves are also similar.

Normally, the higher the elf bloodline a half-elf has, the stronger its resistance to magical sleep.

Arilyn's mother is the moon elf princess of Evermeet Island, and her half moon elf blood is definitely not low. Even if she is not immune to all sleep effects, at least her resistance to sleep effects is absolutely very strong.

In addition, she is also in charge of the Elf Moon Blade of the Moonflower Family. Even Isaac is suspicious of the various magical effects of this moon blade.

With his own resistance and the magical effect of this moon blade, Isaac did not think that Yada Tanshur could invade Arilyn's dream without arousing any alertness.

After excluding three elves, and then excluding this half of the elves.

Of course, the only one left is Danilo!

With this confirmation, Isaac inevitably cursed Kelben secretly.

This old thief arranged for Danilo and the others to be here at Stone Castle. This was definitely intentional!

However, secret curses are secret curses...

"That's good!"

"Let's take this opportunity to try out these ghost princes. What's so special about them?"

Night was falling rapidly.

On top of the stone castle, Isaac looked at the "shadow shield" that had completely integrated into the night. In the depths of his eyes, some strange colors were dancing.

Yada Tanshur's spying will not make any big noise.

Furthermore, without preparing for an open hostility with the City of Ghosts, such a secret fight is of course just the right level. Not only will they be restrained, but they can also directly estimate the purity of the opponent!

Of course, it is said that most of the ghost princes in the City of Ghosts have powers comparable to those of the Seven Sisters and Kelben.

But considering that the Seven Sisters and Kelben are both chosen, and have been endowed with a certain divine essence by the goddess of magic, this "comparability" can only be evaluated after being in contact with them.

That's why.

Although he was scolding the old Kelburn thief as usual, in fact, Isaac was not angry about this matter, but was actually looking forward to it.


From nightfall until late at night.

Although there would still be commotions breaking out from time to time on the "Shadow Shield" side, there was no movement at all on the Valley Camp side.

"Kellben actually underestimates this person's power!"

"Yada Tanshur is not a reckless person who can command the church's armed forces in the 'Dome of Night'. Therefore, even if Kelben is very likely to have designed something through Danilo, this prince of ghosts But he didn’t get tricked, or in other words, he wasn’t in a hurry to get tricked!”

The call of Lord Dursa is to completely expel the Felin Demon Kui from the land of Efraska in a ten-day decisive battle after completing full mobilization!

This is, even if it is just a call, even if it is just a slogan, it will take ten days.

Yada-Tanshul was really designed for Kelben, but it was not in a hurry.

At least, he was in no hurry to bite Kelben before he understood the situation clearly!

"If he misses today, all he still has is time."

"His target may not even be Danilo alone."

Kelben may have a plan, but Yada-Tanshul must not be able to see through it and must follow this plan?

These sons of Telamant are at least over a thousand, nearly two thousand years old.

Whether it is Kelburn or Minnis, this is much smaller than them.

Therefore, as long as they are not old and confused, these ghost princes must have profound life experience, and it is unlikely that they will fall into someone's trap easily!

Apart from anything else, this is evident from the fact that Laila almost fell into the hands of Felin Demon Kui because of their designs before!

"Compared to spying tonight, compared to spying on Danilo, it is only after the decisive battle really breaks out, after certain targets are determined, and it is basically useless, that Yada Tanshur can finally Come up here!"

As for why those goals are basically useless... Of course, this is Kelben's problem again!

Judging from the fact that Kelben and Laila were still making public appearances in Efraska at this time, Isaac knew that this old thief was just for the City of Ghosts to see!

This is telling the other side that with the Phayling Demon Kui almost out of trouble, the coalition forces of Efraska and Waterdeep are preparing for a final decisive battle with these invading Phayling Mo Kui!

And this is what the City of Ghosts wants to see the most!

Furthermore, if Yada Tanshur can still hold on to such a matter and is still not impatient at all...

"If you really don't come today..."

"This Prince of Shadows is quite interesting!"

Isaac's gaze was retracted from the direction of the "shadow shield".

However, in the depths of his eyes, more strange colors flickered.

Kelben is an old thief, cunning and not a good guy.

The prince of ghosts and the supreme city lord are also in the same city.

Just saw it to the end.

Is it Kelben and the others who can break through the "City of Ghosts"?

Or do these ancient arcanists have higher methods?

Although now, Isaac hopes that the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic can destroy the city of ghosts' ability to move at will, and most importantly, the magical sacred weapon.

However, if the two sides can kill both sides and both suffer heavy casualties, then he can accept it no matter which side wins.

As for if both sides are really hurt, who will solve the problem of Felin Mokui...

Cormyr, Sembia, the Silver Moon Alliance and the Sword Coast city-states, and even the Kingdom of Amn, which he and Ivycolan had targeted, were all at the forefront!

In the flash of thought.

Isaac had turned around and sat down on the chair.

He put his hand on his cheek again and closed his eyes.

All distracting thoughts in the mind quickly disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, his mind was focused and he entered a meditative state.

At this time, the other side of the stone castle.

While he was studying magic, the most important thing was to study "Shadow Break", he was also secretly guarding against the secret attack from the Prince of Shadows, but Danilo, who had never waited for any movement, finally turned his attention away.


Magical preparation!

What’s more, before that, he also leaned towards Ai Lilin!

Deeply understands Aililin's extraordinary vigilance. Since the Prince of Shadows has not come yet, and seeing that he cannot use Uncle Lei's hand to deal with this person, he will naturally no longer bear such pressure alone!

In this way, there will be nothing to worry about all night long.

Stayed until the second day.

With the general call for mobilization for the decisive battle, it quickly spread to every part of Efraska.

All the elves are excited and excited!

All the foundations, as long as they can still be used, are being used!

What's more, from some ancient tombs, from their slumber, there are still some Beren Lich Keepers who are awakening!

Moreover, through some secret magic gates, reinforcements are coming from the Supreme Forest, the Cormanthor Forest, and even the Yongju Island...

"Although the elves have been in decline for a long time, the foundation and heritage accumulated over a long period of time cannot be underestimated after all!"

"Mellegant did a good job."

"Since I used these elves to consume the power of Felin Demon Kui."

"I also borrowed the Felin Demon Sunflower to drag the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic into this bottomless abyss."

"Coupled with the acquisition of the 'Stone of Karthus', and using this to design that person into Baator Hell..."

"In terms of results alone, he has to surpass all of us older brothers."


The black light area of ​​the shadow shield.

Looking at the distant sky, several magic ships were flying up and down.

One after another, finally there were four super giant obsidian golems standing up.

Even these magic ships, even these troll statues, most of them are still damaged and cannot be repaired, but...

Still, a majestic man carrying a giant silver sword on his back, with eyes as hard as steel and as sharp as arrows, gave people the impression that he would not be moved by anyone or anything. At this time, his voice There was a slight hint of regretful emotion.

Although his younger brother is limited in terms of strength due to his talent, his achievements are limited, and he is roughly on the same level as Haji Horner.

However, compared to an outsider like Hajhorna, Melegant's strategy is not inferior in any way!

It's a pity... I left too early!

What's even more pity...even the substitute he's looking for has a problem. Seeing that it's hard to rely on his own ability to complete his return!

Yada Tanshur sighed softly in his heart.

He still has a lot of brotherly love for his brothers, at least, for all the brothers who are willing to follow the Lady of the Dark Night.

Melegant may not be strong enough, but in terms of ability and contribution, he has the qualifications to become his brother!

In particular, the "Stone of Karthus", the sacred artifact recaptured by Melegant, gave the "City of Shadows" one step at a time to completely defeat or even destroy the Felin Demon Kui!

Just like this "shadow shield" here!

It can seal a large number of phaerinn demons, especially several giant leaders of phaerim demons, inside. The strength of this barrier is actually the power of the floating city, which is the same as "Karsus's power". Stone" was combined for the first time, and what was done was a creation that can be called a myth!

Such a myth creation.

Not to mention the large number of spellcasters who serve as ritual assistants.

The most important thing is the three cores, each of which is indispensable.

On the left, the floating city and its multiple shadow energy cores form one of the three pillars!

On the right, the Stone of Karthus, which extracts infinite magical energy, is the right pillar of the three pillars!

On top of that, there must also be a great arcanist like Telamante to conduct research and creation in person!

It can be said that the City of Shadows truly possesses the power to completely overwhelm the Phailin Demon Kui. It is precisely because it obtained the "Stone of Karsus" in Melegant and invited "Galeron-Nehemedu" to The wicked little devil sent this holy weapon to the floating city.

It's a pity that Galeron sent this holy weapon.

But... Melegant couldn't keep the person!

That evil moon elf not only cut off the possibility of Melegant's return, but also affected Revalan and Escanor, directly leading to an early war with Cormyr, which also led to Revalan's death. Injuried!

Otherwise, I am confident enough about Efraska’s design this time!

"Prince, there is an urgent order from the deputy city lord of Hadjhorna, ordering us to be ready to cooperate with the Efraska army at any time. You see, we are..."

A man in black came in a hurry, bowed deeply to the Prince of Shadows, and asked for instructions.

Of course, regardless of strength or personal power, Yada Tanshur can be called the third child in the City of Ghosts.


Hajhorna, who directly represents Telamante, has the supreme city lord behind him.

His direct order, this is Yada-Tanshul, is not easy to respond to easily!

"Send a message to her and we can start here at any time!"

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