Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1008 Ten Days of Decisive Battle (3)

It should be said that Efraska used all her strength for the final battle.

This is something that is full of surprises and surprises on both the City of Shadows and Isaac's side.

However, they don't know, at least, Isaac, who is here for the first time, doesn't know that the power Efraska is exerting now is not really all from Efraska herself.

Perhaps in its heyday, Efraska's long heritage gave it the qualification to exert such power when fully activated.

However, after many battles with the Felin Demon Kui, in the end not only the Mystic Barrier was broken, but even the country was lost, the current Efraska is no longer what it used to be.

The heavy weapon taken out at this time.

Those four giant demon statues are entirely from themselves.

Moreover, in its heyday, Efraska owned seven troll statues.

These seven troll statues, which are directly controlled by the "Council of Elders of Hill", are Efraska's long-standing weapons to protect the country.

It is a pity that in the war with Felin Demon Kui, three troll statues have been completely destroyed, and even these four statues have suffered a lot of damage. This is still because there have always been mages. Continue to repair them, otherwise, their condition will probably get even worse.

Outside of these troll statues.

There are three of the four magic ships in the sky, all of which come from outside support.

This is help from Evermeet Island!

Although Evermeet Island was unable to directly send troops to support due to internal disagreements, Queen Amlaril, as well as the high priest of the Elven Lord God and the Lord of Alleyne, Severil Milita, after receiving Im After Lord Sifu asked for help, four of the most powerful magic warships were mobilized from the royal family and Elaine's own power, and rushed to the battlefield of Efraska.

It's just that a period of war has come down.

However, one of these four magic battleships was also destroyed.

The remaining three ships, plus the remaining one of Efraska itself, are just like those troll statues, with scars everywhere.

Even with such reservations, the "City of Shadows" appeared and joined forces with Kelben and the others to trap the Felin Demon Kui under the "Shadow Shield".

Otherwise, the situation will inevitably be even worse.

In addition, even those Beren Liches, in fact, most of them are from Myth Drannor.

Of course, these Beren Liches are hidden underground in Myth Drannor, and they often have the mission of guarding ruins.

However, Efraska has a long-standing relationship with the Elf Court. What’s more, after the Elf Court’s defeat, most of the elves either withdrew from Yongju Island or came here.

When Efraska was in a desperate situation, the Lich of Beren who received the news would naturally not stay away from the matter.

As for these Beren Liches, how can they still receive news from here in the hidden and secret underground ruins...

This is naturally closely related to Kelben and Dove.

These two people.

One directly participated in the Crying War as an "unknown voter".

One is leading the Knights of Meth Drannor, who have been fighting against the evil spirits and drow elves in the Cormanthor Forest for a long time.

Naturally, both of them have long-term secret connections with certain Beren Liches.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's Efraska's own foundation or the support from the outside world. At this time, it doesn't really matter.

The important thing is that these people and these important weapons are all as willing to fight for Efraska as Waterdeep City and Ye Erlan's reinforcements!

"Nothing goes wrong. As long as there are no faint-hearted people in the City of Ghosts, Efraska's army should be able to regain the ground, especially the city ground."

"The real focus is, firstly, underground, and secondly, the Gray Cloak Mountain!"

While he was watching from the outside, Isaac was also making speculations in his mind.

According to Danilo, the main hiding place for the Phayling Demon Sunflower, apart from the complex underground environment of Efraska, is the Gray Cloak Mountain in the north of the "Shadow Shield".

Before attacking these two places, and furthermore, not counting the decisive battle with Felin Demon Kui.

Isaac is certain that there will be no behind-the-scenes moves in the City of Ghosts.


“Kelben’s plan must be based on this!”

"As expected, they should respond to the slogan of 'Ten Days of Decisive Battle' and quickly complete the ground war with a storm!"

"The next choice is to fight underground!"

In the environment of the underground war, those in the City of Ghosts could no longer track them.

And once they can escape the tracking of the ghosts...

There is no doubt that this is a step from "Underground Battle" to "Lightning Attack"!

"Although the 'Lightning Attack' is sudden, there are many spellcasters in the City of Shadows. Once the attack starts, the Shadow Souls here will definitely receive a warning quickly, so..."

"These four troll statues, as well as these four magic battleships, are being targeted more at this time!"

The troll seems to be able to exert its full combat power within the "shadow shield".

Although the magic warship is inferior, the direct airdrop of various troops and the long-range bombardment of various artillery shells still pose a strategic threat.

In addition, those Beren Liches, and Kelben also invited him...

"It seems that the City of Shadows has the upper hand in the conspiracy, but if Kelben's plan to attack the east and west and drain the firepower from under the cauldron is successful, it will actually be able to save the overall situation!"

"How everything goes depends on whether they can really lock the floating city, and more importantly, whether they can break through the obstacles of Telamant and his ghost princes and achieve the purpose of destruction!"

Most of the ghost princes have powerful spell-casting abilities. Even if they were not in the city of ghosts when the incident occurred, they would inevitably be able to return to the past soon once they receive the warning.

However, since Kelben dared to formulate an attack plan, with his sophistication, it was impossible not to consider it.

His eyes flickered a few times, but since he was not planning to go directly to the City of Ghosts, Isaac did not speculate too much in this regard.

There is always a way to understand everything behind it.

Instead of speculating on these…

"A stormy early push!"

"A mid-term blitzkrieg from the east to the west!"

"What I really need to pay attention to is that at the end of the early period and the beginning of the middle period, when the two sides officially fall out, the back and forth of the ghosts, and... their possible release of the Felin Demon Sun!"

Of course, the Arcanists in the City of Shadows' hatred of the Felin Demon Kui is passed down through education, and it can be said that it is deep-rooted.

However, when all the chosen people of the Magic Goddess went directly to the City of Shadows, it is naturally difficult to say whether these "betrayed" ghosts will take any revenge!

If they really released the phaerimm...

In other words, if you really have the ability to release the Felin Demon Sunflower...

His eyes gradually retracted from the distance.

Combining the actions of Efraska and City of Shadows.

In his heart, Isaac also had a considerable degree of prediction of the direction of the war.

And at this time...

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