Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1030 Begin

(already edited)

The faculty community of the Magic Martial Arts Academy, which is located in the middle area between the Magic Academy and the Martial Arts Academy.

The community is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has a beautiful environment.

Of course, this is all in the past.

After the college was occupied by the Felin Demon Sunflower, this community has long been reduced to a stronghold of monsters. Monsters like bugbears and jackals live there. How can there be any beautiful environment?

However, although the environment has been damaged, the buildings in the faculty community are basically still intact.

Nothing else.

After all, the faculty community is not the location of those school branches, and there are not so many barrier protections when the war advances to the college.

Teachers living in the community, as well as their family members, have either been evacuated or transferred to the school branch.

There was no real war during the outbreak here, and all the buildings were naturally preserved intact.

However, although the building is still relatively intact,...

Consider the construction of a faculty community just to provide an excellent living environment for the teachers of the college.

This excellence is more reflected in comfort and naturalness.

Moreover, because the community is within the college, incidents such as attacks were not considered during planning.

Naturally, no matter how complete this community is, it is impossible for it to become a core stronghold like those branches of schools.

It is precisely because of this that Aililin is the place to lurk, and her first choice is here.

Facts also proved that her choice was absolutely right.

Here Efraska launched a comprehensive decisive battle offensive, and the war was already advancing towards the academy.

A stronghold like the Faculty Community, which had no defense system and was basically insignificant, was directly abandoned by the monster's top management.

When Arilyn led the team here, there were only a few wandering monsters left lurking in the faculty community.

Obviously, all the large forces among them were recruited by the monster's top brass.

It's just right that it's natural.

Soon, Aililin led her team and hid in a villa.

Inevitably, she and Otis continued to observe the outside situation.

Isaac ignored these for the time being.

Hidden in the villa, he was patiently waiting for the war to really advance into the academy, while at the same time sorting out what he saw in the Castle of Elements.

What you see in the Castle of Elements, in the final analysis, is actually two things.

First, it is certain that the creation of the "shadow shield" is not only carried out through the "shadow magic essence", but also incorporates the power of real magical power!

Secondly, the Felin Demon Sunflower is constantly extracting the original magical energy and transforming it into a "corruption ritual"!

From these two points...

"Two questions can be truly determined."

"First, the Felin Demon Sunflower is indeed closely related to the essence of magic. Therefore, although it is a warlock, it masters many spells. This is understandable."

"Secondly, because the relationship between the Phayling Demon Sunflower and the essence of magic is extremely close, it is decided that when Telamante integrates the true power of magic within this 'shadow shield', and , this magical power is almost consistent with the essence of magic...

Of course, the Felin Demon Sunflower is also controlled by it!

If you want to break free from such a constraint, I am afraid that unless Felin Demon Kui takes the initiative to cut off the connection with the essence of magic, or if Felin Demon Kui can forcibly break this magical power, then this will be possible, no May be affected by this targeting! "

However, considering that what this magical power corresponds to is most likely not an ordinary magical god, it is necessary to break such restrictions...

Judging from the fact that the Felin Demon Sunflowers are imprisoned here and are still unable to break free, it is obvious that this magical power is extraordinary!

After holding back, Isaac continued to explore the meaning behind this magical power.

"Two more things worth studying or paying attention to."

"The race of the Phaeling Demon Sunflower is so closely related to the essence of magic. What is the root cause of this?"

Even though Isaac had already been able to access the essence of magic, he was still curious and even greedy about the racial ability of the Felin Demon Sunflower.

However, he has a Felin Demon Sunflower sealed in his hand. There will be plenty of opportunities for research on such things in the future.

Therefore, for a while, I didn't think too much about this aspect.

"Furthermore, the magical power summoned by Telamante's creation of the 'Shadow Shield' is because the target is Felin Demon Sunflower, so there is a magic god to sponsor it, or is there any Maybe, this great arcanist has mastered the possibility of calling on this power at any time?"

If it's the former, that's it. At most, it can only mean that this god of magic is hostile to Felin Demon Kui.

But if it's the latter...

A great arcanist who has mastered the power of summoning magical power already needs to increase the threat level.

Not to mention, this great arcanist is also the chosen one of the Lady of the Night!

"Looking at it from this point of view, if Kelben's action is successful, the result will be even better!"

Although it is not certain whether Telamant can really summon such magical power at any time, since there is a precedent of "Shadow Shield", Isaac has a very clear tendency. He hopes that The City of Shadows loses!

"So, the old Kelburn thief wants me to join Arilyn's team. I'm afraid he also wants me to see this scene, and then have this suspicion, and then have this tendency, right?"

Question after question.

One thing after another.

On Isaac's side, he was hidden deep in the villa, once again lost in thought.

boom! boom! boom!

Outside the academy, the roaring sound of war was approaching at this time.

The troll is trampled as heavy as a mountain!

The war song of the elven army that boosts morale!

There is also a collective bombing by the mage group!

In addition, at this juncture, there is an additional silver-haired archmage commander among the mage group...

"Finally it's time to get started!"

"Otis, notify everyone and be ready for action at any time!"

You can already see some outlines of the troll's head in the distance.

You can also see that there are sky knights flying in the night sky.

Moreover, on the zenith, although the magic battleship has not directly entered the sky above the academy, it is slowly approaching.

In Aililin's eyes, some excitement was revealed unconsciously.

It’s finally the most important moment of recovery!

Due to her own responsibility, she can't directly join the battle over there now, but...

What she has to do here is by no means useless!

Suppressed this excitement.

Arilyn nodded to Otis.

Both of them are from Efraska, and they are all facing this scene in the same way, and they can’t wait!


With a slight nod, the magic archer quickly retreated into the villa.

Soon, everyone in the team was summoned out by him.

"Everyone, the battle to regain the college is about to begin, and the opportunity for us to take further action will soon appear."

"So, please pay more attention and give reminders."

As Aililin said that, she looked towards Mr. Lei and the Ghost Mage.

Within this "shadow barrier", the vigilance of the Yinhun Mage is undoubtedly better than theirs.

As for Uncle Lei...it goes without saying.

She really needed their advice on when the right time to act was.

Isaac nodded slightly: "Let's watch first. See who will lead the army outside, and then see what lineup the academy will have to fight."

Ilki just ignored it and remained as indifferent as ever.

At the moment, the team was still lurking, only paying close attention to all the changes outside.

Located in the middle of the Magic Academy and the Martial Arts Academy, the staff community can see both the outline of the Magic Academy and the monster movements of the Martial Arts Academy.

Outside the academy, the troll image was swinging its fists and was the first to break through the door towards the Martial Arts Academy.

"Let's avoid it for a while."

"Whether the army is trying to draw out and disperse the monster power of the Magic Academy, or it is trying to recover the Martial Arts Academy first, and then launch a flanking attack from both sides.

Next, whether the monsters pass here, support the martial arts academy, retreat here, retreat to the magic academy, or even set up an ambush here, all of these are inevitable. "

"But this is also our opportunity."

"With the order of these monsters, as long as we seize the opportunity, it will be easy for us to sneak back into the Magic Academy through the rebel army..."

Danilo was immediately aware of the situation and the opportunity.

The elven army first attacked the martial arts academy.

If the Magic Academy provides reinforcements, the power will be dispersed and there will be opportunities to defeat them.

And if there are no reinforcements, and the monsters in the martial arts academy are quickly defeated by the elven army, there will inevitably be a wave of retreat.

No matter what the situation is, it will be helpful to both the overall offensive and their actions.

When he said this, Arilin knew it all in her heart, but she did not agree immediately. She looked at Isaac and Eles again.

Isaac pondered for a moment, but then nodded.

Although the monster army occupies underground passages such as sewers, they can only provide reinforcements through such channels. When they are defeated and flee, there will be no monsters that have to escape from the underground.

Moreover, in the sewer environment, once the key opening is blocked, it is obviously far less convenient to sneak in from below than to blend into the chaos on the ground and retreat into the magic academy.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Aililin said immediately: "Okay, let's avoid it first and wait for the opportunity."

She is very familiar with the environment of the faculty community.

He did not retreat into the villa now, but just took everyone around for a while. Soon, a hidden cave where one could still observe the martial arts academy to a certain extent even if it was hidden inside was found.

In order to blend into the rebel army and then retreat into the Magic Academy, one must be able to observe the inevitable wave of monsters fleeing when the Martial Arts Academy is defeated.

This cave is just right.

On their side, they hid in the cave and used illusions to cover up to a certain extent, so that they could observe the battle situation in the martial arts academy more "fairly".

The war outside also broke out at the same time.

First on the ground.

The giant monster's boundless power quickly destroyed all the college students and advanced forward.

Following closely behind, a wave of spell bombing also came.

At this moment, the elven army surged in, cooperating with the giant statue to open the way, and entered the academy with great fanaticism.

Almost synchronized.

Above the sky, this has also begun.

First, groups of griffon knights and Pegasus knights pounced from the black light shield, but they did not directly enter the monster stronghold. They only pounced in a certain area and sometimes pulled them back. Rising.

Then, quickly, groups of flame bullets were as dense as rain, and they continued to bombard down.

Naturally, it was the cooperation of the magic battleship.

They dare not invade the sky directly over the Magic Academy, but the situation is different here at the Martial Arts Academy.

However, even at this time, this magical battleship is obviously still fighting hard.

Even though the dense flame bombs were all incendiary bombs, when they were bombarded below, they not only spattered everywhere, they were also intense and continuous.

But obviously, this is also a fire oil bomb, and this magic battleship has not really started a large-scale bombing of magic power yet.

Such a withdrawal of strength... I think he was heading towards the Magic Academy, or even Yunguan Palace.

However, after retracting his strength, Isaac's gaze adjusted only slightly to adjust the size of his pupils, but he also noticed that the protective shield on the magic battleship had also been opened.

In any case, the Martial Arts Academy is really close to the Magic Academy.

With the concealment of the Magic Academy, it is not impossible that there will be a super long-distance bombardment of magic energy!

after all……

It has long been discovered that not only this warship, but also those warships heading towards other strategic targets have scars on the hull.

Being able to cause such damage to these battleships shows that the Felin Demon Kui is not without effective counterattack power.

The reason why it hasn't been taken out yet is because it hasn't touched their sore spot, or it hasn't entered their effective strike circle!

The operators of the magic battleship must have known about this for a long time.

Such a holding power, bombing with only normal kerosene bombs, is undoubtedly the preparation for this!

The pupils slowly returned to normal, Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at the battlefield on the ground again.

After a long war, the monsters' tactics have long since lost any new ideas.

Simply, it is a powerful impact on the ground, combined with occasional raids from the ground.

However, although this tactic is simple, it is also quite effective.

In particular, the current underground environment has obviously changed significantly from what it was in the past.

For many attack locations, the elves were unprepared.

Therefore, even if there is a giant statue to open the way, no matter how long it takes, he will be hit by the attack.

Fortunately, in the sky, the continuous bombardment of magic warships destroyed one defensive stronghold after another, so that a lot of tough battles were lost here.

Overall, although the losses suffered were not light, the army's advance was still firmly under control.

"That's not right!"

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