Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1033 Chain Collapse (3)

(already edited)


Isaac and his party were heading straight towards the monster swarm.

The first one to roar was the monster.

All I saw was a roar from the Bugbear General, who was still majestic and ferocious, no less impressive than the General Lawrence he had seen before.

Suddenly, a large group of lizardmen, the arrows were like raindrops, shooting through the air densely.

After these lizardmen, there were teams of jackals and bugbears, also full of murderous intent.

However, what attracted everyone's attention the most, apart from the bugbear general, was the two beholders at the very back, who were opening their main eyes and covering a large area in front with their "anti-magic field".

Under normal circumstances, there will be no cooperation or joint efforts between beholder and beholder, unless it is abnormal.

Therefore, only these two beholders appeared here at the same time...

"Either, this is a really important place ahead, so under the orders of Felin Mokui, we focused on strengthening the defense in the surrounding tunnels."

"Either, this is not impossible, they are specially here to snipe us!"

In response to Danilo's thoughts, the rain of arrows continuously shot by the lizard men broke through the air intensively.

However, after the "Rainbow Shield", no one panicked at all, and without even raising their hands, the arrow rain fell one after another from the outermost red light layer of the "Rainbow Shield".

The layer of red light, which can block all long-range non-magical weapons.

Naturally, these lizardmen can't handle any long-range magic weapons.

But if they can come up with...

The second orange light layer of the "Rainbow Shield" can also block all long-range magic weapons.

With this shield, it is impossible for any long-range weapon to break through.

After two or three waves of arrow rain, I saw that this colorful shield had entered the "anti-magic field", but it still had not disappeared.

After the monster group, the main eyes of the two beholders finally changed slightly.

Sui, I don’t know what kind of communication these two beholders had.

One of them closed his main eye first, and after a slight delay of two or three seconds, the other one also closed his main eye.

In the tunnel ahead, the effect of the anti-magic field immediately dissipated.

The beholder who closed his main eye first had the rays shot out from multiple eye stalks at once.

Immediately following, the beholder on the other end was also preparing its eyeball rays.

And they were taking turns to carry out ray attacks.

The bugbear general roared again.

Then, first the lizardmen hurriedly sheathed their bows and arrows, and then, one after another, the jackals and bugbears that had been murderous for a long time rushed towards them.

Behind them, the bugbear general held a huge battle ax in one hand. The ax struck the ground, drawing a series of sparks. It also carried an extremely brutal momentum and suddenly pressed closer.

It's not just them.

At this time, behind the passage blocked by the "Rainbow Wall", there were also jackals and bugbears, and there was also a beholder. The monsters that were attacking from both sides also appeared one after another.

Three-headed beholder!

There is also the Bugbear General!

This is even a more powerful lineup of monsters than the one connecting them to the Magic Academy when they came.

Such a lineup...

"It seems that there is indeed a problem up front!"

Isaac narrowed his eyes slightly.

The two beholders on the opposite side held back their "anti-magic fields" and were trying to take turns to attack with rays. Naturally, it was impossible for him to move at all.

As long as it is not the "Great Disintegration Technique", there is no conventional spell ability that can destroy the "Rainbow Shield" instantly.

The "dissociation rays" of these two beholders are equally useless.

Compared with this round of shooting, the two beholders deliberately staggered the closing time of the "anti-magic field", obviously to ensure that someone could open it again instantly at any time, which made him pay a little more attention.

But that's about it.

It couldn't be easier to get these beholders to open the "anti-demon field" again!

As for the combat effectiveness of bugbears and jackals under the "anti-magic field"...

It's impossible to compare this with the Demonic Soul Corpse and the Soul-Eating Demon, right?

With the indirect assistance of the "Rainbow Shield", Aililin and the others were able to fight against the Demonic Soul Corpse and the Soul-Eating Demon.

With a wave of his hand, a blazing fire ball quickly condensed out.

Upon seeing this, without thinking, the beholder closed its main eye first. The eyeball rays stopped immediately, and the main eye opened instantly. The "anti-magic field" spread in an instant, covering the large area in front again.

There is no need to throw the "Fireball Technique" into the "Anti-Magic Field".

He waved his hand and pointed back, and saw a flash of blazing light. The fire beads were on the ground some distance behind the team, and exploded into a huge circle of flames.

Almost at the same time.

Arilyn and Elise, just like before, shot out from both sides of the "Rainbow Shield" one on the left and the other on the right.

Jackals and bugbears were rushing towards them, and when one of them encountered their Elf Moon Blade, they were immediately caught off guard.

At the same time as this happened, Isaac's pace also accelerated.

The monster in front that had no time to dodge was suddenly hit by the "Rainbow Shield".

There was an explosion of lightning and fire, and amidst the poisonous cold air, the monster hit the "Rainbow Shield", and in the blink of an eye, a large piece of it was shattered beyond recognition.

He is so.

Behind them, Danilo, Otis, and the Shadow Mage naturally wouldn't watch.

One after another, spells were fired, arrows were fired, and the three of them immediately joined the battle group.

The beholder's anti-magic field also includes eyeball rays, but they only have a range of 150 feet.

At this time, Azshara accelerated, even if she was still walking rather than charging, she had already crossed over half of the area in just a few steps.

Faced with such an impact...

Even the two beholders were caught off guard and their expressions suddenly changed.

Fortunately, at this time, the bugbear general who was dragging his ax and walking at the back encountered this person.

Not daring to directly hit the colorful shield that had already killed the multi-headed monster, the bugbear general's huge body suddenly became as agile as a cheetah at this moment.

Just a flash, and then another push on the left wall, the huge body, like a bomb, broke through the colorful shield and crashed straight into Isaac's place.

The giant battle ax swung again.


In the roaring sound, the huge body of the bugbear general seemed to expand in a circle. With terrifying brute strength and bloodthirsty ferocity, the battle ax suddenly swept like a hurricane.

And he was exploding.

The two beholders also changed their movements at the same time.

One is that as soon as the main eye is closed, the "anti-magic field" is instantly closed, and immediately, preparations have been completed, and a dissociation ray is pointed at the top of the channel and shot out.

The beholder on the other end also has a dissociation ray, which is also pointed at the top of the channel.

These two dissociation rays were shot out at almost the same time...

At the top of the passage, they must have been "carving" a long time ago. In the forest of stalagmites that are like ice edges and hang upside down from the ceiling of the cave, there are two heavy and sharp stalagmites. The roots are directly separated. At the same time, The ground just flew down.

What is under this stalagmite forest is naturally where Isaac is!

On the left is the bugbear general's violent blow, and the stalagmites flying down from above. At the same time, the two beholders are still watching eagerly, waiting for him to reveal more flaws...

One of Isaac's hands reached out.

The bugbear giant battle ax is sweeping in.

This hand appeared in front of the battle axe.

Another photo, another pinch!

boom! !

The tomahawk hit for real, but...

Suddenly, the face of the bugbear general showed a look of incomparable horror.

Not only him, but the two beholders in front, as well as the jackals and bugbears chasing from behind, also suddenly changed their expressions.

The huge battle ax seemed to be pinched lightly, but General Bugbear's full blow landed between those five fingers as light as a floating feather.

The heavy and sharp blade of the battle ax seemed to have become a clay sculpture. The hand, which was obviously just a squeeze, suddenly dented the five-finger seal on the battle ax.

And it wasn't just this heavy blow from the bugbear general.

On the top of the cave, it was the two stalagmites that fell and fell. Before they even hit this person, suddenly, the stalagmites seemed to lose gravity first, and then immediately awakened to life. They turned around in the air, directly. It was shot at the monsters that had passed through the "Rainbow Shield" on both sides and immediately chased after them.

Nature is the "activated object"!

The Slaad's spell-like ability has a caster level as high as level 21. At such a level, this "activated object" can even activate another large object while activating a giant object. Moreover, the duration of activation is also A few minutes.

It is naturally easy to activate these two stalagmites at this time.

Using the activated fossil bamboo shoots to shoot at the "little monsters" behind him, Isaac waved his hand again, and suddenly, the extremely frightened bugbear general, including his man and his axe, staggered and lost his balance.

Before he could react, he grabbed the huge battle ax with one hand, and with the other hand, Isaac had already lifted it to his neck.

This bugbear general is actually quite powerful, but...

Compared to the average level of divine power between Isaac and the Ancient Green Dragon, this gap is a bit too big.

Not to mention, the legendary damage reduction granted by the "original true body", his body is comparable to a "+10 level" legendary weapon, and the pure melee power of General Bugbear is even more powerful for him. I don't have the qualifications to interfere.

With one hand, he lifted this guy who was as strong as an ogre, ignoring his continuous struggles. Isaac exerted force in his hand, and the sound of broken bones became intense.

While doing all this, he still stared at the beholder with an indifferent gaze.

Under the gaze of this gaze, the two beholders were completely panicked.

The order from the master of Mo Kui is of course to let them guard the passage. Before the new order comes, no enemy is allowed to pass here, nor is they allowed to leave without authorization.

but now……

For the first time, they felt that a narrow environment like the sewer was not really suitable for them.

If they were in an open environment, each of them would go in one direction, whether using the "anti-magic field" or eyeball rays, at least they wouldn't be like now, with a shield from the opposite side almost blocking everything.

"Kill him!"

"Kill them all!"

A beholder roared angrily and ordered the useless lizardmen in front,

Even though these lizard men were frightened and frightened, they still moved forward cautiously under their orders.

But at the same time, the two beholders themselves had eyes for each other.

Blocked here, there is no way to block the other side!

Change the combat environment!

Then call the beholders from other channels together!

With only one pair of eyeballs, the two beholders immediately reached an agreement.

The orders of Master Mo Kui must be obeyed.

But if you are blocked here, not only will you not be able to block the other side, but you may also be unable to send a warning signal.

Therefore, with a little flexibility, General Beholder can still accomplish this.

The next moment they roared and ordered the lizard men to come forward and die, the two beholders quickly retreated while firing dissociation rays out again.

Naturally, it still shoots towards the top of the cave.

Then, one after another, stalagmites broke off from their roots and fell down.

But that's it.

From the tops of the trembling lizardmen, a roaring sound passed through the air, but it was a huge shadow, like a cannonball blasting out, quickly chasing the beholder.

Although the beholder's flexibility is not bad, its flying speed is average.

However, this kind of passage environment does not allow them to dodge flexibly.

This huge shadow came through the air, and the beholder behind it had no way to dodge. It was hit by the huge impact and was knocked down directly.

Before the beholder in front had any chance to rejoice, there was another roar, and a giant battle ax flew in the air.

Naturally, it was Isaac who directly smashed the bugbear general's neck and threw the bugbear general's heavy ax alive.

At the same time as it was thrown, there was a flash of colorful light, and the "rainbow shield" suddenly accelerated, as if it had directly knocked a path away from the lizard people's team, and caught up with it in the blink of an eye. After falling to the ground, the two beholders had no time to rise again.

He reached out again, picked up the eye stalk of a beholder, and held it easily.

"The finger of death!"

It was still the spell-like ability of the White Slaad, a death ray with negative energy, completed in the blink of an eye, and it hit the beholder on the other end.

In an instant, all vitality completely disappeared from this beholder.

Without the "anti-magic field" restrictions of these two beholders, there was a burst of lightning and fire explosions in the passage, but in the blink of an eye, the monsters on the "Rainbow Magic Wall" seemed to be gone. Able to stand.

As for the "Rainbow Dharma Wall"...

Not to mention the beholder, even the ordinary monsters seemed to have long since disappeared.

Isaac and the others have no intention of pursuing the past. The most important thing at the moment is to explore whether there is any abnormality in the front.

To be swift is to move on, a moment later.

The rapidly changing environment of the passage.

"Sure enough, there is a trap!"

"Erilyn, where are you in the academy?"

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