Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1049: Earth-shaking (11)

(already edited)

It's the time when there are changes on Felin Mokui's side.

On the secret space side, the dust has settled.

In front of Isaac's "original true body", the regeneration ability of the "Wailing Girl" was indeed suppressed, and the holy energy strike that followed completely destroyed the demon lord in the material plane.

Of course, a god-like existence like the Demon Lord has a certain similarity with the gods. Unless it is the true body, and it is killed in the outer plane, then it is possible to truly kill it. Otherwise, at most it is The death of an incarnation, or an aspect of this material plane.

Such a death will certainly weaken the ability of this abyss lord to influence and interfere with this material plane for a period of time, but most abyss lords do not only correspond to one main material plane, so this will have a negative impact on him. Our bodies in the abyss will not have much influence, and as long as there is enough time, the influence and interference will be re-projected to this material plane, which is inevitable.

Just like, in the final battle between the Narfeo Empire and the Lomantha Empire, there was the death of the Abyss Lords, but this did not affect that they could still project their influence to their own plane afterwards. Come.

It is the "Hidden Lord" Eltaba who is said to have been summoned in his true form and bound to this plane. For many years, he has been sealed and imprisoned by that, but no one has been able to truly kill him.

To completely kill an abyss lord, it may be easier than killing the true god, but it is definitely not much easier!

Therefore, in fact, dealing with the elves is the safest way.

Seal the "Wailing Girl" and keep her interference in this plane within the seal for a long time. As long as the seal is not destroyed, the "Wailing Girl" cannot project any more interference.

However, in this decisive battle with Felin Mokui, naturally no one will spend so much energy on such a seal.

Kick this guy out first so that Felin Mokui can lose some immediate support. This is the most correct way to deal with it at the moment.

As for Isaac and Yada Tanshur, they dealt with the Wailing Daughter.

Looking back, Laila and Alustriel also dealt with the dark guardian spirit.

"Prayer" is the most powerful spell for mages and warlocks, and it cannot even be defined simply by the name of a spell.

This is just like "miraculous magic", which is praying to the gods.

In Azshara's understanding, the wish spell is also a request, but it is not to the gods, but more likely, through the objective connection between the essence of magic and all things, through sacrifice, or in other words, through Exchange is a kind of leveraging.

This pry.

What the caster invests here, in addition to the energy of the ninth-level magic corresponding to the "wishing spell", also requires a huge career accumulation.

What is leveraged, or what can be leveraged, is that everything is possible.

As long as it is a request issued by the caster, the "Prayer Technique" will inevitably be carried out. The only thing that can prevent it from being fully realized is that the requested request is too difficult, so the "Prayer Technique" can only be partially realized. Or, simply "power outage" occurs directly during the implementation process.

Obviously, to solve this problem, the dark guardian spirit, which had been destroyed by three "Great Disintegration Techniques", did not exceed the scope of the "Prayer Technique".

With the majestic call of Laila.

With the last ruby ​​of the Three Wishes Ring, the essence burned like light and flame.

The consistency between the Dark Guardian Spirit and the "Well of Radiance" was abruptly lifted.

Just like the magic that Felin Demon Kui once performed, it was forcibly lifted by this "prayer".

The meaning of the guardian spirit's existence lies in the region itself.

When this consistency is lifted, when this binding no longer exists, naturally, the meaning of the existence of this dark guardian spirit disappears.

And there is no meaning of existence...

Already transformed into a liquid form, the dark guardian spirit quickly returned to the original dark evil energy without any signs of life.

At this time, Dove Hawkhand, Beren Lich and others all woke up.

Inevitably, they quickly started medical recovery and quickly gathered on Laila and Alustriel's side.

After Yada Tanshur took care of his two subordinates for a while, he also came over with a gloomy expression.

"Everyone, Kelben and Storm are already outflanking the path of these magic sunflowers as quickly as possible. As long as our subsequent pursuit can slow them down a little, we will definitely be able to keep them here completely. Therefore, let’s make the last effort and completely regain the royal city today!”

Before Laila used the "Three Wishes Ring", she made another contact with Kelben. At this time, she naturally had no intention of giving up the pursuit.

"That's how it should be."

"If these demon sunflowers are allowed to escape underground, or escape to Gray Cloak Mountain, and miss today, they will definitely be in serious trouble again."

Lord Imsford naturally agrees with this.

Both the Beren Lich and the Lich nodded.

Even Yada Tanshur had no objections.

During this trip, only two of his subordinates were succumbed to the final cry of the "Wailing Girl" and the chain explosion of dark evil energy.

Even though the "Wailing Girl" has been beheaded now, he will naturally not show any mercy to the real culprit, Felin Demon Kui, who has been the eternal enemy of the City of Ghosts for thousands of years.

It's Isaac's side.

Whether he started researching the "Well of Glory" now or delayed it for a while, it was obvious that he had to deal with it before the inhibitory effect of the legendary dispersion ended.

Therefore, Laila and the others couldn't wait to continue the pursuit, but he could only apologize!

At the moment, Isaac said calmly: "In that case, you go first. The situation at the Well of Glory still needs to be dealt with. I will follow you after I finish solving the situation here."

Laila had guessed what he meant before, and had hints of the deal, and asked him to keep the "Wailing Girl". Now that the "Wailing Girl" had been eliminated, she had no intention of going back on her word.

"I'm leaving it to you."

"Let's go first."

"let's go!"

With a slight nod of agreement, Laila quickly led the team and chased into the depths of darkness.

From this point of view, this person is much more reasonable than Alustriel, Storm and others. At least, when dealing with the evil camp, he will not be as rigid as those two!

I saw their figures disappearing quickly.

Isaac quickly took action.

Because the "Corruption Ritual" was related to the demon elves, he did not directly provoke Eamesford and the two Beren Liches before using the "Profane Domain".

But now, since Laila has taken everyone away, he no longer has to hide anything.

The figure soon reached the edge of the pool of "Well of Glory".

Feeling the depressing effect of the "Legendary Dispelling Technique", it is about to end...

"The realm of blasphemy!"

Although at this time, with the dark guardian spirit solving the problem for Laila, the interference of the Felin Demon Sunflower in the "Well of Glory" has basically been lifted.

However, the dark evil energy is always chaotic, and after the suppression effect ends, the "Well of Glory" can foresee the backlash. In addition, estimates are only estimates after all. Is the influence of Felin Demon Kui on this place serious? It has been completely lifted, which is actually not absolutely certain...

Isaac was one step ahead and used the "Profane Domain".

In terms of strength, "Profane Domain" is extremely powerful even among the ninth-level spells.

However, in terms of applicability, this is relatively narrow.

Isaac was naturally not prepared in advance.

Inevitably, the original magical energy was traced back, and the "Wheel of Heaven" reflected the "Dark Sky" to temporarily construct the spell.

At the same time, the "Dark Techira Stone" was once again placed in front of his forehead, providing an additional increase in spell strength in a manner similar to the "One Ritual".

Then, quickly.

Centered on his location, it quickly spread to all directions.

The original evil energy summoned by the "dark sky" only appeared once and swallowed up everything endlessly.

All light is dying!

With the continuous radiation of this original evil energy, the darkness like a light-eating body and even the effect of the "shadow shield" have been assimilated to a considerable extent.

The realm of darkness is spreading rapidly.

However, all the evil essences have been strengthened and improved to the extreme, while all the good essences have been polluted to the ultimate degree of blasphemy.

When the effect of the legendary dispersion is ending, when the evil power of the "Well of Glory" is surging and erupting.

This realm of darkness is also spreading and covering the ground.

Suddenly, the "Well of Glory", which was already dark and deep, seemed to be splashed with a layer of black ink. The dark and evil nature within it became more and more corrupted and deepened.

The "dark sky" corresponds to the origin of all evil. It has nothing to do with law and chaos, and it is not a neutral alignment.

In Isaac's understanding, this pure evil even has conceptual overlap with Baator Hell, the Bottomless Abyss, and the Gray Wilderness.

The original nature of evil can even be regarded as the most basic composition and even the premise of these lower evil planes.

This kind of original evil is naturally deeper than the evil power of Felin Demon Sun that corrupts the original magical energy.

Moreover, the original essence is the source of all evil. When this realm of darkness covers it, the changes caused by the evil power of the "Well of Glory" are not a direct conflict, but a kind of "influence". The growth of "Profane Domain" is increasing, and its evil nature is getting darker and more corrupt!

And as this darkness and corruption deepen...

Isaac has suddenly developed a sense of spiritual will. In the "Well of Glory", the evil essence that has been strengthened by the "Profane Realm" is increasingly closely related to him.

He already feels that as long as he wants to, he can control this evil magic energy to a certain extent through these connections!

Of course, what can be controlled is only a small part for the time being.

Naturally, the huge accumulation of the "Well of Glory" cannot all be affected by the "Realm of Profanity" in the blink of an eye.

However, with this part of the connection, there is a way to control the boiling of the "Well of Glory".

On the one hand, he controls the realm of darkness, constantly deepening the erosion of evil magic energy.

On the one hand, Isaac's spiritual will, through this erosion, in a circuitous and circling way, guided the continuous eruption of dark evil energy like a volcano, "discharging force" and "discharging potential".

It only took a moment of guidance. Gradually, the momentum of this violent eruption and explosion was unloaded, and instead, a huge vortex formed on the "water surface" like a dark pool.

Everything went as expected!

It was even smoother than expected!

When the dark guardian spirit was eliminated, and the direct influence of Felin Demon Kui on this area was eliminated, he used the original evil power summoned by the "Profane Domain" to further process the "corruption" here, This is very meaningful, standing on the shoulders of Felin Mokui, improving all their achievements, completely putting his mark on them, and completely absorbing all these achievements.

Of course, the dominance is basically in hand, but to completely control such evil magical energy, or even completely absorb them...

"We need to further deepen our control!"

"Even with the foundation laid by Felin Demon Kui, there will still be at least two more erosions and corruptions from the 'Profane Domain'!"

Moreover, this is also the "Profane Realm" strengthened by the "Dark Techira Stone"!

However, this is not difficult for Isaac.

Although after most of the day, he had already consumed quite a lot of spells.

However, relevant controls have been in place for a long time. During the reconnaissance, the spells he cast were basically stolen spell-like abilities.

The real powerful spellcasting is the time when the fierce battle with Felin Demon Kui actually breaks out.

Although in this short period of time, he burst out multiple high-level spells at once, but...

The mastery of ninth-level spells in the dual profession of wizard and warlock also has increased spell slots and spells due to high intelligence and high charm. His total number of ninth-level spells per day has even reached 10 times.

Casting two more ninth-level spells was nothing to him.

Without any hesitation, after guiding the explosion of the "Well of Glory" into a dark vortex, and stabilizing the vibration of evil magic energy.

Once again, with the "Dark Techira Stone", Isaac hit the "Desecrated Domain" again, and the battle quickly began.

And it was from him that the evil realm composed of pure darkness spread out again...



From where Feilin Mokui fled, which was also where Laila and the others were pursuing, a strong shock came, as if a violent collapse had occurred in the tunnel.

Isaac glanced over there for a moment, then looked back.

Felin Mokui has been preparing here for a long time, so naturally he will not fail to lay out some traps for such an escape route!

Laila and the others will not be unprepared for this.

The only thing that made him pay a little attention to the past was that it didn't seem to be a magic trap!

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