Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1051 Everything is turned upside down (13)

(already edited)

"It doesn't look like someone who escaped here."

His eyes still hadn't opened, but in Isaac's heart, he had a very clear perception of the spirit of these monsters.

This is not because the Felin Demon Kui fled and was completely defeated by Efraska's army.

And since the monster army has not been completely defeated yet...

Thinking in his mind, Isaac finally stopped thinking about the specific construction of the magic ritual and turned to...

"How's the situation now?"

Instead of "messaging by real name", Isaac sent the message to Laila using the "text message technique".

Although the location of the "Well of Glory" is an obstacle to prophetic spells, however, as Isaac has already completed the control of evil magic energy, this obstacle will naturally not affect him.

And just as this message was being sent, without moving his body, another scorching fire ball quickly condensed behind him.

This time, I didn't even bother to move my fingers.

But the scorching fire ball still quickly locked onto the group of monsters and flew over again.


Another huge flame explosion circle.

But before it stopped, after one shot, another "Fireball Technique" was quickly released behind Isaac.

Seeing this, even if they rushed into the hall, they immediately dispersed. The monsters who were encouraged by the illithids and had high morale couldn't help but suppress the strange screams.

Whether bugbears or jackals, these are all humanoid creatures, and they all have high intelligence. They naturally understand that whoever is the most showy is the most vulnerable to magic bombardment.

Of course, although the strange screams were suppressed, the pace of these monsters attacking them did not slow down at all.

Scattered into a fan shape, rushing to the ground, there were dozens of black shadows, quickly killing Isaac.

And they were the ones who were approaching.

From the rear entrance, as soon as the explosion of the fireball spell was extinguished, another group of monsters also flew in and immediately dispersed.

This team of monsters directly controlled by the illithid seems to be quite large.

However, after ordering these monsters to rush into the hall one by one, the illithid itself was always shrinking in the passage, with no intention of coming in. It was not even prepared to approach the entrance to take a look. Look at the situation inside the main hall.

At this moment, Laila's reply came: "Unable to find a way out, Mo Kui has withdrawn from the ladies' secret hall and is under attack."

The information carrying capacity of "SMS" is limited, so Laila's expression was correspondingly concise, but the meaning was very clear.

Kelben and Storm failed to outflank the retreat of Felin Demon Kui.

Originally, the most likely destination for these magic sunflowers was to be evacuated underground.

Unexpectedly, these weirdos also knew how to make a fuss in the east and west, and directly transferred to the "Lady's Secret Hall". In this way, Laila and Kelben naturally had no choice but to chase after them again.


On one side, with a thought, another fireball hit the direction of the entrance.

On the side, at some point, Isaac's eyes also opened in the darkness, and a thoughtful look flashed darkly in them.

"Laila and the others went to the 'Lady's Secret Hall' after hunting..."

"So, these monsters should have come under the orders of Felin Demon Kui!"

This is easy to understand.

Efraska's army hasn't reached here yet.

Therefore, at this moment, they should be the only ones in the Yunguan Palace side, especially underground.

Since Laila and the others went after them to the "Lady's Secret Hall", from Felin Mokui's point of view, isn't this "Well of Glory" empty again?

It's normal for the army to be sent over to check.

Even once the investigation is clear and it is confirmed that there is no big problem here, it is also reasonable and reasonable for these magic sunflowers to come here again.

After all, the evil magic energy of the "Well of Glory" still has the possibility and value of reuse!


Gently, Isaac let out a breath.

What if the Felin Demon Kui abandoned the "Lady's Secret Hall" and escaped here again under the pursuit of Laila and the others.

Although he is not afraid of anything, it will inevitably take a lot of effort. It is even possible that his true identity will be exposed because of this!

The value of this "Well of Glory" is already worthy of him revealing his identity, rather than retreating safely first.

"However, we don't necessarily have to face them!"

"Since they sent a team to investigate... until they become suspicious, they will naturally abandon this place and go to other places!"

While his thoughts kept flickering, the use of spell-like abilities never stopped.

In the fan-shaped area around half a circle, there are monsters flying to kill them.

There was no sound or any spell-casting movements. There were no longer scorching fire beads around Isaac, but extremely strong death energy that was rapidly condensing.

"Death Circle!"

It's still a spell-like ability from the White Slaad.

The sixth-level magic "Death Circle" can cause direct death effects on creatures within a 40-foot radius.

Although this death effect can be resisted by a Fortitude save, and is completely ineffective against creatures whose life energy level reaches level 9, moreover, the total life energy level of the creatures that can be wiped out also has a upper limit.

But there is no doubt that this spell has a miraculous effect when used to clean up the battlefield.

Based on the fact that the caster level of Slaad's spell-like ability is level 21, the "death circle" that Isaac cast at this time can wipe out the creatures and the total life energy level is quite high. Considerable.

It was the moment when the surrounding gnolls and bugbears rushed towards them in a bloodthirsty manner.

The "Death Array" was also completed as accurately as seconds.

The powerful negative energy summoned by this spell just spreads around.

In a moment, not one after another, but directly in a half circle, of the dozen monsters that the first array rushed to kill, only one bugbear elite remained, and they could continue to kill.

However, even this elite bugbear, driven by instinct, roared and waved his axe, and came here to kill.


Now that he was standing up, Isaac glanced at the bugbear and could easily see the fear of this monster!

Taking a step forward, there was another "death circle". At the same time as it was being used, Isaac swept directly towards the heavy battle ax wielded by the bugbear.


This bugbear elite is not affected at all under the "Death Array", and its life energy level has obviously reached or even exceeded level 9.

However, before Isaac's sweeping slap, the heavy battle ax of the bugbear elite suddenly seemed to turn into paper.

With a sweeping slap, including the man and the axe, the bugbear elite was knocked upside down and flew out.

Without stopping, he continued towards the entrance.

That's when the second wave of monsters also surrounded and killed them.

"Death Circle!"

The extremely strong negative energy, as precise as seconds, has also been condensed.

Or if a giant magic circle blooms in just an instant.

Once again, another series of monsters were wiped out of all vitality and fell down silently.

Only the elite level, the jackal leader whose life energy level has reached at least level 9, can be as safe as the previous bugbear leader in this "death circle".

However, he was all right. At this moment, the jackal leader didn't dare to continue to kill. He quickly turned over and retreated into the darkness in panic.

"Is this the only one?"

He has never appeared at the entrance, but he seems to be able to directly see the battle in the hall. In the passage, the illithid is suspended in the sky. In its cold and evil eyes, there is a coldness like electricity. The light flashed: "Keep killing! Three people form a group, attack in layers, and wait for an opportunity to interrupt his spell casting!"

The casting of spells requires casting time after all.

Instead of attacking in large groups, we use small groups as a unit to draw out the opponent's spells, and then take the opportunity to kill them later. There is hope that we can directly interrupt the opponent's spellcasting.

Even if this interruption may not go smoothly, with more levels and more groups, you can always deceive the opponent into using more spells!

Since there is only one person inside, can this magic reserve really be unlimited?

Of course, the judgment is so judgmental, and the target is also so specific. While the illithid ordered his servants to kill him continuously, he himself was very careful and felt that the person inside was pointing this way, floating in the air. The silhouette of the illithid silently retreated towards the way it came from.

He couldn't disobey Master Mo Kui's order.

However, there is no reason for him to be the only one to contribute, right?

Besides, the best way to deal with the kind of spell casters inside is to keep your eyes peeled.

At the moment, regardless of the specific battle situation inside, just act as servants. They cannot win and can only consume a little more of the opponent's spell reserves.

The illithid quickly retreated to the sewer.

The master of Mo Kui wants to regain the "Well of Glory", so naturally his team will not be the only one sent.

His team was at the front, simply because his telepathic ability was sharper than the beholder's vision.

Isaac was immediately aware of the sudden change in the monster army's attack method.

Naturally, he knew the intentions of the commander behind the monster army, but he didn't care.

Other spellcasters may have to consider their spell reserves, but what he casts are all spell-like abilities that can be cast at will. No matter how he consumes them, how can these monsters drain him dry?

As for being interrupted from casting spells...

The "Death Circle" struck again, but only killed a group of three bugbears and jackals.

The second group that followed them suddenly charged forward with a roar.

"The Fire Demon Form!"

There was still no pause in his steps.

With one step forward, the light of the flames shone on him.

After the second step, the figure suddenly swelled.

The huge devil's horns, the spread devil's wings, and the blazing red body that is constantly spraying out the demonic flames of purgatory...

Terrifying evil momentum!

The power of endless destruction and destruction!

It was as if he had been re-transformed into the form of Barlow's Fire Demon!

Facing such a top-level demon, no matter how mandatory the Illithid master's orders were, all the monsters in the hall were completely unable to restrain themselves, falling into fear and shock.

The second group that came straight towards them stopped in a hurry, and they all fell into a ball.

Isaac will not stop because of this.

Spreading his wings, he flew into the sky, surrounded by the raging fire of purgatory.


From his lava-like eyes, blazing red demonic flames shot out.

Suddenly, endless flame energy roared out of the sky inside the hall like a storm.

A huge coverage area.

It expanded horizontally, even to more than half of the hall.

When the flame storm formed, it roared and swept across...

In the main hall, there seemed to be only one or two left. They had retreated to dark corners early. They were obviously not very coerced by the illithid's orders and were monster elites who wanted to avoid fighting.

"Fire Storm", like "Immolation", are spell-like abilities that Balor Balrog can only perform once a day.

Although in terms of spell level, "Fire Storm" is only an eighth-level priest spell, a seventh-level druid spell, and a seventh-level domain spell in the fire domain, this is a spell that requires a full round of casting before it can be cast. A powerful spell, so from the perspective of true spell strength, this is actually not inferior to most ninth-level divine spells, especially the range it can cover.

A "Fire Storm" burned and killed dozens of monsters, ignoring the one or two remaining survivors. A ray of flame flashed across the sky, and Isaac's figure was already It flew directly into the entrance.


The raging flames of purgatory!

The negative energy storm of the "Death Array"!

In the passage, the monsters that had not yet had time to attack the main hall fell down in rows like grass, and were burned and torn apart piece by piece.

It was almost just an instant.

When the demonic figure burning with blazing demonic flames returned to the main hall again...

"Demon King, spare your life!"

"Demon King, spare your life!"

A jackal leader and a bugbear leader who were secretly trying to go deeper into the hall to see if there was a way to escape did not hesitate at all. They knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly to beg for mercy.

"Tell me, what's the purpose of your coming here?"

Isaac did not deal with these two people directly, but at the same time as he spoke, the extremely arrogant and "monster domination" that Balor Balrog could use at will was already activated.

Neither bugbears nor gnolls can resist his abilities.

In the blink of an eye, first the gnoll and then the bugbear, these two monster leaders fell under his will.

"Back to the Demon King, it was the illithid Laos who drove us here after receiving orders from his Demon Sun master."

"In addition to Laos, there are two beholder demons who also drive slaves and puppets to follow behind."


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