Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1056: Everything is turned upside down (18)

It was the big explosion in the "Lady's Secret Hall" that had just triggered the first wave of shocks. The magical light that shot out randomly radiated into a mysterious and destructive sea of ​​starlight, covering the entire Cloud Crown Palace. , all swept away at the moment.

Suddenly, from the north, from the dark and deep mountains.

What if time and space suddenly reverses!

If the setting sun rises again!

If the night is returning to dusk!

The endless strange red light shot out in just an instant, like a waterfall of light, and directly penetrated the darkness and depth of the "shadow shield" completely.

This waterfall of light passed by.

The strange red light clearly radiated bloody and strange evil fluctuations like the Styx and the sea of ​​blood.

All the creatures who saw this red light, or even just felt this fluctuation, whether they were good or evil, at the soul level, suddenly heard something, like the thousands of people in the sea of ​​blood. Thousands of resentful souls roared at the same time with the sound of soul impact.

If there is a landslide or a tsunami, before such an impact on the souls, the eyes of all living beings are immediately filled with blood. Endless madness and bloodthirsty are rapidly overwhelming everyone's will to resist.

Such a soul impact...

Even though it was underground, even though there was still the interference of the evil magical energy of the "Well of Glory", it was clear that Isaac felt it directly.

This is……

"The combination of destiny ability and legendary spells!!"

Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a solemn look in Isaac's eyes.

He himself is an expert in this field, and he has already used the Divine Dragon's destiny ability to its advantage.

Moreover, when dealing with the Lich Archmage of the "Entangled Talisman", he also used similar methods in his fight with the Supreme Speaker of the "Twinkle Talisman Parliament".

Naturally, this is not unfamiliar.

At this time, from the legendary spell that came from the north, probably from the Gray Cloak Mountain, it was clear that he had sensed the essence of destiny that could directly radiate the soul!

And because of the nature of destiny...

In his slightly narrowed eyes, it was as if there was a direct reflection. From a distance, Isaac clearly saw one head. His whole body was orange-red, as if blood-colored flames were burning endlessly. It had an unimaginable extraordinary quality. The shape of the phaerinn magic sunflower!

These giant leaders of Felin Demon Kui are indeed destiny-level existences!

At least, this giant demon sunflower is a genuine destiny class!

"With the leadership of these giant magic sunflowers, it's no wonder that even with the help of Laila and the others, Efraska still can't defeat the opponent!"

From what is known so far.

In Isaac's understanding.

The giant and leader of the Felin Demon Kui clan has a better reputation.

Those three people in Beholder City are well known.

There should be one or two people under Myth Drannor.

In addition, there are at least two people sealed here, and if there are more, maybe even three or four leaders.

It's even hard to say whether there are still demons inside the Wall of Saron who haven't escaped yet...

Such power is indeed shocking!

It's no wonder that as soon as they are out of trouble, they are ready to attack an ancient elven kingdom like Efraska!

"So, this is not the Elf God System. It is really because the elves of Efraska did not carry out a 'big retreat', so they were ignored. I am afraid that, even with the help of the elves and gods, in today's world laws Even so, Efraska still can’t stop these strange things..."

If all the Mo Kui giants are of the destiny level, with so much power of the destiny level, even if there should be several camps, they will not always be together, but such an overall strength...

There is probably no kingdom on the continent that can fight these ancient evils alone!

Even for their giant dragon clan, they probably need all the metal dragons to gather together, or the five-color dragons to unite as a whole to be able to suppress them!

With such a level of power, if the one from the City of Shadows had not restrained these guys through the power of real magic power, I am afraid that even if there were people from the City of Shadows participating in the battle, it would be impossible to defeat them. They hold on tight!

Of course, Laila and the others knew about this.

Presumably it is precisely because of this that those in the City of Shadows can be confident. No matter how afraid Laila and the others are, after all, before the seal of the "Shadow Shield" dissipates, they must fight against the Felin Demon Kui. The real decisive battle!

"It's indeed amazing!"

"This one, even compared to the 'Lord of Symbols', is nowhere close!"

Even though it was just sensing from a distance, Isaac had a certain level of control over the Magic Sunflower giant who was huddled in Gray Cloak Mountain and cast spells, but even the Cloud Crown Palace was within its threat area!

This magic sun giant definitely possesses extraordinary magical power that surpasses Yada Tanshur, Storm and Dove, and may even be slightly inferior to Laila!

It is said that the battle in which Lyra almost died earlier took place on the Gray Cloak Mountains.

Maybe... it's not impossible, this is the person opposite!

There was a big explosion in the "Lady's Secret Hall". Laila and the others were about to hunt down those Felin magic sunflowers. With such legendary magic, this giant magic sunflower made such a response, then Avra It's time for Ska to...

"It's Simpson!"

"After all, this guy didn't commit suicide himself!"

Isaac was not the only one who was sensitive to the legendary spells in the sky.

They were both underground, but no longer near the "Lady's Secret Hall". At this time, they were surrounded by a silver-white light curtain. Within the light curtain, among the people who had not had time to completely dissipate the teleportation aura, Laila There was clearly a hint of regret in that cold gaze.

Although they have known for a long time that it is impossible for the leaders of the Demon Sunflowers to step out of the Gray Cloak Mountain and the underground easily. At this time, sensing this mortal enemy, even if they are huddled in the Gray Cloak Mountain, they can project legendary spells across the open space. , they really didn’t dare to come out...

Inevitably, Laila still showed some regret!

If this person comes out to respond, even if she gives up the pursuit immediately, she will definitely make this person her first target!

However, since this person dare not come out...

"Let's go and see if we can cut through the front road and intercept those guys!"

Ignoring the situation above the ground, Dove was lifting the light barrier formed by the "Silver Fire". With a soft drink, Laila led everyone to shake violently like an earthquake in the ground, and the sewers were even more violent. In an environment where ruptures and even collapses were occurring everywhere, he quickly headed towards the key points that had been calculated long ago.

The big explosion in the ladies' secret hall, caused by a magic trap, was comparable to an energy explosion like a magic disaster. It was impossible for them to engage in a direct confrontation.

However, they do not need to directly confront each other.

The power of "Silver Fire" suppresses all death magic effects and frenzy magic effects, and even has the ability to repair it.

Felin Demon Kui can detonate the trap, but on their side, as long as Dove activates the power of "Silver Fire" to suppress the crazy magic effect, naturally, Yada Tanshur is not affected by the "shadow" The "Advanced Teleportation Technique" affected by the "shield" easily teleported all of them away.

Even without Yada Tanshur, if necessary, they would be able to escape from the predicament by consuming a large amount of "Silver Fire" power and briefly tearing apart the restrictions of the "Shadow Shield", relying only on themselves.

On their side, they ignored the situation above the surface and quickly intercepted and killed Felin Demon Kui.

Over the royal city.

On top of that "shadow shield".

From within the two magic battleships.

Judu was centered around a Beren Lich, and the casters of the two teams performed powerful magic rituals in Judu almost at the same time.

In this decisive battle, Efraska has summoned all her power, and with allies from all sides, they have five Beren Liches participating in the battle.

There are two of them, who have always been hidden on this magic battleship.

Moreover, from the beginning of the war to now, they have basically never made a public move. The battleships' attack coordination is basically carried out by dropping bombs.

Until now, it was finally the critical moment, and these two stepped forward without hesitation.

First, there was a general stress. The shield of the magic battleship was suddenly strengthened with full power, and even weakened and blocked the monster blood light all over the sky to a certain extent.

Immediately afterwards, the ritual circle with these two Belen Liches as the core quickly began to operate.

The elves and monsters below all had their eyes turned red with blood, and they began to fight, and even began to kill each other.

Like meteors piercing the sky, or even more like white rainbows piercing the night sky, from above the two magic battleships, two extremely intense blazing white light pillars suddenly blasted into the "shadow shield".

These two light pillars did not directly conflict with the "shadow shield". One of them shot down and crashed into the blood-colored light waterfall that filled the sky.

The extremely powerful dispersal effect was revealed at this time, and some fluctuations of sacred nature were also revealed. Even if the strange blood light in the sky was integrated into the destiny essence of the giant Mo Kui, which corresponded to "evil magic", all of a sudden There was also a strong upheaval.

And the subsequent change in this magical effect...

"Legendary Dispelling Technique!"

Since the elf rear army, another Beren Lich has stepped out.

Waving the magic circle, the Beren Lich fired a "Legendary Dispelling", also pointing at the bloody light waterfall.

As if they had been prepared for a long time, in a short period of time, three Beren Liches were facing this legendary spell from three directions...


After all, the magical effect of the bloody light waterfall began to fluctuate and become chaotic.

And immediately.

Since the elven army.

Along with the prayers and praises, a team of holy priests, headed by Fal Hozon, also exuded silver holy light like moonlight, and all the holy light were combined into one and continuously radiated outwards. The ground came out.

Under the strong impact of this sacred power, there was already chaos and ripples, but the evil effect of the blood-colored light waterfall was finally really washed away.

Especially what happened to Farr Hosson.

This sister of Kelben is the high priest of "Sehanni-Moonbow" and is in charge of the "Full Moon Staff", the sacred object of "Tower of the Moon".

This one has the shape of a staff, and the top is a silver ring that looks like a full moon. On top of the ring, there is a holy object that is emitting a sacred and holy light. It is the giant demon sunflower in the blood-colored light waterfall. What came next was the essence of destiny that even the "Legendary Dispelling Technique" could not completely dispel. It was forcibly broken by the holy power of the "Full Moon Staff".

Then, as the holy light passed by, those elven warriors whose hearts were radiated by the blood light quickly began to wake up from the "madness" and "bloodthirsty", and began to fight against this negative emotion. influence.

It seems that even though the core strength is invested in Yunguan Palace, they must deal with those Felin Demon Kui and regain the royal city in one fell swoop.

However, the elves have already had the ability to respond and are hiding in the dark.

This adaptability is especially aimed at the mind manipulation that Felin Demon Kui is best at!

And with their joint cooperation, in a short period of time, they were able to quickly suppress the effect of Leader Mo Kui's legendary long-distance spell...

"It wasn't Laila and the others who did it!"

"This means that Laila and the others have already concluded that the elves' preparations are enough to cope with this attack, so they can continue to hunt down those Felin demons indifferently?"

Sensing the power of destiny radiating through the blood-colored light on the surface of the earth, it was quickly suppressed and was constantly weakening.

A hint of surprise appeared in Isaac's eyes.

Based on the legendary magic of the giant demon sunflower, he originally thought that it was either Laila or Kelben. Perhaps Alustriel also had this ability. If not all of these three returned to the surface, at least they would go there. Only one person can possibly solve this crisis.

Unexpectedly, none of these three people returned to the surface, but the sudden attack on the surface was still suppressed!

"She seems to have the divine power of a holy weapon...is she the 'Daughter of the Night Sky' again?"

"But that's good!"

As long as the people above can block, even temporarily, the attack from the giant Mo Kui.

When Laila and the others completed the interception of the Felin Demon Kui, they were sure of victory.

Otherwise... once Laila and the others are distracted by the situation on the surface and spread their strength, it will inevitably become more difficult to completely eliminate the Demon Kui in the royal city.

On the contrary, as long as the ground can hold up, when Laila and the others quickly deal with the magic sun and then return to the surface to support them, they will naturally be done.

"It depends on whether you can hold on longer or whether Laila and the others can go faster."

Isaac naturally hopes for the latter situation.

Even he didn't want to see the power of Felin Demon Kui.

Just for this reason, he had already had the idea to take some targeted actions against the Felin Demon Kui.


If those magic sunflowers really came here, he wouldn't mind. Before he noticed it, he would make some preparations in advance!

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