Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1069 Rout

Extremely effective - time stops, lasting up to 30 seconds.

Although in reality, such a metamagic is not as good as "Delay - Time Stillness" which only adds one spell slot level, but Isaac has not mastered the metamagic expertise of "Spell Delay" and needs a longer period of time. When the time stop continues, naturally the only choice is "Extremely Effective Super Magic".

30 seconds!

Five rounds of time!

With compound casting, continuous spells are cast instantly, and the switching of time flow speed levels is completed instantly.

For the first time, Isaac's eyes wrinkled slightly.

The Prince of Shadows below was decisive enough. Faced with his "Death Technique" attack, he actually chose to dodge instead of using instant counterattack, dispersal, or protection.

In this way, even though his "Withering Technique" has passed, some of the ghosts who have no time to dodge will inevitably wither away.

However, the instant spell of the Prince of Shadows was retained.

With this... this may cause some obstacles to his side!

Of course, the Prince of Shadows retained the ability to cast spells instantly, but the two Beren Liches in the sky also recovered from their cooling.

It depends on whether these two people can seize the opportunity and cooperate with him!

"The cunning of the fox!"

The grasp of the battlefield and the casting of Isaac's spells will naturally not be slow at all.

First, he cast a status spell to temporarily enhance his own intelligence.

His first target was Yada Tansur.

Naturally, Isaac would not have any contempt for this Prince of Shadows, whose career level alone had reached level 31. Regardless of his strength and will, Isaac would not have any contempt for him.

Especially, he has understanding.

Whether it is the ghost creature itself or the "Shadow Mage" profession, they all have increased resistance in terms of immunity.

In addition, the "God's Wrath" state of the "Holy Champion Warrior" also has a full range of immunity enhancements.

This is exactly the fundamental reason why he did not directly cast a spell immediately to try to control Yada-Tanshul, but first performed "Extreme Effect - Time Stop".

This "cunning of the fox" at this time is a temporary improvement in intelligence, in order to temporarily increase the intensity of the preparation spells of the mage profession!

"Pseudo-One Ceremony!"

The Dark Techila Stone was also suspended in front of his forehead at this time, in a way similar to the "One Ritual", except that it lacked the resonance between itself and the "Spirit of the Elf Group", and it was through the "Dark Techila" "Stone of Ra", to carry out indirect leveraging, and finally further reflected in the increase of spell intensity.

Along with the dark gem, the dim light resonated with his soul.

"Paralyzing Gaze!"

Using the projection as the source of the spell, in the eyes of the projection of Isaac, the Barlow Demon form, from the eyes that were originally filled with the power of destruction and flames, endless death energy condensed in an instant, and the entire eye hole, Suddenly, he was completely filled with an evil blue light that was as cold as electricity and emitted biting cold waves.

The "Paralyzing Gaze" prepared for this spell slot is already extremely strong with the enhancement of "Extraordinary Intelligence" and "Magic Power +12". At this time, "Fox's Cunning" and " The double enhancement of "Dark Techira Stone"...

This is the ancient golden dragon. Without the dragon's natural immunity to paralysis, even if it passes by, he will definitely be paralyzed!

Moreover, this "paralyzing gaze" is not an instant spell. Every round, as long as he is within the range of the spell and his eyes are facing each other, Isaac can choose another target.

The total duration of the spell, based on his caster level, was over three minutes.

Of course, this is a time-lapse period.

The "paralyzing gaze" at this time will naturally not affect Yada Tanshur.

His spell casting is not over yet!

"Dimensional lock!"

Isaac was not prepared to kill Yada Tanshur himself.

On the one hand, behind this person, the city of ghosts and the supreme city lord, after all, cannot be underestimated. On the other hand, and more importantly, this person is the sacred champion warrior who serves that lady. Although he has nothing to do with the goddess of magic, They are getting a little closer, but they are far from falling apart with the Shadow Sect!

However, just because he is not prepared to kill with his own hands, this does not mean that he will not create opportunities for others. At least, he must make this person no longer confident in staying here!

This "Dimension Lock" was released, and for a moment, the space in the area where Yada Tanshur was located was directly locked by all teleportation effects.

This is a continuous lock, so the effect can still be produced after the timeout ends.

He was not going to take action personally. It would be very difficult to kill this one in an instant with only those Beren Liches.

In this way, it is naturally necessary to block Yada Tanshur's various teleportation and teleportation abilities, and even block the possible automatic teleportation triggers in times of crisis.

After this spell was completed, Isaac paused for a moment.

Another ghost prince's "Shadow Leap" dodges instead of instant counterattack, which makes his "ultimate effect - Time Standstill" a little tighter in terms of time.

The restrictions on Yada-Tansur make it impossible to be perfect.

He did not point the last spell at Yada Tanshur.

After waiting for two or three seconds.

"Exceeding Limits - Fixed Hair - Extremely Effective - Dissociation Technique!"

As the terrifying energy of destruction and destruction quickly condensed, the spell was about to be completed, and the duration of time's stasis was also over.

When all the layers of time flow, they become consistent in an instant.

With the "paralyzing gaze" in his eyes, Isaac's projection was opposite to Yada Tanshur's. However, this was also the first moment when he noticed where another ghost prince "shadow jumped" out. .

next moment.

The endless destructive energy was shaped into a thin green ray, which flew towards the ghost prince in a flash.

Although the ray is thin, it has terrifying destructive power...

"Extremely effective - dissociation!"

Lamorake's eyes suddenly shrank.

If it were any other spell, with the strength of his life force, he might be able to withstand it in exchange for the opportunity to connect with Yada Tanshur.

But for this "extremely effective dissociation technique"...

Not to mention him, even if Yada Tanshur came by himself, I'm afraid it would be the same, he could only take care of himself first!

There was no hesitation at all, and he didn't even bother to observe Yada Tanshur's side. Just as "Shadow Leap" came out, another teleportation light flashed on Lamolek's body.

"Instant - any door!"

Just as the dissociation ray was hitting, the figure of the ghost prince disappeared into the sky again.

And the other side.

Before time stopped, Yada Tanshur was facing Mr. Lei and watching Mr. Lei's every move. After this moment of time stopping...

"not good!"

Yada Tanshur was not unprepared for Mr. Lei's possible attack, let alone unprepared.

However, when his eyes were fixed on Mr. Lei's projection, the pupils in his eyes suddenly switched colors, and the piercing cold death wave was projected directly into his eyes following the gaze he was looking at.

His expression suddenly changed dramatically.

"Paralyzing stare?!"

In the more than a thousand years he has been in the Shadow Realm, Yada Tanshur has never encountered a dracolich. However, after returning to his hometown, he personally conquered the Blue Dragon Sect Master in the Eno Oak Desert. It can be called a powerful blue dragon lich.

Having come into contact with the Dracolich, Yada Tanshur is certainly not unfamiliar with the ability of "Paralyzing Gaze".

At this moment, Mr. Lei's gaze through the projection gave him the feeling of the "paralyzing gaze" of the Dracolich.


It is completely different from the "paralyzing gaze" of the Blue Dragon Sect Master.

The Blue Dragon Sect Master's "Paralyzing Gaze" meant that even if he stood still and stared at him at will, it would be difficult to do anything to him.

But Mr. Lei's gaze...

Their eyes met for just a moment, when the bone-chilling death wave was projected towards his soul and will, even in the state of "God's Wrath", even at the first moment, Yada Tanshur I tried to look away, but...

I knew something was wrong in my heart, but I couldn't move my eyes away.

The evil power projected by the "paralyzing gaze" was like a bottomless abyss of darkness, and his soul was completely sucked into the abyss in an instant.

The ability to think is still there, but the body has completely lost control at the first moment.

The intensity is too high!

When he was in the "Well of Glory", the spells that Mr. Lei used to control the "Wailing Girl" were already so powerful that even the Supreme City Lord could hardly do it.

However, this "paralyzing gaze" at this time is even more powerful than the spells from the "Well of Glory"!

It was so high that even his willpower couldn't break free!

"One wrong step and you lose every step!"


Yada Tanshur's heart has turned cold.

Under restraint, the "Wailing Girl" couldn't withstand Mr. Lei's attacks. Today, even if there are ghosts around him to help him, he is probably in trouble.

Unexpectedly, Laila and the others would actually attack the City of Shadows and be able to locate the City of Shadows. This was the fundamental reason why they lost today!

If the City of Ghosts had not been attacked by Laila and the others, Efraska would never dare to fall out with them now!


Although his heart was cold, Yada Tanshur still did not completely lose his composure.

Although he was in trouble today, but...

But he didn't believe that Laila and those people could really do anything to the City of Ghosts!

As long as the Supreme City Lord is still there, as long as Revalan is still there, with the foundation of the City of Shadows and the lady's support for them, he will finally have a chance to come back again!

By that time...

"good chance!"

With just one move from Isaac, all aspects of Yinhun were thrown into chaos.

Especially, I saw that even Yada Tanshur was controlled by the spell in an instant.

Above the sky, the eyes of the two Beren Liches suddenly lit up.

They were not surprised that "Mr. Lei" took action because Laila had given him a signal.

However, the attack on "Mr. Lei" had such an effect, and at the same time, even now, the true identity has not been revealed...


However, at least at this time, this unfathomableness is by no means a bad thing!

There was no time wasted due to Mr. Lei's incredible power.

The opportunity presented itself.

Almost immediately.

"Legendary Dispelling Technique!"

A Beren Lich waved his staff and cast a "Legendary Dispelling Technique" instantly. With a range effect, it directly dispersed the multiple magics shot by the ghost mages below. sky.

The other Beren Lich had a strong magical aura, shining brightly from his robe.

"Higher Spell Matrix!"




Three "Fireball Techniques" were fired instantly at the same time.

However, it did not shoot at Yada Tanshur, who was being paralyzed by Isaac.

The target, this Beren Lich is pointing at Lamorake!

At this moment, Lamolek used an "Instant-Any Door" shot, and escaped hundreds of feet away from Isaac's "Extremely Effective-Dissociation Technique".

The figure just appeared.

Three streams of flames also flew towards him.

There was no time to counterattack, so Lamolek quickly dodged.

However, as a pure spellcaster like him, it is naturally impossible for him to be good at dodge. At least, he cannot surpass the Beren Lich's control over spells.

boom! boom! boom!

Three huge fireballs, almost superimposed on top of each other, exploded all at once with Lamolek as the center.

And on their side, in just a blink of an eye, various powerful spells were released in succession.

"Break the shadow network!"

Shadow shield in many places.

At the same time, there was also a wave of fierce magic battle.

Even where Lord Dursa and Hajhorna were, a fierce battle broke out.

Then, one by one, the high-level elven spellcasters used the "triggering technique" they had prepared long ago to directly tear apart the "shadow shield" that hindered spellcasting.

It's not just them.

The Lich Archmage and Ghost Archmage who were under Isaac's control seemed to have joined the battle group at this time.

Such a sudden attack, on the one hand, there are sufficient and targeted preparations, on the other hand, the spell preparations are more aimed at the Felin Demon Kui...

In addition, there is also a gap in the level of high-end spellcasters...

"Back off, back off!"

"After dealing with the two princes, leave here immediately!"

While Hajhorna activated the arcane scroll "Wail of the Banshee", he issued hurried orders to his subordinates.

At this time, he naturally received a message from the City of Shadows.

He had no luck with the elves.

The strength of the Yinhun people here is naturally not enough to fight against the elves. Normally, he must withdraw immediately.


He knew that although the Supreme City Lord had handed over the power to him, he still had a true father-son feeling towards all the princes.

Normally, he could suppress certain princes, but in this situation, if he really had to leave Yada Tanshur and Lamolek behind and escape alone...

No matter how much the Supreme City Lord trusted him in the past, he would never get any good results from him.

While activating the "Wail of the Banshee" scroll, Hajhorna ordered his subordinates to go first to meet Yada Tanshur and the others.

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