Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1072 The Power of the Secret Ritual (End)

(already edited)

God, in Isaac's understanding, should be an abstract existence, corresponding to concepts and laws.

For this reason, for gods, at least for most gods, faith is indispensable.

Only enough faith can make this abstraction firm and make the gods truly transcendent.


Belief does not correspond to gods casually.

For example, you worship the goddess of magic, but if you just pray in the name of the goddess of magic, it is basically meaningless.

Praying to the gods also requires specialized channels.

In other words, if every god wants to spread their teachings, they must spread their own "signature code"!

Often, the holy emblem is this "characteristic code"!

To pay tribute to the Goddess of Magic, if you are not in the church or even carrying the Holy Emblem with you, then when you pray, you must at least understand the symbol of the Holy Emblem and its meaning!

In most cases, this "signature code" of the gods corresponds to the powerful priesthood they hold. At least, it must be able to be used by believers!

The third and final step of Isaac's first half ritual is to create his own "signature code" and bind it to the "evil magic power"!

Normally, no matter how good his means, it would be impossible to achieve such a step out of thin air.

But at this time.

By "The Well of Glory"!

From "The Book of Darkness"!

Combined with the "Days Ceremony"!

When he invested all the original magical energy into it, under the simultaneous effect of these three influences, the "evil magical power" was truly influenced and driven by him!

And it was he, through this drive, who anchored the "Holy Emblem" on the "evil magical power".

From the "Holy Emblem", it is as if the true God is directly appearing. An indescribable, dark and evil, yet inexplicably sacred and inexplicably noble characteristic is projected into the hearts of all surrounding beings through radiation to the soul.

Even the Lich Archmage and the Ghost Archmage, who have the nature of undead, are not immune to such a spiritual influence.

For a time, everyone's spiritual consciousness was under this purple halo and the holy symbol that looked like a mysterious eye, and they felt as insignificant as an ant or a mote of dust.

However, they did not wait for any unnecessary thoughts to arise again...


Isaac's voice sounded again.

In response, the order of the magic array was still maintained. The souls of the loyal servants were suddenly agitated, and they all recovered from the influence of the "Holy Emblem".

Then, in response to Isaac's order, he immediately entered the ritual preparation state.

The second half of "The Secret Ceremony"!

This is also the third ceremony today!

It was a group of servants who quickly entered the assistant state.

At the level of Isaac's soul, the "master control terminal" that exists and does not exist, and the "blank function card" that was created yesterday are also emerging at this time.

Anchoring the Holy Emblem to the "Evil Magical Essence", at present, is only a temporary state caused by magic.

To truly complete the acquisition of the "power of the secret ritual".

This is to go a step further, to completely weave all these connections onto the "blank function card", transform the "blank function card" into a real "power card", and in this process, The evil magic energy of the "Well of Glory" is completely absorbed, and then through the consistency of the "Power Card" with the essence of the soul, all of it is converted into career accumulation!

So down.

Just because you can obtain the "power of the secret ritual", you can also push your career level further!

"One, teleport!"

"Two, change!"

"Three, spell!"

In the blink of an eye, I went through the corresponding steps again.

Isaac gave an order, and the "Tianshu Array" came into operation again for the third time.

In just a moment, the endless primitive magic energy, under his control, first transmitted the "Holy Emblem" that did not exist on the material level through the "Transmission Seed" directly to the "blank space" that also did not exist on the material level. "Function Card" and directly woven into one.

Then, this "function card", which is no longer blank, is anchored with the "evil magic power".

Isaac did not even wait for the second step, using the "Change Seed" as the core and combining it with the "Spell Seed" to give the final "Mysterious Power" and at the same time add the "Well of Glory" to the final step. The evil magic energy is completely absorbed...

"who is it?"

Underground in an unknown place.

In a temple that looks like a mausoleum.

Wearing a crimson robe and holding an evil magic book, there is an extremely strong aura of despair surrounding him. Looking at it, he can see the extraordinary essence that directly distorts reality. Even Simpson, the leader of the Demon Sunflower, must The rather inferior lich suddenly raised his eyes with eyes that were sometimes dark blue, sometimes blood red, sometimes rational and mysterious, and sometimes crazy and cruel.

It seems to have penetrated countless time and space barriers, but...

It seems that it has not been able to directly lock on the target.

This endless evil is contained in the eyes, and the essence of endless evil is also revealed. A look that is full of hatred and anger, but also reveals an unexpected look slowly flows out.

Not surprisingly...

"Sure enough, an accident happened!"

"As expected, that person will not be unaware of this, and he certainly will not sit back and watch the Lord of Storms reach out for the power of magic!"


There are no accidents without accidents, but...

Since it involves competition for promotion, no matter who this person is, this is the only way to go!


"There seems to be something wrong with this person!"

The red-robed lich's eyes flashed again.

Ever since the Lord of Storms gave him the final secret of mortal advancement, he has been studying, preparing, and even trying.

Based on the results achieved during this period.

With his increasingly close integration with "evil magical powers".

His perception will not be biased. Although the person over there is also involved in "evil magical power", but...

"His road to destiny has not come to an end yet!"

"His ideas and teachings have not yet been reflected in the 'evil magic power'!"

That is to say.

Even if that person is really introduced by the lady, no matter which aspect you look at, there is a huge gap between him and him!

He is not afraid, even if it is just a taboo, to compete with such an opponent!

Compared to this.

What is imminent is the continuous provocation launched by the junior of the Necromancy School, which is the more direct threat!

That junior's own magic ability is no less than anyone else's, not to mention that there is a god next to him.

Faced with such two people joining forces, no matter how conceited he was, he didn't think that he would be able to defeat these two on his own.

In addition, there is another competitor at this time...

"It seems that it is necessary to pay some price!"

In the eyes of the red-robed lich, a solemn meaning flowed out.

After being trapped in the Baator Hell for a thousand years, most of his former allies and subordinates within the Red Robe Mages Guild no longer exist.

At this time, facing the continuous provocations launched by the Red Robe Mage Guild led by Sazastan, although he himself was completely fearless, the sect under establishment could not bear it.

Now there is this competitor. If this competitor also joins forces with Sazastan...

"It's a pity that the old ghost Satan is no longer here!"

Old Ghost Satan owed him a favor back then and promised to help him with all his strength in the future, but when he needed help, Old Ghost Satan was actually gone!

"It seems that apart from the Storm Sect, we can only get some help from Bator!"

He had been trapped in the Baator Hell for thousands of years, and it was inevitable that he had interacted with some great devils and even the Lords of the Nine Hells.

With the nature of those Baatezus, as long as he is willing to pay a sufficient price, it is not impossible to invite some people!

Of course, when dealing with devils in hell, you need to pay special attention to how to control the balance.

"First combine the power of the Storm Sect and the Baatezu Devil to give this junior a heavy blow!"

"Let's split his power from within the Red Robe Mages Association!"

"After quickly suppressing him and preventing him from joining forces with his competitors, he immediately turned back and completely defeated the competitors!"

At the same time, this can also expand the influence of the church!

If nothing else, after these two parties are resolved, the faith that the church can provide him will be able to truly sublimate him and give birth to true divinity!

In his heart, the red-robed Lich quickly made a series of decisions, and his telepathy fluctuated, and a voice came to the shadow of the temple: "Going to the North should be in the wilderness border area. I want to know that Bian, what major events happened today!"

Although the competitor has a strong anti-prophecy and anti-detection arrangement, even his remote sensing is blocked.

However, the red-robed lich still had a certain grasp of the approximate location of his competitors.

Based on his judgment, today's actions over there will definitely cause quite a disturbance.

In this way, he has to first determine where his competitors are and even who their true identities are. There are ways to start.

Although the Sazastan side was set as the first solution target, the red-robed Lich could not seriously let the competitors ignore it.

What should be prepared must be prepared in advance.

In response to his telepathy, within the shadow of the temple, several figures that had no sense of existence, as if they were part of the shadow, appeared vaguely.

Youjudu bowed and saluted the red-robed lich. Seeing that there were no more orders, the shadows swayed in a daze, and then these figures disappeared.

Although the influence within the Red Robe Mage Association has been basically replaced by Sazastan.

However, the former Witch King's early layout was not enough, and he really had no manpower available.

After swiping away the assassins of the "Secret Blade", the red-robed lich's eyes turned back to the grimoire in his hand.

The pages of the grimoire then turned over on their own.

On the first page, it turned out to be a fallen blazing god with black wings!

As soon as the page was turned, the orange demonic flame suddenly started to burn in the eyes of the blazing god. The depraved power of anger and destruction seemed to be projected directly from the depths of hell through this portrait. Over here!

However, the red-robed lich did not communicate directly with this person. He personally raised his hand with the ruby ​​ring on his paw and turned the page.

On the second page, a brutal giant with devil's hooves, scarlet tail, and eyes shooting fire!

As for the red-robed Witch King, he was directly aware of the emergence of competitors and made relevant arrangements.

Isaac has also entered the most critical moment.

Transfer the "Holy Emblem" into the "Blank Function Card" and weave it into a whole.

When this originally blank function card suddenly possessed the mysterious and evil power essence that seemed to be able to penetrate the secrets of all magic.



With all the original magical energy, the endless evil energy of the "Well of Glory" was manipulated, and through two legendary seeds, the "Function Card" was essentially changed.

When this function is activated, the endless magical energy is quickly transformed into the mysterious form of "Purple Eyes on a Dark Background" through the "Change Seed", which is completely consistent with the Holy Emblem and "evil magic". Power” is perfectly anchored and abiding.

Through the "spell seed", in his conception, the ability "mysterious power" that should be completely consistent with the "mysterious eye" finally began to be given.

At the same time.

And because all the function cards are fragments of his own essence, the legendary creation he creates is consistent with the innate existence of his soul.

When this final bestowal begins to take place.

The soul can be directly sensed through the main control terminal and the function card. Under the double blend of "magical essence" and "dark sky", the corrupting evil energy of the "Well of Glory" is unimaginably magnificent. The spectacle is boiling, and the resonance between the "evil magic power" and the "power card" is getting stronger...

“The waves are spectacular!”

"This is the true power corresponding to the true God!"

In front of Isaac's soul, it seemed as if a boundless ocean of magic energy appeared. In the past, he could sense some essence, but could not really see it clearly. Looking at it now, he finally had the real essence. outline appears.

Before such a majestic and vast essence, it is difficult to say whether even his soul can bear this intuition.

However, at this time, through the "Master Control Terminal" and then through the "Power Card", after these two levels of indirect separation, Isaac's spiritual will was truly observing this evolution.


When the "Power Card", under the constant endowment of the "Spell Seed", gradually embodies the ability properties consistent with the "Holy Emblem", and then with the "Evil Magic Power".

Through this way, the endless evil magic energy of the "Well of Glory", through the consistent essence, began to flow into his soul endlessly, and became the "Heavenly Light Wheel" in the soul, with " Knowledge of all laws" has been endlessly transformed into professional accumulation.

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