Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1074 Bloody Battle

(already edited)

(Coughing up my life.)

In fact, even if there was no summons from Isaac's side, Efraska's side would not be without warning.

However, the moment they received the warning, Danilo and the others immediately found Lord Dursa and Lord Eamesford.

"Has the barrier changed?"

"This is a good thing!"

After hearing the news, Eamesford was overjoyed at first, and then explained: "It seems that the actions in the City of Ghosts have yielded results. They must have found and caused damage to the 'Stone of Karsus' Only by destroying it can it affect this side of the barrier."

"That's what it is!"

Lord Dursa also nodded slightly, expressing his agreement, and then said: "Therefore, we need to pay special attention to Mr. Lei's warning.

Felin Mokui will definitely be aware of this change in the barrier. If there is any change next, it's hard to predict what the scale will be! "

"Ai Lin, you still have to go to the Well of Glory to cooperate with Mr. Lei.

If my judgment is correct, these Demon Sunflowers will not come directly from the ground, but will probably come from the ground. And... the Well of Glory is more likely to become their important target than other places. "

Bound by the shadow shield, if the Felin Demon Sunflower walks from the ground, it will be extremely vulnerable to attacks from the sky. Especially if the Beren Liches seize the opportunity and launch a powerful bombardment on them, This is the giant Mo Kui, and it is not without the possibility of overturning.

Therefore, Lord Dursa has a judgment, if these magic sunflowers really make big moves.

That should be the main concern of the monster army coming from the ground to contain the elves.

As for them, there is a high probability that they will come from the underground passage without anyone noticing!

The Well of Glory is located underground, and with such magical signs at this time, how could it not attract the attention of the Phayling Demon Sunflowers?

Although Lord Dursa cheated his "ally" City of Shadows at the last moment and fell out with his professor and confidant, he was not ready to continue cheating King Red.

Even, on the contrary, if the goal of Felin Demon Kui is really in the "Well of Glory"...

But he has already thought about whether it is possible to keep some Felin Demon Sunflowers!

Especially, if Laila and the others return in time...

"Don't worry, Commander, we will assist Mr. Lei!"

Arilyn took the order naturally.

Normally, when she saw Dursa, she would address him as "uncle", but during this war, she had always addressed him as "general commander".


"Assist Mr. Lei nearby. If anything unusual happens, call me as soon as possible!"

Dursa warned her some more, then patted her on the shoulder and nodded to her, as well as Danilo and Iles.

The three of them left quickly.

"Let's start too."

“Nothing will be left unturned this time.”

"If those magic sunflowers really come over, give them another hard blow!"

Dursa and Imsford talked for a while and quickly made arrangements.

Not much time passed.

The magic warship, which had not appeared in the sky since yesterday, was shot down by Felin Mokui with two distant cannons, and soon it was rising again.

Following this, the Sky Knights also began to gather together.

Even those giant demon statues, regardless of whether they were damaged or not, were all heading towards the north of the royal city at this time.

It is in response to the active preparation response here...


From the depths of Ashcloak Mountain.

From the location of the underground lair.

The powerful and terrifying mental fluctuations of Felin Demon Kui were like a surge, and in a short time, they covered the black army of monsters.

There are also the elders of Mo Kui, who are also sending various messages to various parts of the sewers of the royal city, as well as to the deeper underground, to the monsters who have never stopped fighting with the elves, and are also sending messages of a full-scale attack. Order.

in this way.

The elves have just begun to actively prepare for war, and the contact war between the two sides has quickly spread to a wide range.

Even in the "Well of Glory", there are frequent monster attacks.

Of course, these attacks will not affect Isaac.

The two passages at the front and back are guarded by multiple levels of "Dragon Shadow Guards".

The damage reduction of the "Dragon Shadow Guard" is comparable to or even better than that of the ancient dragon. In this environment where magic is hindered, this is a greater threat than any other place.

Not to mention, they all possess supernatural breathing abilities similar to dragon's breath, and they have all advanced to "Shadow Assassin"!

Under this "shadow shield" environment, and even more so underground, I am afraid that in addition to the beholder's rays, which can pose a real threat to them, most monsters, even those illithid monsters, Including them, as long as you bump into them, it will hardly end well!

With their multi-level vigilance, it is naturally difficult for any monster to attack and get close to Isaac.

Moreover, at this time, it was not just the Demon Dragon Shadow Guard.

When Danilo and the others returned here and mentioned that Lord Dursa had judged that if Felin Demon Kui made any move, he would probably point here, Isaac ordered the three undead mages to , including his loyal servants, all cooperated with them.

With their understanding of the Felin Demon Kui and their rich experience in fighting monster legions, when Danilo and the others participated in the alert arrangement, this precaution was naturally more rigorous and targeted than before.

in this way.

Isaac himself devoted himself wholeheartedly to controlling the ritual.

At this time, the intensity of the conflict between the essence of magic and the essence of shadow magic has increased compared to the time of the first change.

Following this, the backlash he had to endure inevitably increased accordingly.

However, everything is still under his control.

It has already transformed into the true form of the giant dragon.

The huge body is suspended in the sky above the dark pool.

Endless dark energy, accompanied by a mysterious aura of deep purple color, was constantly pouring into his body as if being swallowed by a whale.

He also used the "Wheel of Heaven" to absorb and transform it.

In this career accumulation, there is an extremely rapid improvement.

"If all the energy of the 'Well of Glory' can be absorbed, this will not only be enough to upgrade a professional level, but also create a considerable amount of redundant reserves."

In this way, this may also provide him with a research on legendary spells!

This study naturally does not refer to ritual casting of prostitutes.

In the foreseeable future, as his legendary spell slots will more than double, the single-player version of legendary spells will require greater research.

Even more than just legendary spells.

If possible, he is not without interest in studying the tenth-level spells in the forbidden field, or even higher-level spells!

Of course, this will only happen after he completes the divine transformation of the "Magic Dragon"!

Before that.

"I hope you can understand each other better!"

I don't know if he was pointing at Felin Mokui or someone else. After humming in his heart, Isaac closed his eyes.

The hall was then completely submerged in darkness.

At this time, the all-out contact war outside was already becoming more and more intense.

Gray Cloak Mountain and the depths of the earth are the real lair of the Felin Demon Sunflower.

When Simpson and Samuel reached an agreement, they quickly gained the support of the third leader, the giant Griffiths.

When this army of monsters came out from the mountains and under the ground, they marched forward at the same time...

"Death Eye Tyrant!"

Because of the break with the City of Shadows and the lack of assistance from the Shadow Souls, the elf spellcasters at this time, especially those whose professional level cannot master the "triggering technique", are basically stationed on two magic ships. On the battleship.

Those who command them are naturally the Lich of Beren.

When the monster army was fighting out, the two Beren Liches were on guard against the possible bombardment of the Felin Demon Sunflower, and at the same time they were commanding the battleship. From above the "Shadow Shield", through the black light layer of visual obstruction, constantly bombarding the monster army.

At the same time, on the ground battlefield, those troll statues, under the command of the commander, ran into the flood impact of the monster legion at all costs.

Although these golems have been damaged to a considerable extent in previous wars, even if they have been maintained and repaired, they cannot be restored to intact condition.

But these are legendary golems after all. At this time, they crashed into the monster legion's charge regardless of damage. However, in an instant, the monster legion's unstoppable charge was as if it was hit by a dam from the sky. Town, the flood peak was smashed into pieces every time.

But that's it.

He has been using the "True Knowledge" to penetrate the obstacles of the "layer of black light" and overlooking the movements of the monster army from a high position.

Suddenly, the eyes of the two Beren Liches on the battleship shrank almost at the same moment.

After the forward was blocked, Felin Mokui's side did not use monster slaves to consume their combat power as usual.

Immediately after the monster legion composed of jackals, lizardmen, and bugbears, terrifying figures shrouded in dark death were quickly killed.

It is the most powerful undead army under Felin Mokui!

These ancient evils possess the ability to create undead creatures directly with spells without the need for casting materials or professional accumulation.

With the caster levels of these guys, almost all of the undead created are high-level undead.

Even these high-level undead will not absolutely obey the orders of Felin Demon Kui like ordinary monster slaves.

However, every time these undead appear on the battlefield, it means that a disaster is bound to happen!

In particular, without the help of the Yinhun people, most of the spellcasters on their side can only bombard the bottom from the sky under their guidance, and cannot achieve true aiming.


It was in response to the attack of the undead army.

Further behind the monster legion, the illithids and beholders were also appearing one after another. Moreover, a considerable number of illithids actually flew directly into the sky above the barrier, as if pointing towards them...

However, all of these are not the biggest reasons for the discoloration of the Beren Liches.

After all, Lord Dursa had already given a warning, and Felin Mokui's comprehensive counterattack was not a big surprise.

Since it was a full-scale counterattack, whether it was the undead army, beholders, or illithids, this overwhelming attack was considered normal.

What really made their expressions change was...

Flying behind the undead army, but in front of the beholders and illithid, that large area, although they are all in the form of beholders, is like the undead army, lifeless and entangled in thick smoke of darkness. It is a more terrifying and evil figure than the Demonic Soul Corpse or even the Soul Imprisoning Demon.

Beholder of the Undead!

Dead Eye Tyrant!

The so-called Dead Eye Tyrant is an undead creature transformed by the Beholder, but the Dead Eye Tyrant has inherited all the magical abilities of the Beholder, and in terms of power, it is no less powerful than its predecessor or its predecessor.

The formation of the Dead Eye Tyrant often involves two situations.

One, the most "common", undead created by magical power, without a mind, and completely controlled by the creator.

The other type is a legendary creature with extremely powerful powers that, at the end of its life, refuses to accept death, and finally uses its own spiritual power to distort life and death, existing permanently in the form of an undead, and possessing its own consciousness.

Obviously, the large-scale Dead Eye Tyrant here cannot be the latter legendary undead creature.

But if it's the former...

"Is it the Zhentarim?"

"Or is it the Lord of Darkness sect?"

The change of color of the Beren Liches is not only due to the unexpected appearance of a large number of Dead Eye Tyrants, but also due to...

Although Efraska is a hidden kingdom, the elves' vigilance towards the outside world will never disappear.

Through various hidden lookout stations in the Gray Cloak Mountains, the Gray Peak Mountains, and the Eno Oak Desert, they have known for a long time the secret of the magic that created the Dead Eye Tyrant. All are in the hands of the Dark King's sect.

And after the chosen one of the Dark Lord defeated the dark archmage of the Zhentarim and seized the rule of the Zhentarim, this mystery also appeared in the Zhentarim.

At this time, a Death-Eye Tyrant of this magnitude suddenly appeared among Felin Mokui's men...

The Lich of Beren couldn't help but wonder whether this was some secret collusion between the Phaylings and the Zhentarim, or with the Lord of Darkness's sect?

It has always been hidden, but now it is suddenly exposed. Does this also mean that Felin Mokui is even treating this battle as the final decisive battle?

It's not impossible!

Felin Mokui is in full condition after a night's rest.

And on their side...

They had just had a fierce confrontation with Yada Tanshur and others, and Laila and others were rushing thousands of miles to attack the City of Shadows. Even if Laila and the others had won the victory and rushed back in time, they still couldn't What a good state it could be.

This is indeed the right time for the decisive battle with the Felin Demon Kui!

"The energy shield is activated at full power!"

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