Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1076 Bloody Battle (Part 2)


The tactics used by the Demonic Dragon Shadow Guard against the useless giants are actually quite simple.

It's as simple as using a wave of close-range shots and some feint attacks to attract the attack and defense of the useless giant, and then take advantage of the opportunity to surge forward.

Of course, the tactics are simple and concise, but the effect is extremely effective.

When the useless giant was shot at the eyes and launched a wave of feints in advance, it was difficult to adjust for a while.

In terms of speed and agility, the shadow guards were like ghosts, and they rushed up one after another.

And when the destructive giant's most lethal attack area was broken by these dragon-winged kobolds in the blink of an eye...


Almost immediately, a shrill and furious roar spewed out of the mouth of the self-destructive giant.

Accompanied by this roar, black and smelly ape-like blood spurted out everywhere!

Especially the vital spot on the crotch.

Seeing the two demon dragon shadow guards, they didn't even use short blades. They just used a pair of claws to tear the useless giant's protective gear into pieces in a blink of an eye, and then took out the fatal part of the useless giant. The blood of evil is spurting out like a fountain...

Even if it was Danilo and the others behind him, the pupils in their eyes suddenly shrank.

These little guys clearly have ample experience in fighting large creatures.

Using such a castration claw... I am afraid that apart from having the ability to regenerate like a troll, otherwise, no matter how fast he heals, he will be killed in one blow!

And with this super painful blow from the emasculating claw, the useless giant went crazy, even throwing away the giant stick, and slapped his body wildly with both hands.

More nimble than any mouse, the short figure of the shadow guard leader scurried along the body of the useless giant and directly touched the back of his head.

Without waiting for the action of the useless giant coming from behind, the short blade had been put away. The shadow guard leader also used a pair of claws to directly tear open the head of the useless giant.

For a long time, the Demon Dragon Shadow Guard has not only been endowed with dragon veins, but also all attributes have been greatly enhanced. Not only has it been endowed with damage reduction that surpasses the ancient dragon, and a considerable degree of spell resistance, but at the same time, Isa Ke is still on them, and they are all given "strength, agility, and constitution" attributes using legendary spells.

These shadow guards may seem small in stature, but their strength attributes are actually comparable to those of ogres and even trolls!

Such power, combined with a natural weapon equivalent to "+5" grade...

It was as if even the useless giant's head couldn't resist his tearing.

However, once the attack was successful, the leader of the shadow guard did not take advantage of the victory to pursue him. He almost did not hesitate. His figure flashed again and he rushed forward again along the body of the useless giant.

And his figure just disappeared.

It wasn't an attack from the giant behind. In the darkness, there was a ray that struck diagonally.

The leader of the shadow guards moved out of the way in advance, but the beam hit the useless giant.

For a moment, all the movements of the giant's body, which had been severely injured under the continuous heavy blows and might even be fatal if left untreated, suddenly slowed down.

Slow ray!

Against the will!

At this time, the useless giant no longer has a normal will and can resist the "slowness" effect of this ray.

And as soon as he slowed down...

Digging out his eyes, wiping his throat, the shadow guards around him were flooded with fatal attacks again.

After this wave, the useless giant's vitality finally couldn't bear it anymore.

With a wailing cry, the huge body fell down.

Following that, the figures of the shadow guards spread out again and disappeared into the darkness in the corners of the tunnel.

But they retreated again, and the useless giants behind them were frightened at this moment, and even cowered.

Among the giants, the useless giants are synonymous with depravity and evil. They can almost be said to be the most savage and ferocious giants. But at this time, seeing their companions, in a short period of time, they were all beaten by those little men. The seeds were torn into pieces, and even fell to the ground, unable to even make a struggle...

No matter how savage or ferocious they are, these useless giants still feel a chill in their lower body.

For a moment, he was actually frightened and stopped after turning the corner, not daring to come over again.

"Dragon Veined Kobold!"

"So, that person is definitely from the dragon clan?"

It is still some distance away from the ruined giant and the beholder. It is surrounded by many monsters, especially a large number of high-level undead. Among the group of phaerimms, the crimson leader Simpson seems to be able to see it directly. Like a confrontation at the corner of the tunnel, there was a thoughtful fluctuation in the mind, and then there was contact with the surrounding companions.

"It can't be wrong."

"The legendary spell he used to intimidate us yesterday revealed the true power of the Dragon God."

"Not only does this person come from the giant dragon clan, he may even be the chosen one of a certain dragon god, or even the incarnation of a certain dragon god!"

Gresham's voice quickly sounded from the side.

Although the three giant leaders put the responsibility for the fall of the royal city on his head.

But he always believed that this was not a mistake in his strategy, but that the sudden power of the opponent exceeded their expectations.

The mysterious person who first solved the "Wailing Girl" and then frightened them might even be stronger than the three leaders.

Facing such an unexpectedly powerful enemy, he had the right strategy, but in the end he had no choice but to drink in defeat.

However, defeat was a defeat, but thanks to this final legendary spell, after his resurrection, they quickly came up with a lot of ideas about his identity and origin.

The reason why the three giant leaders did not fully believe it was that the "dragon of the evil camp" was somewhat incompatible with Efraska and the voters of the goddess of magic.

But at this time, with the appearance of these dragon-veined kobolds, their judgment was finally implemented.

Encountering such a dragon that was beyond imagination and powerful, and completely unexpected, this failure was really not Gresham's personal responsibility!

Regarding this…

In fact, at the "Well of Glory", the person who controlled the power of evil magic through legendary rituals, Simpson and Samuel also knew this.

But at this time, Gresham jumped out again...

"Give you an army of the undead."

"I want to reach the Well of Glory as quickly as possible!"

Simpson's mind and will moved, and immediately, an undead team headed by the Soul Prisoner Demon with many ghosts and shadows broke away from the monster camp and flew to Gresham from the sky.

Gresham's expression suddenly changed.

You actually want him to open the way? !

The crippled giant's retreat did not last forever.

As the elves started shooting from a distance, the beholder's furious roar came from behind.

In the end, these ferocious giants were driven to the ground and rushed towards the intersection again.

But this time, they are no longer acting alone.

The beholder on one end had already flown nearby. From the opening of its main eye, an anti-demon field followed the figure of the useless giant walking at the front.

And at the same time, there were two or three beholder demons, and the dissociation rays were continuously shot out in turn.

In the rock barrier at the corner, holes quickly appeared one after another under the continuous dissociation of the rays.

The opponent needs to use terrain to block their position, but these beholders also have the ability to open up new shooting routes, and even completely change the terrain around corners.

But it would be nice if the useless giant advances again.

The beholder's cooperation is nothing more than this.

But none of them made the Demon Dragon Shadow Guard hesitate even a little bit.


Then another useless giant came to the side where it was turned.

The leader of the shadow guard shouted coldly, and black shadows flew out like ghosts again.

With the enhancement of dragon veins, the attributes of legendary spells, and the improvement brought by professional levels, these shadow guards, although small in stature, have almost all exceeded 20 points in terms of strength and agility.

For them, the impact of the anti-magic field is nothing more than suppressing the damage reduction, suppressing the dragon's breath, and then suppressing the spell-like abilities. However, at the same time, the damage reduction of the useless giant is also suppressed. Suppressed.

With their strength and agility, coupled with the tacit cooperation formed by using the troll army as a training object for a long time, it is easy to besiege the useless giant under the "anti-demon field" at this time!

Even the coverage of the anti-magic field allows them to use it with more confidence without having to worry about attacks from the beholder rays.

Same tactics.

Many shadow guards swooped out in an instant.

Some people fired daggers in succession, and even aimed at their eyes, forcing the useless giant to protect his eyes.

Some people rushed directly to the lower three lanes, so that the useless giant had to wave his stick to drive them away.

With only two moves under control, the leader of the shadow guard and others pounced on the useless giant at lightning speed.

Sharp claws, great strength and agility, and the rogue's "sneak attack" ability.

In an instant, numerous wounds were torn open on the body of the useless giant again.

With one blow, before the useless giant waved his hand to strike, these shadow guards flew up on top of his huge body.

Some went straight to the lower third road, some touched the back of their heads, and some even pounced directly on the face of the useless giant.

Seeing this useless giant, he was about to be torn to pieces by these little things in the blink of an eye...


At this moment, the main eye of the one-eyed demon that had been turning on the "anti-demon field" suddenly closed.

Several rays flew out instantly.

Following this useless giant was another useless giant, and the giant stick was already waving.

"Reflex dodge!"

"Intuitive dodge!"

However, it was almost at this same moment.

The figures of the shadow guards behind the useless giant suddenly blurred again.

With an agility of over 20 points, coupled with the rogue's "reflective dodge" and "intuitive dodge", the most important thing is that I am also on guard against the beholder. How can they not react when the beholder's "anti-magic field" is closed?

With a flash of lightning, the shadow guard's figure was ejected from the body of the destructed giant. The dragon's wings flapped rapidly, and like a bat, it ejected several times in the darkness.

In the blink of an eye, the attack by the beholder and the useless giant not only failed to have any impact on them, but also hit the first useless giant at the same time.

The second crippled giant that attacked seemed to have directly torn open wounds on several of its vital points.

However, this time, they did not get entangled with this useless giant.

Due to its location, this useless giant is within the shooting range of several other beholders. The difficulty of dodging the rays of one beholder is obviously very different from dodging the combined attacks of multiple beholders.

After a successful attack, these shadow guards retreated into dark corners one after another.

And in this moment.

First, he was attacked by a shadow guard, then he was attacked by a beholder ray, and he was hit hard by his companion. Then another shadow guard continued to attack...

Once again, another useless giant fell down.

But this time, the useless giant behind didn't flinch anymore.

Even though he was already wounded, the useless giant that followed him roared to the ground and charged in violently.

Don't forget that with the cooperation of the shadow guards, these giants are often directly killed easily, but if such a big guy really gets crazy, regardless of the damage, and directly attacks and breaks through, this is not the case. The power of the shadow guards can kick it back.

Looking ahead, the Demonic Dragon Shadow Guards looked like ghosts, constantly flashing and striking amidst the impact of the useless giants.

In just a moment, two more useless giants were knocked down, but at the same time, these giants also forcibly knocked away the corner area and occupied it. The figure of the one-eyed demon appeared directly at the top of the tunnel.


"It's our turn!"

Arilyn, who had always maintained an unusual calmness and did not even pay direct attention to the battle between the Dragon Shadow Guard and the Ruinous Giant, suddenly stood up at this moment.

Following that, "Venomous Snake" Eles also walked out of the elf team.

In the hands of both of them, the Elf Moon Blade shone with the blazing light of divine power at the same time.

Arilyn did not use the extraordinary perception given by the Moon Blade to the Shadow Guard and the Ruined Giant, and she did not even pay special attention to the Beholder.

As long as the Demonic Dragon Shadow Guards are willing to do their best for Uncle Lei, she doesn't think that just these evil monsters can break through the shadow guards' defense.

What really concerned her was whether there were any monsters behind, especially the Felin Demon Sunflower, and whether there were any undead, especially incorporeal undead!

The person who came forward at this time was naturally Moon Blade who issued a warning.

An undead spirit is nearby!

Although even she has to worry about the strength of the Demonic Dragon Shadow Guard. If she is really besieged, I am afraid that she will not be able to fight against a few of them. However, while fighting against the useless giant, if she encounters those incorporeal undead again, Touch attack, under the various negative effects of "energy absorption" and "attribute absorption", it is probably difficult for the Demon Dragon Shadow Guard to have absolute immunity.

The only thing that can truly restrain these incorporeal undead is the sacred power of her and Elise's Elf Moon Blade!

Moreover, since the undead team has also cooperated... it can be seen that the result is indeed controlled by the Felin Demon Kui!

"Stare at the beholder's main eye!"

As soon as Arilyn and Eles moved, Danilo also issued a sniper order to the elves.

Then he whispered to someone: "Notify Archmage Du Bois immediately and ask him to summon Lord Imsford. The Felin Demon Kui is here!"

Once upon a time, Du Bois and Eamesford had a big battle on the Blackwater River battlefield in the Supreme Forest.

However, as Uncle Lei conquered this guy, he was actually on the same side.

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