Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1079 Booby Hunt (Part 2)

(I had a severe coughing fit. I could hardly sleep all night yesterday due to coughing. I also sweated badly. I had to change several pairs of underwear a day. I felt low energy all day long.)

(This time I am really dying. I don’t know when I will recover.)

These multi-eyed monsters are so annoying!

The Dragon Shadow Guards have not had much contact with beholders. However, the Great Master has four dungeons in the Underdark, so they have not encountered beholders.

At this time, the leader of the shadow guards gave a signal, and the people around him immediately knew what cooperation was required.

Just after a combined attack, the heads of the three demon soul corpses were taken off, and these kobolds scattered away again.

One of the two flew into the dark corner at the top of the tunnel, and the energy of the fire element quickly began to gather in their bodies.

"Fire Breath!"

Having encountered them several times, how could the surrounding monsters not know what these kobolds were up to?

Just as the Shadow Guard found the beholders annoying, these monsters were also deeply annoyed and even fearful of the kobolds' breathing ability.

The cone-shaped breath that can cover a distance of 30 feet, coupled with the flexibility of these kobolds, means that in such a tunnel environment, it can be said that as long as they are targeted, there is no possibility of evasion.


Even the undead who were killed at the front, including those ghosts, all had moments of flinching.

"Anti-magic field!"

The two beholders opened their main eyes at the same time, and the anti-magic field spread instantly, suppressing all magical effects within the range.

A kobold's dragon breath preparation disappeared instantly.

The surrounding incorporeal undead also disappeared directly into the material plane.

Only those two moon blades were still blooming with divine light.


But he seemed to have been prepared for this moment.

Just after they dispersed, seven or eight bat figures suddenly entered the anti-demon field at the same time.

However, unlike the head-on confrontation between Ai Lin and Elise, these shadow guards all walked through the corners of tunnels.

With their size and agility, at this time, due to the anti-magic field, the soul-capturing demons had all fallen to the ground, and the incorporeal undead had disappeared directly. Naturally, no one could stop them.

As they rushed into the anti-demon field, these shadow guards completely ignored the soul-prisoning demon and the demon-soul corpse. They were so fast that they pounced directly on the beholder who was opening his main eye!

And in response to their lightning raid.

At this time, they were still around the corner, still outside the anti-magic field. Almost at the same moment, the energy of the flame breath gathered, the preparations for the poisonous breath were brewing, and multiple shadow guards began to cooperate at the same time.

The brewing preparation of Dragon's Breath.

This seems to be true. As long as the beholder dares to close its main eye and turn off the "anti-demon field", a large wave of dragon's breath will inevitably follow here.

And if the beholder doesn't put away its anti-magic field...

It depends on whether those monsters can stop the shadow guards from attacking them!

In almost an instant, the two beholders closed their main eyes.

In order to cooperate with the undead's offensive, they were already quite close to the corner.

In just a blink of an eye, the kobold's lightning attack had passed through the monsters on the third and fourth floors and pounced directly in front of them.

Where is there any time to hesitate?

As soon as the main eyes are closed, the anti-magic field is put away at the same time.

When many incorporeal undead reappeared one after another, the eyeballs and eyeball rays of the beholders suddenly lit up.

But I haven't waited for these rays to actually shoot out...

"Fire Breath!"

One step faster than a beholder.

The shadow guard, who had been preparing for the Dragon Breath from the beginning and was not yet within the influence of the anti-magic field, swooped out from the dark corner at the top of the tunnel.

An extremely hot flame dragon's breath was sprayed out in just an instant, and it spread out to a distance of 30 feet.

And following the movements of the shadow guard, he made some sweeping movements in the sky.

This wave of fire rolled through.

The incorporeal undead screamed one after another, and with just one blow, most of their body composition was broken up.

The corpses of the Demon Soul Corpse and the Soul Prisoner Demon were also severely burned. Although it was impossible to kill them with just one breath, they all suffered substantial damage.

The final blow of the fire wave was a beholder.

Having put away the anti-magic field, he was going to use his eyeball rays to deal with the kobold's surprise attack, and he was also followed by the useless giant. All of a sudden, it was difficult to squeeze out an escape route.

Seeing the breath of fire rolling in.

He also saw several kobolds flying out of the corners of the tunnel and shooting towards him.

"Damn it!"

A silent curse.

On the other hand, he quickly dropped his body, trying to avoid some of the damage from the flame breath as much as possible.

On the other hand, the beholder's rays shot out without any hesitation.

Being hit by the flame breath would only cause some damage to him, at most it would hurt some eyesores, but it wouldn't do anything to him, but if he was approached by these kobolds...

"Reflex dodge!"

"Intuitive dodge!"

The beholder's shot came very decisively, but the shadow guard's reaction was equally slow. It should even be said that he was well prepared for this.

Once the anti-magic field on the beholder's side was closed, the rogue's professional ability on their side was already in a highly reflective state.

Seeing the bewitched eyes tracking their figures, they lit up again.

They were already flying out. The figures of these shadow guards actually appeared to rise and sink out of thin air. They were as flexible as butterflies and difficult to grasp.


at the same time.

The leader of the Shadow Guard made another gesture.

Even including himself, the four kobolds who were prepared to breathe poison also came out of the corner.

Poison Breath is of little use to the undead, but beholders have no ability to be immune to poison.

The beholder can withstand one breath, but if there are multiple breaths...

In particular, there were several others behind who were brewing fire breaths, but they did not come out immediately.

Aililin's eyes narrowed slightly.

After all, she was not familiar with the fact that the Demonic Dragon Shadow Guard was so cooperative and explosive all of a sudden, but it was unexpected.

However, this wave of Demonic Dragon Shadow Guards broke out...

She naturally knows how to cooperate.


"It depends on how you choose!"

Her eyes did not have any direct observation of Felin Demon Kui. This thought flashed through her mind. With a shout, Aililin rushed directly into the queue of undead that was being affected by the breath of flames. .

Inevitably, Elise quickly followed suit.

The two of them, using all their strength to unleash the power of the moon blade, were dragging a circle of undead, especially those incorporeal undead, to obstruct the second wave of shadow guards.

Facing the five kobolds who were about to finish brewing their poisonous breath and rushed towards them, the beholder fired a wave of rays at random, but only two or three of them hit the target.

The two beholders behind finally couldn't bear it anymore.

In pairs, the main eyes of the two beholders also opened at once, and the anti-magic field spread out instantly, rising and falling, completely covering the tunnel here.

After the preparation of the dragon's breath is completed, although it can be temporarily condensed and not emitted, this duration is limited after all.

Rather than being attacked by these dragon breaths, there is a high probability that he will not be able to escape death.

Use the anti-magic field to suppress them, use the useless giants and undead to block them, and wait until the kobolds' dragon breath dissipates on their own. This is at least not a worse choice.


There were their two companions in front, which would undoubtedly attract the kobold's attention first.

Behind you... Lord Gresham is right there!

Although the eye demons are not familiar with this elder demon Kui, they don't know what his style is, but...

"At this juncture, Lord Gresham can't just say that he is still back and just watching from the sidelines, right?"

While opening an anti-magic field, he controlled the situation in front and scolded the useless giant to block and attack.

On one side, the two beholders, the eye stalker behind him, were quietly observing Gresham.

"Useless trash!"

Gresham always stared coldly at the battlefield.

By this time, he was no longer surprised that the Soul Capture Demon and the Beholder were unable to defeat the Kobold.

The unknown dragon not only has unimaginable accomplishments in magical transformation, these kobolds have obviously also received strict training.

With just this cooperation and tacit understanding, how could the beholder and the soul-capturing demon, who always only care about themselves, not lose?

Therefore, although he snorted again in his heart, Gresham did not have any unnecessary emotions.

On the contrary...

"It's about time!"

"Let me see, what else are you planning behind?"

The kobold was so daring that he dared to rush all the way to the beholder in front of his face. Gresham was just right after he contained his anger.

He originally wanted to enslave these little things in order to explore the secret of the magic behind them.

Not to mention, if the enslavement is completed now, it is still possible to understand whether there is any ambush behind?

Gresham knew very well that the reason why the Simpsons knew that the "Well of Glory" was undergoing a ritual and always maintained restraint and did not rush up together with others was because they still had concerns about that. Is it still a trap?

After leaving Gray Cloak Mountain, even Simpson was a little careless. He would rather be more careful than walk into someone else's trap.

And as long as it is confirmed that it is not a trap, as long as Laila and others really fight against the City of Ghosts and both sides suffer losses, the most important thing is that they are definitely out of shape today.

Then... why not give that person more time?

Gresham is also supportive of this, but...

He didn't expect that Simpson actually pushed him out to clear the way.

Doesn't this mean that if there is a trap, he will fall into it alone?

This is the reason why Gresham has never been in a hurry and why he has been reluctant to take action himself.

But now, as long as we are sure that we can enslave such a kobold, it will not be a problem whether it is future magic research, spying on the identity of the giant dragon, or knowing whether there are traps behind.

By the way, after it was over, he could shrink back into the Magic Sun Team, lower his profile again, and give up the main position to Simpson and Samuel.

Interrupting the ritual of that giant dragon must mean that there is no coexistence.

As for the decisive battle with that unknown dragon, it is natural for Simpson and Samuel to take part, which is the right thing to do!

As soon as the thought flashed, Gresham's chrysanthemum-like mouth emitted a wind sound that could not be detected by normal hearing.

The next moment.


Although he was always fighting fiercely with the undead, he always had his attention on Felin Demon Kui's side.

At the first moment, Iles yelled.


Arilyn also had no hesitation.

Although at this time, withdrawing is the wisest choice.

The Elder Demon Kui wasted his use of the "Trigger Technique", and most of it was wasted.

However, she also saw that if she really retreated now, someone from the Demonic Dragon Shadow Guard in front would definitely be trapped here.

The elder Mo Kui would take action, and he would be caught right away. The shadow guard would rush in a little deeper, and it would be too late to retreat.

Although this is my first time working with Dragon Shadow Guard.

Although it seems that these kobolds still seem to be in the evil camp, at least not like the good camp.

But at least at this time, Arilyn was unable to do it. She watched someone capture or even enslave someone for the Felin Demon Kui, and she decisively withdrew.

Moreover...she also has some judgment in her heart, this is not completely impossible to fight!

In any case, the elder Mo Kui also introduced this "triggering technique" for them.

Based on her various understandings, the suppression area of ​​the "shadow shield" for this spell triggered by "triggering" should only be about 10 feet.

As long as she can knock this Felin Demon Kui out of this space immediately.

With the beyond-expected combat capabilities of the Demonic Dragon Shadow Guard, this is even more likely than safe to keep this Felin Demon Kui here completely!

Of course, this... also means that they themselves will be more dangerous!

I don't have the time to think about this anymore.

On the opposite side, the Felin Demon Kui is activating the "triggering technique" and telepathically sending instructions to the beholder.

Here, Aililin shouted deeply, and the moon blade in her hand suddenly shone brightly.

"Mom! Ancestors! For the sake of Efraska and the elves, I call for your help!"

As the leader of the Moon Blade, Arilyn has been recognized by all the previous leaders of the "Moonstone". The most recent one is her mother, Anestria of the Royal Family of Evermeet Island. Princess.

Of course, all other leaders are also members of the "Moonflower Family", but when most people took charge of this moon blade, the "Moonflower Family" had not yet become the royal family of Yongju Island.

The family runs through the same vein!

There is even a mother here!

Arilyn's own character is also in line with Moon Blade's kindness and justice!

Most importantly, in the battle of light and darkness on the Evergathering Island, her decisive battle with the one who fell into the Black Abyss of the Spider Queen was even recognized by the Seldarin gods!

With this call at this time, Arilyn is activating the strongest power of the moon blade.

Just like when it was in the hands of the "Lord Sword Saint", the Elven Holy Sword of Efraska killed the "King of Demonic Flame" Greensack with one sword. Even this powerful sword that was close to the level of Lord Barlow The devil, the sealed life essence, was forcibly killed by this sword.

Arilyn is also calling for the most powerful power of this moon blade.

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