Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1085 Too Cautious

"Tell me, what's going on with that person?"

As Danilo and Eles took their positions, Isaac looked into the depths of the tunnel, and his voice suddenly sounded again.

The previous report from the shadow guard was just that a leader of the Demon Kui had appeared.

But it is not clear which of the three leaders of Felin Demon Kui is here, and what abilities he has shown.

Seeing that the main force of monsters was about to be killed, and seeing that he was about to meet those magic sunflowers, Isaac inevitably had some interest in knowing in advance.

"It should be Crimson Leader Simpson!"

"Danilo knows this person. Laila had a direct fierce battle with him. According to the information given to Danilo by Laila, the life energy level of this demon leader should be around level 35. It should be controlled He has performed three 'automatic spell casts' and two 'compound casts', and is the most powerful one among the three leaders of Mo Kui..."

Although Du Bois only arrived here last night, at this time, he already had a lot of information about the leader of Mo Kui.

Crimson leader Simpson, the leader of the co-leaders of the Felin Demon Kui!

The life energy level is around level 35, which means that the warlock level is the same!

Coupled with the combination of "automatic spell casting" and "spontaneous casting of all known spells", he even mastered dual "compound casting"...

Even Isaac frowned secretly in his heart.

Who is the leader of the Demon Kui? With such magical ability, combined with his level of destiny, it is hard to tell not only Laila and Kelben, but even the "Storm Queen" Xinbu, the head of the seven sisters. You can beat this person, or even be as good as this one!

If we really want to fight alone, we can defeat this guy alone... I am afraid that this is only possible if the old ghost Minnis returns!

Isaac also had a taboo against such a powerful enemy.

Fortunately, the shadow shield is still there!

Bound by the power of the shadow shield, the leader of the Demon Sunflower has been weakened after all!

Otherwise, if he wants to be enemies with this person and a group of Felin Demon Sunflowers at the same time, I am afraid that Isaac will also have to retreat first, and then take care of it from the side!

"Since such a guy is an enemy... it would be best to kill him here!"

The thought flashed.

Deep in the tunnel within sight, the vanguard of the monster army was also coming.

This vanguard army composed of jackals and bugbears, under the direct control of the leader of the Demon Kui, is crazy and bloodthirsty.

The man who had just emerged from the darkness deep in the tunnel, with the crazy intention to pounce and bite even if there was a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire in front of him, had already directly impacted Isaac and the others.


Isaac didn't care about this at all.

No matter how bloodthirsty or crazy the monster army is, to him, it is no different from a flock of sheep.

He put his hands behind his back and looked over there lightly, but one after another, scorching fire beads continued to condense in front of him, and then flew out.

Suddenly, huge circles of pyrotechnics were sweeping in the frantically charging vanguard.

No matter how crazy and bloodthirsty the monster army is, under the constant bombardment of this explosion, which can cover a 20-foot radius of scorching fireballs, no matter how much they come, they will all be in vain!

Just a moment.

The depths of the tunnel were already covered with the charred corpses of monsters.

And just at this time.

From behind, one beholder after another finally began to appear.

The main eye had already been opened, and the anti-magic field covered the monster army. Finally, another scorching fire ball shot out, but it disappeared directly within the area of ​​the anti-magic field.

And with the appearance of these beholders.


"It's actually a spell-like ability!?"

Further back, there is a place that Isaac and others cannot directly see.

Crimson leader Simpson doesn't care how his monster army is bombarded by fireballs.

What's more, the leader of Mo Kui has a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Even though he didn't observe it with his own eyes, based on his perception, he was still certain that the "fireball" bombing in front was not a real spell, but a spell-like ability!

From this number of bombings...

Clearly, this type of magical ability can still be cast at will!

Such a spell-like ability...

Unconsciously, the leader of Mo Kui began to think about the origin of the people over there?

And... what's the relationship with that giant dragon?

At this moment when the "Well of Glory" was approaching, the leader of the Demon Sunflower became extremely cautious. Especially, he was aware that the dragon's ritual was stopped at the "Well of Glory". Got it!

Even though he had never really come into contact with this giant dragon, he had already been wary of it.

At this time, the ceremony is over...the dragon must be waiting for them in front!

"Those who can cast the 'Fireball Technique' at will are most likely the high-level Baatezu from Baator Hell."

"Although it is difficult to directly connect the Baatezu Devil with the elves of Efraska, but if that giant dragon really comes from the evil camp and is related to him, it is not impossible."

Simpson's side.

Samuel, who is also the leader of Mo Kui, is also in no hurry.

This time is different from before.

Previously, the tunnel was too straight and they were also threatened by the "earthquake technique", so Simpson took action personally.

But this time, they are not within the direct threat range from the opposite side.

With the vanguard army and the beholder, first try to see if there is any ambush on the other side, and then see when they will kill them, but it is not too late.

A mere sacrifice is completely out of their sight.

It seems that although the "Well of Glory" is just ahead, these two leaders of the Demon Sunflower are as calm as a mountain!

And they are not in a hurry...

Naturally, the other philims are also very patient.

In addition to sending out a team of several beholder demons to cooperate with the vanguard army, these demon sunflowers hid in the rear, only sensing from a distance, but they did not say that they took action, and they did not even risk their heads.

Until some time later.

When a powerful and familiar magic wave suddenly vibrated on the opposite side...

"Lord of the Underground!"

The eyes of these Mo Kui all moved.

But this time, no one directly counterattacked.

The mere "Lord of the Underground" can certainly bury part of the vanguard army and then collapse the tunnel in front, but... that's all!

After that is over, we can arrange for the beholder to penetrate.

That's all the manpower they have!

If they can use this sacrifice to consume the opponent's key spells, or even legendary spells, it would be a great deal for them.

First came the "Lord of the Underground", and soon, the "Earthquake Technique" also started.

In the tunnel ahead, the violent vibrations erupted in a very short time.

Simpson's thoughts flashed through his mind, and once again, a whole team of beholders began to gather.


"It's so stable and even more bearable!"

The one who was carrying out the "Lord of the Underground" at this time was naturally the Lich Archmage.

Facing the "anti-magic fields" of those beholders, Isaac would still find it troublesome even if he was not prepared to put in more effort.

In addition, the Felin Demon Sunflower never showed its head.

Simply, he asked the Lich Archmage to perform the "Lord of the Underground" in advance.

However, what he didn't expect was that the Lich Archmage was the "Lord of the Underground" and used the "Earthquake Technique", which soon caused the tunnel to collapse.

However, those Felin Demon Sunflowers actually shrank to an extremely small size, and there was still no sign of emerging!

There was a slight movement in Isaac's heart, but it turned out that there were some ideas from these guys.

It seems that this is a decisive battle, and these guys are trying to retain their "trigger skills" as much as possible to retain their trump cards to deal with various changes!

Compared to this, sacrificing some monster armies to consume the magic power here is simply worth it!

However, this is certainly worth it for Felin Demon Kui, but...

"But it's good!"

"You are all so cooperative, I can't help but let you down!"

A slight sneer appeared, and Isaac couldn't do anything better about this!

Although it was a little regretful that he couldn't really meet the leader of Mo Kui, but... he didn't mean to force it.

Waiting for the Lich Archmage, five consecutive "earthquake spells" completely collapsed the tunnel in front of them, completely cutting off the connection between their side and the monster's side.

Isaac waved his hand, and a series of "Arcane Eyes" quickly spread to the tunnel ahead.

"let's go!"

Without waiting for the "Arcane Magic Eye" to pass through the collapsed ruins, it began to conduct reconnaissance on the monster army.

Isaac shouted again, turning back to the "Well of Glory" while calling out Danilo and Eles.

The duration of the "anti-magic field" can even reach several hours. At this time, the "anti-magic field" is naturally still present on both Danilo and Danilo.

There is no intention to remove it directly.

When Isaac called them out, they kept a slight distance from the three Isaacs and returned to the "Well of Glory".

A moment.

When Isaac quickly returned to the underground hall, he walked directly into the center of the magic circle that the loyal servant had already constructed.

"If so!"

The arcane magic eye drilled through some gaps in the ruins, and Isaac was able to pass through them, observe the beholder team, and continuously release "dissociation rays" on the ruins.

However, among these beholders, none of the Felin demons who really control them are still missing.

Isaac was not in a hurry. With a thought in his heart, the numerous "Arcane Magic Eyes" dispersed again and soon disappeared into the hidden corners of the tunnel.

In this environment destroyed by continuous "earthquake spells", there are too many such hidden corners.

The next step is to wait patiently.

To attack those magic sunflowers, at least we have to wait until the traces of the magic sunflowers are really exposed.

Otherwise, who can be sure whether these magic sunflowers suddenly moved?

For example, if you move to the sewer and double-team from the front, etc?

When the beholders form a group, it is easy to penetrate the tunnel.

But it was only a few minutes.

From the arcane magic eyes hidden in the cracks above the ruins, Isaac observed that the "dissociation rays" of the eye demons had penetrated a cave in the ruins.

Although the cave is still a bit small, it definitely cannot pass through the beholder, nor can it pass through the phaerinn.

However, it is nothing more than a matter of further expansion.

"three minutes!"

In his heart, Isaac quickly estimated the time it would take for the tunnel to be completely penetrated.

At that time, whether Felin Demon Kui takes the initiative to walk out, or he will put the arcane magic eye further into the depths of the tunnel to investigate...

Take action, or whatever, you will be sure when the time comes!

At this moment, everyone is counted, and the decisive battle is imminent.

Everyone is shrinking in the main hall, and everyone is making final preparations for the battle.

In the main hall, the atmosphere was silent and more solemn.

The passage of time, in such a solemn atmosphere, is extremely slow.

One second after another, Isaac gradually reached the final countdown.

Suddenly, a message came, which made his heart move.

"The Felin Demon Sunflowers at both ends of the sewer have been repulsed. Within three minutes, we will arrive at the Well of Glory!"

Arraignment at Imsford.

He and the Beren Lich came with reinforcements, and they encountered the Felin Demon Sunflower.

However, this is normal. Isaac had already estimated that there would be corresponding sniping attacks by the Felin Demon Kui in the sewers.

There are only two magic sunflowers, which is even less!

On the contrary...

"Since the Felin Demon Kui was repelled by them, as expected, this news must have reached the crimson leader."

"Imsford and the others will arrive here in three minutes..."

"Let's see if this guy will come out earlier!"

Thoughts flashed for a moment, and Isaac responded with "received" to Eamesford's summons.

Then, with his gaze, he continued to sink into the perspective of the "Arcane Magic Eye".

After a blink of an eye, the work of the beholders to penetrate the tunnel was finally completed.

Already gathered here, a large number of monster armies immediately began to march.

Inevitably, there are also beholders, following closely through.

It’s still the anti-magic field paired with the vanguard.

From here to the entrance, there is no obstacle.

Seeing this, the monsters are rushing into the underground space.

"Lord of the Underground!"

This time, it was Isaac who was performing the spell.

After the spell was completed in the blink of an eye.

He threw the "Earthquake Technique" one after another towards the entrance.

The earth suddenly shook violently, inevitably causing various collapses there, which trapped the beholder and the vanguard there together.

At the same time.

On the side of the Arcane Magic Eye, quite a few people are also swimming.

Taking advantage of the cover of this "earthquake", someone with a magic eye managed to get through the tunnel, then followed the dark corners of the top floor and quickly reached into the depths of the tunnel.


Just then.

In his heart, Isaac suddenly moved again.

An abnormal feeling, coming from the arcane magic eye, seems to be...

"I finally found you!"

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