Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1098 Fierce Battle (7)




With the bombardment of Kelben's legendary spell, the continuous manipulation and oppression followed.

In the end, the giant mountain-like "Sky Star" completely collapsed.

It was far more violent than a landslide. Most of the top of the mountain simply fell down.

Landslide! The ground cracks!


"It's our turn!"

"Final battle, finish them off completely!"

Facing such a huge mountain collapse, but as if she had been waiting for it for a long time, Laila looked around everyone, and finally stared at Isaac.

The mountain collapsed, which was expected.

They were waiting for this collapse before they could have the final battle with the Felin Demon Kui!

At this time, those who are qualified to participate in this final battle have already arrived.

Even Storm and Dove, who had sneaked into the giant mountain before but had not really come into contact with Felin Demon Kui, led the elf army to retreat in a hurry, have also gathered here.

Everyone naturally agreed with Laila's intention.

Isaac is no exception.

At this time, it is time for the final battle.

Going forward, there will be landslides and earth fissures.

From now on, there is a possibility of recovery for Felin Mokui.

Only now is the best time!

And... in Isaac's estimation, if he takes action at this time, that person who has never shown up should be able to cooperate with them a few more times!

"Just follow the lady's wishes!"

"Then start quickly and end quickly!"

Isaac nodded.

At that moment, everyone flew into the sky.

Seeing this, Kelben, who had been concentrating on casting spells and driving the "hill" and continuously oppressing the Felin Demon Sunflower, then changed the direction of the drive.

boom! boom! boom!

The huge amount of primitive magic energy invested in the "Drive Seed" before, at this moment, this "hill" has obviously been deeply inserted into the "Sky Star", but with one shock after another, it is actually for Kelben. , from within the "celestial star", they are pulling out again and again.

However, the demon sunflowers below were not able to relax a little.


As if he was using the "hill" as a giant stick, Kelben actually swung it through the air and smashed it directly into the mountain below.

boom! !

After continuous collapse, a large area of ​​the mountain here has already collapsed, and there is no way it can withstand such a bombardment.

With just one blow, a violent landslide suddenly occurred on the surface of the mountain.

Kelben has not stopped yet.

Although by this time, the "hill" he was driving was still far from the scale it was at the beginning.

But it is still impossible to resist the pure bombardment.

boom! !

boom! !

It’s just that everyone is flying close to the “celestial star” quickly.

Kelben, who was driving the "Hill Stick", made two consecutive heavy blows here. In a short period of time, the slope here was shattered and collapsed by him. Know how many layers.

Seeing that the duration of the "drive" is finally coming to an end.

With the last manipulation, Kelben once again drove the "hill" into the sky, and then suddenly flew down, inserting it again into the huge crater formed by the previous bombardment.

boom! ! !

A huge earthquake!

At this time, most of the Demon Sunflowers have actually passed the "Dissociation Technique", especially the "Destruction Sphere", and have quickly opened up a lot of shelter space below.

But with Kelben's final blow, everything that opened up suddenly became useless again.

More seriously……

A moment faster than this.

The one in the sky once again cooperated.


A "magical area of ​​​​death" was formed in an instant, and it enveloped Simpson again!

When its form is restored directly from the spiritual body to its true physical body.

Kelben's last blow also came down.

Just like Samuel before, under the endless impact and endless pressure of this "hill", he still fell into the "Dead Magic Zone" and was unable to perform any spells at all.

Almost immediately, Simpson's huge body, the flesh and bones, were crushed and exploded to an unknown extent in an instant.

"Everyone, please come with me!"

At this time, Kelben's legendary spell and its continuous driving time were all over.

No longer needing to concentrate on casting spells, Kelben finally took the initiative to signal to everyone, and took the lead to fly to the place where he had previously bombarded with the "Hill Stick".

This is naturally the area closest to Mo Kui.

Inevitably, everyone followed suit.

Galeron, in particular, must provide everyone with a "casting environment" and cannot lag behind at all.

Time flew by in the blink of an eye, and the black staff in Kelben's hand had been replaced by a rune staff.

The staff pointed forward, and a ray of "dissociation" flew out.

In an instant, a 10-foot-square space was formed in front.

As soon as Kelben took action, Laila, Alustriel, and the Beren Liches also took action one after another.

More or less, these people all have one or two rounds of "dissociation" reserves.

Wait until everyone starts to show off.

I saw rays shooting out continuously. The tunnel from earlier seemed to have been restored, and it quickly penetrated deep into the mountain.

"Give them a helping hand!"

Isaac's voice also sounded.

Immediately, the three undead masters also cooperated.

In just a short period of time, five or six rounds of "Dissociation Technique" were all directed at the space pioneered by Kelben, and they quickly expanded into the depths ahead.


Isaac's eyes suddenly moved at this moment.

That one is taking action again.

Moreover, it affected the front of the newly opened tunnel.

However, it was different from what he had experienced before.

This move this time...

"Dead Silence Magic Area!"

However, this awareness is inevitable. At this time, Isaac did not have time to think too much.

He could detect changes ahead, and Kelben, who knew this side very well, would not have failed to notice it.

"Everyone, please pay attention. Most of these magic sunflowers control the 'Destruction Sphere'. We must have re-opened a certain space for them."

"So, once you encounter something, be extremely careful and don't hold back!"

While warning everyone in a low voice, Kelben waved the rune staff again, and once again, another ray of "dissociation" flew into the depths of darkness.

The next moment followed.

Everyone with dark vision shrank their eyes at the same time.

Just as Kelben reminded them, a dark space appeared in front of them.


Almost at the same moment, another unsurprising dark void sphere flew out from this space.

Destroy the orb!

Although the Annihilation Sphere is a ninth-level spell, and it can perform a "dissociation" attack every round, in terms of overall damage, it is the best among all.

However, this naturally does not make Isaac and the others frown.


"This person's methods are really exquisite!"

I saw a ball of annihilation flying out, but it was just a ball of annihilation.

Isaac's eyes flashed, but he also stepped out of the team.

He already felt that the reason why there was only one annihilation ball and the reason why there was only one Demon Sunflower in front was not because the Demon Sunflowers didn't know how to quickly unite.

This is the One in the sky, once again interfering with precision and subtlety.

The creation of that "dead magic area", coupled with the inevitable interference before, this is the fundamental reason why this first demon sunflower is still alone at this moment and has not gathered with other magic sunflowers.

However, Isaac would not think that that person could prevent the gathering of these magic sunflowers for a long time just by relying on this intervention.

It is absolutely necessary to clean up and solve it as soon as possible.

Therefore, we didn't wait for Kelben and others to take action.

Taking a step forward, he waved the scepter in his hand, and the "Annihilation Sphere" from the opposite side was flying towards him, and a colorful shield also appeared in front of him.

Naturally it is the "Rainbow Shield"!

Although the annihilation ball is a ninth-level magic and has extremely powerful damage, as far as the spell itself is concerned, it has nothing special. It can neither penetrate the "anti-magic field" nor crack the "rainbow light". "Magic Ball", naturally, it is also impossible to break through Isaac's "Rainbow Shield"!

The colorful shield was formed in one go, and Isaac's figure directly faced the "Destruction Sphere".

When the sixth layer of the seven-colored light layer, the green light layer that can prevent all spells, collided with the void and dark sphere, suddenly, the "annihilation sphere" directly dissipated in mid-air.

With another thought, the shield no longer blocks the front.

This newly opened passage is only ten feet square in cross-section. If the rainbow shield blocks the front, it will directly block most of the space.

With a thought, Isaac's shield floated parallel to his head.

And just this move of his.

Lightning speed!

Two figures came from his left and right sides, and in a flash, they rushed directly into the dark space in front.

Immediately afterwards, one yelled wildly, and the other remained silent. However, as soon as the two figures disappeared into the dark space, the rare roar of Felin Demon Kui suddenly broke out.

"Instant - Petrification!"

The first is the preparation from the level 10 spell slot.

There has been a fierce battle with the voters of the Goddess of Magic for a long time. Naturally, there are already many of them. These voters are immune to "dissociation".

Therefore, for the level 10 spell slot, there is no "quick-dissociation" or the like. This elder devil is prepared with a "petrification"!

The spell was completed in an instant, and without any hesitation, Elder Mo Kui pointed at the storm-Silver Hand who was killing him wildly.

follow closely.

"Time stands still!"

In a small space, there is no possibility of dodge.

With four claws, this Demon Kui directly faced Dove-Hawkhand, but at the same time, it used a natural method of casting spells that did not require words or movements. This did not affect his continued spell casting at all.

As soon as he hit "Time Stops", he quickly started to use it.

"Tymora's smile!"

The petrification technique targets "toughness".

The chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic certainly have a powerful "physical attribute" enhancement, so they are extremely advantageous in terms of "toughness saving throw".

However, Storm Silverhand did not dare to be careless about Elder Mo Kui's spell.

The Master Harper's class abilities are activated instantly.

Blessings from Tymora, the goddess of luck.

It was the "Petrification Technique" that fell on Storm Silverhand, an extremely magical characteristic, but it also fluctuated at the same moment.

It seems like a lucky blessing, but also seems like an interference from fate.

Storm-Silver Hand's extremely powerful "toughness" directly resists the influence of "Petrification".

With Dove and Hawkhand on the left and right, the two lightning-fast figures, without even the slightest pause, were already attacking Elder Mo Kui from both sides.

Although Elder Mo Kui has four claws and is born with the ability of "multiple attacks", Felin Mo Kui also naturally despises contact with combat. He rarely takes action on weekdays. How can he withstand the storm in close combat? Both Dove and Dove have actual combat power that has reached level 32, a strong electorate comparable to the leader of Mo Kui?

However, in a moment of confrontation, Elder Mo Kui's resistance was completely broken by the two women.

Especially Dove Hawkhand, don't look at this person who is usually a boring gourd. He is hundreds of years old, but he is not only introverted, but even shy when in contact with others, but when it comes to real fighting...

What they do on a daily basis is with Matami Drannor, Yugoroth, Baatezu, and Tanar'ri, not to mention the Dragon Witch Cult, the Lord of Darkness Sect, and even the hidden Myth Drannor. The thing about the fight between the phaerim and the demon sunflowers below.

In terms of combat, among the seven sisters, even Storm Silverhand is inferior to her.

At this time, the "mute sister" didn't even utter a cold snort, but in the blink of an eye, she directly tore apart Elder Mo Kui's resistance.

As the silver sword passed by, one of Elder Mo Kui's claws was cut off by her in an instant.

The long sword swept across like a sword storm, and every blow was directed at Mo Kui's vitals.

The body covered with mithril armor only swayed in a very small range.

However, no matter Elder Mo Kui's claws, bites, or even the poisonous sting attack from behind, they could not hit her at all, and they could not even have an impact on her heavy rain offensive.

It was as if the body's shaking, even though it was only within a very small range, was both a dodge and an attack.

In just a blink of an eye, Dove-Hawkhand, who invaded Elder Mo Kui's side, did not use any special abilities, but the long sword was already at its vital position, piercing it and causing serious injuries many times.

And that's it.

The people behind have also arrived.

Laila's staff moved, and a strong lightning beam shot out instantly.

Isaac had already used it, and a flame-shaped energy arrow flew out with a snap of his fingers.

Elder Mo Kui's "Standing of Time" has not yet been completed. Facing this multi-party attack...

"Let's take action together!"

A wave of telepathy suddenly vibrated at this moment.

A large number of "dissociation" attacks broke out at the same time.



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