Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1102 Control

The effective caster level of Isaac's mage profession has already reached level 34 with the increase of level 12 "mana enhancement".

However, he still couldn't withstand Felin Mokui's "Legendary Dispelling Technique".

The "Legendary Dispelling Technique" was aimed at the "Extremely Effective - Burning Cloud Technique", and immediately, the lightning smoke cloud covering the large dark space disappeared into the sky.

And the smoke cloud that obstructed the vision disappeared...

"Meteor burst!"

"Lord of the Underground!"

"Rainbow Dharma Wall!"

Immediately, the spells that these magic sunflowers had completed also appeared.

Except for Simpson's "Earthquake Technique", it was directly destroyed due to the influence of the "Crazy Magic Zone".

The other three-headed elder Mo Kui's spells have all been completed.

The four fireballs transformed by the "Meteor Explosion" flew out first.

It was launched later, but it was faster than the "annihilation spheres" in front. The gorgeous light tail swayed in an instant, and it was directed towards Isaac and the others.

This attack spell is the first of these three spells to be completed.

Once completed, the same magic sunflower performed the "Legendary Dispelling Technique" again, directly dispelling the entire "Burning Cloud Technique".

However, the second "Legendary Dispelling Technique" was not performed by the person who completed the "Lord of the Underground" next. It came from the previous "Lord of the Underground" that was performed by the person directly above the sky. Destructed by the "Crazy Magic Area", at this time, the elder Mo Kui had flown out of this area.

"Rainbow Light Magic Wall" is the last one to be completed among the three spells.

This kind of protective spell can not only block all spell attacks from the opposite side, but also block all spell attacks from one's own side.

The reason why Elder Mo Kui was the last to finish was naturally because he deliberately performed it last.

Once the "Rainbow Dharma Wall" is completed, it will completely block the space on both sides on a large scale.

At this moment, the "Advanced Roar Technique" performed by Isaac's projection was directly dissipated by Masaya's second "Legendary Dispelling Technique".

"Kill these two people first!"

A telepathic voice sounded in the hearts of all Mo Kui at almost the same moment.

These two people are naturally referring to Storm and Dove!

The opposite side was blocked by the "Rainbow Wall", and Storm and Dove were trapped on their side. How could they miss such an opportunity?

However, it is almost synchronized with this telepathic voice.

The spells on the Demon Kui's side have been completed one after another, and the same is true for Isaac and others.

What's more, because only the Ghost Archmage and a Beren Lich did not attack together, the spells completed by everyone at this time were far larger than those of Mo Kui.


Although the scale is large and the number is large, but...

Laila and others have just finished their attack on the "City of Ghosts". From the fact that Kelben is the only one in the team who still has a legendary spell that has not been cast, it can be seen that what they encountered The war was so fierce.

At this moment, although they are all high-level spells being cast, and although there are both protective spells and offensive spells, there is really no spell that can directly break through the "Rainbow Spell Wall" opposite. .

They are like this, and the Liches of Imsford and Beren are no exception.

In the continuous fierce battle with Mo Kui, in particular, most of the time, they are even passively responding. However, the consumption of this spell is also too great, especially those counter-spells, such as "Legendary Dispersion", such as "Big "Cracking Technique"...

There is no inventory of these two spells, and the underground space is small. However, they are also helpless against the "Rainbow Magic Wall".

But there are three undead archmages.

Relatively speaking, the three of them took the fewest shots. Although the legendary spells of the Ghost Archmage and the Lich Archmage were all used up at this moment, their reserves of ninth-level spells were still quite sufficient.

It's a pity that their cooperation with Laila and others is too poor in terms of tacit understanding.

At this moment, no one performed the "Great Disintegration Technique" at all.

Isaac already knew this.

If you can clearly identify the spells cast by Mo Kui, how can you miss your own side?


"Overlimit-instant-time stops!"

It was almost completed at the same moment as the "Advanced Roaring Technique", and it was even completed half a moment before the spells of everyone around him.

The spell slot from the mage profession stopped for the last time today and was instantly released beyond the limit.

Once again, everything came to a standstill before Isaac's eyes.

Four round time!

"The majesty of the eagle!"

Following "Fox's Cunning", another status spell has been added.

This is a temporary boost to the Charisma attribute.

The charm attribute is mainly related to the strength of the warlock's spells. However, Isaac has the specialty of "spell assimilation", so naturally it is not used to increase the spell strength of the warlock profession.

The charm attribute is directly related to the intensity of his "majestic aura"!

At this moment, improving the charm attribute means that he is ready to unfold his true body!

And since the real body is already prepared...

"Exceeding the limit - remaining magic power - powerful - extremely effective - touch of the ghost fetus!"

"Energy Control-Evil Energy Replacement!"

"Arcane Hand!"

The moment the spell was completed, there was endless darkness and evil. At this moment, he seemed to be possessed by the Lord of Purgatory.

Such evil power is even stronger than the "Ghost Touch" he used when fighting the "Wailing Girl"!


In the third round, this is still projection!

For no other reason than to use the projection as the source point, this spell can make contact with the "rainbow wall" as quickly as possible, and even the Felin Demon Sunflowers behind it!

Of course, there is the obstacle of the "rainbow light wall" in front of him. Although Isaac's projection is still projected into the opposite space, it cannot surpass the "rainbow light wall".

The next moment the projection is released.

Use projection as the source of spells.

"The Great Disintegration Technique!"

In the last round, it is natural to destroy the "Rainbow Light Magic Wall".

However, considering the 40-foot-radius burst range of "Great Disintegration"...

"Shape Control!"

Inevitably, Isaac has to perform some temporary manipulation of this spell area.

In this way, wait until the moment when the "Great Disintegration Technique" is completed and ejected again.

This is also the time when time stops and all time velocity layers return to the same level.

When the terrifying fluctuations that disintegrated all magic effects and magic items exploded directly in front of the "rainbow wall".

In an instant, the colorful light of the "Rainbow Dharma Wall" disappeared.

What's more, the terrifying fluctuations of the "Great Disintegration Technique" are still surging suddenly and spreading instantly.

In less than a blink of an eye, this great terror has already put the multi-headed magic sunflowers under threat, especially those that are casting spells and those in a spell state.

The one who is casting the spell is naturally the three heads directly opposite Storm, Dove and the others.

And with the magic state...

I have just finished using the "Lord of the Underground", and I haven't even started to use the first "Earthquake Technique" yet!

Faced with the spread of the "Great Disintegration Technique", these magic sunflowers...

(Today is still a little less. I have been busy with all the big and small things at the end of the year for two days in a row. When I got home today, I felt panicked. It was too empty)

(I will start making up for the arrears tomorrow)

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