Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1111 Continuous Bombardment

"Found him!"

Today is not yesterday after all.

Yesterday, it was thrown directly from the ground to the ground, and it was still trapped in the "giant mountain". It was not only hindered by the mountain itself, but also severely restricted by the "shadow shield".

Today is different.

Gray Cloak Mountain is the most important lair of the Demon Sunflowers.

Here, even the "shadow shield" cannot prevent them from contacting the essence of magic.

In this mountain range, the Demon Kui people have laid countless magic traps, and there are also an equal number of protective barriers.

In addition, today's Mo Kui has been prepared for a long time...

Just as Simpson's first round of magic ritual began, he was interrupted halfway by the creation of the "Crazy Magic Area".

He had been observing all the signs around him with high vigilance. Suddenly, Griffith, the leader of the Demon Sunflower in the form of thunder, had infinite magic power burning and shooting out in his eyes.

Suddenly, the sky was composed of countless chains of lightning, and also incorporated unimaginable psychic powers. A huge and incomparable net almost completely enveloped the sky above Gray Cloak Mountain.

And it is with the coverage of this lightning net.

Almost at the same moment.

Griffith and Samuel's eyes lit up again.

Found the target!

The lightning snare released by Griffith is a legendary spell created by the power of lightning that he is best at, combined with the leader of the magic sun's destiny ability in psychic illusion.

With this, even if the target is not within the direct range of the snare, as long as it is not too far away, the lightning energy can be directly and accurately projected onto the target through radiation to the mind and soul.

At this time, this lightning snare was released.

Above the sky, it was not directly swept up by the net. In the sky higher up, there was an extremely strong arc of lightning that suddenly flared up.

There are so many of them, now we have found our target!

However, when I noticed this.

Griffith and Samuel's eyes lit up at first, but almost the next moment, both of them, there was another solemn look in their eyes.

The power of lightning was projected away, and at the same time, the mental coercion effect in the net was undoubtedly over.


Vaguely, high above the sky, a magic shield that was as transparent as the air, with only a faint glow at this time, fell into their eyes.

It's this shimmer shield.

Whether it is lightning projection or mental coercion, Griffith's legendary spells, which are based on the destiny ability as the core, are completely unable to break through.

As a result, the two of them were unable to directly see the target's exact figure despite being invisible within the shield.

"Do it with all your strength!"

"Quick victory!"

"Simpson, be careful over there!"

In an instant, three messages came out of Griffith's mind.

The first two steps, of course, involve Samuel and the other two demons working together to deal with the biggest threat in the sky.

The last one pointed to a certain direction outside the shield.

Unimaginably powerful primitive magical energy erupted over there.

Even through the "shadow shield", these magic sunflowers can directly sense the powerful threat coming from over there.

This...it should be the green dragon from yesterday, taking action again!

Such a distance is already beyond the range of their "Legendary Dispersion Technique", so it is obviously impossible for them to disperse it in advance by themselves.

And it cannot be dispersed in advance. Once the spell over there is completed...

I'm afraid only Simpson can stop this!

Gray Cloak Mountain is a territory controlled by Simpson, and all magical protections there are completely under Simpson's control.

To block the green dragon's legendary spell, I'm afraid this is only possible if Simpson fully enables and activates all these magical protections!


This threat in the sky belongs to them!

After they resolve, or at least contain, this threat so that it cannot continue to interfere.

Simpson needs to catch the attack from the green dragon!


Simpson was already flying out of the "Crazy Magic Zone" quickly, and he was able to sense the magic fluctuations outside the barrier.

However, at this time, it was too late to re-construct the magic circle and perform ultra-long-range ritual spells such as "Great Collapse" or "Legendary Projection".

in this way……

There was a wave of thought in his mind, and he briefly responded to Griffith and the two of them.

The Lord of the Gray Cloak Mountain, his crimson body shaped like demonic flames, followed by waves of ripples that were both demonic and contained unimaginable magic power. In an instant, the ripples spread across the gray Everywhere in Cloak Mountain.

Suddenly, the entire mountain range was plunged into endless darkness.

As if some giant mountain beast was waking up and struggling again, the whole earth trembled.


But it's not just the earth here that's shaking.

At this moment, from the surging direction of the endless magical energy, there was also a strong earthquake. In the fluctuations that the Felin Demon Sunflowers were very familiar with, the earth was torn apart again.

A huge mountain rose into the sky again!

Sure enough, it was the green dragon taking action!

Not only Simpson, but Griffith and Samuel also shrank in their eyes.

But at this time, the two Mo Kui leaders couldn't care less.

If there is any further delay, the "interference cooldown" will end for this threat in the sky, and in turn, it may affect Simpson's protection and blocking!

"Legendary Dispelling Technique!"

Samuel took the lead and raised his claws.

Targeting the shimmering shield, a dark green light suddenly shot into the sky.

Wait for the light to intersect with the shield.

"Composite Spellcasting - Mastery of Metamagic - Instant - Extremely Effective - Ice and Fire Storm!"

Griffith was only half a moment behind him. He prepared a powerful super magic spell above the level 11 spell slot, which instantly landed on the ground and flew into the sky.

Almost at the same time.

The Mo Kui at the other two ends also threw out damaging instant spells, followed closely by a "Time Stop".

However, it was they who targeted the one in the sky and completed this wave of spell attacks...

Suddenly, all Mo Kui's eyes shrank at the same time at this moment.

The sky suddenly darkened.

Above the shadow shield, a hemispherical giant mountain made entirely of rocks was teleported directly!

A teleportation arrived.

Boom! !

It was like the sky was collapsing and the earth was cracking. With immeasurable power, the entire mountain suddenly fell down.

This scene...

The three leaders of the magic sunflowers are all ancient magic sunflowers that have existed since the era of the collapse of the magic dynasty.

The fall of this mountain gave them a sign of doom after the Magic Dynasty's floating city was destroyed by them.

In the past, even if they fell into this area of ​​influence, leaving could only be done by teleportation.

But at this time...

"Instant - Luzian's frequent leaps!"

At this time, Silinxi also fell under the suppression of the mountain.

Next there is the "Instant Legendary Dispelling Technique" and a bunch of attack spells...

While the person was still within the shimmering shield, a ray of teleportation spiritual light flashed on Silinxi.

The next moment, her figure, complete with shimmering shield, appeared above the mountain.

The many spells coming from below, not to mention breaking through the shimmering shield created by "Spell Shifting", absolutely blocked all spells, and even her location could not be locked.

It was easy to use Isaac's legendary spell to completely avoid all attacks below.


The connection is perfect, and the interference cooldown ends immediately.

It was Simpson who was manipulating the various magical protections in Gray Cloak Mountain.

A "magical area of ​​madness" enveloped Simpson's body once again.

The activation and activation of the magic barrier had just begun to show some signs, but was interrupted again.

At the same time, the giant mountain in the sky was also speeding up rapidly. The impact, the shocking power, in just a blink of an eye, had actually produced a terrifying force that could destroy the heaven and the earth.

Such suppression from the front...

"Another mistake!"

All the Mo Kui, even if they were not mentally prepared for this, still changed their expressions again after all.

Yesterday, the Green Dragon's legendary spell only drove the giant mountain to bombard it, so it took a longer time to accumulate momentum.

Today, this was actually "teleported" directly, directly on top of their heads...

In this way, not only did the one in the sky directly avoid their counterattack by using this huge mountain, but he was also restrained and interfered with Simpson's actions again.

What's more serious is... they don't have enough response time!

In this way...

"not good!"

"Damn it!"

There was a secret curse in their hearts, but these Mo Kui didn't have any contingency plans for this.

Except for Simpson, who quickly flew out of the "Crazy Magic Zone", all the magic sunflowers cast their spells again.

"Transformed spirit body!"

It’s also a “transformed spirit body”, but it’s just as different now as it was yesterday.

In yesterday's battlefield, they didn't know the underground environment at all, so after being trapped in the "Sky Star", they had no choice but to break out.

Today was different. They were very familiar with the terrain under Gray Cloak Mountain.

Today, Gray Cloak Mountain was knocked down by the mountains above the sky. In the spirit form, they were confident enough to escape from the ground.


"Disperse, then surround and attack!"

There was another wave of Mo Kui's telepathy.

In response to the order, from the endless darkness of Gray Cloak Mountain, a group of beholders and the Dead Eye Tyrant flew into the sky again.

Mountain bombardment.

The vast majority of beholders obviously cannot withstand such an impact.

Let them wait for death here instead of letting them further distract the one in the sky.

But it was issued in response to their orders...

Even the mountains falling from the sky have not really hit Gray Cloak Mountain.

The earth was once again violently shaken at this moment.

Synchronized with this shock, still outside the "shadow shield", once again, the endless vastness and endless majestic primitive magic energy appeared again.

The look of horror also appeared in the eyes of all Mo Kui at the same moment.

It's the green dragon!

Unexpectedly, the spell here has not really hit yet, but over there, in the second round, the same vast spell ritual has begun again!


The first "Earth Explosion Star" finally hit the Gray Cloak Mountain completely.

A huge collision of celestial bodies in an instant.

It completely exceeded the limit of normal sound. All life, even the Felin Demon Sunflower itself, even these Demon Sunflowers, there are still people who quickly completed the "transformation of the spirit body".

But still, under the endless shock and impact, even Mo Kui was unable to stabilize even after he had just completed the "spiritual body form". He was directly transformed from a virtual body into a material body.

Under such shock!

Under such an impact...

Rumble, rumble! !

Gray Cloak Mountain is actually collapsing!

There was also the main peak, which was crushed and crushed by this shock, directly broke and toppled over!

Then the "star" is also pressing down and falling...

There were rubble flows everywhere, burying countless monsters lurking in them, especially the collapse of the main peak, which caused the magic sunflowers below to scatter and dodge.

That's when.

Once again, it was already dark and deep enough, but the sky became dark again.

As if, the second "Earth Explosion Star" was "teleported" again!

"Luzian's frequent movements!"

Then, Silinxi's figure flashed again, and then appeared on the "celestial star" again.

In this way, he not only avoided the beholders that were flying towards him from all around.

More at the same time...


It was still the "Crazy Magic Zone", still locked on Simpson, and another round of interference was launched.

The success of this intervention.

The endless flow of gravel, the toppling main peak, and the pressing "Sky Star" behind it completely submerged Simpson's location.

Even the ground where Gray Cloak Mountain is located cannot withstand such an impact, and a large area is dented.

But this is far from over.

It was the second "Earth Explosion Star", followed by the same power, which was suppressed again.

"Earth Explosion Sky Star!"

Outside the "Shadow Shield", with the original magical energy that penetrates reality and illusion, the third "Earth Explosion Star" is launched again.


It is different from the previous two rounds.

For this third "Earth Explosion Star", Isaac did not invest in the "Teleport" effect.


Stepping on the "Sky Star", Isaac actually drove the giant mountain, pointing directly at the Gray Cloak Mountain from the sky above the "Shadow Shield".

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