Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1117 The power of the secret ritual (4)


Not good!

The predecessor of "Dark Energy Core" is "Myser Energy Core". Its infinite original evil magic energy can be extracted by any spellcaster as long as he is in the evil camp and has a sufficient "Spell Knowledge" level. .

This also means that any spell caster from the evil camp can seize control of this sacred weapon.

Of course, you can come and take it, but that doesn't mean you can take it from Simpson's hands.

Simpson's destiny advancement is completed through "dark energy core".

He is closely related to the "dark energy core" and the essence of evil magic, which is innately related.

Coupled with his high enough "spell knowledge" level.

Over the years, not to mention outsiders, even within the Mo Kui clan, no one has ever been able to wrest from him, even if it only shakes, his control over the "dark energy core"!

Because of this, the first moment the green dragon chased him, although he knew that the green dragon was coming towards the "dark energy core", he still did not realize that the green dragon was able to seize it in this way. Even depriving him of control over the "dark energy core".

Using the power of power to seize control is equivalent to strangulating the neck of the "dark energy core" from its source.

Such means...

The green dragon at this moment really looked like the incarnation of a god!

Even though Simpson has already realized all this, but...

With his eyes narrowed, Simpson's heart suddenly sank.

He has no idea to resist this seizure!

At least, for a while, he couldn't think of any direction of thought!

And once the control of the "Dark Energy Core" is seized by the green dragon...

Most of the reason why Gray Cloak Mountain has become one of Mo Kui's two lairs within the "Shadow Shield" is because of the "Dark Energy Core".

Once the "dark energy core" is captured by the green dragon and quickly controlled, it is even possible that it will directly cause him, including Simpson and others, to be restricted by the "shadow shield" again before they can escape.

In this way...

"He must be dealt with!"

"Solve it as quickly as possible before he becomes familiar with the manipulation of the 'Dark Energy Core'!"

Shrouded in the scorching smoke formed by the "Burning Cloud Technique", Simpson couldn't see clearly what was going on over there with the Green Dragon.

However, there was one thing he knew well.

His "Great Disintegration Technique" was countered by the opponent.

But the "Rainbow Shield" on the opposite side should still be there.

In this case, if he wants to break through this protective spell first, and then attack this person...

Conventional spells can only rely on "Great Disintegration", otherwise, legendary spell casting is necessary!

Moreover, this only attacks this person.

This green dragon must far exceed his vitality strength, so this must be truly solved...

"There is no chance of cheating!"

"With his magical attainments, the only solution is to completely submerge him with the most violent spell craze!"

With this idea settled, Simpson finally started to cast the spell.

"Rainbow Sphere!"

A colorful shield with a radius of 10 feet quickly enveloped him.

Although he was preparing to use the spell craze to completely submerge the green dragon.

But during the stoppage, necessary protection was required, which did not waste any of Simpson's time.

With this shield, most of the spells from the Green Dragon will be completely ignored by him. Furthermore, his spell attacks can be more violent and unreserved!

However, when creating this magic shield, Simpson slightly deviated from the "dark energy core".

At this time, the "Dark Energy Core" is already out of control. If the "Rainbow Sphere" comes into direct contact with the "Dark Energy Core", it will inevitably cause some conflict between the sacred weapon and the shield. .

Although the "Rainbow Light Sphere" has the function of destroying all spells, including spell effects, Simpson naturally does not think that the "Rainbow Light Sphere" can have any real effect against such a powerful sacred weapon as the "Dark Energy Core" , I'm afraid, everything will be turned upside down.

"Higher heroism!"

The first round is about thinking about how to deal with it.

In the second round, the ninth level spell "Rainbow Sphere" was performed.

In this third round, Simpson was still casting defensively.

The sixth-level magic "Advanced Heroism" not only allows him to obtain a full range of immunity enhancements and a temporary increase in vitality, but most importantly, this spell also gives him immunity to "fear"!

And the majestic aura of the green dragon is exactly what causes fear!

I know that this green dragon has intimidated many demons, especially those elders at the extreme level.

Simpson is not arrogant and thinks that he will never be affected.

Moreover, whether it is dragon power or majestic aura, these are all special abilities.

The resulting shock effect is not blocked by the "Rainbow Light Sphere".

This is also the fundamental reason why Simpson piles up "exemptions" and is immune to "fear".

"The Great Disintegration Technique!"

The fourth round was also the last round when time stopped.

Without performing the legendary dispelling, Simpson raised his huge body and raised his claws, reaching out of the range of the "Rainbow Sphere".

Cast spells quickly.

A ray of magic light shot out, and instantly, a huge cracking field was formed, spreading to the top of the cave.

The continuation of "time stands still" is also over.

When all the speed flow layers instantly return to unity.

In the area covered by the "Rainbow Sphere", the scorching smoke that obstructed the line of sight was quickly destroyed by the colorful shield.

Although this destruction did not completely destroy all the scorching smoke, at least in front of Simpson's eyes, all the scenes were roughly revealed.


"Rainbow Shield!"

"Spirit form!"

He was right to choose Disintegration instead of Legendary Dispel.

Although "Legendary Dispersion" can also perform area-wide dispersion, compared to the 40-foot radius spread of "Great Disintegration", it is much smaller.

With "Legendary Dispelling", he can certainly dispel all spells and spell effects in the area where the green dragon is, including the transformation, but it has no effect on the "projection" that has been cast near him.

If the green dragon were to withstand his "dispersion" and use "projection" as the source to attack him, he would inevitably be a little passive.

The "Great Disintegration Technique" is different. Not only can it solve the "projection" together, so that the green dragon must cast spells from its own position, but most importantly, the "Great Disintegration Technique" poses a threat to the disintegration of magic equipment. This is the green dragon's ability to cast spells from its own position. The dragon couldn't ignore it anymore.

The only pity is.

At this time, the "Dark Energy Core" is no longer under his control. Otherwise, with the increase provided by the "Dark Energy Core", his caster level, which has fallen to level 34, will be directly increased to level 39, and the spell intensity will be increased. There was a similar increase.

With such a caster level and such spell intensity, the threat to the green dragon, especially the possibility of breaking through the green dragon's will resistance and disintegrating the magic equipment he is equipped with, is undoubtedly greater.

Of course, this is only an ideal consideration.

In fact, Simpson also knew that this "Big Disintegration Technique" alone could not pose a direct threat to the Green Dragon.

After two days of fighting, he certainly knew that the green dragon also mastered "compound casting".

Although it's not as good as his ability to cast spells three times per round, it can still be cast twice.

A "quick shot - time stops", but this was only done once.

Therefore, his "Great Disintegration Technique" was more aimed at limiting the Green Dragon's remaining "quick spell" to counterattack or legendary dispelling.

As long as the green dragon "cooperates"...

The next rhythm is naturally under his control.

At least, in the next round, it’s up to him to start a spell frenzy!

"With this wave, we must suppress him completely!"

At the moment when the "Great Disintegration Technique" was fired, a cold light flashed in Simpson's eyes.

He knew it well.

This first round of spell confrontation is his biggest opportunity today.

If he fails to win the overall game in the first round...

Not only is the "dark energy core", but Simpson has not ignored the reality that his level 9 spell consumption is also far higher than that of the green dragon.

The green dragon only had one shot of "Standing Time" and one shot of "Great Disintegration".

On his side, including the "Meteor Explosion" shot above the ground, the "Destruction Sphere" shot here, the two "Great Disintegration Techniques", as well as one "Time Stop" and one " "Rainbow Spell", but this level nine magic has been used six times.

Today, above the ninth level of magic, he only has two shots left.

If the Green Dragon cannot be completely suppressed in the first round, the chance will drop sharply in the second round, and in the third round, it will be basically impossible.

Therefore, whether it is from the perspective of "dark energy core" or from the perspective of spell consumption, the next few seconds are the most critical moment that determines everything!

But even so, Simpson still remained calm enough, staring coldly at the spirit body above. He did not continue to cast spells immediately, but patiently waited for the reaction from there.

"Overlimit-instant-time stops!"

The leader of Mo Kui is seizing the opportunity.

Isaac never missed anything on the other side.

The state of "mysterious power" is a direct manifestation of "evil magical power", or at least a direct manifestation of part of the power.

At this moment, his insight into all magic is far more acute and profound than at any other time or in any state.

With just one glance, not only the "Great Disintegration Technique", not only the "Rainbow Light Sphere", he even saw through the seven-colored shield of the "Rainbow Light Sphere" and discerned that the leader of the Demon Sunflower had attached himself in advance. The reason for becoming a "high-level hero" is obviously because of his "majestic aura".

This moment of analysis is complete.

In the front, the "Great Disintegration Technique" was also controlled by the leader of Mo Kui, and it produced a disintegration effect field at the most suitable position with extremely high precision.

Seeing this cracking field, it quickly began to spread.

Isaac's scepter was lifted once, still from the sorcerer profession, and once again, there was another shot of "Time Stops".

Three rounds of time!

But it’s enough!

At this moment, the cracking field has not been able to truly envelope his "projection".

Calculating the final spread of the cracked field, using "projection" as the source point of the spell.

"Rainbow Dharma Wall!"

Coming from the Warlock profession, a colorful magic wall was formed directly in front of the "rainbow light magic wall" of leader Mo Kui.

Simpson's calculation of the remaining spells was too accurate.

The final spread of his "Great Disintegration Technique" can not only cover the top of the cave, where Isaac is, but also the projection cast by Isaac below, but it will not affect him. The "Rainbow Light Sphere" where I am, is even more...

In the previous manipulation, he had moved the "Destruction Sphere" to the front.

Simpson did not give up on the powerful lethality of the "Destruction Sphere" and continued to control this ninth-level spell.

Therefore, the disintegration field of the "Great Disintegration Technique" will eventually spread to the location of the "Destruction Sphere".

Isaac's "Rainbow Light Wall" at this moment is exactly formed between the "Destruction Sphere" and the "Rainbow Sphere"!

Based on the characteristics of the "Rainbow Magic Wall", if Simpson wants to break through this magic wall and continue to cast spells on him, he will either have to break through with legendary magic, or he will have to perform the "Great Disintegration Technique" "The disintegration of ", or the dispersion of "Legend Dispel".

Forcing a breakthrough with a legendary spell was just a blow. Isaac didn't think that he couldn't even withstand one of Mo Kui's legendary spells.

And if it is to "crack" or "disperse"...

This couldn't be better.

Whether it is the "Great Disintegration Technique" or the "Legendary Dispersion Technique", it is impossible to destroy the "Rainbow Light Magic Wall" due to the limitation of the spell range, which will no longer affect him.

Therefore, even if Simpson performs instant destruction, if he wants to attack him again after that, he can only use standard spells.

In his spiritual form, he didn't even need to go up. He could avoid the direction of certain spells by retreating into the endless collapse caused by the bombardment of the "First Star".

"Today, he must have consumed at least six ninth-level spells."

"With this amount of consumption, even if his charm attribute can reach 40 points, there will only be two rounds left of these ninth-level spells at most."

"Plus the remaining two legendary spells..."

In his heart, Isaac was absolutely sure. With the creation of his "Rainbow Wall", the leader of the Demon Sunflower no longer had any hope!

Precisely because of this, he did not even perform the "Extremely Effective Super Magic" for this "Time Stop".

This is simply not necessary!

Of course, even though he had this absolute certainty, he could not be careless because of it.

"Protective spell!"

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