Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1119 The End and the Beginning

"Evil magical power!"

Under the ground, although due to the continuous "time standstill", Isaac's "power of the secret ritual" actually only lasted in the normal flow velocity layer for a few dozen seconds.


Rarely, Silinxi's gem-like eyes revealed a truly dignified look!

Although she already has an extremely high position on this green dragon, and even thinks that he has the qualifications to contain the one in the Tomb of the Warlock King, but she still has no idea about this scene at this moment. Any expectations.

Although the lady has made a promise related to this green dragon, this does not mean that she can now get involved in the field of "evil magic power"!

Today, if it weren't for the "dark energy core" controlled by Simpson, which really attracted this person, I am afraid that this person has already been involved in the "evil magic power" matter, and no one would have known about it. , even, even just doubt!

"Dragon Madness and Mysterious Suo are about to go, and the giant dragon clan is indeed full of strange things!"

Only in the past thousand years, there have only been five-color evil dragons and those branches of color dragons.

The legendary dragons that Silinxi knew were better.

There is even a legendary dragon among them that can be compared with this green dragon. Even in ancient times, there is no doubt that it is a legendary dragon at the level of the true Dragon King!

In addition, among the dragon clan, there are also those ancient dragons that have experienced many times of dragon madness, but still exist, and even still maintain their vitality...

This era may be the most powerful period for the dragon clan after the era of the ancient dragon empire.

The reason why.

The reason why it can be so.

Silinxi actually knew a little bit about the inside story.

This must be related to the one who is revered by the giant dragon as the "Father of Dragons"!

Although the dragon god system has declined in this world, the existence of that one is like the main god of elves, at least a truly great existence that spans multiple planes!

With his intervention, in this era when dragon madness is coming to an end, it is normal for the dragon clan to see a revival.

However, Silinxi didn't worry too much about this.

This era belongs to the human race!

The many powerful divine powers of the local pantheon are such that any other pantheon must give up its dominant position!

If not, how could the Elf Lord have made the prophecy of the "Great Retreat" in ancient times?

If not, in the later period of the Elf King's court, how could she assist the three generations of Mian Wang to create Myst Drannor, where all races coexist harmoniously?

If the dragon clan wants to revive, they are standing opposite to the human race, and in turn, they are standing opposite to the local god system!

Naturally, she doesn't need to worry too much about this.

Moreover, the local pantheon does not even have to take action.

"Once Long Kuang Mi Suo is gone, the Platinum Dragon King will officially return."

"His return will surely once again set off an eternal battle between the metal dragon and the five-color dragon!"

"With such an eternal battle, no matter how much foundation the dragon clan has, it will be completely consumed in this endless civil war!"

"Even if they can break off the war on their own like in ancient times...this means that they have given up their belief in the Dragon God again."

"Without this belief, there is no possibility of the revival of the dragon god system."

"Without the revival of the dragon god system, the power of these dragons will be nothing more than rootless pings!"

From this perspective, she has nothing to worry about.

From the green dragon, from the "evil magic power", from the "dark energy core", Silinxi flashed countless thoughts in an instant.

At this moment, through the "spell transfer", her eyes suddenly moved again.

Below, the green dragon quickly completed the control of the "dark energy core".

When that magic field is closing.

From the level of "magic essence", she has already seen the magical effect of the "transformation spirit body" that is quickly going underground.



I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Without wasting any more time on the Green Dragon's side, through "spell transfer", Silinxi once again became a "crazy magic area", accurately created at the location of the "transformed spirit body".

That's it.

As the three "sky stars" destroyed Gray Cloak Mountain, Kelben and others from behind also flew in one after another.

As soon as the collapse of the Gray Cloak Mountain area slowed down a little, with the help of Galeron, they quickly pursued and killed the Demon Suns where they were fleeing.

Following this, the elven army behind, especially the Sky Knights, quickly came closer.

Although under the crushing force of the three "celestial stars", most of the monsters here were completely dead.

But there are always a few monsters that have the ability to fly or are incorporeal, and there are still scattered remnants.

Inevitably, the final crackdown was carried out.

It was as this crackdown unfolded.

Before there was a little more time, suddenly, from somewhere in the "First Star", following a "dissociation" attack, a dark tunnel extended from the inside out.

From this tunnel, Isaac returned to his human form. Isaac grabbed the "Dark Energy Core" with one hand and flew straight into the sky.

When the "Dark Energy Core" is under his control, at this moment, he already has the ability to cast spells at will within the "Shadow Shield".

As for the continuous impact damage of "Dark Energy Core"...

Simpson can endure it for a period of time, and his vitality is far greater than Simpson's, not to mention naturally.


Simpson is a warlock, so he has no direct means of restoring vitality, but he is different.

The continuous impact damage of the "dark energy core" can be easily solved by giving himself a "medical skill" every once in a while.

Compared with the consumption in this area...

"Endless magic energy!"

"A magical field that is almost mystical and can weave spell effects!"

"The spellcasting performed through it, the caster level and spell strength both have an increase of 5 levels!"

"Before such a function, this impact damage and this medical consumption are not worth mentioning at all!"

While flying into the sky, Isaac also canceled the duration of the "Destruction Sphere".

It was through the use of this "Destruction Sphere" that he had accurately determined the spell amplification effect of the "Dark Energy Core".

In terms of caster level and spell power, "Dark Energy Core" can both provide an increase of five levels!

Such a magnitude, even for him who possesses "powerful magic" and "spell power", is still a big improvement.

Of course, this function is actually the most inconspicuous function for the "Dark Energy Core" itself.

That endless source of magic can be extracted!

That is a magical field that is similar to Misuo, and even in some aspects, is superior to Mizuo!

These two are the real core of "Dark Energy Core"!

What Isaac values ​​most is also these two!

Such a holy weapon has been obtained, and at this time, Kelben and others are not here...

"let's go!"

Isaac is just right.

One flew out of the "shadow shield", and with a thought in his mind, the voice of command was transmitted to the souls of three undead servants.

Then another "SMS" was sent to the loyal servants, and the order to retreat was also sent.

It was the kobolds over there who immediately withdrew to the resister's fortress.

"The overall situation has been decided, so I will take the first step. Madam, there is no need to see me off!"

On the one hand, Isaac led the three undead archmages and also flew to the magic tower, while on the other hand, he sent another "SMS".

The news naturally spread to Laila.

Of all the people here, the one he is most familiar with and has some friendship with is this one.

Moreover, at this time, Laila and the others were chasing Mo Kui. Even if they knew that he was leaving, they would not turn around and cause any accidents.

"Thank you for your majesty's help. It is inconvenient to see you off today. I will make a special trip to thank your majesty another day!"

Laila's reply came soon after.

Just as he predicted, at this time, getting rid of as many demons as possible is their top priority.

Ignoring her anymore, Isaac sent out the third "SMS", but he told Danilo something.

After a while, Isaac walked directly through the plane door under the magic tower, led all the servants, and the adamantine golem, and returned directly to the temporary demiplane.

Inevitably, the door to this dimension was completely closed.

Only then, through the creation of a plane gate again, did he finally return to his old nest.

First, let the three ghost masters return to their respective places.

He also asked his loyal servants to retreat and rest.

That's it...

"It's not easy to carry it with you. We have to conduct research on this sacred instrument, but there is no time at the moment."

"Place it in the 'Dragon Castle' demiplane first!"

The Dragon's Castle demiplane was where he created the "Wheel of Eternity" and had already deployed an unknown number of counter-prophecy and counter-detection spells.

If you place the "Dark Energy Core" here and have the adamantine golem to guard you nearby, you don't have to worry about any accidents happening!

In this way, the matter of Efraska can be completely put aside.


"It's time for the dragons to gather!"

Think of the five-color dragon gathering.

Isaac's heart moved again.

The last time he left, he had not yet interacted with the "Snake God" of the "Lord of Evil".

Therefore, although he was vaguely hostile to the Storm King Sect because of the "former Red Robe Witch King" incident, at least he was not prepared to directly attack this powerful sect.

However, with his meeting with the "Snake God", some more deals were struck.

In addition, the granting of the "power of the secret ritual" this time must have alarmed the "former Witch King"...

"The attack on the Storm Sect can be recorded on the schedule."

"I'll just borrow the help of LS Gran and do it without anyone noticing!"

"In this way, not only does it give Zehir an explanation, but it also weakens the help of the Witch King!"

As for how to persuade Ivy Cogland, and how to do it without being noticed...

Isaac had already made some preparations.

The "Dark Energy Core" was quickly placed deep in the castle, and the adamantine golem was closely guarded.

Isaac then walked out of the demiplane and used another "SMS" to directly contact Amn's blue dragon allies: "Ivy, one week from now, there will be a gathering of five-color dragons on the Pirate Islands in the Inner Sea. If you If you are interested, you can ask Arogathos to come on your behalf."

If he directly invited Ivy Keglan to participate in the five-color dragon gathering, this typical legendary blue dragon might still hesitate.

However, asking her daughter Arogathos to participate on her behalf was an obvious display of goodwill, and... it must have some deep meaning.


A short reply came from there.

However, since he invited this blue dragon ally, Isaac would not favor one over the other, and inevitably summoned Claudia Marta again.

Of course, he also did not invite the ancient green dragon to participate in person. He also signaled to Claudia Mata that her son Wogansalex could participate on his behalf.

After the incident with the Ancient One Tribe, Woganzagres had actually begun to follow him. However, Isaac was not prepared to completely bypass Claudia Marta when it came to the gathering of dragons.

"There is no need to summon Alexkle."

"Before the gathering of dragons, I will pay him a visit in person."

Although the Great Bone Dragon seems to be unable to be distracted by the war between the two ancient kingdoms of Unther and Mulhorand for the time being, it involves the Dragon Witch Cult and Sammaster, especially this old man. The guy was already paying attention, but Isaac didn't think he would really miss it.

Perhaps this "seemingly difficult to distract" thing is just for some people.

Therefore, before things in the cold place officially begin, Isaac needs to have some exchanges with this old guy.

in this way……

After a moment of pondering, I felt that nothing had been omitted.

Without alerting anyone, Isaac returned to his demiplane after the "message" was completed.

And soon passed through a magic door and was teleported directly to the cold place.

First, give the two ice demons of the great glacier a refresh of their "Command Technique" status.

They quickly returned to the royal capital of Damala.

The Year of Dragon Madness is getting closer and closer.

Perhaps the situation on Vasa's side is getting more and more serious. At this time, the Royal City is obviously on full alert.

However, this naturally does not affect Isaac's infiltration.

Nightfall is approaching.

It's still the same secret meeting room as before.

All the "employees" who received his summons rushed there one after another.

"Sir, three days ago, a major event occurred in the palace. Not only did a powerful magical phenomenon appear, but in the past few days, the royal city was even more difficult to enter and leave. Even the Knights of the Golden Cup were frequently dispatched and they were wiped out one after another. Several secret strongholds in the Assassin's Fortress..."

As soon as everyone arrived, the first person to report was Turs, the wealthy employee who had activated the beacon before and reported about the sister store, so this time there was no beacon that could be activated again, and he was unable to report the information again. .

The palace!

Magical phenomenon!

Knights of the Gold Cup!

Isaac was moved in his heart.

Not in a hurry to refresh the status of "Command Technique" immediately, he looked at the four employees: "Do you have any further information?"

When it comes to the palace, this may be related to the hero king.

This is normal. From what he knows, Sammaster and the Dragon Witch Cult have been staring at the King of Heroes for a long time.

Seeing that the Dragon Madness is approaching, and seeing that Sammaster's side is about to officially begin, he naturally wants to find something for the King of Heroes to do, making it difficult for him to concentrate on going to Vasa for a while!

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