Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1121 Interaction (Wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival)

(Wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival)

There was some hesitation in his heart, but Isaac's expression didn't move at all.

After Alexikler gave a brief introduction to some of the dragons that Sammaster called away, they were the most worthy of attention.

Only then did he speak.

"I would like to add two points."

"First, the 'Snow Queen' in the great glacier must have been attracted by Sammaster."

"Second, there should be a secret collusion between the shadow dragons of the Sambia faction and Ogason Nasere. In addition..."

His voice paused briefly, and his eyes met with Alexler calmly. After two breaths, Isaac continued: "The news is not absolutely certain, but there are certain signs that those who colluded with these shadow dragons, except In addition to the power of the Dark King's sect led by Ogasun Nasere, there should be a Dracolich despised by the Dragon Queen!"

In response to Isaac's voice, there was a flash of light in Alex's soul eyes.

That's it for "Snow Queen".

Although Alexikle is entrenched in the ancient kingdom, he still knows the chosen one of the "Winter Goddess".

Although the power of the "Snow Queen" is qualified to be equal to him, this person will not leave the "Great Glacier", which means that even if Sammaster forms an alliance with this person, it will not will become his real enemy.

However, King Red said that in collusion with the shadow dragon clan headed by Yagluo Rosa, in addition to Ogasun Nasere, there was actually a dragon who was spurned by the Dragon Queen. Lich!

"This one really deserves his reputation!"

"It seems that there must be someone from him among the core of Dragon Witch Cult!"

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and Alexei slowly realized the changing colors in his eyes.

In fact, he also knew the inside story of the collusion between Yaglorosa, Ogason and others.

In the past, Sammaster's earliest research on the "dead dragon" was actually in the border mountains of the ancient kingdom.

He even knew that Sammaster's initial research was not on "dracolich", but on trying to create a "vampire dragon" that was similar to "vampire" but even more powerful.

This research was indeed successful. Its first partner, or test subject, was a high-level smoke dragon with considerable strength.

Unfortunately, although the research on the "Vampire Dragon" was successful, Sammaster quickly gave up on this research.

Like vampires, the "vampire dragon" has similar weaknesses, but it is too restrictive.

Sammaster looked down upon this kind of transformation that had obvious weaknesses and would be targeted by others.

Therefore, after abandoning this so-called "partner", Sammaster quickly adjusted his research direction to "dracolich".

At one time, Alex Leke also cooperated with him.

This former chosen one of the Goddess of Magic indeed has extraordinary and even unparalleled levels of research in the field of the undead.

Even though Alexkle was already a dracolich, he could still master the means to further enhance the essence of the "dracolich" by cooperating with him.

Therefore, if we really count, Alexkle is actually the original partner of Sammaster and Ogason-Nasere, and actually participated in the creation of the Sembia faction of the Dragon Witch Cult.

But in the end, he still fell out with Sammaster and the others.

Sammaster's research on dead dragons is not really intended to contribute to the prophecy that "dead dragons will rule the world".

Whether it's a "vampire dragon" or a "dracolich", the dead dragon can rule the world, but he must be the master of the dead dragon!

How could Alexkle be enslaved by him?

Of course, these are all things of the past.

Nowadays, Alex Le's influence in the Sambia faction has long since lost its influence. At most, it is only a little. He has been buried for hundreds of years, and he is no longer even a hidden line that can be manipulated!

However, although it is not ideal in terms of obeying orders, if these hidden clues have been buried long enough, they have either transformed into a dragon lich, or become a high-level lich in purple robes. It was Kudu that became the core of the Sambian faction.

Precisely because of this, it was impossible to completely hide the actions of Yagluo Rosa and Ogasun Nasere from him.

Even, just like Isaac, he was actually vaguely aware that besides Yagluosa, besides Ogason Nasere, there must be some forces lurking in the dark. For a time, the other side he suspected, But what Isaac said, it seems that the direction of his suspicion is still biased.

"A person spurned by the Dragon Queen?"

"I wonder which one your Majesty is referring to?"

With a flash of thought in his mind, Alexikler asked.

He had some numbers, so this person must have some suspicions, thinking that he had reservations.

I don’t want any mutual trust issues to arise between the two sides at this juncture.

Therefore, Alexler did not avoid this issue.

Moreover, he was actually curious as to whether the people despised by the Dragon Queen were the two people whom Isaac had informed him of under the orders of the Dragon Queen back then?

If true, who would it be?

"Suspected of Dogothos!"

"However, I haven't been able to pinpoint his true location, so I still have to ask you to pay attention to him secretly."

"Isn't it true that the Dragon Witch Cult matter can't be hidden from your eyes and ears?"

There are some hints in Isaac's words.

Even though he had parted ways with Sammaster and others long ago, the power controlled by Alexkle has always been the most powerful faction in the Dragon Witch Cult, at least one of them.

In the Dragon Witch Cult, this old guy, known as the "Great Bone Dragon", is the undoubted leader.

It was precisely because of this that Isaac suspected that the old guy was hiding something. After all, with the old guy's power and having been paying attention to the cold land for a long time, it was impossible for only those who had control over it.

Therefore, he was the one who revealed the inside story of the collusion between Agglorosa and Ogason.

Therefore, he even named the "Doomsday Reptile" Drogothos.

Let’s see what kind of reaction this old guy will have?


Although he already had some guesses, Alex's eyes still narrowed slightly.

The old immortal Dogothos also cooperated with the Dragon Witch Cult in the past.

However, after the old immortal successfully transformed into a dracolich with the help of the Dragon Witch Cult, he turned against him on the spot and almost completely destroyed the faction that was going to help him. .

After that, the old immortal also disappeared, and almost no one could grasp his whereabouts.

Unexpectedly, in the past, he stabbed the Dragon Witch Sect in the back. Today, this old immortal can actually collude with the Dragon Witch Sect!

However, with a flash of thought, Alexei somewhat understood what the old immortal was referring to.

There are various signs that Sammaster's improvements to the "dracolich ritual" this time even have "epochal" significance.

If Sammaster hadn't wanted to use this to dominate the dead dragon, it might not have been impossible for him to cooperate with Sammaster again.

He is like this, and Dogothos is no exception.

Even Yagluo Rosa and Ogasun were also eyeing this result.

"I will pay close attention to this matter."

"However, if it is really the reptile Dogothos, we must be more careful with our actions this time."

"Not only does this old reptile have magical abilities that are by no means inferior to anyone else, but more importantly, he is also sinister enough and tolerant..."

Alexikle said with a slightly solemn expression.

Then, before waiting for Isaac to continue, he changed his voice again: "However, in addition to this old guy, we may have to be wary of another one."

Looking at Isaac, the huge Dracolich, who was as big as the original dragon, said in a deep voice: "The tenth lord of the Nine Hells, the exiled Grand Duke of Hell, the reason why this man was able to walk out of the seal, It is also related to the Sambia Dragon Witch Cult.

However, this person and the Augasun faction have always been in hostility. Therefore, although I once suspected that he was sponsoring Aglorosa, it has always been just a suspicion and has never been truly confirmed.

Since His Majesty said that the one who colluded with Yagluosa should be Dogothos.

Then, the person this person is targeting may be the Sambia Dragon Witch Cult itself! "

Alexei showed his sincerity.

The Nine Hells, this is naturally Baator Hell.

There are only nine levels of the Nine Hells, and the theory of the tenth lord...

The Dragon Queen lives in the first level of Baator Hell. Isaac's understanding of the Nine Hells means that he naturally knows who Alexkle is referring to.

The exiled Grand Duke of Hell, Gargas, known as the "Tenth King of the Nine Hells"!

With a thought in his mind, Isaac recalled some information in the secret records of the Dragon Witch Cult.

It is said that hundreds of years ago, Gargas was a sponsor of the Dragon Witch Cult, which in turn led to the split of the Sambian faction of the Dragon Witch Cult.

A faction is led by a man named "Turava-Dragon Wing".

The other faction is mainly the believers of the Lord of Darkness, and it was led by Ogasun in the past.

This split and civil war ended with the death of these two men.

Following this, there was no further news from Gargas. No one knew whether he was still staying in the main material plane or whether he had returned to the lower plane.

But according to Alex Cole, there is no doubt that this person may not still be in the main material plane in his true form, but he has minions and influence and is still here!

Isaac's expression finally fluctuated.

He suspected that Alex had reservations, but he did not expect that what he was retaining was actually information related to the "Tenth Lord".

Without more information, it was difficult to judge for a while whether the appearance of this "tenth lord" would cause some changes that were beyond our control.

However, there is one thing that Isaac can confirm.

Lords of the Nine Hells vs. Lords of the Abyss.

Although the number of Abyss Lords is many times more than that of Nine Hell Lords.

But the ratio of numbers is the opposite. Generally speaking, the Nine Hell Lords are much more difficult to deal with than the Abyss Lords.

Compared with pure chaos and destruction, harsh order and evil conspiracies, the latter is naturally more difficult to deal with!

The appearance of Gargas may even be more difficult to deal with than the appearance of Kostchichi!


"The domain of Gargas should be in conflict with the Lord of Darkness. This is exactly what he will do. He will support Turawa-Dragon Wings and oppose Ogasun, thereby destroying the Lord of Darkness's sect's attempt to control the dominance of the Dragon Witch Cult. The source of power.”

"So, His appearance may not be a bad thing!"

Of course, that's the consideration, but...

Gargas is a true hell lord. How can the evil and conspiracy of the hell lord be easily seen through by others?

Isaac is not so arrogant as to think that he can take advantage of this "Tenth Lord"!

When the Hell Lord is taken advantage of by someone, then you should think deeply about whether this person has fallen into the Hell Lord's conspiracy and tricks!

Even the Dragon Queen suffered a series of defeats under the boss of the Nine Hells. How could he, who served the Dragon Queen, despise the conspiracy and tricks of the Hell Lord?

"Although it may not be a bad thing, but... it is out of control, there is no doubt about it!"

Fortunately, if it were just the Sambia Dragon Witch Cult, this would not be serious.

If Gargas really appears, he will not be intolerable to the Sambia faction if he gives up.

Moreover, when that time comes, there will naturally be those "righteous men" who will denounce this devil lord!

Of course he doesn't need to charge to the front!

After pondering for a moment, Isaac nodded slowly: "The Lord of Nine Hells is hard to predict. If it is really him, no matter whether his target is only in the Sambia faction, we still need to be more cautious. And be careful, if necessary, maybe you should ask the Dragon Queen for instructions..."

Whether it is the Dragon Worship Sect that respects the Dragon Queen or the emerging Dragon Witch Sect that respects the "Queen of Death", none of them want to see the influence of Gargoth penetrate into the Dragon Witch Sect. Come in.

When necessary, the Dragon Queen sends down support, which is what it should be!

Alexikler thought for a moment and nodded.

Because of the relationship with the Que Sen Tower, he has had some feelings towards the Dragon Queen recently.

However, he was still leading his men to resist Mulhorand's invasion.

On the one hand, this is true, and he also has great control over Unser.

But it is undeniable that he will work so hard, which is also the reason why he has a dragon queen.

If he hadn't always respected the Dragon Queen and wanted to join the Dark King's sect, they would definitely give him high enough treatment!

Isaac was right at this time. If there was a problem with Gargas, he really couldn't be affected by his emotions. He should really "cry" to the Dragon Queen!

Once Sammaster falls, he will already have his sights on the Sambian faction!

This cannot be easily accomplished by Gargas!

All kinds of thoughts were flashing through Alexkle's mind.

Suddenly, Isaac's voice came again.

"Jagos won't say anything yet."

"Over there in the cold place, is there any news about the rituals being carried out by Sammaster in the Dragon Witch Cult?"

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