Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1125 Gathering of Dragons (Part 2)

Regarding the legendary spell "Protective Dragon Madness", Isaac didn't care whether the secret was leaked or not.

In any other period, this legendary spell might have had long-term strategic significance for the dragon clan.

But at this juncture, this is only the last remaining effect.

Until this time, if the "Dragon Madness Mystery" is completely solved, not only the "Dragon Madness Protection", but also some secret "King Slayer Shield" will be completely meaningless.

It is precisely because of this that Isaac created this protective barrier here and opened it to all five-color dragon allies.

It was also for this reason that he casually let the Blue Dragon Envoy familiarize himself with the various barriers so that he could be responsible for receiving the giant dragons.

After using the blue dragon's hand, Isaac quickly fell into thinking again.

To use external force, the most common but also the most effective way is to perform rituals.

In order to make up for the innate shortcomings of "second nature", the ritual should have a corresponding source of power. It must not only be related to the "dragon", but also have the integration of "magic".

"The power of the secret ritual!"

"Dark energy core!"

"The relationship between the Dragon of Conferred Gods and the origin of dragons!"

"Besides...it's time to take charge of the holy weapon that Father Dragon left for me!"

There is no problem in using the combination of these four to make up for the shortcomings of "second nature" and achieve the transformation of the "magic dragon".


"There are still some problems!"

Isaac frowned slightly again due to some considerations in his mind.

Whether it is the power of the secret ritual or the dark energy core, these are closely related to the "evil magic field".

If we use them to make up for the lack of "magic nature"...

"I'm afraid that the final transformation will be the 'Evil Magic Dragon'!"

There is a gap between this and his original intention.


"Unlike the Dragon of Conferred Gods, the Dragon of Conferred Gods is the dragon's natural destiny. As long as you complete 12 professional level upgrades, you can reach the end, acquire divinity, and be promoted to a quasi-god."

"The magic dragon is impossible."

"If nothing else, the transformation of the Magical Dragon will be a 'template'!"

"Similar to the 'Purgatory Template', similar to the 'Heaven Template', but at a higher level than them, just like the 'Chosen Template'!"

If it's "Destiny Template" instead of "Destiny Profession"...

This naturally means that it cannot be like the "Dragon of the Gods", which can be improved step by step through professional channels, but it is like Satan and Owo who have similar destiny.

From this perspective, normally speaking, the final sublimation of this destiny is undoubtedly more difficult to achieve than the completion of the "Dragon of Conferred Gods".

However, this is just "normal".

After all, he is different from Satan, Ovo and the others.

"Dragon Magic Realm" is not his only destiny, not even his only destiny in the "Magic Realm"!

The mutual confirmation, coupled with his already mature theoretical system, at least in his own opinion, the promotion of "Magic Dragon" is not any more difficult than the "Dragon of Conferred Gods"!

"By tomorrow, the recovery and cooling of the 'Power of the Mystery' will be over."

"At that time, in the state of 'power of the secret ritual', think carefully..."

However, before this idea could be settled, Isaac suddenly frowned again in his heart.

The state of "power of mysteries" is closely related to the "power of evil magic", which can provide insight into the secrets of all evil magic.

In such a state, it is naturally the perfect state to think about the field of magic.


The current "power of the secret ritual" can only last for one minute temporarily, and has a recovery cooling time of three days. This makes it impossible to think completely!

Secondly...another thing occurred in his mind at this moment.

Conjurer's Castle and his party!

That "Secret Lord" Eltaba!

That "Nduru Shadow Crown"!

Most importantly, what he has been pursuing is to study the enslavement and control of the Abyss Lord, and even the Abyss Lord himself!

Although compared to the transformation of the "Magic Dragon", in Isaac's own opinion, the importance of this research is actually slightly less important.

However, the transformation of the "Magic Dragon" cannot be completed immediately.

As for the Conjurer's Castle and his party, this is already within Isaac's plan.

"The correlation between the 'Power of the Mystery' and the 'Evil Magical Power' is used to deduce the ultimate enslavement and control. This must be a perfect match. Even the 'Book of Darkness' can be put aside."

"If we can really use the 'Power of the Mystery', combined with at most the 'Book of Darkness' and the legendary 'Ndulu Shadow Crown', to complete the enslavement and control of Eltaba..."

"Before Butu and his party are finished, the state of 'Mysterious Power' should still focus mainly on this 'Final Slavery'!"

As he pondered, his thoughts basically settled down, but the frown in his heart was still there.

The backlog of research in hand is growing.

Transformation of the "Magic Dragon"!

And as a prerequisite for this transformation, the sacred weapon left by the Dragon Father in the deep layers of the "Dragon Origin" needs to be mastered in advance, and special ritual design is also required!

This "final slavery" again!

There is also the research on the "Dark Energy Core" and the creation of the "Eternal Wheel"!

After the Dragon Madness incident is over, the fate advancement of the "Wheel of Heaven" will continue!

In addition, "Ascending Dragon Transformation" also requires investment of time, energy, and resources...

"According to time, take your time one step at a time!"

"However, it is necessary to complete the research on the creation of incarnations and clones as soon as possible after the trip to the cold land is over!"

Today is different from the past. With the powerful sacred weapon "Dark Energy Core" in hand, Isaac is confident enough in the research and creation of incarnations and clones.

He is thinking constantly.

On the other side, the Blue Dragon Envoy was already busy.

Ancient Blue Dragon, at this age, is still far away from the research of legendary spells.

Therefore, after being unable to see through the legendary barrier of "Protective Dragon Madness", the Blue Dragon Envoy simply commanded the people of the Dragon Worship Sect to conduct internal environment changes on the completed barriers. transformation.

Being a dragon himself, the Blue Dragon Envoy naturally knows very well what kind of environment the dragons like.

With his command, the chaos on the island ended quickly, and the environment began to change in an orderly manner wherever the barriers were located.

And that's how it all evolved.

Sunset, curtain falls.

As time passed by unconsciously, the night was also falling and getting darker quickly.

It's late at night.

When the time comes for your regular meditation.

Finally, Isaac also woke up from his meditation.

But he did not enter meditation immediately.

"Come here early tomorrow, there's something urgent!"

First, he sent it with a "SMS".

After getting a positive reply from there.

Only then did Isaac begin to meditate.

Nothing happened all night.

On the second day, Isaac did not complete his daily routine of creating the barrier as early as yesterday.

Let the Blue Dragon Envoy continue to direct the congregation there.

He was still hiding on the mountain, only after quietly opening the "Legendary Hidden" effect.

"The power of the secret ritual!"

Everything has been prepared.

When the "Master Control Terminal", the "Power Card" that had been inserted long ago, was activated in the blink of an eye, it acted as an intermediary to connect Isaac's soul with the evil magic power.

Suddenly, the swelling feeling of endless mystery hit Isaac's soul again.

However, having had an experience with this, Isaac was already mentally prepared.

Quickly adapt to this change.


"Eternal servitude or bondage!"

"Puncture immunity!"

"Bypass or overcome the Abyss Lord powers!"

Some keywords, through their relationship with "evil magic power", have penetrated into this endless mystery of evil magic.

With each penetration, there are a large number of incompatible mysteries, which are temporarily isolated.

So, after successive layers of conditional isolation.


The eyes that had been closed suddenly opened.

In Isaac's eyes, there was a rare look of surprise.

When he finally added the condition of "bypassing or overcoming the power of the abyss lord", it was through the "evil magic power" that he gained insight into all evil magic, including evil magic rituals. At this moment, he actually Only the message of a "ritual" can satisfy his conditions!

And, it’s not his summons to Kostchurch!

What's more, it's obviously not the style of the ancient Narfio magician!

This also means...

Isaac ignored himself first.

His "Ultimate Destruction of the Abyss Lord" was just a "coaxing" of Kostchurch through the "Roar of Ice and Fire", which bypassed the Abyss Lord's spiritual defense and summoned the Abyss Lord to the material world.

The method of "coaxing" does not satisfy the conditions he set, let alone whether it satisfies the conditions set by him. It is just a "calling", not "enslavement" or "sworn bonding". This means that it inherently does not meet the conditions.

Compared to himself, he was more surprised that the binding of the abyss lords by Narfio Magician, especially Eltaba, did not meet this condition?

Is this so-called "insight into all the secrets of evil magic" an exaggeration?

Or are those magic binders not really able to accomplish all of this? So, Eltaba was not completely enslaved by them?

Due to time, many thoughts only flashed in Isaac's mind and were temporarily suppressed.

Sensing his will, he then looked at the "ritual" information.

"Chaos Double Burning Ceremony!"

"Death Moon Orb!"

"Deceive the throne!"

"Chaos Rune!"

"Ninth level ceremony!"

During the inspection of his soul and will, Isaac's eyes flickered secretly.

This "Chaos Double Burning Ceremony" is actually a mythical ritual with three sacred weapons as its core, and requires a total of nine rounds.

This "nine rounds" is not the "six seconds round" round.

This is calculated based on the activation level of the "Chaos Rune".

"Chaos Rune" can activate nine levels in total. When the ninth level Chaos Rune is completed, it will be able to overcome the power and immunity of the Abyss Lord, and completely and permanently enslave the Abyss Lord.

In order to make the abyss lord obedient and allow this "Chaos Rune" to enslave him step by step, the "Death Moon Orb" and "Deception Throne" are the key points.

The first is the "Death Moon Orb", which is an extremely powerful evil holy weapon. As long as enough investment is invested, it is normal to bind the abyss lord to the material world.

Use the "Death Moon Orb" to bind the abyss lord!

Imprison the Lord of the Abyss in the "Throne of Deception" again!

In this way, you can complete the ninth-level double-burning ritual step by step!

Isaac's first inspection grasped the overall framework of this ceremony.

Looking at the framework, it seems that this ceremony is simple.

But in fact, the real ritual structure...


Even more exquisite!

Even he checked it through "evil magic power".

At this moment, it was impossible to grasp everything.

As if in the blink of an eye, the duration of the "power of the secret ritual" has ended.

When the "power card" dimmed again, the connection between Isaac and the "evil magic power" was subsequently severed.

It took a long time, but Isaac finally came to his senses as he finally thought and recollected himself...


"The design of this ceremony..."

"Could it be him?"

One minute of observation time is far from enough for Isaac to fully master this "double burning ritual".

However, he roughly knows who this ritual is related to!

This "Chaos Double Burning Ritual" requires three sacred weapons with different functions, which must be combined before it can begin.

Moreover, the information about these three sacred artifacts is also secret enough.

In other words, Isaac enslaved some people related to the ancient magic dynasty. Among these people, there were also the Lich Archmage and the Ghost Archmage.

In this way, he recognized one of them.

"Death Moon Orb!"

"According to legend, this should be one of the three great arcane kings in the past, and the one who is the owner of the 'Tomb of the Warlock King' today. It is a powerful sacred weapon used to control the minds of subordinates!"

"Could this ritual be really Larocque's creation?"

It's not impossible.

Larocque is fully capable of this.

It is even said that this "Death Moon Bead" was created by his own hands!

And being able to create the "Dead Moon Magic Bead" can naturally create other holy weapons.

Therefore, the reason why the "Deception Throne" and the "Chaos Rune" are not famous is that even he has never heard of it. If this is Larocque's secret creation, doesn't it make sense?

However, if this ritual is really Larocque's creation...

"Since he created such a ritual based on three sacred weapons, he must have a certain goal!"

"So, if the real Lord of the Abyss is hidden in his tomb of the Warlock King, it would be normal!"

After considering this, even Isaac frowned secretly.

To seize such a holy weapon from Larocque.

This is no simple matter!

And it was Isaac who was constantly thinking.

This time from the eastern sky.

One green and two red, there were three giant dragons, flying hand in hand.

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