Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1128 Mutual foundation

Isaac didn't have the habit of trolling people. Even if he pointed at the Dragon Witch Cult, he didn't use any dirty words.

However, just because he doesn’t troll people doesn’t mean that his words aren’t stinging.

Why do the Cult of the Dragon, or at least most of the Cult of the Dragon factions, work tirelessly to lure dragons into transforming into dracolich?

Isn't it just to manipulate and instruct them through the control of the Dragon Lich's phylactery?

The dragon clan is born with great power, and they also have corresponding pride.

How could any giant dragon be willing to have his life controlled by others?

This is where the biggest contradiction lies between the Dragon Witch Cult and the giant dragon.

Over the years that Isaac has been in charge of the Five-Color Temple, he was able to win over more than a hundred five-color dragons here in a short period of time because he was focusing on this "focus of conflict" on the opposite side.

Focus on the alliance!

There is no need to control allies who are also dragons!

If allies want to transform into a dracolich, they can even provide assistance here, and allow allies to control the ritual themselves. In this way, the transformation is achieved and they are not controlled by others!

It is precisely because of this, coupled with his own boundless power and the development of commerce between alliances, that in just a few decades, he has gained a high reputation among the five-color dragon clan that almost no one can match.

Therefore, even though this call was extremely hasty, all five-color dragons with three figures responded to the large gathering he initiated!

In response to Isaac's words, most of the dragons agreed.

In response to the "call" of the Dragon Witch Cult, if this person is already a Dragon Lich and the phylactery is already controlled by the Dragon Witch Cult, this is easy to understand.

But those five-color dragons that were not dracolich but still clung to them made them look down on them.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion among the dragons.

Even the very few hidden among the dragons, those with certain alien intentions, also had some flickers in their eyes.

After all, they are also five-color dragons. How could they really think that having their lives controlled by others would be a good thing?

The reason why they have a certain dissatisfaction is simply because the threat from the other side makes them really difficult to fight against.

In addition, at the same time as this threat, the temptation from the opposite side was also too hard to refuse.

Only then did they have a certain alien intention, and they wanted to act as internal agents for the other side, to pass on information or something.

But in fact, when they arrived here, they knew that a legendary protective barrier against Long Kuang was already being created here. Furthermore, the threat over there was no longer completely irresistible...

In fact, their dissatisfaction is already wavering.

I was hit again by Isaac's words...

Although the temptation is big enough, if there is no threat, how can they be willing to bend their knees to the other side?

However, no one would jump out and say that they are the spy over there!


The resonance of the dragons was quickly mobilized, and Isaac did not let the scene get out of control.

As soon as the dragons expressed their emotions for a moment, he pressed the dragon's wings again to signal the dragons to be quiet, and continued to say in a deep voice: "You all know that tens of thousands of years have led to the decline of our dragon clan, and even more The direct reason for the inability to revive is the periodic outbreak of Dragon Madness.

However, periodic outbreaks, each outbreak, also lasts for a limited time. This is not a problem that we cannot adapt to.

That's right. Although the Age of Dragons has actually ended, we can still influence the general trend of the world.

However, have you ever imagined that one day, dragon madness will no longer be cyclical, but will exist for a long time..."

In response to Isaac's words, the hearts of the dragons jumped for a moment.

This person should not be targeted in vain!

Moreover, this abnormal behavior this time, a sudden call, and the creation of a legendary enchantment like this, and providing it to all of them at no cost, can only be explained by combining this situation. Reasonable.

Dragon madness exists for a long time! ! !

Can Dragon Madness really exist for a long time?

Some people know that "Dragon Madness" is bound to the "King Killer Star". Every time the "King Killer Star" crosses the sky, it is the dragon that triggers the "Dragon Madness". Even if they know the identity of this person, they will not be untargeted. Involuntarily, everyone still had a look of surprise and uncertainty, which was revealed.

"What does your Majesty mean by this?"

Arogathos's voice sounded.

Behind her is the legendary blue dragon "Sharptooth" Ivy Koglan.

Moreover, the relationship between mother and daughter is quite close, and because of Ivy Cogland, of course she also knows some of the truth behind Long Kuang.

"The divine inspiration from the Dragon Queen, the one who has been trying to extend his black hand into our dragon clan, has a new conspiracy this time."

"There are still three days left."

"So, whether you believe it or not, please stay here for three days. After three days, when the King Killer Star approaches the sky, you will be able to see the conspiracy appear."

Isaac did not directly name Sammaster. Instead, he called the "black hand" and pointed the conspirator to the "King of Darkness".

However, what he was referring to was actually correct.

The Dark King has always been the biggest black hand behind the Dragon Witch Cult, and he even once controlled the Dragon Queen.

Although Sammaster's various actions this time had the unknown guidance of the Dragon Queen, so he could discover the secret of "Dragon Madness and Mystery", but only from the shadow dragons and Ogason Nasere's Even though they colluded secretly, it could be seen that the King of Darkness was by no means uninvolved.

Of course, in the name of "Dragon Queen Shenqi", he locked the "mastermind behind the scenes" on this person. This was not without reason.

"Three days!"

The hearts of the dragons moved again.

They can certainly wait for these few days.

However, if Long Kuang really exists for a long time by then...

Although there is a protective barrier here to prevent them from falling into permanent rage and dementia, but... shouldn't they be trapped here forever?

"I dare to ask Your Majesty, but I don't know that since the Dragon Queen has sent down this divine revelation, does she have other instructions?"

The leader of the dragon pirate group, the red dragon Kelanosema, asked.

She and the other two members of the pirate group are Isaac's long-term allies, and they are still very close allies.

The three members of the Dragon Pirate Group actively participated in Isaac's attack on Lei Loren, and later in the encirclement and interception of the "Shield Knights".

When she asked, the other dragons, including the several internal agents, all stared at Isaac.

"The Dragon Queen has said that although this is a crisis, it is also the best opportunity for our dragon clan in tens of thousands of years!"

"Long Kuang Mi Suo, it's time to end!"

"Therefore, I ask you to stay here as a useful person and participate in the great cause of the Dragon Clan's future rejuvenation!"

Isaac's words.

Far more shocking than the previous ones.

It’s time for Dragon Madness and Mystery to come to an end! !

Once the Dragon Madness ends, wouldn't this be the beginning of the revival of the dragon clan?

Although the five-colored dragons are selfish and evil, how can they be completely indifferent to the historical event that the dragons are resurrected and all dragons have greater influence?

"I wonder if your Majesty has something that needs our help?"

"We are also willing to contribute our efforts to end things like Dragon Madness!"

This time it was the Red Dragon Envoy who spoke.

Although he has a slight grudge that he has not received the Dragon Queen's revelation, he has been pursuing the position of "Tiamat's Sacrilege Destroyer". He is also interested in participating in major events in order to regain the Dragon Queen's favor. With strong fighting spirit.

"The Red Dragon Envoy is interested, this is the best thing."

"Not only the Red Dragon Envoy, but this time, I also have something to ask for from you all."

Isaac did not refuse the red dragon envoy this time.

The red dragon envoy has been promoted to the ancient red dragon. In addition, he has the priest level and holds the "red dragon crown". This is no weaker than the normal ancient red dragon.

This kind of power is much stronger than the Blue Dragon Envoy and the Black Dragon Envoy.

Even for Isaac, it was undoubtedly a big help.

Not only did he not refuse the Red Dragon Envoy's intention, but based on the Red Dragon Envoy's words, he also looked at the dragons below.

What you want?

The majority of the dragon's eyes flashed.

Wogensalex said: "Your Majesty, please speak frankly. As long as we can do anything for your Majesty, it is of course nothing."

The son of Claudia Mata has already taken refuge in Isaac's command, so he will naturally cooperate at this time.

Isaac nodded slightly and then said: "Before I talk about this, I want to tell you an ancient allusion.

Do you know what event the eternal battle between us and the metal dragon originated from? "

Eternal war?

No one expected Isaac to take such a sudden turn.

However, since this is a question...

For a time, all the dragons were whispering to each other.

However, even if an ancient dragon like the Red Dragon Envoy meditates and communicates, he still has no clue.

For a moment, he saw that all the dragons had no reply.

Isaac didn't wait any longer and said in a deep voice: "According to legend, in a distant era that was even older than the 'Thousand Years War', Shimore's followers attacked and killed the Dragon Queen's general Nagamat, thereby challenging The 'Dragon Meteor War' started, and after that, the war between the metal dragon and the five-color dragon continued to this day.

This incident is regarded as the trigger and origin of the eternal war. "

Himor, this is exactly the aspect of the Good Dragon King in this world. Even today, this aspect is still related to the Golden Dragon Council.

How could this believer, the general who attacked and killed the Dragon Queen, not have His intervention?

"Without the 'War of Dragonfall', the Age of Dragons would have been even more powerful and glorious."

"The thousand-year battle with the Giant Empire didn't need to be so long, let alone..."

Isaac's voice paused again, and he looked at the dragons with a complicated expression, and then asked again: "Do you know why we have achieved a comprehensive victory in the later stages of the Thousand Years War? But in the end, it failed to completely destroy the giant empire?"

This time, he did not wait for the dragons below to think about the exchange. He said directly without any pause: "It's very simple. We have to fight against the giant empire outside, and there is an eternal battle between the metal dragons and us inside. In that thousand years, During the war, both the metal dragons and our color dragons were exhausted physically and mentally. In the end, a consensus was formed among the dragon clan at that time!

If belief in the Dragon God means that we must engage in eternal internal fighting, then we don’t want such belief!

Since then, our dragon god system has fallen into decline.

After that, Long Kuang Misuo appeared. "

"If the dragon's madness and confusion are the direct cause of the decline of the giant dragon clan.

The gap in faith caused by the eternal war, and the decline of the pantheon, is the root cause of the overall decline of our dragon clan! "

"If there had not been this eternal war provoked by Ximore, and if the dragon god system was still strong, our dragon era might have been strong forever. How would that black hand dare to penetrate into our dragon clan wantonly?"

"Why can the human race become the mainstream of today's era? It's just that the human race's divine system has been very powerful for a while!"

"Why has it been difficult for us to revive for tens of thousands of years, and why is it that we are only obsessed with dragons and are trapped until today? It's just that the dragon god system has declined, and it's just that we have lost the most important foundation!"

"Today, the direct cause of the dragon clan's decline, 'Dragon Madness', must come to an end. Here, I would also like to ask you all to join me in this year of revival to reshape the true glory of our dragon clan. Foundation!”

"In this era when the Dragon Gods are all gone, and there is still Shimer who is tirelessly instigating civil war, only the Dragon Queen is still fighting for the revival of the dragons."

"For this reason, I am asking you all to truly strengthen your faith in the Dragon Queen."

"Once the dragon god system cannot be strong, there will be no 'Dragon Madness', and our revival will be just a castle in the air. Those who are staring at us secretly, or even those who want to dominate us openly, will never be less. !”

"Belief in the Dragon Queen is just for ourselves!"

Isaac's declaration was full of emotion, and it was definitely not the green dragon's innate ability to perform!

He really hopes that the dragon family can regain their faith.

He basically had no hope for those ancient primitive dragons.

But he had great expectations for these relatively young and energetic dragons.

In the early years, through various guidance, he had made these five-color dragons at least respect the Dragon Queen, and quite a few of them were even enshrined in the Dragon Queen's shrines in places such as the auxiliary nest.

Now, with the help of Long Kuang and the continuous reaching out of the "King of Darkness", he hopes to go one step further.

Starting from these energetic dragons, re-erect the true faith in the Dragon God!

And this... He also has ambitions for the "Dragon Magic Priesthood". When he starts to compete with that one, such an advance faith layout will give him a big advantage. !

"It's so true!"

"How can it be like this!"

As Isaac revealed all kinds of secrets, the expressions of the dragons below, even the red dragon envoys, changed again and again.

The King of Good Dragons, who was considered a kind protector, turned out to be the cause of the dragon's downfall!

The Dragon Queen, who is considered an evil and selfish person, is working hard for the revival of the dragon clan!

Even though this may not be without this person’s personal subjective interplay, but...

They are also five-color dragons. How can they not believe the Dragon Queen and go to defend the Good Dragon King?

"Your Majesty said exactly what he said!"

"For ourselves, and for the sake of our Chromatic Dragon Clan, the Belief Dragon Queen, build the foundation!"

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