Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1180 The Bear’s Son and the Hero

It's so terrifying that it freezes the air, and its momentum alone can suffocate people.

This blue ferocious bear was almost alone, and he entered the drow position by himself.

The Minotaur warrior was actually extremely powerful, comparable to ogres and trolls, but in front of him, he was like a little boy.

The Naba Ba Demon is even more ferocious, but even if everyone has turned on "violence", under his bloodthirsty and brutal will that is as solid as substance, they are all avoiding the edge.

Not to mention the drow, no one dared to stand in the way of his charge. They all dodged flexibly while attacking from the side. Various hand crossbows and flying knives kept coming, and all of them were made with special weapons. poison.


This blue ferocious bear is too abnormal!

It seems huge and bloated, but it is as agile as a feline creature. Especially, despite being in a bloodthirsty and violent state, his blood-colored eyes can still maintain a certain degree of sanity despite the violence.

The surrounding enemies tried to encircle and kill them, but he took one step forward to the left and the next step to the right, wielding the giant battle ax with unparalleled power. However, he killed all the enemies so fearfully that it was impossible to truly encircle them.

Only those hand crossbows and flying knives could really hit him continuously.

However, with the dire bear's natural defense, these attacks could barely break through his fur. Coupled with the weakened damage reduction ability of the barbarian warrior, they could not cause any more damage at all.

As for the poison on it...

“‘Son of the Bear’ Hagar Hruvigson!”

Isaac glanced over and recognized the identity of this "ferocious bear", and was a little surprised and curious.

This was the son of "Lady Blue Bear" Tanta Haggis, who once joined forces with him to capture the Hell Gate Castle, overthrow the hag, and seize the position of tribal leader.

However, this guy slipped away extremely quickly, without any substantial cooperation happening at all, and simply disappeared without a trace.

But unexpectedly, when we met again, he actually slipped over to Waterdeep City!

Look behind, there is a group of barbarian warriors, including several who have transformed into black bears and brown bears, and there is even a barbarian shaman in the group...

"Did you take the followers of the Blue Bear Tribe and simply leave the High Forest to seek a life in Waterdeep City?"

It seems that this "Son of Bear" is also a sensible person.

Regardless of whether it was during Greensack's time or in his hands, the Blue Bear Tribe could not escape the influence of Hell Gate Castle.

It would be a wise move for this person to simply leave.

Isaac's gaze paused for a moment on the "Son of the Bear", but another strange color flashed in his eyes.

This barbarian is the son of a demon hag. He is born much larger and stronger than normal barbarians. He also has poison resistance and damage reduction capabilities, so he has been called the "Son of the Bear" since he was a child. The born leader of the Blue Bear tribe.

However, he still couldn't defeat his demonic hag mother. As the "Blue Bear Lady", Tanta Hagus, who was regarded by the barbarians as the incarnation of the "Blue Bear Spirit", easily expelled him from the tribe. .

However, even if he lost his position as the heir to the tribal leader, the "Son of the Bear" did not sink.

During the last meeting, Isaac had noticed that with the chaotic evil inherent in the blood of the demon hag, this "Son of the Bear" should have won the favor of the "Black-Blooded Beast King" Mara!

Although believing in the Black Blood Beast King does not absolutely mean anything, one thing is certain...

"Spider Queen!"

Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly.

As far as he knew, the Black-Blooded Beast King was the Spider Queen's long-term ally, and could be said to be a stable ally!

The Spider Queen is synonymous with darkness and evil, and betrayal is a normal thing for her.

Even if the Black Blood Beast King is not the only god who can maintain a long-term and stable alliance with him, he is definitely one of the few, and he should be the one who has maintained it for the longest time!

There were already suspicions that the Spider Queen might be behind the scenes, but the "Son of the Bear" favored by the "Black-Blooded Beast King" appeared on this battlefield...

Even though the barbarian team led by the "Son of the Bear" was fighting against the dark elves and the Barba demons, Isaac still naturally thought of more.

However, he didn't stare at the "Son of the Bear" all the time.

Although the barbarian team led by the "Son of the Bear" is not bad, especially the "Son of the Bear" himself is unrivaled, possessing a violent impact that is comparable to, or even greater than, the legendary barbarian warriors.

However, they are not the only ones fighting against the dark elves and baatezu devils.

The other adventure team, which should not be with them, but only a temporary cooperation and alliance to jointly fight against the dark elves, has completely lost its momentum.

The half-orc barbarian warrior actually has the ability to cast spells!

The dwarf priest has become a rogue again!

A kobold dragon warlock should also be a bard, and he should also be of red dragon blood!

In addition, there is a moon elf priest, a halfling rogue, a red-haired human female warrior, another barbarian warrior who is also a half-orc, and a sword mage who looks like a half-elf.

Not only is the average strength of this adventure team better than the barbarian team of the "Son of the Bear", but all the people are also well-equipped, far beyond what those barbarians can match. Even the "Son of the Bear" himself is Not as good as their average.

Moreover, quite a few people obviously have the ability to cast spells. From time to time, a magic scroll is activated, and from time to time, some special treasures are activated.

It was due to their continuous spell cooperation that the drow wizard behind the drow camp was unable to control the field. Instead, he had to dodge everywhere with the strong impact of the "Son of the Bear".

And now, with Nasira and Yililin leading the team to attack from the rear, the retreat is also cut off. On the side of the Drow camp, the disadvantage is suddenly obvious.

For a time, both the drow themselves and the minotaurs and barba demons were all in panic and panic.

"Son of Drogan!"

Isaac knew the origin of this adventurous team.

Compared with the intrusion of the "Son of the Bear", this adventure team was his first target of observation.

Even now, as I look at these people one by one...

"Although the Black Blood Beast King and the Spider Queen are closely related, if there is a problem, at least, it is more likely to be related to Mephistopheles!"

"after all……"

Although it was only a preliminary observation, Isaac could roughly tell that compared to the generally evil camp of the blue bear barbarians, this adventure team included the kobold dragon vein warlock and the two half-orc barbarian warriors. , but they should all be kind, or at least neutral.

In order for Valsaris to be tricked without knowing it, Mephistopheles's design must naturally exceed everyone's expectations!

Who could have predicted that the Demon King of Hell would use his back-up tactics to ambush enemies from the good camp?

However, despite this suspicion and speculation, Isaac looked around and still couldn't see anything seriously suspicious.

This is not surprising.

He was just reasoning backwards from the possible results.

Not to mention that even that result is just a possibility now, that is, this result will inevitably occur. However, without knowing the specific content of the oath between Valsaris and Mephistopheles, if he If all the doubts can be observed out of thin air, then Mephistopheles's conspiracy cannot guarantee that this result will inevitably occur!

"Let's see!"

"It doesn't necessarily have to be them."

"Nasiela and the drow elves of Lismaiasa, this is also not impossible!"

"Even the people in the Dark Maiden Corridor are the same!"

While thinking in his heart, Isaac was not in a hurry.

He and Kui Lu specially hid themselves, only observing and not taking action. This was not just for this moment.

They have been hiding, this is a design that can "cooperate" with certain people!

Similarly, you may not be able to observe anything for a while, but after one game after another, this may not be possible!

It was the two of them, hiding on the side, quietly observing.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield had quickly settled.

The combined strength of the Blue Bear Barbarians and the "Sons of Drogan" is enough to compete with the Drow camp, especially the high-end power, which still has certain advantages.

Then Nasira and Yililin led a team to attack. There were also several high-level professionals among them, but the balance of the battlefield was immediately broken.

Especially Nasira, the former elite assassin of the "Red Sisters", not only has extraordinary fighting ability, but also has good spell abilities.

Spotted by her, the drow wizard opposite was already in a hurry and couldn't care about anything else.

As for Yililin and others, they quickly surrounded and killed those Ba Ba demons.

With the preparation of divine magic, although their attack still failed to directly kill these baatezi devils, it...


Hagar's furious roar!

With most of the Baba demons being intercepted by Yililin's team, and even the drow wizards being hunted by Nasira, who could no longer threaten this side, the "Son of the Bear" no longer needed to deal with it. Violent, any force suppressed.

The terrifying momentum erupted in just an instant, and the minotaurs around them seemed to be mentally shocked, and all their movements were trembling.

Before they could regain their willpower, like a whirlwind, the blue dire bear rushed in.

But at this time, Isaac's more attention was not on his side.

Although the power of the Bear Son was astonishing, even he was surprised when he first encountered it.

However, after all, it has been encountered before, and Isaac already knows the methods.

Compared to him, Isaac's attention was more on Nasira's side and the "son of Drogan".

Especially "The Sons of Drogan".

When the battlefield is no longer stalemate and it is no longer necessary to cooperate steadily to reduce the possibility of casualties, powerful clearing can be carried out.

Some people from the "Sons of Drogan" also broke out with force and infiltrated the battlefield.

At this time, the gap between these people can be clearly seen.

Isaac's eyes soon fell on a half-elf sword mage.

Although he didn't know much about "Drogan and Drogan's Sons", for some reasons, he knew a few of its core members.

Such as on the battlefield at this time.

The half-orc barbarian warrior with magic ability should be one of the core members, Xenos Mesamos, a powerful barbarian warrior with a part-time job as a warlock!

The female dwarf should be Donna Trapp Springer. She is not only a priest, but also a rogue!

Then there is the kobold Dragon Vein Warlock, which is also one of the core members, and at the same time, it is also the main reason why he knows this adventure group.

Dejin - The Scourge, a kobold sorcerer who aspires to become a famous bard.

Because his name was the same as that of the great kobold poet of Nature Green, and he had gained a certain reputation, Isaac started to pay some attention to this adventure group.

These three people were the three among the "sons of Drogan" that he could directly name.

At this time on the battlefield, their explosions were stronger than those of their teammates. Not only did they all reach the second level of intensity, some even approached level 15.

The drow in this situation cannot stop their penetration at all.

However, what Isaac was focused on at this time was not the three of them.

The leader of these "Sons of Drogan" is actually not the three core members, but a half-elf sword mage, at least he has no information about!

Seeing this half-elf sword mage, with his gorgeous swordsmanship, he continuously unleashed the power of magic and quickly penetrated the drow defense line. At the same time, he was still commanding other "newcomers"... …

"Kui Lu, regarding the 'son of Drogan', do you have detailed information here?"

Isaac glanced at the people around him.

The "Sons of Drogan" have always had a close relationship with the Harpers, and some of them should be high-ranking members of the Harpers.

Even now, Kyle has parted ways with the Harper, but thinking about it, Kuilu thinks that this adventure group, especially Drogan's, is also located on the Deepwater Mountain, and it can be regarded as the training place of the "academy". , he should still have a good understanding of it.

"Do you want to know about this sword mage?"

Kui Lu already guessed what he meant.

In fact, not to mention Isaac, she herself also had some surprises.

Judging from her observations, the total professional level of this half-elf sword mage who was bursting with all his strength must have reached the legendary level!

Among the information she once knew, although this person had many heroic deeds, he was only around level 15 at most.

Seeing Isaac nodding, Kui Lu continued: "He should be Leylin Evans, a hero from Neverwinter City, who led his team to solve disasters in Neverwinter City twice!"

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