Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1222 Ice Queen (4)

Before he was discovered, Jared surrendered to being dominated and ordered. As time went by, he became able to live with it, and even feel at peace with it.

But at this moment, Wadsworth's telepathic fluctuations suddenly swept across...


Under the sudden change, even if the Ice Demon employees were still in the state of "Instruction", their hearts were shaken at this moment, their expressions changed drastically, and they became confused.


"After all, she noticed it!"

Isaac calmed down quickly.

He had already expected that he would be exposed if he placed an "employee" under a voter like Eleklia.

Whether it is domination or instruction, there is always something different from the ordinary in such a state. It is fine to hide it from ordinary people, but it is too difficult to hide it from a legendary priest like Eleklia.

This was exactly the reason why he had always asked Ice Demon employees to avoid direct contact with Eleklia.

However, no matter how much he avoided it, as the "employment" time lengthened, he was still aware of what he should have been aware of.

At this time, Isaac was more curious about... how did Elaklia find her?

"It should not be a detection and positioning aimed at Jared himself."


His eyes were on the magic equipment on Jared's body, especially the pink ioun stone that was hovering in the orbit above the ice demon's head. After taking a second look, Isaac had a reaction in his heart.

Although the Snow Queen should be preparing for the next war by arming her fellow Ice Demon Guards, it may not be because she wants to use this to find out the intentions of the mastermind behind Jared's domination.

"Let's go!"

"Since she's here, let's go and meet her for a while!"

Isaac stopped using the "Instruction Technique" and continued to use it.

Since Eleklia had already noticed it, it would be meaningless to give this instruction.

If it were in the past, he might have left directly. After all, Jared did not understand his situation and left directly. Eleklia also had no clues to investigate.

But now... he is planning to have some contact with the Snow Queen first!

With the completion of the triple parallel connection of the "Tianshu Array", the intensity of the legendary hidden effect of his "protection card" is no longer comparable to what it once was.

In the past, if he met Eleklia directly, his identity might be exposed, and there was a possibility of alerting Sammaster.

But now he... Not to mention that Eleklia may not have prepared in advance, but she has sufficient preparations. As long as it is not the kind of legendary spell specially designed for this, it is necessary to see through his "legendary concealment", but there is no A little more possibility!

In this way, since they have encountered each other, there is no harm in meeting them so that the electorate will not be overly suspicious!

The teleportation aura then flashed.

One after another, Isaac and the Ice Demon employees disappeared into the cave.

next moment.

In the middle of the snow-covered sky.

Just as their figures suddenly appeared.


Eleklia, who had received the alert from Wadsworth a moment ago and was already preparing for a sniper attack, saw these two figures teleporting directly in front of her...

He did not take action at the first moment, but his eyes were locked for an instant. The strongest chosen person of the Winter Goddess, his eyes as cold as winter suddenly shrank.

"This person...is wrong!"

A somewhat unexpected discovery.

If Jared hadn't also teleported here, so she looked over, and then had direct vision.

In all other aspects of her perception, she was completely unable to detect the existence of the second person.

If she closed her eyes at this moment, it would be as if this person did not exist at all!

Not the stealth of a legendary assassin!

Nor is it the special ability of some special creatures!

This should be...

"Legend Hidden!"

Combined with the fact that this person was directly teleporting out, she was not alert at all.

In Eleklia's mind, she quickly made a judgment about the direction.

But even if the legend is hidden, she can still be unaware of it in front of her...

Sure enough, he is not a simple person!

No wonder he dared to set his sights on her!

In addition, at this moment, he actually showed up in front of her...

For a moment, the instinctive vigilance in Eleklia's heart became stronger involuntarily.

Down below, Wadsworth also used an "advanced teleportation technique" and teleported directly to her side.

"What is your name?"

One side used "telepathy" to send a hint of tacit cooperation to Wadsworth.

On the side, Eleklia's cold voice, as cold as an eternal glacier, also penetrated the howling barrier of the blizzard.

Her voice reached...

Even at this moment, her eyes were completely fixed on Isaac, and the eyes of Ice Demon Jared trembled involuntarily.

Although he is an ice demon and a member of the High Tanari, he and the Snow Queen, or any other member of the "Eleklia's Claw", are both respected and feared. Think of it as the incarnation of the Winter Goddess in the physical world.

In fact, since they followed the Snow Queen, the Winter Goddess has indeed passed through the Ice Queen's body many times, showing the true power of winter in front of them.

There is actually no problem in seeing the Snow Queen as the winter incarnation of the goddess.

Therefore, even at this time, Isaac's last "Command Technique" state has not ended yet, the awe of Eleklia still made the ice demon's soul tremble uncontrollably.

The Snow Queen is no symbol of kindness.

Even if he is enslaved, all actions are forced.


"The queen doesn't want me to fool you, right?"

In the heart of the ice demon, he was already thinking of the time when he was imprisoned by the Snow Queen and sent to the goddess's Winter Palace, where he would never be able to turn around and undergo endless torture and punishment.

Isaac's faint voice sounded from the side.

Eleklia's surprise did not escape his observation.

However, when Eleklia saw him, she was surprised and surprised.

When Isaac first met this prestigious Queen of the Chosen, even though Isaac had already expected something about her, he still couldn't escape some surprise and amazement.

In the sky, this Snow Queen lives up to her name and is truly the master of the blizzard.

The cold wind and blizzard, like a tornado, swept around her and seemed to be protecting her.

The never-ending snowstorm of the Great Glacier seemed to be centered on her, spreading the coldness and ruthlessness of winter endlessly.

With her blond hair fluttering and her robe flying, in the endless wind and snow, Eleklia seemed to be the direct manifestation of winter.

It may be difficult for others to see anything.

But in Isaac's eyes...

"It has the same essence as Kui Lu!"

"It is the combination of the transcendent body and the essence of the elect!"

"She, like Kui Lu, is the most direct carrier of the power of the gods!"


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