Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1244 Son of the Demon King


"Something interesting!"

With his eyes flashing, Isaac had already guessed the identity of this person.

If nothing else, these tieflings and halflings must be the companions of Erevis Keller, the tiefling warlock Magadon Custer, the halfling priest, and Jack Fey, who also works part-time as a rogue rogue. Lite!

Being able to hang out with Irevis Keller is indeed extraordinary!

After all, there were omissions or insufficiencies in Fierra's information.

But this is normal. Isaac cannot force the agents of the Dragon Witch Cult to accurately distinguish the levels and differences between tieflings and tieflings, especially since the tiefling itself is a spellcaster.

But even so...

"Is it a coincidence?"

"Or is it a premeditated plan?"

The blood power of this tiefling is a bit too strong, so that even if he becomes a spellcaster, he still cannot fully control this power.

With the nature of the God-conferred Dragon, Isaac could easily detect that the depraved and scorching power in the tiefling's bloodline was not inferior to Kugoth, the Son of Hell!

Of course, this is not inferior to, it does not mean that the power of tiefling is comparable to that of the half-purgatory fire giant.

In addition to Graz'zt's bloodline, Kugoth, the Son of Hell, is also a fire giant lord himself, which is why he is so powerful beyond his limits.

This tiefling is different. Even in Isaac's view, the power of his bloodline is almost as good as Graz'zt's bloodline, but there is a huge gap between its own strength and the fire giant lord.

What aroused Isaac's curiosity and made him suspicious was his bloodline!

"Suspected of the power of hellfire!"

"Suspected to be the son of Mephistopheles!"

Thinking about it again, Mephistopheles has also arrived in the Dark Territory now...

He couldn't help it, he thought of more!

"Is he one of the back men who invaded the main plane?"

"Or is it related to the God of Thieves?"

"Or... Lady of the Night?"

As they pondered in their hearts, the three people there actually slipped out of the Storm Tower easily under the leadership of the woman.

They were in a blind spot for protection, and even the magic barrier had no response to them. Obviously, this woman should be from the Uskevilan family.

"It should be the sister of Samarun II, Sakini Uskevlan."

According to Fierla's information, the eldest lady of the Uskevilan family is extremely different.

Although he has received the most elite education, he is naturally rebellious. His daily hobby is to tame the wildest mounts. In his daily interactions, he is an adventurer, a rogue, and even the underground organizations on the dark side of Sergante.

However, as rebellious as she is rebellious and as wild as she is wild, this eldest lady is not really the kind of madman who is involved in gangs and violence.

According to Fierla's information, there are quite a few real elite forces in the adventure group centered on her and directly led by her, and most of them are on the side of the good camp.

In addition, the eldest lady also has quite good fighting ability, much stronger than her mayor brother and playboy brother.

Because of this, even if it was just this distant glance, Isaac could vaguely see a direct vision of Arilyn-Moonblade in her, and even some shadows of Storm-Silver Hand.

"Both Magadon and I are hostile to the Shadow Souls. It is a bit abnormal to appear in the Storm Tower at this time, and yet they are acting together with her..."

"It's the Uskevilan family, but it doesn't actually collude with the ghosts?"

"Or is it that Sakini personally doesn't accept the ghost crowd?"

With this thought, Isaac's figure followed silently.

He was originally coming towards Magadun and the two of them, so when he bumped into them, he would naturally not miss them.

Moreover, these two people were acting sneakily together with Sakini... I'm afraid there is a high probability that they are related to Irevis Keller!

Although it is not necessary to meet Irevis Keller to know about the Miser Nucleus, the two people who also participated in that battle may also know about it.

However, since there is a possibility of encounter, then let's just meet together.

In any case, the one who directly fought against the sea monster was also the chosen one of the God of Thieves!

"Assuming that Mr. Samarun did not do all of this, then from a motive point of view, there are only a few aspects that are suspected of this design."

"First, the Selric family of the Grand Commander. Although the Grand Commander is upright, whether it is the 'Silver Crow' or the 'Countess', they are all people who use unscrupulous means to achieve their goals. They can control them so quickly. It can be seen that the Sergante Knights have also been planning for a long time."

"Second, those degenerates of Serlon. Those people want to return to Sergaunt all the time, and they will not miss this opportunity."

"Third, the Shadow Souls themselves. If they can completely mess up Sergante and even the entire Sembia without any effort, the Shadow Souls have the possibility of design, and even their suspicions need to be higher than the first two. above."


Although the halfling thief is short, his chin is always raised when he speaks, and his voice and posture all reflect an unbridled pride.

Seeing that Magadon and Sageni were looking over, he paused for a moment before continuing: "But I think that no matter how urgent their motives are, they will not cooperate in Samarun." Under the premise, and in the city of Sergante, it can still be so realistic..."

There was another pause in the voice, but this time there was no urging from a grumpy tiefling companion, and Jack Phillet raised two fingers.

"Two possibilities!"

"Either one of Samarun's closest assistants has been bribed!"

"Either...then there are local snakes who are secretly helping these people!"

However, he said a lot and his tone was very conceited, but...

However, Magadon and Sageni didn't match their expressions at all.

Sagini pursed her lips at first, looking a little helpless. Looking at her funny expression, she exhaled again and sighed: "Now that we can talk about it, who is our target this time?"

"Don't be so downcast. Cheer up Sakinni. You know, every time we eliminate a target, it means we are one step closer to the truth, and one step closer to Samaron regaining people's hearts."

"Okay, I said..."

Just as he was talking, the grumpy tiefling beside him was already raising his fists. Quickly, the halfling also changed his words and said: "Eyeless Mask! I touched their lair.

If there is no lower limit, it is only these slave traders.

I have a hunch, and this time I really have a hunch. From them, we can find a breakthrough! "

Eyeless Mask, Sergante, and even the entire Sembia, is the most notorious dark force, even worse than the Cult of the Dragon, and has far less limits.

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