Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1258 Departure

"It must be His Excellency Irevis Keller, right?"

"If you insist on me making up a name, then call me...spectator!"

As if it was the first time he saw this man, Isaac nodded slightly, greeted him, and at the same time looked at the bald man with some interest.

Ordinarily, it is actually very simple for a bald man to grow his hair again after he has become a voter.

However, judging from some of his understanding, there is actually a reason why Irevis has always maintained a bald look.

It is said that in his early years, when Erevis escaped from Ximen City, he was hunted by the Mask of the Night.

It was a friend who belonged to the Dark Night Mask who also used magic to remove his hair and change his image, and he was able to escape the pursuit of the Dark Night Mask.

It must be for this reason that in order to commemorate this good friend, he has always maintained the look of a bald man.

From this point of view, although this chosen person of the God of Thieves may not be a person of the good camp, he is still quite nostalgic.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Being able to get together with him and maintain a close relationship with him for many years, this halfling and this tiefling are obviously not too bad.


Opposite me, Irevis frowned slightly.

Although this person said it bluntly and just made up a name, this name faintly conveyed some information.

Naturally, it doesn't mean "eye demon".

This should be a hint about his position towards Sergante and even Sambia!


Is this a hint that you don’t want to get involved in the civil war in Sambia?

Or is it that you don’t want to get involved in the conflict between Sambia and the City of Shadows?

Or, both?

"However, it cannot be ruled out that he deliberately used this name to confuse our judgment."

After pondering for a moment in his mind, Irevis said calmly, with a calm expression on his face: "Okay, then, Mr. Bystander, what is your entrustment?

Let me state it first.

First of all, due to some reasons, we only have three to five days at most to accept your entrustment.

Secondly, if your request goes against our consistent position and may pose a threat to Sergante and Sambia, please forgive us for our right to refuse. "

The bald man at this time seemed to have a completely different temperament from the bald man when he was discussing with the halflings and tieflings.

Isaac vaguely felt a kind of aristocratic etiquette from him.

And according to his understanding of Irevis, this person should have been involved in the thieves organization from beginning to end. Is it impossible for him to have such a temperament?

However, having been listening on the side before, he was certain that this was Irevis, and it was definitely not someone in disguise!

"It seems that the information that he has been involved in the 'Night Knife Organization' over the years is not very accurate!"

With this movement in his heart, Isaac didn't pay too much attention to this, and just said: "It doesn't matter, as long as you are fast, three to five days is enough, and as for Sergante and Sambia, this is more It’s not something I care about.”

"My entrustment to you is only two things. One is to find the underwater ruins, and the other is to help me get rid of the Kraken Kraken!"

Finding underwater ruins is naturally not a problem.

In fact, Irevis believed that even without his guidance, it would have taken more time for this person to find the other side.

However, we have to deal with the Kraken Siren...

Irevis pondered for a moment and then asked: "From what Felit said, you should have a deep understanding of the situation in Seros. I don't know how you view Kraken and how you plan to solve it." The one with Kraken’s head?”

To deal with an ancient Kraken Kraken that is as powerful as an ancient dragon, especially in a marine environment, is no joke, and there is no room for any mistakes.

Moreover, if according to what this "Your Excellency the Bystander" said, there may be a "purgatory organization" in Kraken in the deep sea, the danger will undoubtedly be even greater.

Although Erevis has his own pride, he is not arrogant yet.

Isaac smiled: "Simple, first determine whether he is the Purgatory Kraken. I think since you have had a battle with him, you must be roughly aware of this, right?"

Irevis nodded slightly: "Although he does have quite a lot of abnormal abilities, from my observation, these abilities of his are not consistent with the power of purgatory."

Erevis has had direct battles with the Abyss Lord. Although it may not be the Abyss Lord's true body, he still doesn't know what the power of purgatory is like!

"If it's not the Purgatory Kraken, then it's unlikely to be a follower of Dagon. If it's not a follower of Dagon, then the matter won't be so complicated."

"In this way, the three of you only need to determine the general situation of the underwater ruins for me, and I will personally handle the matter of directly fighting the Kraken Kraken."

Isaac's tone was flat.

But his calm tone revealed a hint of arrogance.

Kraken was certainly powerful, but to him, that was all.

Green dragons are born with the special ability to breathe in water. Not only can they breathe freely in the water, but they can also use dragon breath and spells at will while diving, including spell-like abilities, and the effects are consistent and are not affected by the underwater environment. hindrance.

And when his spellcasting is unimpeded...

No matter how ancient Kraken is, no matter how powerful its vitality is, it is nothing more than this!

"Since Your Excellency is so sure, this is the best thing."

Isaac said so, and Erevis believed it.

Although he had personal experience, he knew that the Kraken Siren actually had many unique and special powers, but at this time, he was not in a hurry to say it.

While agreeing with the other person's intention, Erevis' eyes briefly glanced at the halfling.

Jack Felit knew exactly what he meant.

Let’s get down to business, this is a matter for bald guys.

Negotiating price is his specialty.

Now that the business has been settled, the next step is naturally his business.

It involves the relics of the ancient magic dynasty and the Kraken Siren. This kind of commission...

"Your Excellency Bystander, then, should we have a discussion..."

The halfling had a warm smile on his face.

However, he didn't need to use much words. The person opposite was more generous than they expected.

The two sides only talked for a while, and from the other side's boldness without any counter-offer, the halfling already had a feeling that his opening seemed to be too conservative? !

But he is not a dwarf after all, and he cannot do things like change his mind and regret on the spot. Moreover, this asking price, at least in their eyes, is already higher than the market price.

The two parties quickly reached a commission agreement.

Erevis' time is tight, and Isaac will not waste too long here.

So, just as quickly, both sides only made a brief preparation before starting their journey in a hurry.

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