Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1261 Observation

(Today is just one chapter. There are a lot of things and it’s a bit annoying, so I’ll try to make up for it in these two days.)

Breathing in water allows them to breathe underwater for long periods of time.

Although this ability cannot make them as flexible as on the shore, whether it is assassins or priests, mages and warlocks are indispensable. All of them can master the "freedom of movement" spell.

When necessary, the three of them are as flexible as if they were on the shore.

This is precisely the reason why these three people dare to go deep into the seabed together to explore the sea monster's lair.

Seeing the figures of the three people, they quickly disappeared into the sea.

Isaac's eyes were also looking towards the warship.

When this situation was discovered, huge black shadows suddenly flew up above the warship.

Without Irevis and the others, Isaac no longer had anything to hide.

The pupils in his eyes naturally dilated, and those dark shadows suddenly became clear in his eyes.

It's a head of ferocious giant bats!

On the backs of these giant bats were riding warriors equipped with gorgeous armor and holding magic tridents.

Naturally, it is the famous Magic Bats Cavalry Regiment in the City of Ghosts!

However, although the name is Magic Bat Cavalry, Isaac knows that these ghost creatures are not just knights with superb martial arts skills, but their vocation still lies in arcane magic!

The dispatch of these Mephit Cavalry...

It seems that Erevis and the others dived into the sea, which made these people anxious!

It can be seen from this that Erevis's previous speculation is basically correct. The Prince of Shadows must have been exploring the underwater ruins.

These magic bat cavalry were worried that the actions of Erevis and the others would hinder or even destroy the plans of the Prince of Shadows, so they became impatient.

And this is exactly what Irevis wants to see.

With the impatience of the ghosts to kill, isn't the conflict between them and him inevitable?

And once he kills someone...

"We want to see if the eldest prince has arrived in person!"

Seeing those magic bat cavalry rushing towards them like dark clouds, Isaac's eyes flashed slightly.

During the Battle of Efraska, the great prince was said to have been detonated by a powerful holy weapon in Cormyr, and was seriously injured.

This is what happened. Even if Kelben and the others raided the City of Shadows, this person was never able to perform well.

However, it has been some time.

Based on the background of the City of Shadows, this supreme priest is also the Lady of Dark Night. Even if the injury was caused by the detonation of a powerful holy weapon, it is difficult to say whether the recovery has been completed.

If it has been restored to its heyday...

Although from a common sense point of view, if it is a dual cultivation of Sinnoh, it should be difficult to have any means that can truly threaten him.

However, considering that this is the number two figure in the City of Ghosts, Isaac doesn't really have any contempt for him.

"Three o'clock!"

"Legendary spell!"

"Supreme Priest!"

"Moreover, as the eldest prince of the City of Shadows, he must have mastered powerful ritual casting!"

On the other hand, with a wave of his hand, he canceled the summons to all the phantom horses.

On the other hand, Isaac was also prepared to encounter the ghost prince at any time.

Of course, this is just preparation!

The bald man hopes that he can directly fight with the City of Ghosts.

Although he did not rule out this preparation, but... could he really let the bald man and the others stay out of the matter?

The chosen ones of the God of Thieves, this is the first line that should have resisted the invasion of the ghosts in Sambia!

"Advanced invisibility!"

The magic bat cavalry over there has not yet flown close.

The figure, Isaac, had disappeared directly into the sky.

"Advanced teleportation!"

Taking another step, his figure appeared directly above the warship.

He glanced at the situation below.

On the warship, one behind the other, within the two "shadow shields", they should be the direct creators of this dark shield, the two arcanists of the Yinhuns, but they caught his attention. .

"The seventh-level magic barrier should all be high-level arcanists. In addition..."

Looking down, with these two high-level arcane masters as the center, there are some spellcasters, forming a magic circle around them.

There was a slight flash of color in Isaac's eyes.

As he had already judged, the arcane masters of the City of Ghosts had indeed always had a tradition of ritual casting.

Once upon a time, the Supreme City Lord created a mythical shadow barrier that almost enveloped the entire Royal City of Efraska, trapping many Felin Demon Suns to death.

Now, the same is true for these two ghost mages.

By analogy, as the second person in the City of Shadows, he is not only the supreme priest of Lady of the Night, but also masters the legendary spellcasting ability. Revalan is naturally no exception!

Of course, although ritual casting is powerful, if it is allowed to be completed and specifically targeted, it will be a real threat to him.


Isaac himself has a sufficiently in-depth study and mastery of ritual casting.

Considering ritual casting, which at least requires a full round of time to unfold and manipulate, when he designs rituals, he will focus on the "non-actual combat" areas, focusing on those aspects that can be added in advance and permanently granted.

If Revalan wanted to use ritual spells to compete with him, there would be no chance of success at all!

At least, if you contend face to face, instead of shrinking inside some protective barrier, without the cooperation of someone like the Supreme City Lord, there is no chance!

With this in mind, Isaac glanced at the other people on the warship.

As Erevis had previously judged, the predecessor of this warship should be a pirate warship.

At this time, the people on the boat were not the only ones from the City of Shadows.

The appearance is obvious, and there are still many pirates on the ship.

The Yinhuns also need crew members to control this warship, which must be the direct reason why these pirates can still survive.

No matter how pirate you are, no matter how unruly you are, under the "training" of the ghosts, you will naturally have no other choice but to surrender.

Without pausing for these pirates, Isaac continued to observe other people.

There are several other groups on the ship. Although they are not Yin Soul creatures, they have similar characteristics to the Yin Soul people, and all of them are equipped with the same style of guards.

In addition, there are some barbarians who should be living in desert areas.

These barbarians, just looking at their physiques, should all have considerable strength, but they are obviously not suitable for life at sea, and they are all obviously mentally depressed.

This should be the first racial force that the City of Shadows conquered after returning to the material world, the Bedai Barbarians!

If there really is a floating city on the bottom of the sea below, and these Bedai barbarians can be brought here, it can be seen that the Yinhun people still attach great importance to these barbarians.

Of course, this may also be related to the fact that barbarians basically have no magic ability and cannot send messages to the outside world.

Other than that, Isaac found nothing unusual.


"First make sure that Revalan has really arrived!"

Taking one step forward, Isaac had already boarded the warship, and was right behind a Bedai barbarian on the side of the ship.

"Dominate the monster!"

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