Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1264 Ignore

Different from the usual mage forces.

The hatred and fear of the sworn enemy Felin Demon Kui, coupled with the high degree of danger in the Shadow Realm, especially the unpredictability, has long been a highly militarized policy implemented in the City of Shadows.

Not to mention the ordinary army, even the arcane masters of the Yinhuns have been serving for a long time and have maintained various spell-casting trainings for a long time.

Of course, various practical combats are certainly indispensable.

In the Shadow Realm, there are dangers everywhere.

It is as strong as the City of Shadows, where there are still many hostile forces.

Those drow dragons in Yakuza Cinema!

Such as those immortal shape-shifting monsters known as the "Lords of Ghosts"!

There is also the quasi-god who was once the first chosen one of the God of Thieves and has now fallen into madness!

As powerful as the City of Shadows, war has never stopped in the Shadow Realm.

The arcane masters of the Yinhun people never lack opportunities for actual combat.

It is precisely because of this that at this time, even the vast majority of these arcane masters were not able to detect the traces of the incoming enemy immediately.

But it depends on the cooperation between them.

When the leader of the team takes the lead in casting spells.

Almost as a conditioned reflex, every arcanist immediately started casting spells.

Moreover, because the information about the incoming enemy was unknown, and due to the tacit understanding they had already formed with each other, they maintained a diversified cast of these spells.

Fire, ice, poison, illusion...

All kinds of spells were cast at the same time.

No matter what the situation of the incoming enemy is, as long as it has weaknesses, it is basically impossible to escape their covering bombing!

And, this is only part of it.

Some people carry out spell attacks, and there are also no shortage of them, while others are responsible for spell defense.

Regardless of whether the incoming enemy will be bombarded by one's own, directly bombarded, or interrupted by spellcasting, some arcanists who specialize in the protection system, as well as the night priests under Revalan, have also used protective spells. of display.

And at the same time.

"Deep Darkness Technique!"

Outside the battlefield, dark shadows spread out on the bodies of the magic bat cavalry who had jumped in vain.

These magic bat cavalry are also ghosts, and they also have the job of spellcasters.

However, they are different from those who specialize in arcane magicians. Most of them are skilled in both combat and martial arts. They have not only good spell abilities but also superb martial arts skills.

Combined with the ghost creatures and the "Shadow Leap" ability that can be used at will, the danger of these magic bat cavalry is actually equivalent to that of elite assassins with powerful spellcasting abilities.

At this time, the "Deep Darkness Technique" was being used one after another, which naturally meant that they were ready to use the "Shadow Leap" ability at any time to follow the incoming enemy like a shadow, and to attack and kill with uninterrupted teleportation.

“It is indeed wonderful!”

In the death wave swept by the withering technique, seeing the reaction and cooperation of the Yinhun people in a short period of time, Isaac continued to sweep the completed "Fire Storm" down to the warship below, but at the same time, There was quite a bit of admiration, which was revealed in his eyes.

No wonder that in recent times, the Zhentarim have abandoned the desert trade route and instead focused on heading east, to the Cormanzo Forest, to the valley, and then to Sambia and even the Cormyr route to bypass it. The actions of these arcanists.

The elite level of these ghosts is indeed much higher than that of the Zhentarim.

This is true for the Zhentarim, and other organizations, including various kingdoms and city-states, are naturally no exception.

"It seems that the Zhentarim secretly colluded with the Felin Demon Kui. This is reasonable and necessary."

"It depends on whether their secret cooperation can withstand the suppression of the City of Ghosts!"

The death wave cannot affect Isaac at all.

Even after he threw down the "Fire Storm", the dark shadow that followed and spread here, although it ignored the spell resistance, it also failed to have any impact on his true vision. .

On the contrary, among the attack spells that came later, some of the acid rain, poisonous fog, fire clouds, but had a little impact on him.

Not only are these area-of-effect spells of the spell creation system, they also have the effect of ignoring spell resistance. Even he cannot ignore them directly from the starting point.

And dense enough.

Although this concentration does not mean that it can break through his poison immunity and elemental resistance and cause any effective damage to him.

But there is no doubt that even true vision cannot directly penetrate these cloud-like spells.

In terms of vision, this does hinder it somewhat.

But, that's all.

Although conjuration cloud spells generally have special effects that ignore spell resistance, for this reason, they are basically not instant burst magic like "fireball".

These cloud-type injuries all come from the elemental energy that has been actually created. Therefore, although they are sustainable, the instantaneous damage power is greatly lacking.

Naturally, there is no way to penetrate Isaac's elemental resistance, let alone immunity.

It is under the shroud of so many acid rain poisonous fogs.

The flames are also exploding fiercely.

Lightning was penetrating strongly.

There is also Senhan's magical energy, which is also spreading over a large area.

But all this had no effect at all. Isaac casually walked out of the cloud area as if taking a leisurely stroll.

Seeing below, the fire storm swept past. Although various protective spells were carried out on the warship, there were still a large number of pirates, including Bedai barbarians, who were directly burned to death, and even the hull of the ship was damaged. Even with serious damage, only those areas covered by the shadow shield can basically remain intact.

At this time, both the people from the Yin Souls and the soldiers from the City of Yin Souls had already retreated into the shadow shield.

"Although the Yinhuns are powerful, they also have a fatal weakness!"

"In a daylight environment, all their abilities derived from the 'ghost template' will be completely suppressed!"

"So, if daily encounters occur during the day, they must turn on the shadow shield or cast the 'dark spell' so that they can fight normally within the range of the spell!"

"Furthermore, even these dark spells are completely restrained by spells such as 'sunlight spell'."

"Sunlight Spell" of the same level can penetrate "Dark Spell"!

Not to mention, if it is performed by those priests who have the solar domain, such as the God of Dawn, such as the priests of the Lord of Eternal Glory, I am afraid that sunlight alone can cause direct damage to these ghost creatures. Hurt.

Of course, despite this huge weakness, considering that the casters of the Yinhun people are generally of a relatively high level, under normal circumstances, it is not possible to restrain their "dark spells" through "sunlight spells" of the same level. Common.

Such weaknesses often occur only in specific encounters.



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