Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1267 Intelligence


Half of the name Thesmeath!

Just like the name, at least, according to Erevis's understanding, this name corresponds to half of the sea monster Sesmeath, at least it is also an extremely important part of the sea monster!

In the past, he had an encounter with Sesmeath because he was tracking the slaad.

But there was one thing that he didn't reveal to Jack Felitt and Magadon.

It's not that he doesn't trust these two people, but that this matter is an agreement between him and others. Without the consent of others, he naturally cannot disclose it to outsiders.

That day, after he met Sesmeath, the reason why Sesmeath didn't even bother to chase the slaad and instead kept an eye on him was that Meath took the initiative to contact him. He also sent a distress signal to him!

According to Meese, he was originally a sacred instrument with independent intelligence during the Magic Dynasty.

When the entire magic dynasty collapsed due to the magic catastrophe, the floating city where Miz was located also crashed from the sky.

At that time, the floating city was hovering above the inland sea, and it was exploring the ruins of the Magic Dynasty's former base. At this time, the floating city that fell into the inland sea was not completely destroyed, but sank to the bottom of the sea, and was inserted upside down in the ancient city. On top of the ruins of the destroyed base.

However, due to the magical catastrophe, both intelligent holy tools like Mice and the arcane masters of the Floating City at that time basically lost their response to the catastrophe due to the sudden loss of control of magical abilities or magical energy.

Mith lost all sense at the time. When he regained consciousness, the floating city ceremony was in ruins. Not only did there no longer be any arcanists, but it was also occupied by a Kraken Kraken and turned into a Kraken lair.

That's not the worst.

What's worse is that for some unknown reason, Meese actually formed a whole body with this sea monster.

Although the Kraken has a high degree of intelligence, as the most outstanding intelligent holy weapon in the Arcane Era, how could Mith accept that he was combined with such a savage and violent monster.

But he had no choice, the main body of the fusion was the Kraken!

Although he has been looking for a way to escape from the Kraken for a long time, he has no choice but to know that the Kraken understands any of his thoughts, just as he also knows any of the Kraken's thoughts.

Every move he made and every thought he had were torn to pieces by the Kraken's brutal will.

There is no creature at all on the bottom of the sea that dares to offend this already extremely powerful creature. After merging with him, it becomes even more terrifying as the overlord of the deep sea.

It wasn't until he encountered the four slaadi, and then Erevis, that he felt hope for the first time.

The chosen one of the God of Thieves!

Mis contacted him desperately, knowing that he was the chosen one of the God of Thieves.

In fact, the fact that he was able to fight with Sesmeath that day and finally escape unscathed was because Meath was actually holding back the siren.

Although Erevis is conceited, he can still count on it without the direct intervention of the God of Thieves. He and Thesmeis are not only old enough, but also possess the Kraken Siren with abnormal abilities. , there is still a big gap.

And even in that battle that day, he was certain of one thing. There was no doubt about Meese's existence.

Whether it was to weaken and preferably eradicate the sea monster, or for Mis's promise, Erevis did respond to the call for help from this intelligent holy weapon.

Originally, he was planning to track down the Slaadi matter, and after getting the results, he would gather his forces to see how to solve the matter.

Unexpectedly, Satinny's accident, the appearance of bystanders, and the confrontation between him and the Siren again were far ahead of schedule.

What was even more unexpected was that at this time, the Prince of Shadows was also taking action against the Siren!

Erevis knew this, it should be that Mis also asked these ghost princes for help!

This is normal.

Although the Prince of Shadows is from the evil camp, like Meath, he is a remnant of the Magic Dynasty.

There is a natural basis for cooperation between the two.

Erevis can naturally accept this point of view, but...

This is definitely not the reason for Meath to manipulate Magadon!

His eyes flashed coldly, then he paused. Around the bald man, the dark shadows seemed to have come to life. With his existence as the center, they swirled and surrounded like a whirlpool.

An extraordinary characteristic, the existence of the bald man, although he is still in the material world, creates a kind of trance and a sense of unreality.

At this moment, all detection and remote sensing can no longer have any effect on the bald man.

Although he was still in his original position, in the distance, whether it was Brenas and the others, or the perception extending from the mountain, they could no longer grasp any signs of the bald man's existence.

"Erevis, my friend, I can no longer bear the feeling of being one with the Siren any longer."

"So, I beg you, don't interrupt them."

"Magadon will be fine. Through spiritual energy and my power infusion, he has been able to fully unleash the most powerful power in his bloodline. He is capable of fighting even with the sea monster."

"I will always remember your friendship. The promise I made that day is still valid. As long as you can get out of trouble today, you can come to me for help at any time!"

In response to the bald man's cold anger, a spiritual wave rippled through the ruins.

Smart Sacred Artifact Mice!

From the perspective of this sacred weapon, he naturally did not want his escape, his separation from the Siren, to be destroyed by others.

But... this is still not the reason for him to wantonly manipulate Magadon!

"Mis, I don't want to be your enemy, so... release the control over him!"

"In addition, for the sea monster, we will naturally seek a way to kill him completely and completely separate you from him!"

Every word the bald man said was tough but also left room for leeway.

At this time, Magadon was finally controlled by this intelligent holy weapon!

"No, my friend, I think you are mistaken."

"Let Magadon talk to you personally."

There was something strange in Miz's mental fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, tiefling's telepathy also appeared in this connection.

"Hey, Irevis, I'm fine, I feel great right now!"

"I made a deal with him. He instilled power in me and I helped him contain the Kraken."

"Watch me cook this big squid!"

In the telepathic voice, the tiefling was in front, and the "woohoo" sound was also constant.

Under the explosion of the powerful hell demon flame, even the rocks in the deep sea were ignited by it.

Flying all the way into the barrier in front, he passed by, and there was actually a line of flame left for him under the seabed, which was not extinguished for a long time.

Not manipulated? ?

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