Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1273 Deduction

"what is the reason?"

Sensitive to Mice's hesitation and even faint repetition, Brenas did not rush to make any move except to hint that the ghost mage should continue to be on guard.

Unless Revalan stopped the ritual now, now was not the time to strike preemptively.

They have backup.

The longer they wait, the greater their advantage will only be.

When reinforcements from the ghosts above the sea arrive, or even when Yada Tanshur arrives, perhaps Revalan's ceremony does not need to be suspended.

However, although he is not prepared to directly attack, this does not mean that Brenas will sit back and watch.

The opponent can persuade Mies, as long as he can find the key, can't he come back again?

They are the continuation of the Magic Dynasty and shoulder the historical mission of reviving the Magic Dynasty.

As the core of Sacross City, Meath should be born with them!

And, as an excellent historian, Breners knew Mies.

At the end of the Magic Dynasty, the "founder" Thorund achieved an unparalleled creation. He instilled his own perception into the Mysser Energy Core, thus creating a magical artifact with independent intelligence.

This is where Mies comes from!

The radiation of the usual Myser energy core, the magic energy, radiates in all directions and evenly radiates throughout the space.

Meath has complete control over this magical energy.

Among the sensational rumors that arose that year, Meese was able to instill the magical energy of the Mithron Core into one or more people accurately and concentratedly. Strength effect increases.

This characteristic is almost a qualitative improvement for the Myser energy core, which is actually not very controllable.

This unparalleled great creation caused extremely sensational discussions among all the great arcanists in that era.

If this creation can eventually be popularized, the Magic Dynasty will undoubtedly reach a new height, and the "creator" Thorund will be on par with the three arcane kings, and will eventually be promoted to the fourth arcane king. , are completely possible.


A sudden magical catastrophe interrupted all this progress.

The great creation of the "Creator" had just been discussed sensationally among the Grand Arcanist class, and had not yet reached the stage of substantial promotion. Overnight, the Magic Dynasty collapsed.

In this regard, this great invention, which was not even inferior to the creation of the Myser Energy Core, was buried in the ruins of the dynasty.

This time, he discovered that the ruins of this floating city turned out to be Sacros. Especially, Mith still maintained his intelligence. Brenas was extremely excited. A kind of dynastic history was unfolding directly in front of his eyes. The feeling of a great picture.

However, he never imagined that he was still looking forward to whether through the excavation of the ruins of Sacros, whether he could explore the direction of the City of Shadows from Meese.

At this moment, there is actually a possibility that Miz will change his mind!

What on earth did those people use to persuade Mies?

"Meese can't change his mind casually!"

"If he wants to get out of trouble, the ongoing ceremony where Revalan is located is also the most reliable way!"

"These people want to move him..."

"There should be at least two factors!"

"First of all, these people must also have the ability to rescue him!"

"At the same time...are these people closer to him than we are to him?"

This consideration made Brenas's heart suddenly move.

They are the continuation of the Magic Dynasty, and they already have a natural connection with Meath.

If these people were more trusted by Mies than they were...

"Could it... be a remnant of Sacross City? Or even, could he be an old friend of Mith?"

It should be the only possibility that Miz could hesitate and repeat in just a few words.

However, if they are really the survivors of Sacross City, or even have some connection with the "founder"...

Brenas's heart wrinkled again without realizing it.

If this is what he speculated, it might be a little difficult to persuade Miz to turn back with just persuasion.

But if not for persuasion... In the long run, things in the future will inevitably go wrong!

"If that's true... maybe, then we can only consider Revalan's intention!"

Revalan is the supreme priest of the lady. The lady controls the darkness, and the darkness can invade everything.

According to Revalan's intention, only by completely transforming Mice into a shadow energy core, and then coming under the direct control of the lady, can this become the core of the city of ghosts.

From the perspective of a historian, Breners originally disagreed with this idea.

But now, from the perspective of the Prince of Shadows, he must reconsider this matter!

"If in the end, he really refuses to look back, then I'm afraid he will only be sorry to the 'creator'!"

Although Brenas's research on the history of the dynasty has shown him great admiration for this famous great arcanist, his personal admiration is too insignificant compared to the historical mission of reviving the dynasty.

He will not allow Mies to fall into the arms of others just because of his symbolic meaning!

Unless...this "other" can also become one of us!

If this person is really related to the "founder", he is naturally a remnant of the Magic Dynasty.

Due to the insufficient population, the City of Shadows has been searching for the remnants of the dynasty everywhere and guiding these people to join the City of Shadows.

If this person can also become a member of the City of Shadows...

This is the only way Brenas can consider for the "creator" and thus for Meath!

It was while he was silently pondering.

Suddenly, since Na had always been alert enough, and also had telepathy with the "early warning" state, Brenas narrowed his eyes slightly.

A kind of induction, Mice's perception network seems to be converging!

In other words... he and the other party are probably done talking!

Just with this thought, the sixth sense from the "early warning technique" jumped, and the warning signs suddenly became urgent!

The other side is about to launch!

Even though he was pretending not to notice, the opponent still didn't wait for Revalan to complete the ritual before taking action!

But at this time, neither the ghosts nor Yada Tanshur were able to arrive!

That being the case...

Not in a hurry to stop Revalan's ceremony immediately, Brenas stared at the invisible silhouette in the distance, no longer trying to hide anything: "What do you call your Excellency and the 'creator' Archmage Thorend?"


Just this sentence.

The eyes of the people around him, especially Revalan, all had a flash of surprise.

No wonder Brenas said something was wrong with Mies.

This is actually the remnant of Sacross City!

No wonder the Sea Wolf couldn't contain this person at all.

"The Founder" Thorund was one of the few people second only to the three arcane kings during the Magic Dynasty.

Even today's supreme city lord can hardly say that he can beat him back then.

Since this person may have his inheritance, it is naturally not something ordinary ghosts can stop!

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